Leftist whites carrying on "white mans burden"

If there is something shrill ,unappealing and off putting about behavior and culture of a minority organization agitating for any specific demand or even dangerously generic such as "change" , it is usually a white leftist meat golem behind them.
White leftists have this burning desire to control other peoples lives, not just their fellow white but also minorities. They wish to inform them how to dress, eat,drink,sleep for their own good.
Increasingly they have been speaking out against Africans because the latter dared to undermine gay organizations. Now it is not desirable that gays or any other people be discriminated and jailed ,however that is their business. All this agitation for gay rights in Africa is not all that different from when the deep state temporarily made common cause with feminists and other human rights groups to "liberate" Iraq and Afghanistan.
In 2012, they were nearly successful in getting Obama to intervene in Uganda due to the Christian fundamentalist warlords Kony's use of child soldiers , left unstated was their distaste for his anti gay agenda. In order to get the evangelicals riled up for war, they could not focus too much on his Christian values. But all that imploded when the guy who led the social media charge had a drug induced melt down and was found muttering nonsense while walking naked on the road.

In YouTube comments regarding African leaders expressing their distaste for homosexuality and passing laws concerning the same, white leftists spew venom against Africans which doesnt sound all that different from what a white supermacist would say- backward, ignorant ,savage and so on.
I think the moves made by African leaders against homosexuals can be excessive and cruel but that is really not my burden to bear. They have their values, I dont feel it is right for interfere in their societies. Just as Western Europe feels gay pride parades are a healthy expression of their liberties, that is not my concern. 

When California in 2008 voted against proposition 8 outlawing gay marriage, white gays went on a rampage in black communities yelling the n word randomly. This was not reported in the media as it portray the fragility and hollowness of the Democratic coalition. And of course with the election of black (and possibly one time homosexual) President, it would be a rather ugly story when the country wished to feast their senses on an African American president in the midst of an economic crisis and two seemingly never ending wars (which the Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama drastically expanded and escalated)

The thing with with fragile and mutually contradictory coalitions is that some point they fail to have common interests and they are pulled apart by centrifugal forces. Right now the anti gay tendencies of blacks are becoming too much to bear and all attempts to replace blacks as a voter bases with Hispanics have been thwarted . Firstly because Hispanics dont vote much and if they do they are far less reliable voters for leftist agendas compared to blacks. Between 25% to 40% vote Republican and they are very pro law and order and pro military. The U.S Marine Corps and Special Forces roster with filled with Lopezs, Garcias and Rodriguezes.  Secondly the leftist attempt at demographic transformation was thwarted by Trump .

To be clear, there is little difference between white American leftists attitude to Africa and that of British missionaries to the pagans of India and Africa- unenlightened heathens who SHOULD learn the ways of civilized man or else they would feel the military wrath of their nations.


  1. Yes sir, you are right on this one.

    When I see or hear virtue signaling retards insulting people who do not subscribe to their ideals, I feel like nothing has changed over the ages. It is just metastasizing into other forms.

    If only they remained silent and focused on their own issues instead of troubling others, they would not be so hated worldwide as they are now. Sadly that is not something they are even willing to think about. They will double down on their insanity and push the people further away from themselves.

  2. "But all that imploded when the guy who led the social media charge had a drug induced melt down and was found muttering nonsense while walking naked on the road."

    Who is this guy lol?

    1. Its this gentleman


      If evidence is ever this incriminating, it's rarely this public.

      Just hours after news broke of filmmaker and activist Jason Russell's Thursday arrest for allegedly masturbating in public and vandalizing cars, TMZ released a video of what appears to be the Invisible Children co-founder, naked and behaving wildly at a busy intersection.

      Backing reports of Russell running through traffic and making lewd gestures in San Diego, the video shows a man in a state of full undress, slamming his hands on the pavement and then raising them up. One off-camera bystander appears to be trying to get the man's attention.

      Russell rose to prominence just 10 days ago with the release of the "Stop Kony" video on YouTube, which has since amassed more than 100 million views. The half-hour documentary urges action against Ugandan guerrilla leader Joseph Kony, and it's been received by both detractors and celebrity endorsements.

      Invisible Children released a statement about the incident, saying Russell was hospitalized for "exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition," adding that all involved in Kony 2012 have suffered a "severe emotional toll" from the sudden exposure.


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