Ancient Hindus were a different people: mosque razed by mob in 11 century

Contrary to the propaganda promoted by the Hindu pacifist who crow that we laid down for each and every conqueror and turned the other cheek to religions such as Islam and Christianity who inflicted untold damage to our civilization, actually ancient Hindus were far more tougher and no nonsense breed.

Only slowly we are becoming aware that we were a militarily powerful people who celebrated heroism and physical courage , no thanks to the defeatist NCERT/JNU style education. However it was believed that no matter what no Hindu could be provoked to do something as dastardly as destroy a mosque.

Now mind you, I don't like destroying mosques or cartoons mocking Prophet Mohammad, or burning Korans as I believe these are anti social and destructive pursuits. However at some point you begin to realize that radical Muslims(whose active terror groups are at the most 5%) source of strength come from the silent majority of Muslims who either tolerate it ,ignore it or passively support such atrocities amongst non believers living vicariously through them.

In the latter I don't judge them too harshly as I went through this phase myself. There was a time when I was an ardent supporter of the LTTE . I didn't mind at all when they killed Rajiv Gandhi or engaged in suicide bombings and other terrible acts against civilians including smuggling,extortion and fraud. I told myself that it was necessary to use methods against the wicked Sinhalese. While the Sinhalas are far from perfect in their treatment of Tamils in the past, there in reality was little justification for Tamil acts. So why did I believe that? I was rather affected deeply by dismissal of South Indians as a non martial race in British and post Independence Indian thought. Though I am not Tamil, as a Telugu I was related to Tamils by blood, culture, language and civilization. Hence I took pride in what the FBI declared to be the most deadliest insurgent group in the world.
There is something raw, visceral and pre modern about their propaganda, imagery and commitment.
Alas while they built on notions of Tamil ethos of heroism and sacrifice, they were ultimately a Marxist and Leninist group whose bloodthirstiness got out of control that they were shunned even by Tamils, not to mention the world community including myself.

So when Muslims who haven't won a war against non Muslims on their own in over a 100 years see the AQI,ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas etc etc give a bloody nose to Western powers and their allies such as Russia, India and Israel, I certainly cant empathize but I understand the thought process behind it.

Adam Smith noted that the best way to put morality in practice was to ensure to do so was in the subjects self interest. Hence Smith was an ardent opponent of slavery in moral terms, made the economic argument against it to bolster abolition effort. He believed that hiring employees instead of slaves would bolster productivity and efficiency.

Similarly Muslims will turn away from terrorism when it affects THEM badly as well. Support for terrorist groups took a sharp dive when Al Qaeda slaughtered tourists in Egypt and bombed a hotel in Jordan. And most of Iraqis turned against Islamists only after it become a hell hole not mostly to due to Bush bungling but to intra Islamic sectarian hatred that unleashed the most monstrous side of Mesopotamian politics described as observed since pre Biblical times.

What does this have to do with razing mosques? Muslims in general typify the Arab psyche encoded in the Quran where they understand the language of force than that of reason.

It is for this reason, that when Ranjit Singh and other Sikh misls turned mosques into horses' stables, the Mughal ruler did nothing. Similarly when Durgadas Rathod threw junks of pork in mosques,Aurganzeb could do nothing. Soviets would throw live pigs at worshippers in Central Asian mosques, Saudi Foreign Service didn't utter a single word. Vladmir Putin had a free hand in slaughtering in nearly 1/4th the population of young men in Muslim Chechnya, a few years later he was felicitated by the Arabs and Iranians and Turks grovel to him. Contrast this with Bush who in hapless attempt to help Iraq Muslims became an object of scorn and hatred.

After the Babri Masjid demolition, the Saudi mufti of Mecca actually gave his blessing for the construction of the Ram mandir. Only Indian Hindu seculars were deadest against it!

Which brings to topic at hand. The events in Cambay were apparently due to the incitement of "fire worshippers" in the words of the Turkic chronicler Mohammed Ulfi , a mob under the rule of Chaulukya king Siddharaj Solanki destroyed a mosque which was built and patronized by Arab traders domiciled in the area.
Ultimately Siddharaj did apologize and compensate the traders for their loss and punish the culprits,we have to keep a few things in perspective.
Contrary to the Pakistani fantasy of a 1000 year caliphate since the arrival of Mohammad Bin Qasim, the Arab efforts in India were ultimately a complete failure and humiliation.

Sitaram Goel narrates it best

  • Two Arab naval expeditions repulsed in Thana and Broach in the reign of Caliph Omar(634-644)
  • Land Expedition in Debal ,Sindh ended with the army leader Mughairah captured and killed
  • Another land army sent under the fourth caliph ended with the defeat and slaughter of the entire army in 662
  • The next Caliphs 5 expeditions were met with slaughter and defeat. Only the last was successful in occupying Makran in 682
  • Muhammad Bin Qasim was successful in subduing Sindh in 713 but it was a shortlived victory. The subjects rebelled and the Arab rule was reduced to a narrow coastal strip for mostly mercantile activities
  • With in the next 20 years , Sindh was reconquered and the Arabs advanced through Rajputana and down to Gujarat and Maharashtra where they met their match in Chalukya ruler Pulakesi in 738
  • Pratihara king, Bhoja I defeated an Arab army in 725
  • Lalitaditya of Kashmir halted the Arabs northern advance around 750 and compelled the losers to shave off their hair as a sign of submission

Contrast this to:

The Byzantine provinces of Palestine and Syria fell to them after a six month�s campaign in AD 636-637. Next came the turn of the Sassanid empire of Persia which included Iraq, Iran, and Khorasan. The Persians were defeated decisively in AD 637, and their entire empire was overrun in the next few years. By A.D. 643 the boundaries of the Caliphate touched the frontiers of India. The Turkish speaking territories of Inner Mongolia, Bukhara, Tashkand, and Samarkand, etc. were annexed by AD 650. Meanwhile, in the west, the Byzantine province of Egypt had fallen in AD 640-641. The Arab armies marched over North Africa till they reached the Atlantic and crossed over into Spain in AD 709.

