Why are our super patriots so insecure?

Im sure you have come across fire breathing anti Western Hindutva who goes on and on about "imperialism" as if it is still 1924 but loses no opportunity to provide the following quotes
  1. Mark Twain: "So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked."
  2. Will Durant, American Historian: "India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of mature mind, understanding spirit and a unifying, pacifying love for all human beings."
  3. William James, American Author: "From the Vedas we learn a practical art of surgery, medicine, music, house building under which mechanized art is included. They are encyclopedia of every aspect of life, culture, religion, science, ethics, law, cosmology and meteorology."
  4. Max Muller, German Scholar: "There is no book in the world that is so thrilling, stirring and inspiring as the Upanishads." ('Sacred Books of the East')
  5. Dr Arnold Toynbee, British Historian: "It is already becoming clear that a chapter which had a Western beginning will have to have an Indian ending if it is not to end in the self-destruction of the human race. At this supremely dangerous moment in history, the only way of salvation for mankind is the Indian way."
  6. Sir William Jones, British Orientalist: "The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity is of wonderful structure, more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin and more exquisitely refined than either."
  7. P. Johnstone: "Gravitation was known to the Hindus (Indians) before the birth of Newton. The system of blood circulation was discovered by them centuries before Harvey was heard of."
  8. Emmelin Plunret: "They were very advanced Hindu astronomers in 6000 BC. Vedas contain an account of the dimension of Earth, Sun, Moon, Planets and Galaxies." ('Calendars and Constellations')
  9. Sylvia Levi: "She (India) has left indelible imprints on one fourth of the human race in the course of a long succession of centuries. She has the right to reclaim ... her place amongst the great nations summarizing and symbolizing the spirit of humanity. From Persia to the Chinese sea, from the icy regions of Siberia to Islands of Java and Borneo, India has propagated her beliefs, her tales, and her civilization!"
  10. Schopenhauer: "Vedas are the most rewarding and the most elevating book which can be possible in the world." (Works VI p.427)
  11. Romain Rolland, French scholar : "If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India."
  12. Henry David Thoreau, American Thinker & Author: Whenever I have read any part of the Vedas, I have felt that some unearthly and unknown light illuminated me. In the great teaching of the Vedas, there is no touch of sectarianism. It is of all ages, climbs, and nationalities and is the royal road for the attainment of the Great Knowledge. When I read it, I feel that I am under the spangled heavens of a summer night.
  13. R.W. Emerson, American Author: In the great books of India, an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence, which in another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the questions that exercise us.
Quite a bit of hyperbolic praise! But exactly why should I care too much about these esteemed people's opinion on India or Hinduism when in fact from perusing some of their works, it seems they know so very little of it!
Especially humourous is the inclusion of Max Muller who to many Hindutvadis is a monster for introducing the notion of Aryans as foreigners in our culture. So temporarily he is worthy of mention because he has said some kind words about Hinduism!
Mind you I like it foreigners praise us . It is of course human nature to seek out side validation. After a certain age we become skeptical of our parents praise of our abilities and seek outside approval for our abilities.
Similarly I understand why we are thrilled when foreigners praise our country and our scriptures and our civilization.
However there are some caveats to this particular situation
Firstly online Hindus in particular tend to be a rather anti Western people who often think of whites as barbarians who achieved their "ill gotten" wealth and status by plundering the East (especially India) of its riches,both material and intellectual. As an aside,this would be news to prosperous nations like Estonia,Hungary and Slovakia who had absolutely nothing to do with colonized countries but indeed they were colonized by Eastern Turks and Mongols! Even successful Italy was at best a third rate colonial power with limited holdings such as Libya and Ethiopia. Its success had more to do with Venetian trade and scholastic traditions which gave birth to the Renaissance than any colonial endeavor. Meanwhile the more successful colonial powers Spain and Portugal were basket cases by the 19th century.
So it is really curious that they would resort to Westerners for this self esteem boost.
Also as mentioned, these individuals have very little knowledge of Hinduism. I notice that most of these authors lived during the 1800s when Christianity was being discredited in the eyes of the intellectual elite. So with the influence of the Romantic movement they simply decided to move on to
(in their eyes) an exotic and living polytheistic religion.
It is little different from Richard Gere or Robert Downey Jr converting to Buddhism as they had become jaded by Christianity in America.
Note how ecstatic these proud Hindus become when some third rate ditz like Julia Roberts or Katy Perry convert to Hinduism!
THE WORLD IS COMING BACK TO HINDUISM they say in caps and larger font( they seem to be very fond of the caps lock)
I tried informing them that conversion of foreigners is NOT allowed in Hinduism. The only exception is for those who are vratya(fallen Kshatriyas, the residents of Magadha,Vanga and Dakshinapatha were often described thus) and the proper ritual is a vryatatsoma- a rather gruesome procedure involving the sacrifice of a few hundred oxen. At this they scream that I am a "hasbara troll/Christian convert" spreading misinformation about Hinduism and not only does Hinduism accept everyone in their midst without question but technically everyone was a Hindu at some point.
Also I am apparently a Rothschild agent for the spreading the misinformation that we sacrificed animals. I believe I addressed and demolished the nonsensical claim of "sacrifice less" sacrifices here, here and here.
To be fair, I do believe that as per some Vedic commentators , individuals following other religions but of Vedic lineage can be inducted back into Hinduism. Hence Sayana was able to convert Harihara and Bukka back to Hinduism from Islam in order to create the Vijayanagar empire which in the words of Sitaram Goel "stood a rock for 3 centuries against Islamic imperialism"
I am very suspicious of these Hindutvadi netters as I feel they are not so much interested in reviving and revitalizing Hinduism but using it as a sword, shield or even fig leaf for their own private inadequacies. As I was once could be counted as a uber patriot myself in my youth(shudder!) , I tried to be sympathetic to them but I know the mindset all too well.
They suffer from deep inferiority complexes- a legacy of Islamic and British rule. That itself should not be held against them obviously. But in these particular individuals, it can often be very severe.What we should criticize is their crude ,nationalistic and ultra conservative approach to Hinduism.
In this rigid approach to Hinduism, they are not all that different from Muslim fundamentalists whom they loath so much.
Their very language gives them away. When they say "animal sacrifices and meat eating were injected by whites to make Hindus self loathing" we have to ask a few questions
1)Why would whites do this when they themselves are meat eaters?
2) Why would meat eating or animal sacrifices compel Hindus to feel disgusted at themselves
The answer I believe brings us back to the aforementioned authors and their quotations. Left unsaid is that many of these individuals are considered proto hippies who heralded some notions prevalent in German and English such as vegetarianism and non violence( Mark Twain for instance wrote a satirical essay about the U.S invasion of the Phillipines)and were only too happy to present the same in an exotic Hindu package.
It is this recycled Hinduism that Hindu elites such as Gandhi,Aurobindo Ghosh Rabindranath Tagore, GK Gokhale and even "Vedic scholars" like Lokmanya Tilak fell for.
Savarkar(ironically founder of Hindutva) alone was a voice in the wilderness screaming about blood and soil Vedic culture and importance of eating meat and violence(in an encounter with then lawyer Gandhi in Savarkars residence in London, Gandhi noted his revulsion at Savarkar frying some prawns to which Savarkar responded"Jhingo ki baat chhodh ,hamhain aise logon ki zaroorat hain jo angrezon ko kacha kha sakhein!")
In the end, these Hindus are not interested in neither the philosophical aspects of Vedic heritage nor the hearty,robust and earthy exploits of our gods and kings but on impressing their Western hippie progenitors with their non violence and vegetarianism!
                                        Average online Hindutvadi's knowledge of Hinduism        


  1. YSV beautifully written article :) I just fail to understand how this vegetarianism and non-violence started to become integral to Sanatan Dharma.A humble question to all believers of non-violence in Sanatan Dharma- How would it have been possible to fit the our holy book Gita into this fold of nonviolence,when we consider the origin of Krishna's Vani before the Great War?Ok you can argue that Mahabharata is a part of the degraded Dwapara Yuga.Then how would we explain the wars in Ramayan,which is of the Treta Yuga?How can Parashurama get glorified by Capt when he was far from non-violence?Now I can guess the single homogenous answer,i.e, Everything is R-injected :) ! Or perhaps a more philosophical answer that we have not understood non-violence at all and everything is an allegory!Now from a deeper perspective,Sanatan Dharma's non-violence is far far better than the Buddhist of Vaishnava non-violence that some modern Net-gurus and scholars are trying to integrate into Hinduism.I am giving an example of the non-violence in Sanatan Dharma from the Ramayana.WHen Indrajit(son of Ravana) deceived Rama into believing that he had killed Sita(it was a deception created by Indrajit) in front of the latter's eyes,Rama had decided that he would not fight any more with Ravana,as any more war would only bring more damage without the desired result.This form of non-violence is not the Buddhist/ Vaishnava/Gandhian non0violence of shunning all arms against opponents.True non-violence does not come with the boycott of weapons,it comes with the absence of ego and jealousy.Violence for the sake of establishing Dharma is always better than non-violence.However ego and jealousy should not bring out violence.

  2. These self-proclaimed hindutvavadis lambast the white man and say that he injected poison in our scriptures to make us self-loathing. They blame the white invaders for all the ills prevailing in our society and never take the responsibility on themselves. But they don't mind selectively quoting them when they say good things about India and Hinduism. You are absolutely right when you say that they suffer from a massive inferiority complex which they hide behind a facade of superiority by boasting about themselves and the golden era, where according to them everything was picture-perfect. BTW, did you know that even Raghavendra swamy of Mantralaya (being from Andhra, I'm sure you know about him) is a creation of White Invader/ Rothschilds because Sir Thomas Munroe had high regards for the saint?

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    2. Most Hindutvadis are more concerned with politics than religion. Nothing wrong with that obviously. Hindus need to get more politically involved. However the RSS/BJP brand of Hinduism is severely ignorant and deficient.

      Traditional Hindu folks who know the rituals and their history tend to be indifferent or even hostile to the imposition of religion in politics. An exception was made for the Ram mandir issue as it fired up the passions of the most beloved diety of Hindu masses.

      Hindutvas want to fashion the beautiful yantra geometric pattern of Hinduism in the small bland square peg of their near secular north Indian political brand.
      Veer Savarkar whom I admire did make some serious errors in judgement such as when he insisited that India have "one language,one god, one religion"
      Yes let us turn Bharatavarsha into Saudi Arabia! That's the ticket!

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  3. Just my personal belief. It survived till date, and will survive till the end - Inivayel I secod you :) Infact I would extend this argument of yours to the whole of HInduism.No amount of external aggression has been able to remove Hinduism till now.So any form of zionist attack on Hinduism will also fall apart.And even if it comes to the point of annihilation in future ( a hypothetical scenario),Capt will do nothing substantial in protecting us,apart from regularly spamming TOI :D

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    3. Iniyavel I agree with you in your point on Dharma .I am using Hinduism to mean Sanatan Dharma.

      "I’ll tell you, there are 36 thattva’s in Saiva Siddhantha. And time comes somewhere in between, above 25. In Vaishnavism, there are only 24 thattva’s. Maha Vishnu is therefore, below the factor of time." -
      I don't know about the significance of 36 tattvas in Saiva Siddhanta or 24 siddhantas in Vaishnavism.But surely MahaVishnu is not below time. Mahavishnu or SadaShiva is the causeless dark ocean of Sahashrar from which cosmic creation floats and also sinks at the time of MahaPralaya.You will be able to see this ocean if you raise your Kundalini to Sahashrar.And beyond the 4th dimension,the concept of linear time with which the 3d universe of ours is accustomed ,ceases to exist.The circle of creation and destruction continue endlessly like a perpetually revolving wheel.There is no beginning or end to this cycle.As long as our consciousness is within 3D universal frame,we will not be able to perceive this,because we associate everything from the cause-effect analysis with a fixed beginning and an end.

      In terms of physics,Mahavishnu is the multidimensional supervoid or hyperspace.In this hypersphere energy(Chamunda/Kali/MahaLakshmi) is created by "vacuum fluctuation in quantum field".This energy(Prakriti) is responsible for material creation and also time.

      Iniyavel I completely forgot to notice that this 25 tattvas of Vishnu has an uncanny convergence with Bosonic String Theory.According to this theory,there are 25 dimensions of space.

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    6. Iniyavel I agree with some of your observations.But I am putting my views in points where I don't agree.

