Something very off about Gabriella Burnel

Apparently there is an attractive British woman who majored in Sanskrit and has a lot of YouTube videos of her singing Sanskrit hymns(poorly) and making bland generic statements about Sanskrit. And shockingly she has a very large following with Indians praising her to the skies. By shocking of course i mean- totally expected. I have no idea when this disease of Western approval will go into remission.Anyway what really bothers me about her and frankly gives me the creeps is the way this woman talks. She talks like someone who has been in a cult. Her eyes also indicate the same. There is something very unsettling about her. Add to this her terrible Sanskrit pronunciation and lame statements about Hinduism and Sanskrit and the situation now becomes even more bizarre.
To be fair, she did study Sanskrit at Oxford and her pronunication is pretty good for a Westerner but it is still worse than that of an average Hindu ,never mind a pandit.  It is shameful how far so many Hindus are willing to degrade themselves just for a pat on the head from whites. But as I emphasize that isnt even the most disturbing part about all this. I actually think she is rather dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.
Cults are prevalent in many religious and secular channels on YouTube. One should immediately stop watching if something doesnt sit right with them.


  1. Are you implying she is a satanist or something?I am willing to join her cult if you know what i mean.

    1. LOL. You may recieve some action but she may get your soul in return. I dont think she is a satanist. Most satanists are harmless silly people who cosplay that sort of thing.
      I dont know what she is but whatever she is, it is far from wholesome.

    2. >not selling your soul for cult orgies

      stay virgin ysv

    3. outside Indiachan you have no idea how stupid such things sound.

  2. I did not even know that such a person existed until now.

    But I did check out some of her videos just now. She looks pretty but sounds somewhat ghoulish. Gave me the creeps.

    1. Like this video.

    The anchor in the above video behaved like a complete fuckwit.

    I also do not know how she made a blanket declaration that Indians have no excuses to not say Aum.

    Is she some sort of crank, by any chance?


    I had to play the above video at 2x because her slow speech was making me sleepy.


    Again, played at 2x.

    In all honesty, although this woman gives me the creeps, the anchor was a complete cringe fest. He never sits straight.

    By the way, I just saw other videos in the Festival of Bharat category. It was yet another RSS/BJP fest with all the usual suspects out there.

    1. Also, how do you come across such specimens like Gabriella Burnel? Whenever I come online, I never even hear about them.

      Do you hear it from others or they land up in your social media feeds?

    2. I was minding my own business, listening to Devi Stotram on YT as I occasionally do , not only during Navaratri haha and the Youtube algorithm spits out this chick a few hours later. Specifically singing a passage from the Markandeya Purana ,where Devi first revealed herself. Impressive YT has knowledge of the Puranas LOL. I decided to give it a look, a couple of videos of later I had a very uncomfortable feeling about her and that was the end of that.

    3. I see.

      I felt eerie and creepy when I listened to her, that is, if I did not feel sleepy. She was speaking so slowly that I had to speed up her videos in order to listen to what she said.

      Ironically I find her speaking more melodious than her voice. Do not know if it is just me.

      Sir, I have a query if you do not mind.

      Is eating octopus and pork safe? I am aware of the benefits of eating other conventional forms of meat but I am curious about octopus and also pork. Pork, some people like the captain say it makes us stupid or something.

      Thank you.

    4. Sorry, I find her speaking more melodious than her singing. My bad.

  3. Speaking of cults what is your take on Osho? I finished the netflix documentary on him and my takeaway from it was that osho was a very smart guy and had immense knowledge through book readings so he knew what to say and how to influence others. Sheela on the otoh was a power hungry psycopath. You can't blame the locals for being unaccecpting of their neighbour since sheela was aggressive towards them since day 1. They should have tried using their own teachings while handling americans. I also suspect jewish infiltration fro. hsya and the hollywood crowd that showed up amd became his inner circle after sheela left.

    1. "I also suspect jewish infiltration fro. hsya"

      Why do you people keep coming here?

    2. Is this "A Follower" that of Vadakayil?

    3. Yes, he claims to be follower of me and Vadakayil even though I told him that doesnt make much sense.

    4. I never quite understood this person. He keeps posting stuff which I do not get head or tail of. I am not sure what he is thinking.

    5. cmon man what's wrong with exploring every possibility? I am not saying that hasya was in fact a zionist infilitrator i am saying she could of been. I just wanted to know what big brain Ysv thinks of osho.

    6. The very fact that you even consider "jewish infiltration" or "zionist infiltration" as cause of downfall of a goddamn ashram of all things should give you pause. why would jews wish to take down an ashram? how does this serve world Jewry exactly in your paranoid imagination? if you want to quote "Explore every possibility" why not explore lizard alien people disguised as humans wanted to take the ashram down as Rajneesh came to know the location of their UFO and wished to steal its technology. Dont behind "explore every possibility" especially if the possibilites are just nonsensical, are about weird agendas and generally waste everyones time.

