The MIC and leftists have this in common


We are all familiar with various events , individuals and movements funded by governments which yield considerable short term benefits but eventually turn on on them and the costs vastly outweigh the previous benefits. The CIA funding of the mujahideen, Indira Gandhi giving the green light the LTTE and Israeli stoking of the Muslim Brotherhood fires in Gaza which led to Hamas come to mind. Then there are those actions which set off a chain reaction which are fairly predictable to everyone but those in the "intelligence" agencies such as CIA's squashing of the leftist nationalist movement of Mossedegh and maintain relations with the kleptocratic Shah who threw lavish parties while most of his country men were on the brink of povery.

These Frankenstein situations should give those in charge of national security some pause but no they keep at it with the same short sighting schemes.

As the saying goes, this is not a feature but a bug. If there are no problems to fix the Akshaya Patra gravy train of endless government funding comes to an end. The Pentagon can get away with a $35 trillion dollar "accounting error" with muted public outcry because it dictates the narrative. Contrary to what the "truth tellers" in the media, Hollywood or academia will have you beleive they are all in the tank for the Pentagon. Hollywood cant make any blockbuster action movies without their help, the media is utterly dependent on well coordinated "leaks" for its stories and many university chancellors would have embrace a spartan lifestyle without defense spending on research and other avenues.

The leftists nurture and promote frothing sociopaths in their midst for whom "everything is problematic, everything is political" (noted feminist and failed Youtuber /game publisher Anita Sarkeesian channeling Gramsci). If everything is political then there is no respite in everyday life from political strife whether movies , music, video games (where Sarkeesian cut her teeth)  , comedy (Hannah Gadsby crying about rape gets 100% ratings from critics for this "comedy"  but Dave Chappelle making a trans joke is akin to a  hate crime) .  Inevitably the left wins because often conservatism by its very nature is vague and prone to accepting shifting of the goal posts. After all  "conservatives" in the past 20 years have accepted 3rd wave feminism, gay marriage, identity politics (look at our black /hispanic/Asian Senaor!) . Of course the media and popular culture promote leftist views because of  group think and neo MacCarthyism rather than any genuine ideological inclination.  And suddenly these same leftist comedians, actors , producers are aghast that the current generation are unable to accept humor that isnt "problematic"  . When comedians claim that evangelical church groups are more receptive to bawdy humor than college students, something has gone wrong somewhere.

However consciously or subconsciously(probably latter) the more moderate leftists knew what they were doing and what the consequences would be. But they let it happen anyway. If there arent anymore social problems such as racism, sexism  , homo "phobia" and now trans "phobia" what use are leftists?

The reality is simply this: without the media fueling fire on mostly fake race hoaxes for the last 25 years or so , the race relations were on a positive slope. Blacks were being integrated into mainstream culture at a breakneck speed. Intermarriages between whites, blacks, Asians and Hispanics were at all time high.  The latter two ethnic groups were considered almost honorary whites in most parts of the countries. 

All tensions came roaring back under Obama when he deliberately made provocative statements on what should have been local news stories in order to fuel up race hatred for his re election and midterm campaigns.  After  the riots which started after a drug addled former(??) criminal who threated a pregnant woman was killed by an overzealous officer, race relations are at an all time low and kept in that state due to a psychic state of permanent emergency by media, academia, Hollywood and new media who see white supremacists under every corner.

Now Obama, fresh from celebrating his mask free birthday parties on his palatial estate, while not lecturing the peasants on the importance of wearing masks, social distancing and avoiding Chrismas, birthdays and other festivities for "the greater good" is asking all to take a step back and put social justice perspective. So this is basically an arsonists is pleading with the fire to stop spreading.

However if you dont start such fires, the firemen would be out of work. If there are no wars , the "peacemakers" would be unemployed. Cant have that can we?

I wish I could say that leftists like to do the same in India but increasingly the Indian right is just as toxic as the left ,unlike the American left which imagines considers even black "transphobes" as white supremacist, the Indian left doesnt have to create stupidities like "Based Brahmin" , defense of Manusmriti and praising untouchability. The Indian right loads the gun and hands it over to the left.