      " Vishnu is a post, or in other words, if the time period for the current Vishnu ends, the next soul to become Vishnu will take over." -Sorry but I think MahaVishnu is not a post :) When you merge with the infinity(hypervoid of modern physics) in Sahashrar through Nirvikalpa Samadhi,you actually become MahaVishnu.But that doesn't mean that someone else was holding the rank before your merging :) It just means that your individuality ceases to exist and gets lost in singularity.Mahavishnu and Sadashiva both indicate the same Param-Purush.They are just different manifestations according to different situations.While the former sustains Maya/Prakriti(vacuum fluctuation in quantum field as explained by modern physics),the latter annihilates it when the cycle is over.They are just two sides of the same coin.The same infinite hypervoid have uncountable dimensions(as charecterised by Krishna's 16000 wives) is Mahavishnu in sustainance and Sada shiva in annihilation.

      " If Vishnu was above time, then why did he have the need to take avatars? Why did he have a birth and a death for each avatar? Above the factor of time, in Saivite view, means you are above birth and death. They are under your control. But Vishnu took avatars, and those avatars ended after their purposes ended too." -
      Then why should creation get destroyed after all at the time of Mahapralaya?Shiva could have allowed us to live endlessly by not inducing Pralaya.See these are very deep mystic concepts that cannot be analysed with our 3d consciousness.And you have partially answered your own question,when you say " those avatars ended after their purposes ended too." . This phrase of yours is the summon bonnum of many deep spiritual musings :) As for your point on immortality,Rama was not immortal but Hanuman is.This is because of the vastly different purposes of Rama and Hanuman.The great yogi of the Himalayas "Mahavatar Babaji" is immortal,because he has a purpose to fulfill.

      "Hence we believe he’s under time. All souls are under time. " - If Shiva were to take an avatar for preservation like Vishnu,then that Avatar of Shiva would have accepted death gracefully just like the avatars of Vishnu.The first principle of sustainance of creation(which is embodied by Vishnu) is that nothing remains the same.The new must replace the old.

      "The word Shiva (actually Siva) has a meaning to us Saivites. Si = God. Va = God’s grace or Shakti. " -This is the same way the word "RAM" is explained.Here Ra means ParamPurush and Ma means Prakriti.As I have said earlier, Mahavishnu and SadaShiva are just two facets of the same infinity.The blind Vaishnavas and Shaivites of the ancient and medieval ages had started this argument of superiority.

      "I’m talking at a level higher than the physical level" - For this you will have to take up Kundalini meditation.There is no other way to understand creation than by raising Kundalini.

    7. "All souls are apart from time. Souls are eternal, like God. I meant the purposes and activities of the soul are confined to time." -The final Moksha of a human soul is to merge into singularity in Sahashrar.Souls become free of all bondages in the Ajna chakra,but still they retain their individuality in Ajna chakra only to enjoy the supreme beauty of God as a separate entity.So this form of Samadhi in Ajna chakra is called Savikalpa Samadhi or absolute duality.Souls which are in Savikalpa samadhi can reincarnate only by their own free will to help mankind.These souls are the great saints we get to see when they reincarnate on earth. But pure Advaitins consider even this free will of Savikalpa samadhi as the final bondage. Nirvikalpa samadhi comes in the Sahashrar and is the final destination of the whole creation and not human soul alone.Individual soul ceases to exist in Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

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    9. @SMME Too many disagreements here

      I don't know what you mean that Ram and Vishnu are names of Shiva?

      Hanuman was a physically accomplished individual and spiritually as his mother invoked Vayu to conceive him. People in the past didn't hand out titles willie nillie like they do today. Atleast not when they were living.
      THis occurred later especially in the medieval era when many kings faked their genealogies to the Ikshvakus or Yadus. Im looking at you Rajputs

      In life, you cant dismiss the body and expect the soul to thrive. No less than Naga sadhus, the highest authorities in Shaivite belief system concur on this.
      Also note that Bodhidharma when he encountered the weak Buddhist Chinese monks, mentioned that no soul could thrive in a rotten vessel or something similar and insisiting on physical training such as martial arts.

      It is not a coincidence that the most accomplished individuals were warriors such as Rama, Krishna, Vikramaditya, Vishwamitra etc.

      Sorry but Ramanna Maharshi, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Dalai Lama and other neo gurus who dismiss the physical aspect of the soul don't even come close the formers achievements.

    10. "Ram, Vishnu, etc. are actually the names of Shiva himself. " - It is put in this way by Shaivites.If you read Vaishnava scriptures you will find the exact opposite,ie,the origin of Shiva has been traced back to the will of Vishnu :) What I think is that both SadaShiva and MahaVishnu mean the same thing,ie ParamPurush.The same Hyperspace which is MahaVishnu at the time of creation becomes SadaShiva at the time of annihilation.My opinion is that neither of the two is superior.

      " This is because we didn’t come from him. " - Again I have to disagree with you here.We did come from him at the beginning of creation and we will go back to him at the time of Pralaya.

      "Moreover, I think those Samadhi practices do not necessarily mean they become one with God. " - The real Nirvikalpa Samadhi comes only when your soul merges finally into the darkness of Sahasharar. You are right here.As long as you have life,you can only experience the state,but you cannot become one.However I disagree with you on the point of the four Muktis that you have mentioned.The 4 muktis are not equivalent of the final Moksha.
      I am elaborating a little more.If you can remain in Nirvikalpa Samadhi constantly for 21 days,your body will fall dead like a leaf detached from the tree and your soul will completely merge in the infinity of Sahashrar.Human souls do not have the power to recover themselves back into Prakriti/Maya after 21 days of Nirvikalpa Samadhi.Only complete Avataras of God can do that.An example was Parasurama.See my comment here :


      "But it doesn’t mean they attained Saayuchya or Moksha. " - As I have said earlier,I think the 4 Muktis are of a lower level than MahaSamadhi.

      "Don’t mistake immortality with unfinished task. ." -I didn't equate unfinished task with immortality.I believe Hanuman or Mahavatar Babaji are immortal because they have a purpose to fulfill.Immortality is neither a boon nor a bane for them.They have chosen to remain immortal.They will go back to the source of all creation,ie,singularity,just like the whole of creation or Maya.

      "For observing higher levels than the physical levels....." - You are actually speaking my mind.What you have said is the core philosophy of Bhakti Yoga.See the elaborate discussions YSV and I had persued in his "Ajit Vadakayil:Deranged Lunatic".YSV at last I have someone(Iniyavel) who can partner me in destroying your anti-bhakti stance :P

      I have a little idea about practical Kundalini.I had even tried raising my Kundalini at one point of time.I have elaborated that in the comments "Deranged Lunatic" post of YSV.Actually it is the other way round,ie,with Bhakti,Gnana,Karma paths it will take you years to realise nature,but with Kundalini,you can feel everything in this life itself.Ofcourse raising Kundalini to Sahashrar doesn't guarantee Moksha,but it surely is a big step to gaining Moksha.

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    12. "Sorry but Ramanna Maharshi, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Dalai Lama and other neo gurus who dismiss the physical aspect of the soul don't even come close the formers achievements." -
      Yeah there's no denying here.However my take is that as a human soul in this deep Kali yuga and staying in contact with Samsara,the best thing you can achieve is that of the level of Maharshi Ramana,Ramakrishna etc.I am not sure about Dalai Lama though.Just for an example,Mahavatar Babaji resides deep in the himalayas(probably the secret GyanGanj) and not in contact with material world.You just can't expect the likes of Rama,Krishna,Vishwamitra etc in this present age.

      YSV here I am giving you a practical example.Prof Sarkar had seen the souls of Vishwamitra , Agastya and a few other Vedic Rishis in the Ajna chakra.And in the same Jyoti-Samudra of Ajna chakra,he was shocked to see his aunt's soul in a very radiant state.Actually what shocked him was not only his aunt's elevation to the ocean of light level but also the radiance coming out of her astral body.Anyway his aunt was far from being an accomplished yogi in her life like Vishwamitra etc.All she did was worshipping her beloved deities with complete devotion,chanting mantras regularly, leading a simple and pious life.

      On the other hand,I am pretty sure that souls of many Rishis of our Puranas,who had misused their powers by hurling unnecessary curses,couldn't reach the level of Ajna chakra after their death,leave alone Moksha of Sahashrar.So it doesn't actually matter whether you have the physical accomplishments of the ancient yogis or not.

      YSV where I agree with you is the point that is physical accomplishment combined with yoga can give us a person who might be of immense help to mankind.But that thing will only be seen in the Kalki avatar of future(unless Capt himself is the Kalki in disguise :P ) .

      YSV one more thing I think you might be interested is that Prof Sarkar had also experienced the Purushottam yoga state just before his Kundalini was to merge into the Sahashrar.In this state the body floats up from the ground or base where you are sitting,turns upside down while floating in mid-air,and the tongue comes out of the mouth after getting elongated(Khechari Mudra).This is the state of absolute and pure Kumbhaka which Pranayam practitioners aim to attain through years of practice.This state also gives immense yogic bliss which cannot be described in words.Anyone who raises Kundalini to the level of Chaitanya Lok(HiranyaGarbha phase of Tantra) just below Sahashrar will be able to experience this state.

    13. "Regarding the titles, leave alone the way it was given, but how can someone who had a start, no matter how well established physically or spiritually, never have an end? " -Iniyavel everything ends with the Mahapralaya.Immortality is only upto the time of Mahapralaya.And in the true sense ,everything is immortal,because the cycle of creation and destruction continues endlessly.It is only the change of Nirguna to Saguna and vice versa.There was no original beginning to this cycle.As I have said before,this continuity of cyle with no beginning and end is difficult to perceive from our 3D consciousness,where the cause-and -effect and linear time constitute the base.

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    15. Regarding absolute and relative immortality: Well if there are many kalpas and universes , perhaps the immortality for each entity is restriction to the end of the kalpa when Shiva(Mahakala and Kalantaka,destroyer of Yama) and destroys and then creates the universe anew.

      Shiva giveth, Shiva taketh away

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    17. "There are separate Vishnu’s for each universe or galaxy. Vishnu and Brahma are quite restricted in time and space." -If there are separate Vishnus for eaxh galaxy then there are also separate Shivas for each galaxy :) As I have already said,Vishnu and Shiva are two sides of the same coin.Both MahaVishnu and SadaShiva are the same Hyperspace.The former brings Nirguna to Saguna(vacuum fluctuation),the latter changes Saguna to Nirguna(zero-point field).

      Iniyavel what I mean by Mahapralaya is the final dissolution of whole creation from Saguna to NIrguna in the darkness of Sahashrar.This darkness of Sahshrar is the allegorical ocean on which MahaVishnu sleeps over SheshNag.SheshNag is the symbolical representation of infinity(without beginning and end).You are speaking about the Pralayas after every Mahayuga or 43 lakh years.I am speaking about the single Mahapralaya after 730,000 kalpas or end of one "cosmic day" in the life of MahaVishnu and end of the life of Brahma.This final Pralaya is the Mahapralaya with which Saguna sinks into Nirguna and MahaVishnu goes to rest for an equal period of time(ie 730000 kalpas).

      Iniyavel when you say "The Vishnu we know and worship here, will not be the same Vishnu people living eons ...." has been propagated by Shaivite scriptures.You will get complete reverse claims from Vaishnava scriptures where the role of Shiva has been decimated with respect to the status of Vishnu.DOn't you like my POV when I say that "They are just two sides of the same coin" :) ? And I am saying this from a metaphysical stand and not the biased scriptures written by Shaivites and Vaishnavas.I am again repeating that the same hypervoid which is MahaVishnu in creation becomes SadaShiva in annihilation.

      "Regarding absolute and relative immortality:" - By relative immortality I mean immortality in the same figure that continues till the Mahapralaya.Everything is absolutely immortal because what happens after the Great Annihilation is the change of Saguna to Nirguna .I would say that Both MahaVishnu and SadaShiva "give and taketh away".When creation develops the desire to merge into her original source at the end of 365 Kalpas,Shiva grants her wish by taking her back to the KaranSagar.Similarly at the end of another 365 Kalpas or one night of rest of MahaVishnu,the desire for manifestation and separation from the singularity of KaranSagar is born .MahaVishnu grants that wish.

      Infact I think that SadaShiva is wrongly called as the Destroyer.What Shiva does is the transformation of Saguna manifestation of Maya to the Nirguna infinity.This is not destruction.If this is destruction,then MahaVishnu is also the destroyer when he allows duality to manifest from the perfect singularity that prevails after MahaPralaya of Shiva.

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    1. Oh Im aware. What Ive noticed is that just as the captain accuses Rothschilds of backdating forged neo scriptures, the captain himself issues corrections and fulfilled predictions to his blogposts by editing them without infoing.

