
Showing posts from December, 2014

Why are our super patriots so insecure?

  Im sure you have come across fire breathing anti Western Hindutva who goes on and on about "imperialism" as if it is still 1924 but loses no opportunity to provide the following quotes   Mark Twain: "So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked." Will Durant, American Historian: "India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of mature mind, understanding spirit and a unifying, pacifying love for all human beings." William James, American Author: "From the Vedas we learn a practical art of surgery, medicine, music, house building under which mechanized art is included. They are encyclopedia of every aspect of life, culture, religion, science, ethics, law, cosmology and meteorology." Max Muller, German Scholar: "There is no book in the world that is s

Animal sacrifices were INTRINSIC to Vedic Hinduism -Part 3

Vimucchyadhvamaghnyaa devayaanaa aganma -  Yajurveda 12.73 The Aghnya cows and bulls bring you prosperity   The original translation: Be loosed, inviolable, Godward-farers! We have attained the limit of this darkness: we have won the light.   No cows or bulls here. Heck the Agniveer/Vadakayil quote isn't even the correct tense! edit:The confusion may due to the exclusive use of the word aghnya to mention cows. What is dishonest here is add the word "cow" in the translation when none is available. aghnya simply means indestructible or "which should not be destroyed" which in some contexts refers to the divine Cow but here refers certainly not to cows but likely to practitioners of the sacrifice. “Bhishma said: That man who wishes to increase his own flesh by the meat of another living creature is such that there is none meaner and more cruel than he. In this world there is nothing that is dearer to a creature than his life. Hence, one

Animal Sacrifices were INTRINSIC to Vedic Hinduism- Part 2

[Irrelevant rubbish deleted]   Dharma has attributes like  rationality, sense of duty, justice, peace, truthfulness, hospitality, kindness , respect, compassion, non-violence, rectitude, humanity, spirituality, fairness , patience, self restraint , tolerance, ethics, service to others, right to life , natural justice, virtue, morality, bonafide work and philanthropy.  Dharma thus truly symbolises universal values of humanism and forms the basis of global ethics.     Tadrisho ayam anuprashno yatra dharmaha sudurlabaha Dushkamha pralisankhyatum tatkenatra vysvasyathi Prabhavarthaya bhutanam dharmapravachanam kritam Yasyat prabhavasamyuktaha sa dharma iti nischayaha     It is most difficult to define Dharma. Dharma has been explained to be that which helps the upliftment of living beings. Therefore, that which ensures the welfare of living beings is surely Dharma.  The learned rishis have declared that that which sustains is Dharma.-- Bhishma to Yuddhistra -Mahabh