In other words Islamic armies conquered a lands equivalent of a continent with all its varie peoples, armaments, treasures, cities, cultural artififacts and local religions at the disposal of Muslim triumphalists but couldn't make a foot hold in India despite determined efforts of resourceful Caliphs.

Now we begin to understand the psychology of the mob who tore down the mosque a little better. Successful and tyrannical conquerers who smashed Hindu sovereignity, temples, ravaged Hindu women and the economy and thereby Hindu self respect and self confidence such as Ghazni,Ghori, Aibak, Tughlaq , Khilji and Kafur were yet to arrive on the scene.

Hindus still held their head up and held Arabs in contempt. And these the people who were descended from and allied to Pulakesi and were in no mood for Arab assertions of supremacy. We do not know for sure what caused this act of destruction. It could be the unfair trading practices of the Arab merchants ,whether perceived or real. It is possible it was due to a misunderstanding or an attempt to thwart the competition. Keep in mind, Arabs were well respected as traders in Kerala and were so integrated that they started speaking Malayalam and dressed like Nairs. But also note the cultural differences, the Keralites were an warrior people who despised the notion of trade and markets. While the more pragmatic Gujaratis were a mercantile lot and shrewd traders to this very day. They even give the talent Jews a run for their money where they recently have overtaken the centuries old Jewish diamond merchants and cutters in Amsterdam.
So it is possible , it was attempt to clip the power of a rival party by using what is presumed to be aggressive Chalukya settlers from Karnataka to do the deed.
Remember it was mentioned that the mob was "incited" implying that there was no previous animus.

However the mosque was eventually rebuilt by Siddaraj but a hundred years later it was again destroyed by a king of Malwa(probably Bhimdev II)

But that is my take on the situation.  The fact of the matter is that a mosque had not earned the aura of sanctity and fear that it would later acquire. Even the stalwart Hindu defenders of faith Shivaji and Vijayanagar kings would spare mosques in the conquest of Muslim held territories.

Ultimately while we don't wish to destroy mosques, most certainly not nuke Mecca and Medina as one colorful American politician Tom Tancredo considered , nor would we wish to burn Korans and mock the prophets but if Muslims learn that their sanctities are not more sacred than others and that they too bleed when others strike back, they become more likely to be good citizens.

It is human nature to be on best behavior when there is some sort of Damocles sort hanging over ones head and in the case of Muslims , more so.


  1. YSV like your recent comments sections,I think you should also keep a recent blog section featuring the last 8-10 blogs you have written,just like your popular blogs coloumn.That way the new additions and also the most recent blogs would be more visible and easily accessible.

    Historically India was never the Gandhian type of civilization as is portrayed by a few online messiahs at present.Even when Ashoka officially shunned wars,he still maintained a large standing army.Had it been otherwise,India would have been a Greater Mongolia or an extension of the Arab empire at present.We wouldn't have seen 800 years of slavery had the Rajputs learnt the lessons of Mahabharata,where the warring factions of Yadavs in Krishna's time forgot all their petty quarrels and stood united whenever Kans tried to attack their land.Sadly that didn't happen in the later ages.

    "Even the stalwart Hindu defenders of faith Shivaji and Vijayanagar kings would spare mosques"- Here I think it was not due to any weakness but the general Indian way of thinking of assimilation and co-existence,which had developed fully by then.Shivaji and Vijaynagar merely showed respect to this thought.Even if they had acted differently,I don't think there would have been any form of retaliation on them or even an attempt to retaliate,as This philosophy never found strong roots in the aggressive Islamic countries or Russia.So we do not hear semons of secularism in those nations when one religion is targeted.Similar logic can be extended to the other side,ie,Aurungzeb also,when he could not retaliate in the name of religious blasphemy on Durgadas Rathore.After all the foreign invaders had also become Indian by then.What I mean to say is that back then,religion was not a very potent rallying force.Infact on the contrary,modern democracies of the world allow religions the space to vent their anger.

    "the Keralites were an warrior people who despised the notion of trade and markets" - interesting to know that the roots of rothschild communism started in Kerala so early ;)

    "AQI,ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas etc etc give a bloody nose to Western powers ...."- Yeah your observation is perfect here.And this is the same psychology which fuelled our beloved patriotic revolutionaries in pre-independence India .

    "that when Ranjit Singh and other Sikh misls turned horses into stables..." - I think you are meaning mosques here :) horses into stables :) ???? Anyway here we must also take into account the fact that Mughal power was waning and Ranjit Singh was a strong king .He was so farsighted that he hired European trainers for his soldiers.Contrast this with the erstwhile Mughal ruler :) But a valid point is established in a beautiful way in this article,ie,people tend to flex religious muscles only on the weaker religions on whom they can prey.