      The impetus for the captain attacking me started not because of my blog but because I challenged him in Feb 2014 on Koenraad Elsts blog. His bootlickers also followed him there. I promptly demolished all of their comical "arguments" and "Facts" if you can call them that. Then captain pulled the escape hatch by criticizing KE and making vulgar jokes about him, fullyknowing that KE will end the discussion by deleting the comments board. ANd that's exactly what happened

      How do I know that? Well Vivek Iyer who is an unbalanced individual and issues death threats left and right(not just to me and Vadakayil but to Sabhlok as well) just started attacking me for no reason in early 2013 again on KEs blog. Then I teamed with captain(of whom I had little knowledge) to counter his attacks. And then the discussion came to an end when Iyer made a crude sexual remark about KE. Something that was not lost on Vadakayil and he made use of this strategy against any more embarrassing criticism of him or his followers on KEs blog a year later.

      Coming back to the backdating. Please note that some of those posts are dated 2011 , more than 2.5 years before I criticized the captain. What exactly is the need for including that I am paid agent(I ask him to produce the pay slips ,Western Union or SWIFT transfer to my account as proof)

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    3. Iniyavel my perception says that if anyone is a R agent among us it is the Capt.He is the one who tries to create rift among Indians subtly by spreading bigotry against every other ethnicity except Namboothiris.

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    5. "I'm not a total supporter of YSV either" - YSV doesn't expect you to be his minion :) and this alone puts him ahead of Capt atleast in my views,if I consider all other factors to be constant :D

    6. I would say that Tamils were invaded frequently but relatively less by Muslims. However they did suffer Malik Kafurs invasion which after admirable resistance by Sundara Pandya did involve a lot of destruction and drain of gold and other resources in tribute to end the conflict.

      Tamil society at the time was just recovering from Chola Chalukya wars which raged on and off for 100s of years. Before that the Pallavas vs Kalabhras etc etc

      The era of grand temples was a relatively late one circa 400 AD. The temples before those which were washed away by the sea were apparently nowhere as ambitious or majestic on scale or design.

      1. Kerala culture was rather different from Tamil centralized style of worship so they required fewer temples. The era of storing gold in temples was probably a later custom as well. It may have something to do with mercantile guilds patrtonizing the temple priests who had far more influence over royalty than their counterparts did in Tamil Nadu.
      Also Kerala culture was less worldly than the Tamil one, perhaps due to the abundance of nature made them less ambitious compared to the more driven Tamils and their quest for empire and cosmopolitanism. This can be seen even today with Tamils more energetic compared to the laid back Malayalees

      2. The Muslims did try to destroy temples but were not successful due to spirited resistance by Karnatic and TN based kingdoms.

    7. Infact I myself have not agreed with YSV on many occassions ever since I started discussing with him .But frankly I find YSV's analysis of international politics to be far better than most other internet activists.I have even disagreed with you also on a few points for that matter ;) .But see we are still continuing a healthy discussion,because none of us have any hidden agenda or bigotic fixed opinions about a particular thing.

    8. Iniyavel I have deep respect for Tamil culture and society as a whole.

    9. Thanks JAM, as you stated I don't want any type of cult following as it makes life very dull and there is nothing more depressing to see zombie who agree with you on everything.

      In international politics, we should assume a country does what it does because of its peculiar history,demographics, geography and economy and this in turn dictates how it deals with other nations.

      Sometimes you have leadership on top who is hostile to the populace such as Nehru Gandhi in India and the Kim Jongs of North Korea and Saddam in Iraq but by and large countries find equilibrium and their voice is usually heard in the way they want it for better or worse.

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    11. Sorry to say this but Capt actually creates a very poor impression of Malaylees in the minds of non-Malaylee readers,ie,the sane and logical ones like you Iniyavel :) Does Capt realise this at all??The nutshell of impression I get from Capt is that Malaylees are bigots,racists and ofcourse untiring spammers :P But no hard feelings for any of my Malaylee brothers,I was just joking :) .I do know very well that general Malaylee psyche is far better than what Capt displays.

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    13. Capt's claims of the massive popularity of his blog are highly exaggarated.So Malaylees need not worry :)

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    15. When I wrote "Capt's claims of the massive popularity of his blog are highly exaggarated." , I did have a valid reason.Capt's Alexa rankings do not speak for his popularity to this level.But if you point this out then you will be branded a Hasbara for lifetime or else the poor alexa rank will be a ZIonist conspiracy.I don't understand how his followers can live with such shit?

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    17. @Iniyavel

      There is no reason why a culture cant be spiritual and cosmopolitan at the same time. The Roman and Byzantine empires created scores of saints,philosophers and mystics all the while being quite cosmopolitan and obsessed with wordly matters.

      Beureacrats are parasites and don't do any real work. That Malayalees are over represented in such fields shows that they are not interested in productive pursuits but are content with a 9-5 job where upon retirement collect a pension.

      Similarly read about the life of Tamils by Kanakasabhai Pillai and AL Basham, Tamils had carpenters from Greece and sculptors from Magadha working on their temples and palaces. Apart from this you had traders brining in wines, horses, slave girls , bodyguards from Arabia and Rome.
      Doesn't seem very life denying to me!

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    19. "Mallu guys are usually involved here in TN in Jewellery businesses, and they are frauds by the way. " -Hmmm very interesting ;) I didn't have any idea about this.The Rothschilds are now even trying to frame Mallus in Jewellery business in TN :)

      Iniyavel I am proud that India has the Tamilian people of so high calibre and achievements . Infact I am proud of the diversity I have inherited as a person born in India.Out of my respect for India and Hinduism,I have stopped visiting Capt's blog.I should have done this much earlier,but just like you,I myself was quite confused about that blog ;)

  5. Well I can guess the cause of Capt's anger ;) YSV has surely raised a few tough questions through his spammed comments in Capt's blog.YSV is actually slowing Capt down when the latter tries to establish his messiah image among his followers :P

    On a more serious note,deep within YSV loves both Sanatan Dharma and India,and in a far better way than capt,who shouts against Zionism while his son studies in a Rothschild funded Univ ;)

    Iniyavel I used to support Capt like many other followers,though not blindly.I did raise many tough questions to Capt even while following him which were not published in his blog.But I completely changed my stance after reading the stark contradictions and hypocrisy of Capt in "Ajit Vadakayil What is he post" of YSV.

    YSV BTW the comments of Iniyavel are still not visible in that post of yours from my PC.Do check if there is some technical glitch from your side.Because I have seen this problem in some blogs where comments cross 200 or 250 mark.I am not bothered about the comments anyway,as Iniyavel reposted them separately and I got to read them :) What I find interesting is that while your post shows 253 comments from 250 ,I cannot access the latest 2 or 3 new comments anywhere .

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    2. @Iniyavel I don't see anything wrong with being a Zionist. A ZIonist is simply someone who wishes for the welfare of Israel. That's it -nothing more. IT has nothing to do with cultural Marxism, Christian missionaries, ISIS or any of those crank conspiracy theories

      The way I see it , Muslims have a 100 countries, Arabs have more than 20. Jews have just one country which is half the size of Kerala. Let them have it.
      As for Palestinians, tough! Sikhs, Hindus from Pakistan and Indian Muslims had it worse during Partition but they are now well adjusted.
      I have better things to worry about.

      Regarding the comments, I check the spam filter and your comments are not there. So they are online. At the bottom of the comments section, there will be a button that says Load More. Click that and your comments will appear.

    3. YSV the last comment I am getting even after Load More is my own comment here :


      I gave the above comment on January 25, 2015 at 5:10 AM .This might help you pinpoint the exact problem.Probably Iniyavel is also seeing this comment of mine as the last one.There is no Load More option after this.

      And another awkward thing I noticed last day but forgot to mention is that your post "Ajit Vadakayil what is he " is the only post where I couldn't access the comments of Iniyavel from the "recent comments" window.Probably this might happen with all other comments that will come in the future.Maybe you can put a test comment to check whether it is visible to us.

    4. And one more thing YSV you can exand the recent comments window a little more.Otherwise even relatively newer discussions will get suppressed without any follow-up :)

    5. Increased it to 12. Now sometimes the "Load More" or "More comments" appears after the comments box (before the ad). And it sometimes before.
      Don't know why it does that... Anyway I can see Iniyavels Feb 19th comments on AV:What is he?

    6. YSV Thanks for that :) If the fault is not from your side then I think it has something to do with Iniyavel using the same google plus profile having different profile names in the same thread.I think this is the real cause .Iniyavel didn't post with his old profile name in any other post of yours.So the fault is not appearing in other posts.

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    9. @ SMME

      I am quite familiar with Israeli culture, history and politics. I am also therefore aware of the calumny levelled against them.

      The Netanyahu quote as well as the Sharons claim that Israel controls U.S is complete nonsense.

      Less said about the Dawn article the better.

      I couldn't care less about Palestinians. If you are so concerned about Palestinians you are better off criticizing Jordanians who slaughtered more Palestnians in Black September in 2 months than Israel managed to in 20 years.
      Meanwhile Lebanon has been systematically exterminating Palestinians within borders for the last 40 years without a peep from the media

      To answer your question: Yes Im a Zionist and damn proud of it.

    10. Also what does American manufacturing outsourcing to China have anything to do with Israel? Take it up with the unions and their enablers like that parasite and snake oil salesman Barack Obama

    11. Also I don't want to waste time on publications which sees a Jewish Masonic conspiracy everywhere.

      The power of Freemasons was severely diminished atleast before the Civil War and they were running on fumes since.

      Today they are reduced to college fraternity(Skull and Bones) and Rotarian type organizations composed usually of upper middle class white Protestants.

      I suggest you stop wasting your time on these Judeo Masonic conspiracy theories

    12. Iniyavel you might not like it but Israel is the only nation in the middle east which counters aggression of Islamic nations to a large extent.When YSV says he is a zionist ofcourse he doesn't mean that he supports aggressive zionism which conspiracy theories spread.What he means is that he supports the right of Jews to live in a nation of their own.
      Iniyavel you should not rely on "Insider" or "The Dawn".Both of them have a tendency to distribute crackpot theories.

      Also Capts anti-zionism has a serious flaw which needs to be addressed.Capt says that Nehru was a complete R agent.Yet Nehru was 100% anti-ISrael in stance.How does that sum up logically?Ofcourse Capt will defend himself by saying that everything is a grand plan of Rothschild :P

    13. @ Iniyavel

      "Now almost all American manufacturing industries have been shifted to China." - If this is so,then another theory of Capt can be thrown away.Capt claims that Russia and China are against R and Zionism.Then why should China allow American outsourcing into their nation?Doesn't these contradict each other?China seems to be more of an ally in zionist agenda of destroying America :)

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. Selling sensitive technology to China is something that even Boeing does routinely.
      What is nonsense is the use of loaded words such as "secret". There is nothing secret as in classified about said technology. What Israel is selling is not "recycled" from U.S or even cutting edge. Technology whether in software or weapon systems is an breath takingly fast moving field. Even technology from 1 year ago could be obsolete.
      Read the comments section. Apparently Israel is selling to a European company which in turn has strong ties to China.
      Look if we have to play six degrees of separation with anyone we dislike, there will be no world economy.
      India trades with China and China supports Pakistan. India buys gas from Iran yet supports Israel. If Ayotallahs are ok with that, when why should the Americans breathe heavily over Israeli trade with powerful business partner of U.S?

      Israel isn't any capable of "using" up USA than it can use up Saudi Arabia. There are various competing lobbies in U.S including Saudi lobby(which is far more rich and influential than the Zionists and counts amongst is supporters the Bushes) , Armenian/Greek lobby(against Turkey US relationship) , not to mention Arab American lobbies which deals with Palestnian and Iraqi issues not to mention domestic matters such as profiling etc.Heck there is also an Iran lobby whose front man is Trita Parsi and Reza Aslan.
      The State and Defense Dept lean toward the Saudi lobby. While popular pressure amongst the American masses is for Israel. A pro Israel politician such as Bush ,Clinton and Reagan has to fight Saudi lobbies in the aforementioned departments and heck in the case of Bush and Clinton within their own families!

    16. Iniyavel Israel has been a very reliable partner of India wrt the international arena.And as YSV puts it,you cannot put off any country from the spectrum of international relationship based on some conspiracy theories by online messiahs.India and Pakistan are at daggers drawn on the LOC.Yet the two nations try to increase the volume of their bilateral trade.Ditto for the India china relationship.

      Neither "Insider" nor "Dawn" are very reliable sources.Always avoid news agencies of Pakistan,as they do not have the degree of independence which media in stable democracies enjoy.

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    18. Yeah more precisely the Indo-China conflict along the Border line is not as intense as it is along the Pakistan border.But still there are conflicts .The greater point I wanted to highlight is that you will have problems with almost every country in international intrigue.You need diplomacy and not Capt's bulldozing to weed out the problems.

