Pankaj Mishras illiterate and poorly written anti Trump/Modi screed for the NYT

One of things I really really hate is when the lies , whether of omission or commission, hysterics ,nonsense and ignorance of leftist secular writers forces me to defend Hindutvadis and the American Right. I prefer not to defend politicians and political ideologies in general unless the alternative is truly horrible , which it is with Democrats who are this point are led by their mentally ill rabid base.

Anyhow this Pankaj Mishra talks a lot of nonsense trying to fool goras who dont know any better about India. Leftist whites really dont know anything about the world in general apart from tweeting how much they love chicken tikka masala and naan. They believe their bottomless jaded appetites makes them compassionate and cosmopolitan.

I wont like the NYT article as I dont prefer to link pay sites. Much less garbage like the NYT.

Anyhow lets continue with this abortion of a column..

“I love Hindu,” Donald Trump proclaimed during his presidential campaign in 2016. That adoration of India’s majority population, and America’s richest and most obviously pro-Trump minority, may have just gotten deeper.

Trump is an amusing guy and mis speaks sometimes . Relax. Most Indian Americans are not really pro Trump. They didnt vote majority Republican at all. Only 16% voted for him. Yes later a higher percentage had a high approval of him but its more like 35% and approval numbers dont easily translate to votes. Already a fact fail. And we are not even 4 lines in.

On his first visit to India next week, Mr. Trump claims, he has been promised a welcoming crowd of “10 million” by the country’s Hindu-supremacist prime minister, Narendra Modi. (Never mind that the total population of the city where Mr. Modi and Mr. Trump plan to hold a joint rally is a little over eight million.)

I dont know much about the logistics of the rally . Isnt it possible that many came from out of the city or even state to visit Trump? Even so is some hyperbole the greatest crime there is?

Last September at a rock-concert-like rally at a Houston football stadium, Mr. Modi and Mr. Trump walked hand-in-hand, the two stocky strongmen looking like brothers-in-arms. Certainly, nowhere in the world can Mr. Trump encounter a profounder fraternal spirit than among India’s present rulers. India under them fulfills, to a startling degree, the American president’s irascible fantasy of what the United States should be: a country cravenly surrendering its traditions of law and decency before a perpetually inflamed and ham-handed autocrat.

Name any autocratic tendencies of Trump. If anything to the surprise of many of his detractors he is very wary of the limitations of his office . This can be seen in his response to the COVID 19 situation where he allowed states to make their own decisions whether about lockdowns or lifting them as befits a federal system.

Mr. Trump has controversially pardoned some white-collar criminals, including Michael Milken, and might extend clemency to Roger Stone. He can only envy the culture of impunity in India. Charges of murder and kidnapping have long pursued Amit Shah, Mr. Modi’s closest confidant and India’s home minister, but the judge in his case mysteriously died soon after Mr. Modi became prime minister in 2014 and the next judge swiftly acquitted Mr. Shah.

"Mysteriously died" . Is this guy a journalist or a gossip columnist and pulp writer. Why should anyone take such an individual seriously?

Roger Stone's crime ,if it is even a crime, does not deserve such a serious punishment. Regarding Michael Milken, even wikipedia actually seems sympathetic to this situation. His alleged crimes at the most seemed to be created novel financial instruments and some money managers not disclosing opportunities to clients so they could benefit. This wasnt really proved beyond a reasonable doubt. And the losses accrued to private investors was $318,000 . Then as now peanuts in the financial world. All the while Obama and Bush let those who created the financial crisis skate even as they collected 100s of millions in golden parachutes.

Mr. Trump has been forced to bypass Congress to push his measures against immigrants and Muslims. Denouncing Muslim immigrants as “termites,” Mr. Shah has pushed comprehensive laws against Muslim immigrants through the Indian Parliament and, with equal chutzpah, broken up the only Muslim-majority state in India.

Why are Muslims "immigrating" to India? Most of these were actually targetting illegal Bangladeshi Muslims. Another thoroughly revolting lie by omission.  Either way India has the right to restrict immigration by religion too if neccesary. Of course the government handled this in the most clumsy and ham handed way which led to unnecesary chaos and destruction.
A president can restrict immigration by executive order- i.e the so called Muslim ban. There was no need to consult Congress. Just as Obama implemented DACA without Congress.