  2. @JAM are you bong, who justifies words of Swami Vivekananda for christianity, he also attacked a missionary on a boat, is it not or is it a recent concoction?
    the present state of your home state is in dire situations.

    Do address these 2 Q's atleast.

    How do you make time for all this reading of books and blogging and work?

    You seem to have hate for Vaishnavism?

    reading 2 blogs(attacking capt.) of yours it is apparent that you seem to be well versed in books and history of various cultures.

    On topic
    You must have read what Dr.Ambedkar said about the social evils in muslim(m) and the followers or rather believers wont ever want to change it as it is written in their book q.

    you will also understand the cause of terrorism against India and arab jew fight and nuclear iran america problem.

    you will never see a m question his faith islam(I) when they fail but rather blame themselves when its the the religion which is setting objectives.

    the invasion of India by m destroyed the universities and also burned the libraries which had collected and preserved knowledge over millennia. the vast knowledge acquired of ancient India went poof.

    m has borrowed heavily from jews(j) redesigning in arabic land and some from christianity(c) and at the same time abused immaculate conception in their book q.

    m has inherited bs like iconoclasm, god fear(very imp), heaven/hell (very imp) , male god,sky god, single one entity, jealous god, god who has weakness of humans, emotional fool god, ethnic cleansing and genocide from j and and the concept of prophet(p) hood from j and c and a good of 0% interest from c.

    the saving grace of c is only Jesus as he was good man who lived a very hindu-type life.

    while @ysv_rao you do not understand m or q just like Gandhi never understood it.

    the god(a) of q is figment of imagination of a delusional man who invoked him whenever he wanted blind followers who would not dare to question him.

    you must be synonymous with Jim Jones Kool-aid incident which shows the _ of blind believers.(incomplete sentence because the words questioning them can be considered derogatory). these believers wont see the wrong even if it is the front of their eyes.

    Now the p of q is like a Hitler a very narcissist type of guy but you can call him even worse .

    the p of q commits many atrocities and justifies by invoking the god a.

    you can further your knowledge about it by reading 'understanding .

    1. "@JAM are you bong, who justifies words..." - Anon the incident of Swami Vivekananda attacking a christian missionary is not false.It has been described by Vivekananda himself in his book -"The India Eternal" and also in "The Complete Works of Vivekananda".Vivekananda never shied from revealing the flaws of christianity.But don't confuse Vivekananda's stance on christianity with his attacking of the priest.The priest(probably with one his companions) was constantly insulting India and Hinduism infront of Vivekananda,to which the latter responded aptly by grabbing the priest's collar and pushing him to the railing of the ship.Vivekananda warned him not to insult Hinduism anymore or he would throw him into the ocean.This was the incident.Now how do you relate this incident to Vivekananda's overall stance on christianity?Don't generalise so easily. But probably in my case you are referring to one of my comments in response to SIGNOR where I seemed to support Bible.Actually to be very clear I have read Bible(new testament) and also Koran(in Bong translation).I would openly proclaim here(as I have done earlier also) that none of them touch the spiritual depth of Sanatan Dharma.Anyway coming to your point,I felt sad at the way SIGNOR was referring Bible as rubbish.At that point of time I thought the SIGNOR might be unknowingly hurting any Indian christian reader who would visit this blog.But anyway my animosity with SIGNOR was solved and I must say that I could learn many new things from the discussions of SIGNOR and YSV.BTW SIGNOR is now a good friend of mine .We might still differ on issues but we won't at daggers drawn anymore :)

      Yes the situation of my home state is very grim at the moment,even the govt seems to be on the verge of collapse.But what has this to do here?

      An elaborate answer to your first question would force me to reveal my personal identity :) Anyway I have just finished my college education and I would probably join on august-september of this year.However even after joining I won't have 24 hours schedule as it is a central govt job.So I would still have time to follow YSV :)

      "You seem to have hate for Vaishnavism?" -Really????hate for Vaishnavism?Infact I believe Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is God.I believe that he was the golden Krishna who came in the mood of Radha.My belief is firm due to the description of Mahaprabhu which Sri Ramakrishna saw in his meditation at the level of Ajna Chakra.Now at Ajna chakra

      level of consciousness you cannot be fooled with illusions.And Vivekananda wrote on Mahaprabhu :
      "Although many other love-addicted great acharyas have descended but Sri Chaitanya Dev has been the supermost amongst all of them. Being God himself he has followed the path of the acharyas. Huge devotional waves originating from him have flooded the entire Bengal bringing serenity to the entire mass. There has been no limit or end of his love lore. For that reason his glory spread not only in India but engulfed throughout total universe. He has not made any sectarian outlook amongst honest-dishonest, pious-sinner, Hindu-Muslim, pure-impure-fallen-harlot, this nation-that nation, this country-that country, this sect-that sect and the like; entire humanity have shared his own love-wealth, he has flooded mercy to everyone untiringly. "
      I personally chant RAM naam as my beloved mantra.I have mentioned all this in my previous comments.Now does that make me a Vaishnavism hater?


    2. (continued)

      "reading 2 blogs(attacking capt.) of yours ...." -YSV has far more knowledge than I have.and what I like more about him is that he is very neutral and logical in his views.He doesn't have any personal bias on any aspect,unlike Capt.

      I agree with much of your observations(though not all) in your "on topic" part.Just because I don't blindly endorse Capt doesn't mean that I would have to contradict him all the time.