      If we cannot solve our own problems ,then Putin will be of no help to even India,leave alone the free world :P

    19. @SMME you doubts and anxieties about Israel are just a hold over from the captain /conspiracy theory era. With exposure to other viewpoints and with time, it will diminish.
      I am not saying you become a Zionist but eventually you will view Israelis on their terms and have an appreciation for their security concerns.

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    21. Hitlers rise to greatness was the same thing that eventually did him in: his paranoid anti Semitism and scapegoating of Jews. With it he rose to power and was able to make the Anglo powers blink when he remilitarized and took over Western Europe. His mistakes were two fold , the alliance with Japan in retrospect was of little use especially when it took the unpredictable step of bombing Pearl Harbor thereby forcing Hitler to face with the formidable U.S military.
      But his real failing was the bizarre fear of a Bolshevik Jewish dominated USSR(with whom he already made peace) and his disastrous invasion
      of it.

      He was a guy who didn't know when to stop and that destroyed him and the military machine of Germany and it remains broken and pathetic even now.

      Putin is far smarter and cautious than Hitler but then again todays Russia is no match for 20th century German dynamism and industry. So he is just playing the cards he is dealt

    22. "But his real failing was the bizarre fear of a Bolshevik Jewish dominated USSR(with whom he already made peace) and his disastrous invasion
      of it." - YSV Netaji had warned Hitler multiple times through telegram and letter that the latter should not attack Soviet under any circumstance.Coincidentally Netaji had also mentioned that German Military might not be able to cover the distance with all their strength intact before they reach St Petersburg or Moscow.This distance proved to be the exact cause of loss of the formidable German Army in Soviet.

    23. Yeah I agree with you in your observation on Putin.Actually Putin cannot even dream of making Russia into a Germany of the pre-WW2 era.Germany would have been a formidable nation today,had Hitler concentrated on the economic and industrial prowess instead of the military one.

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    25. Sorry Iniyavel I can't agree with you here.Firstly Hitler had jumped into the storm before taking full preparation.While this blitzkrieg type of attack gave results in the short term,it did nothing in reinforcing German stronghold in the long run.Over-running a country like France only to lose it within 5 years with a completely decimated and demoralised army makes absolutely no sense.

      The second mistake of Hitler was his rabid Anti Jew stance.

      The final one was his stupid attack on USSR.

      The links you are giving are all sponsoring conspiracy theories.Hitler's megalomania might have been aggravated by the contemporary world media but it was because his megalomania did exist to a significant extent.

    26. Look Iniyavel, good for you you got over the Vadakayil mind zap. But Hitler apologetics is not something I have much time for. I know WWII history pretty well as well as the social conditions of 1930s Germany.

      You have got everything backwards. No one was against Hitler and Japan until they went against the 50 nations due to their megalomania.

      And FYI Hitler was actually a big hit with the intelligentsia and media in the 1930s, Heck Nazis even conducting successful speaking tours in American colleges including Columbia university. Of course a large part of that was their leftist economics and support for the Soviet Union who were darlings of the academic and publishing elite.

      Initially Rabbis in Germany even praised Hitler for clamping down on "immoral activities" such as prostitution, nightclubs,jazz etc.

      Hitler himself squandered all of this good will due to the defects in his own character

    27. Forgot to mention, the same media which today castigates Hitler wish to sweep under the rug how they were taken with the Nazi ideology.
      The love affair really ended when he broke ties with the Soviet Union and FDR(another person the media loved) finally entered the fray after Pearl Harbor.

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    30. One need not to deny the Holodomor in order to believe the Holocaust occurred. Bolsheviks whether Jewish or gentile were uniformly atheist and pledged their allegiance to the works of the anti Semitic Karl Marx

      I don't doubt Hitlers capabalities or his power of oratory. If you are so easily influenced by oratory then Im sorry to say people like you shouldn't be given the right to vote.

      To ask questions like "are the Jews completely innocent" is wicked and sinister to say the least. We can use that logic to the British takeover of India. Are the Hindus completely innocent? After all they had sati, the caste system, female infanticide, polytheism etc etc.

      ANd btw your hero was a big fan of the British Empire , so much so that he modelled his future conquest of Soviets on the British Raj with Russian peasants filling in for Indians and Nazi officers lording as British governers and Viceroys would! Wow a great role model for Indians!

      I don't need to read any more anti semitic garbage. I have read quite a few books both pro and con Nazis and Jews so I know what Im talking about. Im afraid I cant say the same about you.

      Ukrainians sided with the Nazis for the same reason Tipu Sultan sided with the French against the British. They exchanged one tyrant for another . And the new conqueror who relieves the populace of an old one will initially be popular. But eventually he will wear out his welcome as what happened with Nazis in Soviet occupied Eastern Europe.

      THe problem with you with that you have an emotional attachment to Hitler due to the power of oratory (in your own words) and the appeal of the imagery and military might. Those are indeed impressive and I can imagine they goad people into finding excuses for Nazis even today.

      This is what we call in Hinduism the power of Maya, an appealing idea which can conceal a rotten interior. What use is all the Saiva Siddhanta if you are unable to differentiate substance from flash. Even Shiva working his tandava on Germany in 1945 didn't do it for you. Shiva burns ignorance but you seem to still seem attached to rotten ideas.

      In conclusion, Im sorry to say as long as you are fan of Hitler, you are still free to post here but I will consider you atleast a part avatar of the captain.

      Nazi apologetics is something I have ZERO respect for.

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    33. Both YSV and I are free from all political bias.Ofcourse we have our varing personal choices, but none of us either claims or believes that Putin is the hero of the free world(YSV what does that even mean :) ) or R controls the world type extreme conspiracies.No one controls the whole world single-handedly and no one will lead the free world(whatever it means) away from R :D

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    35. "Maya is not illusion as touted by the Vedas" - Maya is neither illusion nor is it our enemy.If Maya is an illusion then we are also illusions,because we are inside the domain of Maya.This is why Adi Sahnkaracharya's philosophy " Brahma Satya Jagat Mithya.." is incomplete.Because if Jagat is falsehood,then so is Adi Shankaracharya or any of his sayings.What is more appropiate is "Brahma Nitya Jagat Anitya".Temporary existence doesn't falsify anything. in the pure senseMaya(Prakriti) was created by the will of singularity.Bhakti yogis do not consider Maya as something to be overcome.They infact believe that as Maya is from God's will,so Maya cannot be bad.This is the reason why souls of Bhakti Yogis do not cross the Ajna to merge into the Sahashrar.They enjoy the duality.

      However strict Advaitins would tell you that everything apart from the hypervoid(Karan Sagar of Sahashrar) is temporary.So everything else should be discarded.

    36. YSV is a zionist because he believes that Jews have a right to live in their own country.Infact I also support this stance,though I wouldn't exactly call myself a zionist :) But that is not from any bias or something like that,it is from my lack of deep knowledge on Israel .

      Iniyavel you have good knowledge on diverse topics.It's great discussing with you .

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    39. Rather I am of the opinion that everything is permanent in the true sense(as I have said earlier).This is because the continuous cycle of cosmic creation is nothing but manifestation of Nirguna into Saguna and vice versa .So except the hyperspace (Mahavishnu or Sadashiva whatever you may call it),everything else just changes form but doesn't become unreal or extinct.

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    41. "Let Jews have a homeland, I’m little to zero bothered about that. " -That's exactly my opinion :) Let Jews live in a land of their own .Name a country(from first world) in the world that doesn't have high ambitions.So if Israel has high ambitions,why should we criticise her in the name of Zionism ?

      And to be frank,USA and erstwhile Soviet has interfered more in international politics than Israel ever did.YSV can correct me if I am wrong.Ofcourse Anti Zionists will call all this to be controlled by Israel from the back.

    42. Actually hypervoid is the original multidimensional state with zero point energy before creation according to modern physics.This is why I am using this term.When your Kundalini rises to Sahashrar,you will get to see this state as a dark ocean or sky(Karan Sagar of ancient literature of Sanatan Dharma).

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    44. But what you are saying might also be true.Parampurush might be something that can never be explained by science.The original essence might be something greater than the primordial hypervoid .

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    47. Yeah but by ParamPurush I mean the primordial consciousness.

      ArdhaNarishwar is the allegorical representation of consciousness(ParamPurush) uniting with energy (Prakriti) in the cycle of cosmic creation.

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    49. Iniyavel I have watched Dr.BlackJack,Cardcaptor,Fruits Basket,The Getbackers,Chronicles of the Wings and a few others.I can't recall at this moment.
      However I grew up watching hanna-barbara creations on Cartoon Network.So I feel more at home when I see old cartoons of CN instead of Jap animes :)

    50. This comment has been removed by the author.

    51. Do follow politics and religion but within limits,as you are doing now.Do not let conspiracy theories ransack your brain :) Trying to know the truth will never harm you or drain your brain.Rather it will enrich your thinking with newer facets.

      For example,I used to think the Keynesian economics is the best way for global economy.My thought was moulded by the economics books I read at one point of time.But after discussing with YSV,I understood that free economy is not as bad as it has been portrayed by Keynesian theory.

    52. Thanks JAM for being open to my input. The first thing people should realize about Keynesian economics is the claim that government spending generates prosperity. Now the obvious question everyone should ask is: Where is the government acquiring the money from?
      Isnt it the tax payer? So its not just robbing Peter to pay Paul but also robbing Peter to generate make work projects in order to pay Peter again.
      At some point the musical chairs will stop and what then

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    54. Do not withdraw from the world either spiritual or temporal. ie religion and politics. Coming out of conspiracy theory laden mindset is not easy and will be painful and messy. The first think to do is to think independently. FYI not everything a crackpot states is crazy. I even now maintain that Vadakayil is right about a few things which others overlook.
      such as that it was the INA, Naval Mutiny and not Gandhi which guaranteed Indian independence. Like him I hate Times of India, Arundhati Roy etc.

      But we should learn the art of discrimination and separate the wheat from the chaff and not fall for oratory and other mayavadi devices to lure us into their web.

      As good journalists would say :Even if your mother says she loves you-verify it.

      Question everything and be objective. It will difficult at first as many of your heroes will collapse. Today it is Vadakayil, tomorrow it will be Hitler and yes that will be painful but its for the better.

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    56. Iniyavel we are neither religious gurus nor politicians :) So do keep in touch here ;) However both YSV and I respect our religion as well as India.

      Religion should not give you a headache .You said you are a Shaivite.So chant the Panchakshari Mantra of Shiva regularly for 15-20 minutes .Believe me it will solve all problems and confusions of your life.

      Iniyavel just curious about one thing(if you don't mind),how did politics drag you down?Anyway if it's something personal then I don't expect any answer from you.

    57. Iniyavel the problem I have with Jap animes is that they seem too much "Japanese" to me.On the other hand look at western cartoons like Popeye,Tom and Jerry,Flinstones etc.Although they are based on western background,but viewers will never get the feeling that they are inherently "western".However I am not criticising Jap anime industry for this.I fully understand that Jap animes are meant to cater to the entertainment needs of Japs and not the world.

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    59. Iniyavel don't mind what I am going to say.After reading your problem of getting hangovers,I have a feeling that deep within you might be getting psychologically dependent on animes .This is getting reflected in your realistic dreams,ie,you see in your dreams whatever you read or think.I am telling this because I have heard of similar problems people face with recurring dreams of bad situations.I am honestly speaking out my thoughts,and don't take this as a professional advice .And don't get it wrong,I am not blaming animes .I think your subconscious mind is somehow reacting to animes.Do you follow animes very seriously?

      Regarding your problems with dreams,even I had to cope with this at one point in my life.I used to wake up suddenly after getting bad dreams(I won't disclose the nature of the dreams because of personal reasons).In my case this mostly came from depression.At one point of my life,even my parents were not very co-operative with me on some issues .However that phase has passed now.In my case,I got miraculous response by using the "Hanuman Chalisa".It is a very powerful chant .

      Chant whatever Mantra you like with deep intention of getting cured of the problem.I think this might help you.

      One last thing,if your mind chants "Allah u Akbar" automatically sometimes,then don't resist that.The above phrase mean "God is Great".So what's wrong in that :) ? Quite a few Buddhist origin mantras like "OM Mani Padme Hum" have become popular all over the world recently.When I attended the Sandhya Arati in the Ramakrishna Mission headquarters in Belur of WB(this is the same place where Narendra Modi had come in his early life to take Sannyasa diksha in the Mission),I was surprised to see a Muslim family (women were wearing Burqas) there enjoying the Hindu style Arati of the Math.So there's no problem in chanting the name of God in any way whatsoever.