Much outrage in America has correctly focused on the Trump administration’s cruel separation of children from their parents at detention centers. It has been barely noticed in India that Mr. Modi’s government has illegally detained numerous children in the valley of Kashmir, now in the midst of an endless crackdown.

What exactly is the government supposed to do when these illegals bring their children along for this hazardous journey? When you commit a crime it is not expected the child share a jail cell with you. Many of the Kashmiri children take a page from the palestinian handbook and pelt security forces with rocks. Many are armed with more substantial weapons. Yes the Indian army can be draconian in their approach but they often have good reason to apprehend underage Kashmiris.

Mr. Trump can expect some pushback from even his regular muse, Fox News.

Only one or two hosts on Fox News are pro Trump. Fox News is friendly only to neo con Republicans generally. This is why I cant take these people seriously . They dont do any thinking or basic research and simply throw out these "facts" out of their ass.

Mr. Modi can rely on uninterrupted sycophancy from almost all of India’s major television channels and newspapers;

LOL what??

“Modi toadies” (Salman Rushdie’s term)

What was your position on Salman Rushdie circa 1988?

broadcast uncritically, among other things, the falsehood that Indian fighter jets bombed and killed major terrorists in Pakistan.

Have your proven it to be a falsehood? Sure you can question the government claims. But how can you say with certainty that is false?

Whereas Mr. Trump can claim few real fans in Hollywood, Bollywood’s stars jostle to fit their extra-wide grins into Mr. Modi’s selfies.

hahaha! Bollywood stars are generally servile to anyone in authority unlike those in Hollywood . So it doesnt really mean anything.

India today with its groveling political and cultural elite is Mr. Trump’s deepest fantasy, flawlessly realized. A democracy once identified with great names such as Mohandas Gandhi has degenerated into Trumpland — an inferno of systemic brutishness, imbecility and mendacity.

There is no systemic brutishness in the Trump government. As for imbecility- he speaks simply plainly and often coarsely. But smooth talking Obama bombed a shit ton more Muslim children than Trump. These goddamn pundits I tell you, they dont care about action, its word and theories that matters most to them.

Trump is not so much a liar but somewhat who likes hyperbole and grandiose statements to exagerrate a certain truth. This can come across as lying to those uninitiated in this Queens speak. But the media takes this to absurd levels ,so much so that you actually wonder if the writer who takes Trump to task for his "lies" is autistic. For example Trump when inviting some football team , set up a food spread for them, composed mostly of fast food where the hamburgers of which there must been about 50 or 60 were stacked in towers. Trump said that these were a a mile high. And this was actually fact checked. When you have to fact check what is obviously an exagerration you have lost all sense of proportion. That is not to say Trump is always truthful. He is rather egoistic and this compels him to say some whoppers . But calling him mendacious in this context is a bridge too far.

To understand how this catastrophe occurred, one would have to examine how the broader culture of insatiable greed and competitive vanity that Trump embodies took hold in India.

Yes here come the most bizarre claims.

President Trump and Trumpism are manifestly a culmination of some of the worst tendencies in American society and culture in the 1980s and ’90s — the feverish worship of power, success and fame.

These actually culminated in the Obama hysteria than anything Trump has done. The late 60s and 70s didnt see much admiration of power, success and fame as people of Mishra's ideology were ruling the roost and almost wrecked the most powerful country in the world within a decade.

It is not often recognized that Mr. Modi and Hindu supremacism are the upshot in the same era of a ruthless pursuit of wealth and power — and a widespread rejection of values long central to Indian society.

LOL , you think pursuit of wealth and power are alien to Indian values? Obviously he has never spent any time among an Indian hen party or a corporate environment.

The leaders of India’s anti-imperialist struggle, most prominently Gandhi, had a famously low opinion of the profit-seekers and private-wealth creators who had come to dominate and degrade much of the world’s population.

So did Nehru and look what it did to the Indian economy. It made it the beggar of the world. "Hindu rate of growth", look it up Mr Mishra.

Accordingly, the proclaimed, if not always observed, ethos of postcolonial India was of self-restraint, frugality and collective welfare.

Who proclaimed this and how? How does collective welfare work in a country of ,then and now, 400 million and a billion people. It doesnt. Self restraint in what context? Food, drink, sex, self adornment? Who are you to wag your finger at people and dictate their lifestyle?