      "while @ysv_rao you do not understand ...." - On the contrary,YSV has far better understanding of theology than many other online hyper-patriots.I could understand this after I discussed topics with him.Ofcourse when I initially started discussing something with YSV,I didn't wear the colored frames of Capt's perception that he is a zionist etc.

      "which shows the _ of blind believers." -Isn't Capt's blog also a glaring example of this?

      "you must be synonymous with Jim Jones Kool-aid..." -Great to know that you know about this incident.It is really strange as to how Jim could fool so many people.As far as I know,this is one one the reasons why YSV doesn't have much liking for Bhakti path YSV am I right :) ?

    3. haha. Yes JAM you may disagree but to me bhakti alone invariably leads to Jim Jones type scenarios. You claim that of course bhakti and jnana are inseperable. I say in an ideal world yes, but bhakti tends to have a maya on people that they often don't care for jnana or karma yoga!

    4. @anon Honestly I have no idea what you are talking about. I find your writing to be opaque and incoherent to be honest.

      what is m and q business? Please use full words

      Also JAM hates Vaishnavas?! LOL you must new to this blog

    5. There is nothing to disagree here YSV.You are absolutely right in what you are saying.Bhakti does tend to have a maya on people but to a Bhakti yogi Maya on his beloved God will eventually break Maya of Samsara.This,in one way,is like a trade-off of Maya :)

      Like you,I also could not make out the broader point what Anon is trying to make.Anyway I don't have one of the qualities that you have,ie,you can call a spade a spade :) I also felt kind of lost while reading Anon's on-topic points.So I chose to leave out that part in my counter-reply.And Anon when you have used m and q ,it seems you mean Muslim and quran.But it can mean Moses and qaddish also ! Or many other things for that matter !So please use full words.

  3. @JAM are you bong, who justifies words of Swami Vivekananda for christianity, he also attacked a missionary on a boat, is it not or is it a recent concoction?
    the present state of your home state is in dire situations.

    Do address these 2 Q's atleast.

    Cant edit due to Anonymity.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Capt is spreading foul shit about some aspects on Netaji.YSV can I use your blog to address this?There's no better platform than your blog on such issues.And I would put my comment on any one of the Capt posts only and not on offtopic posts.Capt is spreading this stupidity for quite a few months as I have noticed.

  6. Be my guest. My earlier request from captain related discussion was just so that this blog doesn't become captain centric :) so I insisted that captain related discussions be on those particular posts - the two posts titled vadakayil plus the animal sacrifices and a couple of others which refer to his views

    I don't mind the discussion going off track into interesting areas on other posts but let us cage in the captain bashing for those relevant posts comments board

    1. Thanks YSV .Most of your good posts have actually become contaminated with Capt's perceptive thinking :) BTW I have read your Karva Chauth article and would soon give my views on this.Mr Kunal Singh is a great author!I wouldn't have so clear a picture of Karva-chauth had I not read his passage shared by you.

  7. since I cant edit due to anonymity.these is how the questions were.

    @JAM are you bong, ......

    the greatest invention of the western world is the 2 religions(derogatory word) christianity and islam derived from judaism. these two weapons were used to destroy India.

    India cant progress until it is understood that appeasing these two weapons meant to destroy India, so not good for India.

    islam invasion destroyed the universities of India and libraries were set on fire.(the arrival of ignorance settling in India) .

    I attacked you as Bong because your mindset is destroying Bengal. Keralites are responsible for their own undoing .

    it is through Bengal , British understood India.
    see how they tried to destroy China and compare it with India.

    today the cm of bengal is allowing the islamization of bengal.

    you should understand islam has hate and violence ingrained in it and considered the word of allah and should not be challenged, so you will understand the muslims will never change their ways also Dr.Ambedkar has proclaimed .

    christianity is belief of original sin which can be equated to creationist theory where man came first then ate the forbidden fruit of sex in 4000 bce and had sex,the original sin.

    so Jesus virgin birth is free of original sin.

    everybody is sinner in christinaity and accept jesus and becoming cannibal(making fun) to eat his flesh(bread) and drink his blood(wine) to get heaven.

    you should understand did man come first and he had sex or did the microorganism, dinosaur then mammals came first and had sex to procreate.

    ALSO Manu = Man?
    and adam = aadmi?

    Do address these 2 Q's atleast.


    I saw hate when ysv attacked it. so the 2 questions are directed towards ysv.

    So YSV what is your view about Vedas. has poison injected by foreigners into the Vedas as capt claims to?

    also as capt claims the Vedas has been stolen , does these things have any basis considering you are well read and knowledgeable about this aspects.

    the only things I read is Buddha claiming the some parts in Vedas has been corrupted so did not respect it.

    @JAM. blind belief without questioning is opposite to what the concept of Hindu stands for.

    I consider the word 'religion' as derogatory word.

    Also Dharma doesn't stand for religion.

    Religion is putting restrictions on Mind.

    that's why India had/has many Gods.