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    61. "I only expect him to help me finish my reincarnations and leave Earth as soon as possible" - Even that is an expectation you are bearing :) As YSV rightly said in one of his comments,it is literally impossible to survive in this world with nil intentions.And regular chanting of Mantras burns off the Karmic baggage which holds you back from Moksha.Even hymns of God will do.Here also the power of your intention works.

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    63. Atleast Mantras having the word RAM in them do burn off your Karma.This is not based on prejudice but on Tantric principles.The Beej Mantra of Manipur Chakra is RAM and Manipur Chakra is the storehouse of our Karma.Another unique thing about the word RAM is that it resembles OM in it's effect.It is said that OM is a part of RAM.OM is the Beej Mantra of Ajna chakra.The stored Karma of Manipur chakra gets purified in Ajna chakra.This is the yogic science behind the sound principle of RAM.However it has nothing to do with Lord Ram the Avatar of Vishnu.Any God can be called by the name RAM.Even an atheist can benefit from the vibration of RAM word.But I believe that all forms of God are the same.So I think that whatever benefit we get from RAM,can be obtained from any other name or Mantra of God.

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    65. @SMME: Regarding your dreams, is it possible that those are recollections of your past life? Did you ever try a past-life regression therapy?

    66. Anu Is the past life regression therapy reliable ?I am not questioning the therapy itself,because whatever Bible or Koran says against it,past life does exist for all human souls.However I doubt the effectiveness of the therapy.

    67. JAM, I really don't know whether its reliable! I did see a few TV programs where they did this! And I even doubt whether during hypnosis by the therapist what you visualize is actually your past life recollection. It could well be your vivid imagination or a hallucination. But if it helps you get rid of unpleasant thoughts, phobias or psychosomatic diseases then I'm all for it. BTW, I haven't personally tried it. Finding a good therapist is also a problem. I'd also like to know YSV's thoughts on this as during his long stay in the US, he must have come across such therapies!

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    70. Padippadhu Ramayanam, Idippadhu Ramar Kovil."

      Could you translate that? My Tamil is rather rusty? Does it mean A person chants Ramayana but abuses Rama in the temple?

      The captain I repeat is NOT a practioner of Hinduism. He is zero knowledge of pujas, yagnas ,havans et al because he does not participate. He considers such stuff his wifes abode.Similar to how his hero Nehru considered religion "womans matters" because at the time due to increased secularization of society though still in a patriarchal setting, men would have less time to go to temple but concentrate on work and women would carry on religious duties within their homes as they would not leave the home without male escorts(who would be preoccupied)

      I remember he predicted Romney would win 2012(alas he didn't) due to his membership in the Bilderberg Group. In the end Obama trounced him and the captain said nothing.

      He is not a fan of Andhras either especially late PM YSR Reddy. Now I am not a fan of YSR but as a Christian himself he is self proclaimed devotee of Venkateswara of Tirupati and banned Christian conversion in that area. His flaws are that of any other Congress candidate not to mention his blood soaked Rayalaseema past.

      The captains ignorance of Telugu is such that he has trouble believing our language also has Sanskrit influence. And he attributes the claim of Telugu having more than 50% Sanskrit vocabulary to a Telugu Wikipedia editor! Sometimes words fail me when I encounter such ignorance and petulance.

      I also noticed on his post on Vijayanagar empire when he couldn't find a Kerala angle for it suddenly he considered a South Indian/Dravidian civilization and took pains to highlight that he was a Dravidian!

      In other words he wants to bask in its reflected glory of a civilization his beloved Kerala has nothing to do with and he does this by assuming the larger group identity of South Indian.

      I can see such dirty tricks a mile away. Reminds me of when Bangladeshis and Pak Punjabis take credit for the achievements of their ethnic Hindu cousins in India even as they were involved in the slaughter and rape of the same in their own countries!

    71. @ Anu I never went to any therapists in U.S or elsewhere ;-) The closest I came when I was having problems with concentration and a doctor prescribed me some medication as he had psychiatric training.

      In general past life hypnotists and counsellers in U.S tend to be scam artists. Their main clientele are bored housewives who like to be told they were Cleopatra or some such exciting figure in their previous lives.

      That is not to say there aren't genuinely such people around. My grandmother was one such person who said I was a woman in U.P during the independence era(I believe Amith Mishra died of a happy shock as he read this)
      But how can this proven? I have no recollection of my past life. But I understand there are some who do and the specific details they mention to the surviving relatives often convince them of the veracity of the claims of rebirth of the deceased.

    72. @Iniyavel, I did read your earlier comments in "Ajit Vadakayil: What is he?" post and it's a bit of a surprise to find you here with a change of mind! But it's good that you have stopped following him! As JAM mentioned, Vadakayil has changed a lot. I was following him from the later half of 2012 and his posts and comments weren't so bizarre then!

      He doesn't practise what he preaches. Instead of doing Suryanamskara or meditation which he advocates, he rushes to read stupid TOI articles the first thing in the morning and rants about it in his blog. He starts his day with so much negativity. No wonder his blog reeks of negativity these days! So I have completely stopped visiting his blog.

      Also he spends most of his time on the Internet, spamming other blogs and news portals with his links and searching for ideas to write on his blog. When will he find time for spiritual practice if he's such an Internet addict?

      He and his faithful follower Indian Hindu Tamilian had hurled vulgar abuses on foodblogger Saffrontrail/Nandita Iyer for her sarcastic comment on his Karva Chauth post. Capt. has deleted his comment to show that he's all goody-goody but IHT's is still there.

      Also he hates Kanchi Math and its pontiff and says that it's a creation of the White Christian Invader. He's angry with Tamilians because they say that Malayalam, as well as the other 3 S.Indian languages are derived from Tamil. I have little idea about the origin of these languages and would like to know YSV's and yours views on this.

      And YSV has correctly noted that he's too immature for his age and is a thin-skinned cry-baby.

      @ysv, lol, I didn't mean to say that you went to a therapist but since such therapies are popular in the US, I thought you have some idea.

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    75. Iniyavel I just can't understand how IndianHinduTamilian or for that matter,even some Bongs worship him after he throws so much hatred at Tamilians and Bongs .

      Iniyavel listen intently to what I am going to reveal now :P No R sponsored agency will give you this info :D The Capt himself doesn't BELIEVE what he writes ! Otherwise his son wouldn't have gone to a R university and worked in a Zionist Company :) Probably you are shocked now ! But this blogsite was meant for the EXHUMATION of truths :D You have been fed with crap created by Zionist hasbaras till now. YSV has EXHUMED many such interesting truths in his "What is He " post which R ( read Capt) tries to keep away from the world !

      Anu on the therapy issue,I have the same opinion which YSV holds.Most therapists seem crap and fake to me.It requires Kundalini yoga to tell about the past lives of an unknown person.A baby which is just born,can recollect the past life for 1 to 2 months or in some rare cases upto his/her full adulthood.When I was very young and just learning to speak a few words in my mother tongue,one day I asked my grandmother(maternal) "Is peace greater or happiness?" .Surely this cannot come from a 1 year old child who has learnt only a few words .This was probably because of some past-life hangover I had still retained by then.Ofcourse I don't remember the scene at present.

      Our past life Karma does shape up the condition of our present life to a large extent.The repetitive frequency of Mantras can remove such Karmic blockages.And when we raise our Kundalini,the spontaneous vibrations we get in the spine are actually the shakti removing the Karmic blocks along the spinal tract.This is why Rajayoga is the best way to gain Moksha.And this is the reason why it has been the King of yogas.

      YSV you might know about Vivekananda being transformed into a staunch believer of God from the uncompromising atheist that he had been as Narendranath Dutta by one pat of Sri Ramakrishna on the former's forehead.Ramakrishna actually raised Vivekananda's Kundalini straight to the Ajna Chakra.Vivekananda was lost into the infinite beauty of the Ocean of Light at once.This episode is probably there in the "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna" .But I might have lifted it from other sources also.Anyway later Ramakrishna told to some of his devotees in absence of Vivekananda that the latter's spinal tract was completely clear of any major Karmic blockages and so this Shaktipath of such a large magnitude(straight from Muladhar to Ajna !) was possible in case of Vivekananda.However if normal people are given initiation of such high level,then they would either die of shock or go mad.Ramakrishna had also disclosed the fact that Vivekananda had led the life of a yogi shunning Samsara for the last few of his lives.

      Capt says that he is going to get Moksha after this birth ;) Let us wait and for this grand event to unfold :D YSV Capt also claimed that his horoscope is JivanMukta.What's your opinion on this?Can a horoscope predict Moksha?I feel you have good knowledge of astrology and palmistry,as I could guess from your comments.

    76. "Had Saiva Siddhantha, the 7 Saivite Mutts, etc., been established in Mallu land,.." - This is the main principle behind Capt's exhumations and nothing else :)

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    78. Iniyavel I agree with all of your observations except one on Saayuchya.Saayuchya is not higher than the Moksha you will get in the Sahashrar.Saayucha is a part of the 4 dualistic muktis which a soul can in its AnandaMaya Kosha stage in Ajna Chakra.But there are two sheaths of levels of human soul above AnandaMaya Kosha.They are the ChaitanyaMaya Kosha(Hiranyagarbha or ChaitanyaLok above Ajna chakra) and Sat Kosha(Sahashrar).The Saayucha you are speaking of is the dualistic Moksha which Bhakti Yogis (Premik Sadhaks as called in Tantra) might aspire for.But a true Bhakti Yogi will not want Saayucha Mukti.However this dualistic Mukti that comes in the Ajna chakra is not Moksha in the true sense.This is because even at this stage the human soul has a final bondage,ie,his own will to help lower level beings and descend to material creation for that.Even this free will to take reincarnation is considered the final block(Moksha-Bheeti or fear of liberation according to Tantra).So in the strict yogic sense,Saayucha or the 4 muktis cannot be equated to the Sat Kosha state of Sahashrar.However Bhakti path doesn't care for all this and to them Ajna chakra or AnandaMaya Kosha state is as good as liberation and also the final destination.

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    80. @Anu re Tamil relation to other south Indian languages.

      To be sure there is a strong influence Telugu and Malayalam even as Telugu is considered a different language group within the Dravidian family.

      In some ways it is similar to Marathi as Marathi, Northern Kannadiga and Andhras have the same origins. Originally one of the court languages of the Andhra Satavahanas was a Maharastri Prakrit. Marathi would not gain such prestige for another 1700 years until the rise of the Marathas.

      But Kannada, Coorgi and Tulu are quite different from Tamil. And it is quite a different culture as well. It is more influenced by Mid East while Tamil leans toward SE Asia.
      Tuluvas and Nairs had common origins till they branched off in different directions 1500 years ago. While Coorgis may be the vanguard of ancient Dravidian civilization originating in the Middle East if their folk songs and clothing is any indication.

      I am of the belief that a part of Dravidian civilization, perhaps key elements of language was introduced by Mid East settlers and immigrants. But it was ultimately subsumed by Arya civilization which was predominant in the south even 3000 years ago when these settlers first appeared.

    81. @JAM on the issue of Tamil and Bong followers of the captain, did you notice that mallu followers are curiously under represented? Keralite posters are actually quite rare. I believe the Keralites while proud of their culture are in general a sensible lot and are embarrassed by this crank in their midst. Or rather NOT in their midst since he lives in Manipal LOL.
      Wonder what he thinks of Kannadigas? Is their heritage attributed to them(Vijayanagar,Hoysala,Wodeyar) also a Rothschild scheme to deprive Keralites of the credit :o

      I don't think those who follow him think too hard or connect the dots about his various wild claims. I try and avoid his blog because,apart from the bigotry, the ignorance and misinformation is just too hard to bear.


      The sad truth is that Kerala was a relative backwater compared to the bustling intellectual, spiritual and temporal powers of Chola, Pandyas, Pallavas, Satavahanas, Magadha, Ujjain etc

      Nothing wrong with that, even Bengal was johnny come lately but when they participated they lit up the firmament with their sages, activists, freedom fighters ,writers and philosophers. In modern Indian nationalism they set the gold standard. Similarly Kerala's triumph over Tipu Sultan - a man who faced off and outwitted the best generals in the world such as Cornwallis and Wellington as well their defeat of Dutch coupled with their preservation of traditional chanting of Vedas, Ayurveda and Kalari is an unparalled contribution to Vedic history.
      But when some with inferiority complexes like the captain look at Vijayanagar, Amravati, Madurai,Nalanda and the relative placidity of the Chera dynasty start imagining nonsense about stolen glories of Kerala courtesy of wicked Rothschilds with thehelp of Tamil Brahmins(why would they help them?) then we have to put our foot down and smash it.