      I told many people who were weening of the captain or even captain followers like yourself who follow me as well- I dont need any bhakts or followers especially those who believe in kooky nonsense such as the above. One of the reason I am wary of even anti captain personalities is that usually they followed the captain but due to very very specific reasons they got disillusioned with him. With Enigma for instance, captains constant Telugu bashing which annoyed my fellow Telugu enigma, similary Carcinogest got frustrated with his Tamil bashing. But it took the latter almost two or three years to deprogram and get that junk out of his system. It wont be an easy path for you as well. But first you have to realize you have a problem.

      Another reason I am so wary of the comments section and participate here often even as I allow uncensored and free comments generally is because the comments are usually the id to the posts ego- if the administrator maintains some quality control. If I let all sorts of kooks and conspiracy theorists go unchallenged, people will subconsciously assume that I believe in that stuff.

      I dont think I have a big brain really. I am wary of big brain people ie people who purely use their narrow expertise in specific fields and rationality while dismissing instinct and common sense- they brought us the Vietnam war, military industrial complex, nuclear stand offs, banking crisis, Iraq war,drug wars, globalism, technocratic oligarchies best represented by the COVID 19 hysteria and a whole host of other horrors. I prefer to think of myself as a guy with slightly above average intelligence but intellectually curious who is always suspicious of authority, cynical of ideology, though slightly optimistic of the future. Its the best way to be IMO

    7. I don't think in black and white. In some cases disagree with both of you but i still respect and follow both blogs. Captain probably does not have very high opinion of my community since he is very mallu elitist but i still share his messages despite knowing that i am a subhuman in his eyes. It's all about knowledge b i don't 100% believe in jewish theory but nothing harm in talking b if you don't want such conspiracies in your commemt section then i will refrain.

    8. I just posted a comment recently criticizing Jews ,specifically secular Jews in U.S. I do believe they are often a destructive force. But this has little to do with their Jewishness rather because they replaced their religion with leftism. But even so that is reflected on them and this is something that stained Jews in particular. I dont blame many average whites who are frustrated with this and lacking context and history become a bit anti Semitic. However going in this direction is a lost cause because they go down a rabbit hole from which they cant escape. Also I am not a fan of the religion either , I referred to YHWH as a demon. I support Israel mostly out of a sense of fairness than anything else. I dont like the Mossad particularly, novels, TV series and movies celebrating them make me a bit uncomfortable. But I feel the same about CIA, RAW etc.

      In light of all this, my criticism and praise of Jews or any other ethnic group is context specific and subject to many caveats. So the knee jerk response of anti Semites to blame everything on Jews without any evidence is just something I dont have patience for.

    9. What you said makes sense but i can't discard any concept completely from my mind. I still have vimana ufo and flat earth in some corner of my brain even though i realized a long time ago how stupid they were. That's why i love to revisit jews sometimes and see if it corelates with anything new i encounter. Nowadays i link everything with astrology like how everything is affected by planets and humans have no control over their will. It's a weird habit i don't like to completely abandon any idea.

    10. /Carcinogeist got frustrated with his Tamil bashing. But it took the latter almost two or three years to deprogram and get that junk out of his system. It wont be an easy path for you as well. But first you have to realize you have a problem./

      Yes, it took me 2 years to recover from my blind rage. It was terrible at first, but I eventually managed to get out of it. Problem is, I imbibed such thinking when I was 21. I was already into Communist thinking when I was a teenager (16 or 17). I am 27 now and it was not easy to get out of it all.

      /why would jews wish to take down an ashram? how does this serve world Jewry exactly in your paranoid imagination?/

      Superb question. It makes no sense because that ashram was certainly not a breeding ground for Nazi thought. Coincidentally it was thinking in this manner that eventually got me out of my blind hate for Jews (it was so bad, I was literally wondering if there was a Zionist conspiracy behind my obesity then!!). Banning me from this website was one of the triggers that led me to such thinking.

      And yes, not just Jews, we need to see all people for their merits and demerits without bias and prejudice. Then only we will know the truth.

  4. Good posts. What do you think about that Audrey girl on twitter who tried paint Aurangzeb as some self righteous leader who "protected temples more often than he destroyed them"?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think you mean patronized temples more than destroyed. A lot of this Aurangzeb wasnt a jihadi scholarship comes from Sitaram Yechuri which was shown to be based on very shoddy scholarship. Audrey it seems is just recycling these in a different package.

      However I will say that I think Aurangzeb was less monstrous than Shah Jahan or Jahangir for common people. Shah Jahan actually made peasants pay 75% tax at some point to fund his useless vanity projects such as the Taj Mahal. He destroyed quite a few temples himself. Aurangzeb reduced these taxes considerably and led a simple life though he institued jizya to pay for his Maharashtra campaigns which drained the treasury anyway with no result.

  5. 4 sahibzade heinous most atrocity on earth planet ever

  6. Why is a Westerner learning Sanskrit and Hindu philosophy is a problem for you?
    There are only a handful of people on the planet who can do that.
    She is amazing. Live with that. Go find yourself something better to do.
    May be go start learning Sanskrit!

    1. Haha. I was surprised it took a simp this long to whiteknight over her.
      To her you are less than an insect bro.
      I did praise her abilities in Sanskrit.Its her intention and motivations that I question. Lets be honest and state that her pronunciation though isnt upto par.


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