
Showing posts from May, 2014

Indians are damn fools: The Indian central state is a failure

In order to elucidate what went wrong with modern India, we have to go back to roots of modern Hinduism and how it came to be. Contrary to what some dimwitted Hindu nationalists and deranged Buddhist chauvinists say, there was no dichotomy between Hinduism and Buddhism particularly since Ashoka made Buddhism a state religion. In general by assuming there was a seperation between "Brahminical" Hinduism and "egalitarian" Buddhism one grossly imposes Biblical notions of religious differences onto the Dharmic faiths In general the best Brahmins such as Nagarjuna were Buddhist as were the best Kshatriyas. Buddhism was not responsible for the decline of the Mauryas no more than Christianity was responsible for the decline of Rome. An empire declines and falls for various reasons. It just happens that Buddhism's rise coincided with Mauryas decline and Christianity with Rome's. Both these faiths just fed on the corpses by appropriating the elites. We woul