    @ysv and @ JAM
    Also what is your view on Lord Ayyapa and therefore Mohini Avatar.

    the concept of Lord Ayyapa is questionable because the avatar of capt doesn't follow chronological order of Avatars.

    comparing it to Vishwamitra - Maneka incident,
    also it also shows Shiva weakness when considering he stands for Satyam Shivam Sundaram.Shiva losing his way who gives in to his indraya(senses) when Shiva is called Jeetindreya.

    you said "Actually to be very clear I have read Bible(new testament) and also Koran(in Bong translation)."

    the only thing good of christianity is how jesus lived. christianity uses his name to propagate BS.

    if you have read quran then momad commits crime,beats wife,lies,deceives, raids people without warning,rapes then uses his illusionary friend allah to justify his acts and glorify himself and his deeds by proclaiming sublime characters which sure should be followed then tells if others doesnt follow they are subjected to hell.
    he had immense hate for woman when he proclaims the resident of hell are mostly woman.
    even maths is quran is wrong.

    the amount of female hatred can be seen from the 2 arabic words.
    awrat(hindi word aurat) = vagina.(momad/arabs refers to daughter,sister,wife,mother as vagina)
    nikah = to fuck.

    so understand allah is not god but a imagination created by momad to keep his followers from question his deeds.

    Even Gandhi didn't understand what allah was or what momad was.he never questioned the atrocities of momad.

    read 'Understand muhamad' by Ali Sina who is ex-muslim who attacks quran,islam,momad and sufism.
    he leads the stop islamation of Europe.

    1. Anon I again couldn't understand what you are exactly trying to say.Your questions are now clearer but your overall viewpoint still remains elusive.
      I agree with your general view on your points regarding Christianity and Islam.But even after centuries of aggression hinduism has managed to stay alive .So mark my words,no force will remove Hinduism from earth,unless the earth itself is destroyed.

      "I attacked you as Bong because your mindset is destroying Bengal." - Bongs do not have the best mindsets and here I agree with you,I am just a typical bong so don't expect any better from me as well.But the destruction of Bengal is because we didn't get a capable leader after the demise of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy.

      "it is through Bengal , British understood India" - Again I fail to understand your point.

      "you should understand islam...." - Why do you assume that YSV and I are promoting Islam and christianity?Infact we have discussed Hinduism for most of the time.
      When I said I had read Bible and Koran,I also made another point which I believe you have noticed.The sentence that you have quoted is just a part of my observation.

      "Even Gandhi didn't understand..." -Neither YSV nor I are fans of Gandhi.

  8. -

    "I saw hate when ysv attacked it. so the 2 questions are directed towards ysv."

    I don't know what this means..What did I attack exactly?

    "So YSV what is your view about Vedas. has poison injected by foreigners into the Vedas as capt claims to?"

    It is complete nonsense.

    "also as capt claims the Vedas has been stolen , does these things have any basis considering you are well read and knowledgeable about this aspects."

    Stolen how? Captain gives no evidence for this whatsoever. ANother nonsense.

    "the only things I read is Buddha claiming the some parts in Vedas has been corrupted so did not respect it."
    This is news to me, which parts of the Vedas did Buddha deem corrupt? Buddhas message is based in large part on Yajnavalkya.

    @JAM. blind belief without questioning is opposite to what the concept of Hindu stands for.

    I consider the word 'religion' as derogatory word. "

    That is your concern.

    Also Dharma doesn't stand for religion."

    You cant define dharma as you see fit. There are codes of conduct defined by smritis, be it Manu , Yajnavalkya or what have you that define dharma. Of course these are not set in stone, for reformation of the codes and further clarification you can turn to Shrutis(Vedas)

    Religion is putting restrictions on Mind."

    I am not a fan of Rousseau so I will say that man is not born rational, humane, intelligent and all that but a wild animal. "Religion" as you dismiss is the process of thousands of years of trial and error amongst rishis, kings and scholars as to how to understand the divine and/or live a proper life in the worldly plane.

    If this is not to your liking, invent your own religion. But don't be a fraud like Deepak Chopra who disparages Hinduism and religion in general and then simply lift philosophy,medicine and architechture from the Upanishads, Ayurveda,Samhita and Shastras and claim it is ok as they are not Hindu anyway

    that's why India had/has many Gods."

    In your mind religion=monotheism, that is an error.

    @ysv and @ JAM
    Also what is your view on Lord Ayyapa and therefore Mohini Avatar.

    I am not familiar with Ayyappa and I honestly couldn't be bothered. It seems to be more of a synthetic diety like Santoshi Mata formed for political reasons.


    1. Mohini is simply a representation of very beautiful idea or philosophy that is hollow inside. The Sagara Manthana where schools representing the mainstream(devas) and heretical(asuras) were debating philosophical ideas and the mainstream scholars tricked the asuras into sharing their insights on immortality via a pleasing rhetorical trap.
      The reason why a beautiful woman was used is because women tend to persuade more by their charm and attractiveness than logic and reason.

      the concept of Lord Ayyapa is questionable because the avatar of capt doesn't follow chronological order of Avatars."

      Its questionable because it doesn't really represent anything except an adhoc poorly constructed synthesis of Shaivite and Vaishnava ideas.

      comparing it to Vishwamitra - Maneka incident, "

      What do you mean?

      also it also shows Shiva weakness when considering he stands for Satyam Shivam Sundaram.Shiva losing his way who gives in to his indraya(senses) when Shiva is called Jeetindreya."

      Shiva is called Jeetendriya because the Shaivite school conquered the senses , not because they gave into them.

      you said "Actually to be very clear I have read Bible(new testament) and also Koran(in Bong translation)."

      the only thing good of christianity is how jesus lived. christianity uses his name to propagate BS.

