Counterpoint to previous post: Indiachan is required and net positive

After bashing Indiachan, perhaps a few kind words are in order. What I liked most about Times of India and Rediff were not so much the content but the comments. Amusing thing about Indians is that they tend to have no filter. Of course that could be a negative as charisma is dependent on diplomacy and saying things that pleasant though not plastic and that is what hinders Indian mens success with the ladies.  Anyway thats another post.
Rediff just banned the comment section . Just like that. No explanation whatsoever. Rediff was getting unbearably tedious and flippant in its content. Apparently its a matter of national urgency what actresses tweeted what opinion about her BFFs Mauritius beach instagram post. The comments section was the best part where they skewered rediff and the celebrities mercilessly.  Times of India and others are next. Business Insider was the first mainstream online publication to do so. And that too was a tragedy as the comments were based as the kids say. Just a few lines or memes they could puncture 4000 words of bloviating PC hysterics.
Indiachan is the id of the ego. It is cruel, crude, misogynistic, sexist, racist, communal and on all those labels that SJWs scream about. Sure ok, it can be those things. But if the media, establishment ,politicians and heck even our elders did their job properly they wouldnt be a need for this. Rather than abuse Indiachan for spreading hate, I like to think of them as letting off steam. Those who are likely to get their demons out online so to speak will less likely to act out in public. Especially in a humorous setting.
As a free speech advocate, we need more speech not less. "hate speech" is a weasely , subjective term intended to shut down any contrary opinions. India is clearly not a model for free speech as everyone wishes to ban this or that movie ,book, article, tweet because x community's "sentiments were hurt"  . Let us leave us aside how girlish the term is. Indians seriously grow up and grow a pair. I hope Indiachan can help.


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