One sign of this high-mindedness was that popular cinema as well as political speeches and programs on state television attended closely to the fate of the rural poor — a majority of India’s population — and the tiny minority of the rich tactfully kept their lifestyles out of sight.

You must be joking .The movies of the 50s and 60s were concerned very much with those of the upper classes. The rural poor were also interested in these movies than yet another patronizing movie about a poor farmer. As I said Mishra, you can lie to goras because you are writing for that wretched rag The New York Times but your bullshit wont fly back home and you know it.

After visiting the United States in the 1960s, the Indian novelist R.K. Narayan wrote in highly idealized but not wholly inaccurate terms of the fundamentally opposed Indian and American conceptions of the good life: contentment in “austerity” versus “limitless pursuit of prosperity.”

This is one of the problems I had with RK Narayan. He idolized the stagnation and listlessness of the middle class at the time. If nothing else due to limited opportunity. I am sure it was a charming time to be alive as he captured it so evocatively . If I were alive at that time and place I probably would have been content but I see a contradiction here- if we were content would we have every thing that Mishra wants- better infrastructure, universal healthcare, welfare system etc. Who exactly would be paying for all this? And who would pay for a military which needs to be well equipped to deal with determined foes? Not an easily contented people for sure. Contentment is the privilege of nations of Europe ,Canada and Japan who already have a benefactor hovering over them. Or countries which have nothing to offer predators. India did not have those luxuries.

By the 1990s, however, ideas and worldviews from elsewhere, especially the get-rich-quick mentality personified by Michael Milken and Donald Trump, were radically altering the private and public cultures of India. I remember that the most popular way then to describe differences between successful America and striving India was to lament that Indians lack a “killer instinct” as well as a “strong leader.”

Hahaha. High finance is not a get rich quick scheme . Ok it can be if you have the right clientele and a lot of capital to start with but that is true of many industries and yet its not guaranteed. Milken did not have these advantages .It requires a lot of trial and error before you actually strike gold. And even then the odds are against you. Trump made his fortune in real estate. Try telling a developer his life calling is a get rich quick scheme and he will die laughing. I dont think this guy Mishra ever held down a proper job or knows anything about the economy in particular.

India also appeared to many to have become a “soft state,” crippled by the philosophical baggage of its founders, unable to keep minorities in their place and to embrace the bonanza of the free market, and incapable, too, of the amoral hardheadedness needed to realize its destiny as a great power — one that is as feared and respected as the United States.

Blacks in America and Muslims in India have very different histories. One were slaves and the others were masters. And unlike whites in U.S, many Muslims still harbor fantasies of being masters. It is completely dishonest and disingenous to ignore this to make your cheap propaganda points. But nothing about you surprises me right now.

Traveling across India for a book on small towns, three years after India’s economic liberalization started in 1991, I was astonished by how quickly self-perceptions were changing among many middle-class and upper-caste Indians.

You were writing since then are you are still this ignorant??

Most Indians were still struggling then, as they are now, for basic goods such as food, clean drinking water, toilets, jobs and livable homes.

This is a lie. Yes many rich and middle class people became richer but the liberalizations lifted a lot of people out of poverty as well. India became as aspirational society rather than a crab mentality which is what Pankaj Mishra may consider more wholesome.

In Hyderabad in the 1980s there were gangs of youths wandering aimlessly on the roads catcalling and harassing women and being a nuisance in general. In the late 1990s these types had all but disappeared as they had something to do. But no , according to Mishra they were no longer content! What a paradise it was for them to do nothing and make crude comments about under age girls. This is the real India we should admire!

But the largely upper-caste beneficiaries of liberalization proclaimed their distance from such “losers”;

The old rich always hates the novueau riche. And "losers" were just financially inferior though not poor. This is a class issue common to a lot of countries.

their New India was premised on the assumption that super-achieving and high-consuming Hindus under a strong leader will forge a country that knows how to defends its borders, to vanquish internal and external enemies, and to liquidate termites.

What exactly is wrong with this? It is normal for any countrys populace to desire this. Only idiot leftists wish the worst for their countries. These days they dont even hide it.

Notions of broader uplift and protecting the poor were being stigmatized as the hopeless obsessions of deluded lefties. A quasi-Trumpian worldview was emerging, in which society appeared a mere sum of self-aggrandizing individuals locked in fiercely zero-sum competition with one another, with winners as well as losers racked by fear, distrust and envy.