      Jesus said there is no way to heaven but through him and he referred to non Hebrews as dogs. Furthermore he beat a rival school(money changers) with a whip and cursed a tree for not giving figs. Jesus was an accomplished individual but perfect he wasn't.

      if you have read quran then momad commits crime,beats wife,lies,deceives, raids people without warning,rapes then uses his illusionary friend allah to justify his acts and glorify himself and his deeds by proclaiming sublime characters which sure should be followed then tells if others doesnt follow they are subjected to hell.
      he had immense hate for woman when he proclaims the resident of hell are mostly woman."

      Whatever Mohammad did is not unsual for Arab customs during that time. Indeed the Quran actually puts a lid on more of the cruel customs such as female infanticide and mass rape. I say this as someone who is not a fan of Islam.
      even maths is quran is wrong.

      the amount of female hatred can be seen from the 2 arabic words.
      awrat(hindi word aurat) = vagina.(momad/arabs refers to daughter,sister,wife,mother as vagina)
      nikah = to fuck."

      No awrah means what is to be concealed (modesty). So awrat is woman who is concealed and modest in contrast to men.

      Nikah means consummation of souls or some such , it implies sexual intercourse sure but not just that.

      so understand allah is not god but a imagination created by momad to keep his followers from question his deeds.

      Even Gandhi didn't understand what allah was or what momad was.he never questioned the atrocities of momad."

      Gandhi was a fool who didn't understand even Hinduism(which he learnt from Tolstoy). forget about other religions.

      read 'Understand muhamad' by Ali Sina who is ex-muslim who attacks quran,islam,momad and sufism.
      he leads the stop islamation of Europe."

      I have similar books and nowadays I just shrug. My take - if Islam tomorrow was to disappear, violence in the Middle East or elsewhere wouldn't vanish but may excarbate. A lot of x religion vs Muslim problems are not just based on religion but also class,race,ethnicity,language etc.

      eg Arabs would still hate Jews (see Arab Christians who are the fiercest critics of Israel)
      Malays would still hate Tamils
      Pakistanis would hate Indians as they consider themselves fair skinned and closer to Iranians. The wars of 1965 and 1971 was not based on Islam but martial race theory where Pakistanis thought themselves racially superior.

  9. "the greatest invention of the western world is the 2 religions(derogatory word) christianity and islam derived from judaism. these two weapons were used to destroy India."

    Technically it is not the western world but Middle eastern world which came up with these religions.

    "India cant progress until it is understood that appeasing these two weapons meant to destroy India, so not good for India."

    Appeasement and progress are two different things. India has many problems most of which have little to do with other religions.

    "islam invasion destroyed the universities of India and libraries were set on fire.(the arrival of ignorance settling in India) ."

    Huns destroyed Takshashila and other institutions. Ignorance really began with the decline Gupta dynasty and picked up steam under the Turkic Muslim invasions.

    "I attacked you as Bong because your mindset is destroying Bengal. Keralites are responsible for their own undoing . "

    This statement makes absolutely no sense. If Bengalis are destroying Bengal ,how is that your concern. And basically you are saying the same thing about Kerala except trying to phrase it differently and failing.

    It is not Keralites or Bengalis who are destroying anything but leftist ideologies they subscribe to. Yesterday Bengalis were revoulutionaries, freedom fighters, scholars and scientists, today they are Marxists. Tomorrow they can be entrepreneurs ala the Gujaratis

    Similarly last century Keralites were the most casteist and regressive Hindus ,today they are the least. Tomorrow who knows they would be the headquarters of the BJP
    Nothing is written in stone.

    "it is through Bengal , British understood India.
    see how they tried to destroy China and compare it with India."

    British understood nothing about India, whether through Bengal ,Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Kashmir or what have you.

    "today the cm of bengal is allowing the islamization of bengal."

    I have been hearing for the last 20 years nearly that Bengal would be majority Muslim in the next 5 years..what is the result? Is there a Muslim inquilab in Bengal yet? No.


    "christianity is belief of original sin which can be equated to creationist theory where man came first then ate the forbidden fruit of sex in 4000 bce and had sex,the original sin.

    so Jesus virgin birth is free of original sin."

    everybody is sinner in christinaity and accept jesus and becoming cannibal(making fun) to eat his flesh(bread) and drink his blood(wine) to get heaven.

    Everyone is not born with sin so much as tends toward sin due to the inclinations of the human body and undeveloped soul. These are controlled and formed by ...say it with me...religion.
    We used to eat beef and horse meat from sacrifices. Jesus blood and meat is allegory for lamb. Notice no one is actually consuming human flesh but only bread and wine!

    ..remaining rubbish deleted..

    1. Thanks YSV for whatever you wrote on Bengal.What I would like to add is that the leftist population is also thinking about Righist agendas nowadays ;) So what you have said about the frequent change and unpredictability of political situation with time is perfect.

      Now projection of ayappa by Capt is also related to his projection of Kerala.Atleast this is what I have felt.However I also agree with YSV's observation that Capt does have a wide range of interesting historical information .

      The bottomline is that always take Capt's blog info with a pinch of salt.I could understand this after I read YSV's post "Animal sacrifices were intrinsic...".