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    83. YSV your observation on lack of Keralite supporters is quite right.I believe that Capt is a distinguished Keralite in a different sense,ie,the rset of Kerala choose to ignore him :) I would still say that without the VijayNagar empire , Kerala and in a broader sense the southern part of India starting from Andhra,I doubt whether Sanatan Dharma would have survived as a majority religion even in our very own motherland,not to mention the rest of the world.

      Even in the recent past I used to read the comments section of his blog for entertainment,but not now.As you have said,it not possible to digest such large flow of "truths" all at one time.Capt has fallen beyond any chance of upliftment,and my "perception" says that like Iniyavel,Capt will slowly,silently and surely lose many of his normal readers (ofcourse the good-for-nothing online macho-patriots will remain with him :) ) .

      "The sad truth is that Kerala was a relative backwater compared to the bustling intellectual, spiritual and temporal powers of Chola, Pandyas, Pallavas, Satavahanas, Magadha, Ujjain etc" - YSV this was something that always cropped inside my mind even when I read his blogs in the past and accepted many of his views without much second thought.Although I must also say that I was never the ideal "sheepish" follower that Capt wants :) My very first comment in Capt's blog was spammed for being contradictory to his inference.

      "Nothing wrong with that, even Bengal was johnny.." - Very frankly Bengal and Bongs had never made any significant contribution to India ,except for a few strong rulers in the Pala and Sena dynasties.But that was way back in the 12th century.The sole light from Bengal in the middle ages was MahaPrabhu.It is really a miracle that Hinduism has been able to survive in Bengal throughout the middle ages.It is all the more perplexing that Bongs could manage to give a few people in the modern era starting from the 18th century,who seem to have earned the love and respect of Indians.I am telling you one thing very clearly,ie,the average Bong like me (or Capt's Bong trolls out there :) ) is far from the pre-Independence Bong race :) YSV I think whatever vices the Brits brought with them,the sole virtue was the propagation of British-style modern education which started with Bengal and later spread throughout India.Capt and his followers will call me Zionist for saying this,but I think the indigenous Sanskrit schools of India which existed before the British couldn't have served the purpose of India at that time.However I am not grouping the ancient vedic education system with the premodern era education system of India.I doubt how much of the ancient knowledge and wisdom had actually survived upto the 17th-18th century,before the Brits brought their brand of modern education.YSV WHat's your opinion on this?

      The only good in Modern West Bengal at present is it's egalitarian and liberal society,just like the south Indian states.The egalitarian psyche of Bongs has helped a large number of migrants from Bihar,UP,Orissa and the NE states make WB their permanent home.And I really get amazed to see issues like Khap Panchayat ,Love Jihad,honour killings and other social malice prevalent in North Indian states .Most Bongs even to this day don't even know what Love Jihad stands for.The Hindu-Muslim marriage is never an issue worth pondering in WB.WB actually resembles South Indian states more than the North Indian ones.That is why I believe that Tamils might have been people of Bengal in the ancient ages.But that doesn't imply Tamils were Bongs ;P as Tamil culture is older than Bengali.

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    85. Iniyavel I warn you that after this last sattirical comment of yours,you have made loads of "online" enemies who defend BharatMata through their "online" spamming (so easy way to serve your nation ! )

      YSV has done some real service by addressing the falsehoods of Capt
      s Plagiatanic.Although I understand that it is not possible for a part-time blogger like him to correct all the misinformation of Capt's blog singlehandedly.

      Iniyavel if you read YSV's "Animal sacrifices were intrinsic.." blogpost,you will understand that Capt even twists the sanskrit translations to suit his agenda.As I don't know Sanskrit,I used to believe that he correctly translates the ancient Sanskrit quotes.

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    87. @Iniyavel, check this link and see how vadakayil has responded to food blogger Saffrontrail / Nandita Iyer.

      @ysv: I haven't come across any posts or comments of vadakayil criticizing kannadigas as yet. BTW, I, myself am a Kannadiga from North Karnataka. @JAM, my native place in Karnataka is only about 200 kms. from capt's Manipal,what does your perception say about that?

      Capt says that the only places worth seeing in Karnataka are Kolluru Mookambika and Kukke Subramanya because his wife experiences positive vibes when she goes there.

      Telugu is similar to Marathi.. that's interesting. My mother tongue is Konkani, and I can understand Marathi well, though I can't speak it fluently. Also have you noticed that Telugu and Kannada alphabets are so similar?

    88. Iniyavel your satire was a great one.Actually I myself was mocking the "spam" patriotism of online trolls :) Surely if a nation could progress any further with spamming,by now we would have reached the level of world-leader,backed by so huge volumes of spam coming out of Capt !

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    92. Anu my perception reveals that the place in and around Manipal in Karnataka has strong zionist base,with Capt prevailing at the centre :P
      By now I am pretty sure that Capt is the real and lone R agent in India.

      Anu never mind Capt's opinions on vibes.Capt will never get positive vibes unless the place is within the geographical boundary of Kerala.However I doubt that Capt himself doesn't actually get much positive vibe from Kerala and that's the reason behind his settling in Manipal :) Ofcourse he will never admit this !

      Capt has been spreading lies against YSV that he is a hasbara,anti-national etc right from 2012,with warnings that the latter would soon land up in jail.Now in 2014 whom did we see landing in police custody.I leave it for the "perceptive" to ponder over :P What I feel is that this was a Karmic backfire on Capt for wrongly trying to defame YSV just because he disagreed.

      Infact after discussing with YSV for the last 6 months I am now damn sure that YSV loves Hinduism more than many Indian Hindus :)

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    94. @Iniyavel Au contraire no UN sec gen has ever been a friend to Israel , they spend their times wailing over Palestinians. Heck there was even a UN sec gen called Kurt Waldheim who had a Nazi past!

      Please qualify Subramaniam Swamys support for Khalistani and LTTE with references. As I understand he was dead set against both

      There is nothing Mossad or Rothschild about Tharoor or Swamy.

      Captain claims to have superior perception. How then could he elevate Narendra Modi to almost Kalki status when in reality he was another albeit more pragmatic BJP candidate? And now the captain is shocked that Modi is friendly to Israel!! Hello, since the normalization of relations in 1992 pretty much every government has been close to Israel with varying degrees. Is this really news to him?

      And now he has turned against Swamy for his pro Israel views and that his daughter married some Muslim guy.

      Far from being perceptive, the captain is incredibly naïve and foolish. He falls in love with some personality on whom he projects his aspirations be it Modi, Swamy or now Putin without doing any background check whatsoever. But when it is revealed that they are not 100% in tandem with his views, something that could be discovered with a simple google search, he assigns them the role of Zionist shill, deshdrohi, false flag agent etc etc

      I had an argument with the captain first in 2013,and then a more spirited one in 2014. So it is an utter mystery to me why it is necessary to mention me in edited 2011 blogposts!

    95. @anu It is apropos that your kul devata is Parasurama. I believe even Konkani people have a legend similar to Keralites that he recovered land from the Arabian Sea(Sindhu Mahasagara) and assigned them said dwelling between the sea and western ghats.

      Many Konkanis claim Maurya origin as it is claimed that the descendants of Maurya royalty and clans who fled after Pushyamitra Sunga came to power came to the Konkan region where they formed a short lived dynasty of the same name.

      Marathi is often referred to having Telugu grammar. When I hear Marathi I can hear a lot of similar words and pronunciation. To many north Indians, the Hindi accent of hard core Marathi speakers sounds a lot like a South Indian accent.

      When I see names of Maratha generals with names with Rao, Appa,,Venko(Venkat) , Balaji they are identical to Telugu names which are not found anywhere in North India with the exception of Rao which you found more often as Rai or Roy

    96. "So it is an utter mystery to me why it is necessary to mention me in edited 2011 blogposts! " - YSV he has a pathological need to prove himself a messiah who has come down to save India(don't forget the next revolution will be unleashed through spamming).

      Iniyavel although Subramaniam Swamy has been known to make apparent Uturns in the past also,but they were mostly because he genuinely disliked the status quo due to something he perceived to be not right.I am not saying that all of his Uturns were right.I just hold the opinion that Swamy is a genuine person and far better than many other shrewd people in power.

      Capt's perception of Putin is that the latter is the "leader of the free world(whatever that means)".However he will not publish a single comment that might reveal Putin maintaining good relations with Israel at present.And I just can't digest someone singing praises of N . Korea and her ruling Kim Jong dynasty! YSV I am quoting your line here taken from one of your comments during our discussions on Economic policies ;)

      "Im sure people like the captain will keep singing praises of North Korea but when push comes to shove he will make his domicile in South Korea same way he does nothing but praise Kerala but live in Manipal, Karnataka!"

      The above observation of YSV sums up Capt the avatar of Hypocrisy :)

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    98. @Iniyavel, Gokarna is very near to my home town and it's a wonderful place.
      @ysv, yes you are right about that Parasuram legend, konkanis do believe that Parashuram brought them from the banks of mythical Saraswati river and settled them along the Konkan area. Konkan region and Goa is also called Parasuram bhumi. However during the Portuguese inquisition of Goa, our ancestors migrated to coastal Karnataka.
      Rao surname is also common among kannadigas and konkanis.

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    102. Iniyavel you may or may not trust Modi,it's your democratic right.I would say that if we could trust Sonia Gandhi to run India for such a long time,then Inida needs to give Modi some time as PM.This is not out of my liking for Modi,but for the desire to see general welfare and development of India.Iniyavel the political scenario is incredibly tough at this moment but I don't think it is due to any zionist mechanics at work.Infact going by the logic of conspiracy theories,India should have been a second Israel by now,considering the fact that Rothschilds are working overtly and covertly since the East India Company.
      However not all conspiracy theories are wrong though.For example,I feel the Joshua Project has an element of aggression associated with it.

      I have already read most of the links in your comments before you posted this :) One of my hobbies is exploring conspiracy theory sites :) I am aware of the APCO zionism claim.However I feel YSV will be a better person to elaborate on this.Personally what I find interesting is that such deep secrets are opened up by simple blogspots and wordpress sites so easily that they seem to be written by the Zionists themselves :)

      Iniyavel Just think on this.Much of the international communication between the heads of the nations is kept hidden and classified.So the international leadership community works very much on the lines of Rothschilds and Zionists as envisioned by conspiracy theorists.I feel there's no separate need for any R to run in the backstage.Conspiracy theories actually survive on this secrecy of higher level interactions.And not only Mossad,espionage organizations of all countries try to establish underground links in other (particularly hostile) nations.I feel Mossad is bashed the most because of its efficiency and association with Israel.What is interesting is that the many conspiracy bloggers who hit Mossad think that Russian KGB is the real saviour of the world :)

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    104. Ok stop. Explain why exactly Israeli MOssad wishes to destabilize India? I never understood this aspect of anti Zionism.

      Why is it so hard for conspiracy prone people to accept that leaders can be felled by common peoples due to their own lapse of judgement. Be it John Wilkes Booth and Lincoln, Gavrilo Princep and the Archuduke of Ferdinand, Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK or the Sikh bodyguards and Indira Gandhi.
      Indira Gandhi was warned frequently about her bodyguards and that they were felt strongly for Bhindranwale , but she refused stating that it would set a bad image. She paid for her admirable sentiment with her life.

      Swamy was simply closer to Rajiv due to his stringent approach to the economy and technology.

      Yeah a leader like Ayotallah Khomeini is just the ticket. So that Indian women can become prostitutes on a large scale like Iranian women. And Indian youth become drug addicts.
      And Indians abandon Hinduism in droves like Iranians are with Islam

      If you love him so much move to Iran but keep that rubbish out of India. Gaddafi was a crackpot but he ended up on the wrong side of history only because crooked British and French interests wanted to play Bush to Libyas Iraq. Bush whatever his flaws was a great wartime president . As Obama realized, he is tough act to flaw. Forget about mediocre Gordon Brown and Sarkozy

      You already know how I feel about Hitler. Again I don't care for the mass rape of Indian women and bombardment of Mumbai,Delhi and Hyderabad by Chinese forces due to our Indian hitlers overreach. again you are welcome to this in your private Idaho, no need to impose this on us.

      I will ensure the moment such characters appear to take power, I will not hesitate to shoot them dead and if you get in the way Iniyavel, you will get the same treatment. Sorry to be so blunt , but it is for a greater good.

      I am prepared for the consequences of my actions if need be as my conscience will be clean.

      We don't need examples of Holodomor. We already had the British carry out famines on a similar scale. There is no reason why your beloved tyrants would not implement the same on enemies of the state.

