
Showing posts from January, 2022

The MIC and leftists have this in common

  We are all familiar with various events , individuals and movements funded by governments which yield considerable short term benefits but eventually turn on on them and the costs vastly outweigh the previous benefits. The CIA funding of the mujahideen, Indira Gandhi giving the green light the LTTE and Israeli stoking of the Muslim Brotherhood fires in Gaza which led to Hamas come to mind. Then there are those actions which set off a chain reaction which are fairly predictable to everyone but those in the "intelligence" agencies such as CIA's squashing of the leftist nationalist movement of Mossedegh and maintain relations with the kleptocratic Shah who threw lavish parties while most of his country men were on the brink of povery. These Frankenstein situations should give those in charge of national security some pause but no they keep at it with the same short sighting schemes. As the saying goes, this is not a feature but a bug. If there are no problems to fix the Ak