      "everybody is sinner in christinaity..." -Actually we are sinners in the true sense but not in the way the semitic religions put it.We take birth on earth or any planet of the universe/multiverse because our souls have karmic baggage whose frequencies are coincide with the frequencies of material creation.The lesser our Karma,higher will be the frequency and we would be able to go to higher planes.The soul that resides at the level of Mooladhar Chakra has the lowest frequency and would fall back to material creation very soon due to huge load of Karma.Souls which stay in higher chakras have progressively higher frequencies,until at the level of Ajna chakra the soul can come down by exercising own free will and not to clear any remnant karma.Reincarnation finally stops at the Sahashrar chakra level,where individual soul ceases to have existence and merges with the infinite.Heaven in Hindu mysticism starts from Anahata chakra(4th) frequency.That's why the chakra is named Anahata(unhurt).Mooladhar(1st) to Manipur chakra(3rd) is considered hell in hindu spirituality.

  10. @ysv_rao.
    yeah I know Jesus was not perfect considering he cursed a tree showcasing a clear fault.

    you said 'Shiva is called Jeetendriya because the Shaivite school conquered the senses , not because they gave into them'

    that's why I said Shiva allowed his senses to be led astray by Mohini and therefore Ayappa loses its basis.

    What I meant was Monotheism clearly imposes itself and cages a human mind unlike Hinduism.

    the western movement of feminism which is bearing its fangs in India is also born from the concept of western male jealous sky god.

  11. is ysv_rao the believer of aryan theory which has been debunked by DNA tests?

    1. If you mean Aryan invasion theory then YSV is not a believer of that!I had discussed this issue with him on another post in this blog.BTW Anon are you the same one who visited and commented on this post a couple of days back?

  12. I have been hearing for the last 20 years nearly that Bengal would be majority Muslim in the next 5 years..what is the result? Is there a Muslim inquilab in Bengal yet? No.

    @ysv_rao read and dont talk nonsense and keep up with times.

    the media is funded by islamists with their petrodollar , and these so called journalist brown nose them and able to own and head these news channel.

    the state of bengal is fked up. no news dares report any negativity about pusillanimous muslim or the state of bengal.

    On nov 2014,the state of bengal was held at ransom by muslims, no news except TOI covered it.
    read it here.

    read this statement there.
    Thousands of Muslims marched the city streets on Saturday afternoon shouting slogans against the "hegemony of the sankhaguru sampraday (majority community

    on 2013 a rally of 16 islamic organization in support of the prime accused of 1971 genocide.
    yeah bangladeshis love for their own genocide because of muhmad and quran and muslim brotherhood.

    now read the comments by Bengalis in the comment section there.

    the bangladeshis being guided by quran which is copy of the jews moses racist book are destroying bengal and India.

    quran is only the offshoots of the hate and violence written by moses.

    Christianity have corrected these in bible and don't preach in their countries but send their missionaries to preach this bs in India.

    do you work for msm and also based on your answers , you surely must have lapped up the kalis child by the western kirpan.

    horse eating is synonymous with aryan theory.

    And also keep turning a blind eye to the bs in the book quran and their followers considering you are a hyderabadi(telugu), you must have got used to it.

    1. "On nov 2014,the state of bengal was held at ransom by muslims..." - To be clear it was not the state of Bengal.The rally clogged many important roads of Kolkata,and we bongs are accustomed to see this,having faced pin drop silence type strikes and massive rallies by the Communist govt in the past 30 years.But here in this minority aggression the real fault lies with the idiot pseudo-secular parties,which try to marginalise the muslim community and polarise the votebank.The sole positive point I could see in this aggressive rally was that the leader spoke against the TMC party for using them votebank purposes.Only if the whole minority community could understand this! Actually the mainstream islamic community of Bengal isn't at daggers drawn with large number of Bong muslims have been joining BJP since the last few months.Quoting one comment in the article on times of india :
      "All anti-national people, Bangladeshi Muslims, Hidden Pakistani terrorists were part of the 2 lakh gathering of Jamat e hind at Kolkata on Saturday. This is the result of Congress, CPM and TMC govt."
      The above comment,to a large extent,sums up the real situation.

      And in reply to your other comment,CM Burqa banerjee(if you mean Mamata),in all probability,will soon have to dismantle the govt :) Popularity of BJP is rising exponentially in Bengal.

    2. What is it with these Vadakayil followers and their utter inability to think?
      I never said that Bengal doesn't have a problem with Muslim communalists. What state doesn't ? I just questioned the predictions that Bengal would become majority Muslim in the near future

      I don't see how the Talmud or the Tanakh has any racial effects in India. Please stop mindlessly spewing the Captains garbage and make a coherent argument for once in your life.

      do you work for msm and also based on your answers , you surely must have lapped up the kalis child by the western kirpan."

      LOLL , what does this even mean?

      horse eating is synonymous with aryan theory."

      What does horse eating have to do with Aryan invasion? Arabs revere their horses and never eat them though they eat other mammals(apart from pigs) so I suppose by your logic the average Arab is a Hindutvaadi!
      Similarly Japanese and Chinese used to eat horses so they are the previous avatar of AIT believer Romila Thapar

      Seriously where is your logic?

      And also keep turning a blind eye to the bs in the book quran and their followers considering you are a hyderabadi(telugu), you must have got used to it."

      Haha. Hyderabadi and Telugu are not neccesarily synonymous.My people under Kakatiya, Vijayanagara and Nayaks of various dynasties prevented Muslim domination of India for 400 years thereby laying the groundwork for Marathas. May I ask you what the heck your clan was doing?
      There is BS in the Quran as there is in the Bible as in the later Puranas. Let us take out what is good and ditch the rest. But this is beyond your IQ and abilities.
      For the record I don't care for Prophet Mohd or the Quran at all. Or for that matter the Bible. The silly obsession with one god and iconoclasm has been already dealt with in our shastras and the recognition of Indra(senses) to respected yet overcome to attain liberation.