    105. I find it comical that people decided APCO is somehow a devil even as it is really a PR and advisory firm which individuals and corporations out of their own voilition. If you don't like their advice, they can be shown the door.

      The use of APCO may point to the Americanization of Indian politics towards a more professional and media savvy approach. In U.S its a mixed blessing, but India with its genius for indigenizing may make improvements on that model, who knows.

      We should neither chastise nor praise ISI,Mossad, KGB/FSB,CIA, MI6,RAW etc etc for what they do. Each represents their countries interests ,nothing more nothing less. Let us judge them by the mission statement of their bosses and if we don't like it , fight fire with fire. And when we find common ground, join forces even if temporarily.

      I see nothing in the Mossad operations,history or character that is harmful to India in anyway.
      All the anti Zionists offer is at best are vague claims and not even circumstantial evidence but wild speculation.

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    107. First off let me reiterate that was a hypothetical situation where I posit my shooting a tyrannical leader coming to power and IF you get in my way , I would shoot you too.

      Now that is not exactly a threat per se. Just an indication as to how opposed I am to what you consider a good leader.

      The Jain commission report is a terrible joke. It has political interference written all over it. They removed references to DMK leaders which would be more logical since they are closer to LTTE than any Mossad/CIA link.

      And what are one of the sources of Mossad involvement- Yasser Arafat! Wow there is an unbiased, objective source! Palestinians have been caught red handed doctoring reports and propaganda. You will forgive me if I don't take them at their word.

      There are banksters in the world but most of them are not Zionist. If so it doesn't explain why Israel for most of its history was an impoverished nation and even now while quite well to do is not exactly an oil sheikhdom when it comes to the lifestyle of its citizens.

      Che Guevera was a monster who died like a coward willing to surrender only to be shot dead. And he deserved that fate. Batista wasn't perfect but he didn't reign over a hellhole like Castro.
      If you retroactively decide who is a Zionist and who is Zionist as per the captain(here you still suffer from the Vadakayil disease) then it becomes very easy to make it seem like the Zionists rule the roost. I mean for gods sake , there are people who think the Wahhabi royal family and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are Zionists. I guess when they fall, people like you will crow -see that is what happens to anti Zionists while convenient sweeping all their talk of destroying Israel under the rug.

      If you don't know what harm is Iran doing to anyone then you and I read very different newspapers. Havent you heard of the drill inspector Muqtada al sadr in Iraq, the civil war in Yemen,Hamas in Gaza, Iranian terror plots in GCC states, Hezbollah in Lebanon. The mischief in Afghanistan and Pakistan and very soon coming to a Shiite neighborhood near you in India.
      Seriously what planet are you living on?

      If by defeating Western forces you mean the decline of Iranian demographics, internal dissension, pariah status, large scale prostitution and drug addiction of the youth and Iranians fleeing in droves from Islam , then I say to Khomeini -congratulations mission accomplished. Judging by his actions, I wouldn't be surprised when some traditional Iranians call Khomeini a secret Zionist! There I just made your head explode. With conspiracy theorists, it happens sooner or later. Conspiracies are eating you up and that is the reason for your psychological trauma. You are fighting imaginary ghosts. And until you come to terms with the insanity and stupidity of your political views, you will continue to have these disturbing dream and from my POV you deserve them.

      Good night and good luck

    108. Iniyavel you took that shoot threat too seriously bro :) Anyway YSV will never shoot you Iniyavel :P It was because of the idiocy of Hitler that German women got raped mercilessly by Soviet forces at the end of the world war 2.Iniyavel whatever good Hitler did to Germany in the initial stages,he is not a person whom we should aspire to have as our ruler.

    109. Forgot to mention, I think Swamy is frustrated with Tamil people for their DMK fetish. Seriously it has been more than 50 years already, why cant Tamils snap out of it. His irritation with Tamils is not the same as Vadakayils. I am not sure what Swamy expects of Tamils, to be sure I don't expect to hop onto the narrow provincial north Indian BJP agenda. But for Shiva's sake cmon DMK and movie stars? Are these same Tamils who gave us the Cholas,Pallavas and Sangam literature. Sadly not. Heck they aren't even genetically the same people. But that's a different post.

    110. YSV why aren't they genetically same?Was it a satire or you have a more serious point in your mind?

    111. Much of South Indian population especially Tamils no longer represent the founding populations who created and defined the cultures. Over the past two thousand years or so there has been a gradual tribalization specifically Austroloid of the entire peoples in the regions.

      That is due to frequent warfare and resulting devastation which killed off scores of populations and people were selected from outlying tribes to replace existing clans and castes.

      You can see this in cases like such as the battle of Palnadu where Dalits such as Mala and Madiga came to the fore from being on the outskirts on society. As well as the Kalabhra invasions of Tamil Nadu, who were related to Bhils of Rajasthan

      Ancient south Indians, came in different complexions but were more Caucasoid than they are today. This can be seen from the descriptions of ancient Tamils as yellowish golden color.
      And Greeks compared complexion of Andhras to Egyptians ie not European but not African , say like a southern Italian or a GCC Arab.

      What occurred is similar to the Mexican scenario where a white minority was overwhelmed demographically by a non white native populace.

      Now I am not saying that Indians ,south or north, are white or Caucasian. Or that they were blond blue eyed Nordics. No. I am stating that we grew out of Neolithic populations who for the most part dark Mediterranean types ranging from white skin to very dark , of medium stature, lean build with oval face ,straight nose, deep set eyes

    112. Iniyavel regarding your statement "We do not have one independent leader free of vested interests post Indira Gandhi.",I do not think Indira Gandhi was free of vested interests and this extends to all members of the Nehru clan according to me.

    113. "Che Guevera was a monster who died like a coward willing to surrender only to be shot dead. And he deserved that fate." -YSV here in India a few years back there was a sudden craze to buy and wear T shirts with the face of Che Guevara.Capt never fails to sing the glories of Che,ofcourse whitewashing latter's shortcomings completely as is his wont.

    114. India has enough heroes to be admired.So we don't need to import a Che Guevara face for our Tshirts :)

    115. re Vested interests. It all depends on how you define vested interests. Indira Gandhi had a vested interested into turning India into her personal fiefdom as seen from the emergency and the rise of her two "laadlas" Sanjay and Rajiv to power.
      The local bania industrialists also had vested interests in keeping her in power as they cared little for the foreign competition that would occur in the liberalization of the 90s. God forbid Indian consumers have a decent choice in the quality of goods to buy and not be fleeced by local producers in the name of swadeshi and self reliance!

      Iniyavel, so far all of your political and economic positions are 100% certified Vadakayil. You have taken one step of out the abyss but you are not out yet. There is still work to be done. And your realization about Vadakayil stemmed not from whether he is right or wrong about most issues but purely out of self interest(his anti Tamil sentiments). Of course nothing wrong with self interest. But let us not sit here and pretend that the source of disagreement with him is ideological. Because as far as I am concerned ideologically you are firmly in the Vadakayil camp.
      So inspite of you breaking ranks with him, you are technically still spouting the same tired anti Zionist/anti Semitic socialist propaganda and bigotry.

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    117. "It all depends on how you define vested interests. " -YSV you spoke my mind when you explained the vested interests of Indira Gandhi.

      Iniyavel for every conspiracy theory that you bring claiming Khomeini fought Zionists,there is a reverse conspiracy theory that will give you a well-constructed argument that he was a zionist.So come out of this web of conspiracies .And most political conspiracy theorists actually hanker after publicity of their sites.

    118. Iniyavel I am giving you a friendly suggestion.Accept Capt when he says good things,for example his post on Suryanamaskar,slavery of Indians by British,obesity and such other topics :) However don't take up the political theories of Capt even to the smallest bit.The same Capt says that Indira Gandhi was free from all faults,Modi is our messiah who will remove the backlog of 800 years of humiliation,Putin is the leader of the free world (?) etc .

    119. @Iniyavel Let us perform a cost benefit analysis of the DMK. What have they done exactly? Have they ensured a higher standard of living than say even Kerala which is a communist backwater? Tamil Nadu is as of now a source of immigrants than emigrants and has been for a while? Don't believe ask the Kannadigas in Bangalore or Shiv Sena in Mumbai?

      They had run ins in Tamils which were quite brutal. Of course I am not justifying anti Tamil sentiment. The question is if DMK was so awesome why were flooding other metros in the first place?

      Forget Hindutva. I don't care for Hindutva either as it is more about nationalism masquerading as religion. Let us talk of Hinduism. How exactly have Hindus fared in Tamil Nadu? You have ATHIEST DMK members deriding Rama, Ganesha and Krishna while not giving Allah and Jesus the same treatment as they know they would get their throats slit the next morning.
      And then you have the absurdity of Periyar mausoleum where visitors leave their shoes outside. Im sorry wasn't he a rationalist?

      Contrary to your fantastic assertions, Christians LOVED DMK because their anti Hindu animus created a lot of potential for them to fish from. May I remind that the DMK supported LTTE is disproportionately Christian.
      And the only time that Christians were against DMK was when Annadurai approved the Vivekananda rock memorial off the shore of Kanyakumari.
      Because of DMK, universities in TN which were once world renowned are now a caricature of their former selves. And pray tell me what happened to all the Brahmins in TN? Was the evil BJP who filled their voices with anti non Brahmin propaganda that caused them to seek refuge elsewhere? Or was it head honcho Periyar who said charming things like "Brahmin women should be made public property for all to enjoy"
      You are welcome to your messiahs. If Tamils don't wake up and see the light, then they deserve their sorry fate.

      You conflating Hindutva with Hindi states which is not the case. Bihar, MP are not Hindutva not by a long shot. And even UP and Rajasthan are not firmly in the Hindutva camp.

      I dislike the BJP but your hatred is irrational. If the BJP tailors its agenda to regional needs instead of its silly one size fits all policy then I will be more open to it. Indeed if its success in AP and Karnataka is any indication, it is attempting to do just that.

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    121. "I'm a lone wolf roaming around the forest on my own now." - Iniyavel a beautiful philosophical perspective bro :)

      " I condemn Feku, which Tattoo never does. Same with Swamy, Jaya, etc." - But last time I visited his website,I saw him threatening Modi incessantly on the latter's hypothetical zionist strategies.Infact here I would give the credit to Capt,because he bashes Modi at every opportunity now,the same Modi whom he had raised to the level of Avatar before elections ;) I have never seen so dramatic a withdrawal from the hardcore previous stance in a person :)
      However that doesn't mean that I support the views of Capt.He bashes Modi for the most illogical reasons possible on earth ! My gut feeling is that Modi is unique among all other PMs of India till now.We should give him absolute majority for a minimum 2 consecutive terms to move the nation on the path of economic progress.However the people of India will decide and I am no one to do that.As I wrote in one of my earlier comments,morning doesn't show the day atleast in national and international politics.We might generate a better option than Modi by 2019.

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    125. Iniyavel you are person riddled with complexes and contradictions.
      DK and DMK differences are like coke and pepsi, not worth splitting hairs over.
      I see so its ok if Periyar said those things. Let us imagine if a Jew said the same thing about Indians, you would be howling with outrage!
      There is no need for ethnic cleansing when you go around smashing and doing property damage and spray painting- Aryans go home.

      Let us posit a scenario which gangster minded types like you can understand. Imagine me and some goonda besiege your walls of your compound, playing loud music in the middle of the night, abusing your womenfolk in the foulest terms and constantly letting you know you are unwelcome foreigners and that you should get out.
      Eventually you relent and leave. By your logic I can say that this is not ethnic cleansing , that you left on your own accord.
      Jeez you have a disgusting and immoral mindset. No wonder you support the Nazis. The only difference between Nazis and DK/DMK are that the latter are mediocre at whatever they do and thank god!

      And race mixing leading to genocide? Where have heard that before? Oh yeah from your hero Adolf Hitler! Im sorry did some one put a gun to the heads of Tamil men and women and force them to marry foreigners. If you don't find members of your own community to your liking then don't bitch and whine about it.
      BTW many ultra orthodox Jews also claim that Jewish intermarriage is genocide, will you sympthasize with them on this basis?

      And what is this nonsense about "making food cheap"? Didn't you just complain that MGR was giving away freebies? How is an artificial reduction of prices different in principle from giving free stuff? Are you even vaguely familiar with the basics of economics? I guess your support for Indira Gandhi and Hitler answers that question.

      Tamils under DK/DMK have become the most hated amongst South Indian groups .This is a reality.

