
Showing posts from October, 2019

What is the strategy of Indian nationalist intellectuals regarding American Churchilphilia?

It is a sad state of affairs when the most articulate and erudite Indian presence in the international media is Shashi Tharoor and he utters cringe worthy nonsense such as British owing India reparations and the wholescale airlift of British Museum artifacts to India. This simply exposes his limitations as a thinker and his utter ignorance of the Western populist zeitgeist since he used to traveling and schmoozing only among the media and academia elites in his bubble. An affection for the British Empire and hence the idea that it civilized India has taken off since the 1950s thanks to American admiration for Churchill for his stalwart conduct in WWII and his prescient views on the Cold War. He coined the term "iron curtain" while touring U.S. Before that Americans were very receptive and sympathetic to the Indian independence movement and had a loathing for the British empire and its treatment of natives across the world. Whether the party was Democrat like FDR or Truma