      I wont waste anymore time explaining this to you as it is productive explaining quantum physics to a cat.

    3. Anon to be very frank YSV is neither a Islamophile nor a Zionist,sitting beside Nathan Rothschild and planning the destruction of the world through his blog ! And for your info,the above statement applies to me also,as you have also raised similar questions for me .Why are you pre-assuming so much about YSV without clearly knowing his views?

  13. @ysv_rao and jam

    since India cant help bongs due to cm burqa banerjee

    read this because Indian msm doesnt cover any negative news about islam.

    1. I am putting it very bluntly here.I am losing hope on PM modi,seeing his urge to persue pseudosecular strategy just like his predecessors.Till now the central govt is not taking concrete steps to seal up the Indo-bangla border.In this atleast I do agree with whatever Capt has been saying against Modi in his blog lately.My request to Pm is that only speeches cannot solve our problems,for god's sake take concrete steps!

    2. @JAM as you have also raised similar questions for me .Why are you pre-assuming so much about YSV without clearly knowing his views?

      i have to delete multiple paras randomly to fit in limited letters.

      i don not believe in jew conspiracy because it would be similar to muslims that lap up every bs conspiracy from 9/11 to 26/11 to the present isis situation is all a jews conspiracy.

      the muslims rather moderate always play the victim card but always enjoy whenever terrorists kill infidels.

      today I read a comment in news comment section where a muslim justifies his god as it is similar to hindu advait and used capt vadakayil as source.

      and then in the same breath tells muhammad who rapist,taqiaa1 is all jew conspiracy to malign his prophet.

      the taqiaa1 part
      (the story is he sends a messenger to kill an apostate of islam but tell how to deceive that apostate is by maligning the prophet to lower his guard and as soon as he lowers his guard the assassin sent by muhammad kills the apostate)

      mostly it is never to trust a muslim because they play the victim and taqiaa(deceive) card and smite the neck of apostate.

      the capt hate for jews is used as justification by muslims who read his site and stop questioning their bs book quran.

  14. limited letters allows only incoherent sentences.I cant keep writing multiple paras.

    ysv_rao "We used to eat beef and horse meat from sacrifices."

    horse meat is related to aryan theory. is this the ashwamedh sacrifice or tantric sacrifice still practiced in nepal.
    marco polo has ever record horse were sacrificed in vijaynagar? the record only contains buffaloes and goats.

    May I ask you what the heck your clan was doing?
    my clan is?

    What is it with these Vadakayil followers and their utter inability to think?
    capt is preaching hate against jews for no reason.
    he even made isil/isis and boko haram in jew conspiracy. because isis is related to egypt myth.

    what I meant quran has borrow hate violence and the concept of believers from moses book.

    but the quran is accepted as perfect from allah and must not be challenged and questioned.

    Many muslim visit his blog and see his hate for jew , they think their hate for jews is justified.

    he has made comments like muhamad is namboodari but doesnt understand the muhamad was illiterate. an illiterate namboodari who justified bs by invoking allah an imaginary friend of muhamad.

    capt cites quran doesnt allow consumption of liquor but then tell him the are rivers of wine in heaven.

    he then cites advaita philosophy then states that the allah is similar to advait.
    muslim then think their allah is same as the Universal cause.

    @jsv_rao should along with JAM should hammer him and tell him to not confuse allah and advait.

    tell him to separate muslim,islam and muhamad from any Hindu philosophies.

    capt always cites there is hate in jew book talmud but doesn't understand that quran which borrows the same from moses, hate in quran is not questioned.

    then in his blog Ayyapa of Sabrimala he has written 50 billion worshiper visit the temple annually but tell him the human population is around 7 billion.

    he is repeatedly yapping Ayyapa is Vishnu avatar but doesn't understand it questions the chronological order and jeetindriya quality of Shiva

  15. "@jsv_rao should along with JAM should hammer him " -Anon I won't disappoint you,I promise,when YSV would write a blog on Advaita in the future :) Capt doesn't understand either advaita or monotheism of Islam and yet makes wild claims bringing Adi Shankaracharya,Vivekananda etc into his fold! And ofcourse Dvaita philosophy to Capt is all Bullshit! It would be a feast hammering Capt on advaita .

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @YSV
    I wish to comment on the last but one paragraph of your above article
    According to Quran (6-108):
    "And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah , lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made pleasing to every community their deeds. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them about what they used to do".

    To my knowledge as muslim, more than 90% muslims do follow this commandment of God.

    1. @Syed Amjad Ahmed

      Sir I have read the whole Quran and I respect it as a holy book.I have read the part which you quoted.The problem, I feel, is not with the quran but with the Islamic society.I dont think 90% muslims even read the quran sincerely and entirely,forget about following.I myself found Quran to be a good book which will make a good person out of its sincere follower.
      The general psyche of Islamic nations is that of aggression towards weaker nations and noninterference to nations that can give them a bloody nose,like Russia and China.I dont see any criticism from Islamic nations on a large scale when China or Russia take hard antiIslamic stance.Hence I agree with the paragraph of YSV which you have highlighted.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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