      So if a non Tamil has a problem with Tamils, then it is the fault of that non Tamil but if a non Jew has an issue with the Jews its because all Jews are Zionist bigots. Ok got it. Thanks

      DK/DMK are illiterate and promote illiteracy of Tamil culture. What else will explain their stupid claims that Ravana was Dravidian and Tamil literature has no Sanskrit influence?

      Brahmins in TN were never tortured because they fled before Tamil lunatics like you had a chance. Either way it is pretty low bar to compare yourself to Pakistan and Bangladesh when it comes to persecution of Hindus.
      You are implicitly admitting that there is discrimination but wish to deflect it by brining up Pakistan

    126. As for Brahmins ruling states, who made you judge jury and executioner as to what they and shouldn't do. Let us judge individuals by their merits and not their backgrounds. Seems like idiotic DMK casteist sentiments die hard.
      If a ruler with a strong grasp for governance, law and order and economy comes to fore, I will support him/ her be he Brahmin, Dalit, Maravar, Vellalar, Reddy ,Kamma or what have you.

      SO you DMK which ruled a state a swim away from Sri Lanka as no dealing with LTTE whatsoever. LOL what are you smoking? Probably the same substance that made you claim that IRan was an innocent party in the Middle East. Oh btw thank you for atleast acknowledging that Hezbollah is a wing of Iran. I guess that's progress

      Your arguments for the greatness of Tamil universities is simply comical and pathetic. Firstly I never claimed that mallu and Andhra universities were awesome .Most of the best universities in south India remain in Karnataka. And also East Asian riff raff students don't mean anything. Heck when I was in U.S in college , a Japanese student told me that the knuckleheads end up in U.S , the brightest remain in Japan. Similar situation for Korea and China. So consider that before you start crowing about the status of universities in TN.
      Heck Rajinikanth is incredibly popular in Japan, that doesn't make his movies superior to Kurosawas!

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    130. @ysv I agree with most of what you say. Particularly, the dravidian parties are vastly corrupt and immoral. But I don't think there has been much of a brahmin exodus from TN as you make it out to be. There ARE brahmins in TN, and some are in good positions (except politics obviously). For example TVS company was started by a brahmin family. There was a dark period in the past during Periyar's time, when anti-brahmin sentiment peaked, but it went down from there. Nowadays, brahmins and non-brahmins live in relative harmony. But there are occasional tussles between other majority castes and dalits only in south TN.

    131. Also, most who leave TN, leave India entirely. They usually go for prosperous countries like US or Canada were their talents are put to better use. The problem is our incompetent politicians making economic policies rather than some kind of Nazi state running TN.

    132. I never said that there was a genocide of Brahmins in TN but certainly non Brahmin Tamils instigated by Dravidian parties created a very hostile environment causing them to flee. While obviously Dravidian parties were not Nazis in how they dealt with the Brahmins but a lot of dehumanization and scapegoating done of Brahmins was eerily similar to how Jews were treated prior to Kristallnacht.

      To say that Brahmins are there is Tamil Nadu without political representation is not really an admission of their being welcome there.

      The real power anywhere lies in politics, not academia, industry or organized religion even in India.

      Nazis were just as incompetent as communists at running economies. The difference of economic policies of National SOCIALISTs and Communists is that of coke and pepsi

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  7. @ Jam Thanks JAM. Regarding the captains bad karma about threatening me with jail only to boomerang on him, I was reminded of a truestory I read on a book on yoga on the matter of visualizing what one desires.

    There was a lady in New York state who wished desperately to acquire a Cadillac. To this she visualized that she would have a Cadillac parked in her driveway. But matters took a downward turn her husband lost her job and she suffered from a serious illness so to make ends meet , they gave out their house for rent and moved in as a tenant in a more rundown area. When she decided to pay her tenant a visit in her now rented house, she discovered that he had purchased a Cadillac now parked in the driveway!

    If that can happened with (misplaced) positive thinking, imagine what can occur with utter hatred, negativity and bigotry that the captain indulges in! And we have proof of this now!
    And yet again on Katjus and his own blog earlier this month (in his comments to Amith Mishra), he claims I will be jailed . Some people never learn!

  8. I forgot to mention: Rajiv Malhotra said that TN is ground zero for break India project. I don't think I would put in such dramatic terms but I don't blame people for thinking that due to the anti Hindu and anti national DMKs strangehold over the Tamil people.

    Tamils had been champions of Hinduism once ,intellectually and militarily. They are capable of becoming the Navy Seals of Hindu revivalism. Look I know the British coupled with arrogant north Indian interests really did a number on Tamil identity and self confidence with the ridiculous Aryan/Dravidian theory and non martial race nonsense. But no point in moping about the last 300 years. Better to concentrate on the glory of the Cholas than to ponder in despair over the Madras Presidency. Of course lets not forget the latters humiliation and degradation but let us not obsess either.

    1. But in 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, Maravas - one of the three Hindu martial castes of Tamil Nadu - fought both Muslim rulers of Arcot as well as British most valiantly - particularly in Madura and Tirunelveli. The trouble they gave British across three centuries was such that they classed Maravas as a criminal tribe and used most vicious methods of suppression on them. How many even know about the legendary exploits of Puli Thevar in eighteenth century?

      British policy was destruction of martial training and ethos of war-like castes in Southern and Eastern India while they did the opposite with Northern, Central and Western India. After 1857, martial castes of North and Central India fell out of favor with British. British favored Sikhs and Gorkhas as only they were considered reliable in terms of loyalty.

    2. Maravars, Reddys ,Kammas et al in Arcot, Rayalseema had fought the Muslims in the past but since the 17 century they were content to recognize Muslim authority as long as Muslims left them alone. Basically they had checked out of the struggle of Hindu dominance which was practiced by Vijayanagar and later its ideological descent the Marathas.

      As for Puli Thevar, how many of these average urban Indians know anything apart from antakshari, cricket statistics and Shah Rukh Khan movies?
      The average Indian public is not interesting in history or culture. The great mass of Hindus is content with celebrating the occasional Diwali, Dusshera or Ugadi and that too only for the festivities!

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    1. Iniyavel you seem to take it very seriously.We attend YSV's blog for chilling off after a tough day and not taking more burdens :) I can't say about politics but religion shouldn't drag anyone down.I thought religion enriches the human mind.

  10. Author of this essay say that conversion of foreigners to Hinduism is not allowed but in same breath he is disgusted with rigid approach to Hinduism of some internet Hindus.If he himself is not willing to take a broader mind in terms of converting people of Mlechcha lineage into Hinduism, what moral right does he have to criticize others for being narrow minded?

    Do please tell me what is Hinduism? There is no such a thing called Hinduism. There are many different Hinduisms many of which do not need Vedas nor Brahmins at all.

    Some words on Hindutva. Savarkar wants to build a brotherhood of all those for whom Hindustan is fatherland as well as holyland. Here fellow feeling would be based on common historical, geographical and biological ties. It is much better than one based on religion because if religion by nature tends to be divisive. If you were to establish a “Hindu” theocratic state, what would be your official sect? Soon you will be seeing sectarian struggles within wider Hindu community.

    1. Sagar your arguments make absolutely no sense. You are comparing apples and oranges. I am simply stating facts while you are making excuses for the clowns who take the conversion of Julia Roberts as a medal for Hinduism

      If you want to define Hinduism on your terms and are upset with my definition then please stay in Vadakayils blog as that is fit for you.

      First of all Hindusthan is a Persian term utilized by Muslims. So already you are defining yourself on foreign terms. Savarkar understood practically nothing of Hinduism as per his own implicit admission.

      Once you talk absolute nonsense. Religion is divisive but blood ties are not. Are you even vaguely familiar with the history of India and the frequent wars between different kingdoms and ethnic groups?
      You say religion is divisive and then in the same time you claims that people of Gandhara and people of Chola and Avantika countries have a common history? What utter rubbish

      And where do you get this thoroughly idiotic notion that I want to establish a theocratic state? Show any argument in the essay where I stated that?

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    1. For chilling out you can watch Fruits Basket and Full Moon Wo Sagashite,if you haven't done so already :)

      When I am in a mood to chill out,I turn to Pink Panther,Tom and Jerry,Flinstones and other Hanna-Barbara fun cartoons.And for more sobre folks,the original Batman animated cartoon series ,Batman Beyond series,X Men etc are quite good in my views. Perhaps I am more of a Zionist when it comes to cartoon selection :P

    2. Iniyavel I forgot to mention Fruits Basket and Full Moon are animes.

      Last time when I was discussing animes with you,I missed out a point there ,ie,I think animes are taking up the market of Western cartoons only because USA couldn't find replacements for William Hanna,Joseph Barbara,Chuck Jones and ofcourse Walt Disney after their demise.

      However going by the Capt's logic,Rothschild now likes Japanese animes more than the western ones which he enjoyed in his childhood,and that is the reason why he is making Jap animes overhyped and more popular by controlling the world entertainment market :P

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    1. See the world without R and his zionist imaginations is not such a bad place :-)

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    4. "And it doesn't harm anyone's psyche in a negative way ..." - Iniyavel then let me do some harm to your psyche through animes :) Watch Elfen Lied,Higurashi When They Cry and Hell Girl . After this you would surely change your opinion :) My impression is that Jap animes are more complicated than western cartoons.Iniyavel have you watched Death Note?

      As long as you acquire knowledge in a healthy way,whether it is religion or politics,nothing will harm you .Rather it will widen our overall outlook.Now I have a much broader outlook after discussing many diverse topics with YSV than I had a few months back before I started frequenting his blog.

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    6. Iniyavel I noticed that you have changed your profile pic.The new one is probably that of Mitsuki of Full Moon ,if I am not wrong.If I ever get a girl to love in real life,I would like her to be a Mitsuki :)

      Now coming to the your point on certs,I am sharing my views.I think if neworking cert is what you want,then CCNA +CCNP is a better route to that.Microsoft certification is probably more geared up for the systems administration side.Atleast that is what I have heard.But I have not persued any of them so I am not the most competent person to address this.

      Choose Networking as your field only if you are interested to work here.Networking has become super-saturated with CISCO and MSCE flooding the market.Whenever you would apply to some of the decent networking companies,you will invariably find a sea of competitors who are equal to or better than you in terms of credentials.

      But all is not so dark and gory :) If you are really interested in comp sc and networking,then you can choose to do a masters in these fields from the top IITs ,IISC,TIFR and other good institutions in India.Believe me a masters in Comp science from these institutions can be more rewarding in the long run than many tier 1 mba degrees.

      I am not including symantec cert here because it is a different thing than the networking certs which I feel you are targetting.Do correct me if my perception is wrong .

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    8. You didn't mention MBA and I have noticed that.I was just comparing a masters in comp sc with a mba from institutes like IIM,XLRI etc.In many cases,a masters in comp sc can be more rewarding than such mba,particularly if you can make a decent progress in your field with the completion of a few successful projects as YSV hinted.

      Technical knowledge in a high-end specialisation will remain ever-green in the corporate sector,unlike general management knowledge which will always have good supply.And this is exactly the problem with the CCNA ,MSCE etc.I am not saying that these certs are bad,it's just that they won't help you rise above the rest in most cases,unless you can squeeze something extra from these courses with your interest in the subject.

      YSV's observation on Snowden is spot on.I was actually trying to stress this point,ie,technical domain knowhow is better in the long run provided you can utilise it.

      I think the field which is likely to have high and sustained demand vis-a-vis supply throughout our lifespans is embedded systems.In the near future,even mundane mechanical,electro-mechanical and electrical systems will get embedded with computers for their efficient control.So I guess a wide scope lies ahead.Another interesting aspect of embedded systems specialisation is that it combines hardware engg with software knowledge.

      Whatever knowledge you gain with CCNA type certs,will always be lesser than fulltime PG degrees of IITs,IISC etc.

  13. I concur with jam w regard to certification saturation. The issue is not that the knowledge and skills these titles bestow is useless but that employers prefer hands on experience of successful projects. I keep reading some I T career websites which state oh complete cisa mcse ccnp or whatever certification and collect starting salary 85k $. Now that is just misleading. Sure u can make that much with basic certification but only in rare scenarios where supply is low and demand is high.

    Im for certifications in place of four year colleges but I think many of the new certificates are often a ruse just so u wud pay to take tests. And stay away from PMP
    It is the silliest thing in the world

    Btw nsa whistleblower ed snowden didnt have a fancy degree from MIT but security certifications.even in seemingly meritocratic fieldslike IT , career prospects often hinge on not what u know but who u know

    Sorry havent been posting as often as I like as ive been really busy and apologies for typos as I am posting on a handheld.

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    2. Mr. YSV I am looking at your posts today. Have left u a reply saying some Strong words out of some ignorance. If u happen to see them. Please ignore and my apologies. Good work by the way!


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