  1. Good post sir, read your blog again after years. I apologise for the pseudo racist history post I made years on my own blog, you had read it and later mentioned it. This is Ved Aitharaju sir. I was around 18 years when I wrote that post, pretty confused. Upon further reading and travel, I have discovered that whatever I wrote was quite inaccurate. Went to even find out my own Y DNA haplogroup, and my origins from ASI/Indus/Dravidian lineages. We are all a proper mix of Aryan and Dravidian, a proper exchange of religious and philosophical concepts lead to the culture we know. I have also discovered that Niyogis have more Indus Valley, Dravidian lineages and origins, with a mix of Aryan. Just wanted to set the record straight sir, I have deleted a pseudo racist post I made years ago as well. Pls dont think I am a supremacist of any kind. And thanks for the comparison you made, that I look like Ram Gopal Varma. I hope to interact with you sometime.

  2. @YSV

    Does Russia also have an MIC? How does the Russian govt keep the MIC under check compared with the US?

    1. apologies for late response. Been preoccupied.

      For sure there is an entire apparatus behind Putin. Putin is certainly is more in charge of his country than the President of the U.S but only to a degree. In the Soviet days it was very powerful but it was kept in check as it the leaders were authoritarian.
      Putin is a soft autocrats but even hard autocrats such as say Saddam has to rely on a combination of hard and soft power. Saddam was able to hang on to power not just due to running a terror state but also cultivate a following among his core supporting- Tikritis- a Sunni Arab clan and also g
      acquired Assyrian Christians as allies(the mayor of Detroit- a town with a huge Iraqi Christian population honored Saddam Hussein in 1980 with a key to city as a nod to his voters) . And everywhere and everyone else applied a carrot and stick policies. Kuwait and 9/11 did him in .
      Putin did away with many corrupt plutocrats and distributed many of the spoils to those in the higher levels of the military thus placating them somewhat. Keep in mind , he worked his way up from the KGB and suffers no delusions about how the Russian state operates (many American presidents remain clueless even when they office). To this end he tries to cultivate other bases such as the (famously corrupt) Russian Orthodox church, Russian biker gangs(?!) , the nouvea riche, Russian nationalists but not Russian ethnonationalists (who object to increased integration and assimilation of Chechnyans, Tatars) etc among many others. This sort of thing further removes the stress of his balancing act with the Russian deep state

      Due to the commodity based nature of the Russian economy, there is one aspect that he doenst have to worry about- the diversification and reach of the MIC.
      In U.S , various defence contractors and the U.S military often set up bases and manufacturing facilities in strategic districts which are represented by their congressmen/women. Now it doesnt matter what their opinions on war or military spending are because if they vote the "wrong" way , those facilities will relocate to another district thereby damaging the economy (sometimes towns and even cities are heavily reliant on them) and suffer loss in the next election
      To my knowledge there is no such system in Russia and hence the deep state is not as resilient as it is in the U.S

    2. Wow when I wrote my question I had no idea about what would happen in the future and now there is a coup attempt!

    3. hahaha, guess you are psychic of sorts. I was blissfully oblivious until an hour. Honestly I dont know what the heck is going on. But I do realize war in general is chaos and confusion. This war is 10x so.
      Most of the info regarding the Wagner group and their grievances come from the western media. And they havent exactly covered themselves in glory regarding their objectivity and factual reporting.
      On top of that, Putin himself revels in misinformation and misdirection.
      Not being investing in any mainstream or even many alternate narratives is how I kept my sanity intact over the last 3 years.

    4. I am closely following a youtube channel called The Duran. They're pro Russia and anti west. They seem to be of the opinion that Prigozhin is acting alone, but anything is possible.

    5. what a coincidence, i was watching the same channel. For sure they are biased towards Russia but helps to get views from both sides.

      This is the issue with mercenaries, especially when the other side has a 100 billion $ plus war chest


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