
Showing posts from April, 2017

Hahaha the alt right "discovers" Donald Trump has a Jewish son in law

I should specify the alt right - a motley collection of libertarians, anti PC crusaders, lonely gamers and neo Nazis who banded together in an odd alliance to help elect President Trump. When I speak of the alt right, I have in mind the most vocal of this lot-the Ron Paul isolationists as well as the neo Nazi wing(but I repeat myself) is shocked shocked that Trump bombed the Syrian air bases taking out 20% of the Syrian air force in one go following the ghastly chemical attack on Syrians by Assad. Every one of these deranged weirdos are howling with righteous indignation from Ann "Adams apple" Coulter, the flamboyant right wing gay Milo Yianopolous("Trump is my daddy") to Paul Joseph Watson of the crackpot Infowars site which promoted theories such as Dark Knight Rises predicted Sandy Hook shootings in 2012and Israel caused 9/11. They have turned their ire not so much on Trump but Jared Kushner, Trump's Orthodox Jewish son in law and his daughter Ivanka Tru

Why India doesnt function optimally?

I have seen various rationales for India sub par performance in pretty much every field (relative to its large size and impressive history) ranging from colonialism, socialism, rapacious capitalism, Hindu religion, Islamic dhimmitude ,plunder and psy ops warfare over population etc etc. But all of these miss the forest for the trees. The main reason India is so horribly mismanaged is because Indian institutions whether Indian army, navy and air force,railways,  IAS, IPS as well most of the Indian bureaucracy ,media , elite universities is based on British models and these models were predicated on a foreign power exploiting India as a source of manpower, raw material ,money and other capital. The British have left to be replaced by a "swadeshi" set of theives, crooks and incompetents who view the Indian populace irrespective of class, sect or caste as cattle to squeeze dry or if necessary sacrificed for their meat. If none of these institutions function as to our satis