Hahaha. Economics fail. If free market teaches anything , it is that zero sum thinking is not encouraged. Wealth can be created as well as inherited. It is better for Indians to have more individuality than thinking of themselves only in terms of caste, religion or region eh? Arent you contradicting yourself dumbass? Goddamn did you source Fiverr to get a pimply 14 year old to write this drivel?

Regarding fear ,distrust and envy- has this guy actually lived during the 1980s? Distrust and envy occur most when resources are scarce. I remember the amount of dirty looks our neighbors gave us when they saw our color TV and VCR in our living room as they went from their entrace to the elevator. Your nonsense is non stop, Mishra.

The Hindu supremacists had already unleashed a stunningly successful politics of hatred. In 1992, after having promised to wage a peaceful campaign, they demolished a 16th-century mosque and then, after decades of marginality in Indian politics, rapidly rose to power in Delhi by the end of the decade on the back of anti-Muslim violence.

Ok, stop. An honest and humane person can have opposing view of this event. None of which you provide. What were the events and reasons that precipitated that event. You seem to just glide over them. Anti Muslim violence had little to do with BJPs rise to power.Perhaps it had more to do people taking a break from dynastic politics and parties a break dontcha think?

Their arriviste politics was matched, and boosted, by the social and cultural ambition of many rising Indians. It would be decades before a Trump Tower was built in Mumbai, but in India’s small towns, recently moneyed but culturally insecure Indians were already raising megalomaniacal monuments to themselves. Today, India’s richest person, who owns much of the fanatically pro-Modi media and monopolizes the country’s internet services, lives in a 27-story home in Mumbai — a more eloquent symbol, in a city of slums, of Trumpian excess than any Trump tower in America.

He may own a lot of pro Modi media but most of media is not pro Modi. You think you are real smooth trying to get away with that one dont you Mishra you pathetic worm? I dont care for Ambani's garish monstrosity but really thats not something most people bother themselves wi

If ostentatious architecture was one sign of India’s Trumpification, Bollywood was another. For decades, its films were known for their often sanctimonious insistence on ethical conduct. But by the late 1990s, some of Bollywood’s most successful films were showcasing gaudy, Trump-style consumerism, leavened by a hypermasculine Hinduism, in which women always knew their place. The new privately owned media further opened up possibilities of a principle-free existence by lavishly detailing the lifestyles of the rich, famous and obviously corrupt.

Goddamn the lies and obfuscation in these statements are out of this world. "Sanctimonious insistence on ethical conduct?" hahaha you mean when rape scenes were portrayed in a lurid manner because the censor board bizarrely decreed those ok but not characters having consensual sex? Or when honor killing and even rape was justified ,implicitly or explicityly , because the girl had been behaved in a seemingly disgraceful manner? Or the hero hounding and often beating his wife as if it she was an errant goat? Oh that ethical conduct!

The 1990s actually showed women working ,running business and yes often behaving immorally by having affairs etc. But they were shown as human beings capable of agency , not toys of the patriarchy. It is bizarre that you are defending those regressive movies but deriding the later ones BECAUSE TRUMP! Mishra you have really lost your marbles.

I have my problems with the direction the film industry has taken with regard to its target demographics. It has all but forgotten the middle class and dwell on silly spoilt protaganists whose life struggles involves whether to wear their ruby shoes or golden riding boots as they prepare for a $50 mocha at their favored ski chalet. This is as much a consequence of prosperity as with the coarse optimization of revenue by targeting expensive ticket buyers at multiplexes than those less well of at the old fashioned 70 mm cinemas. I wish there was more representation for them. But the nepotism and monotony that characterizes Bollywood wont let that happen. While he does criticize Bollywood content for ignoring marginalized communities (which I can agree with him), he spents much of his time grovelling over the celebrities. A quick google search reveals "Hooray For Bollywood" in 2004 where he grovels over the celebrity status and lifestyles. Again its for NYT( makes a living pulling wools over the eyes of whites I see) so no link.

The eventual beneficiary of this revolution, as much moral and cultural as political, were Hindu supremacists. They conducted nuclear tests in 1998

Not the smartest thing to do in my opinion but an intelligent argument can be made for and against this action. You Mishra provide neither.
and then threatened Pakistan with all-out war in December 2001, after a terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament that some have suggested could have been a false-flag operation by India’s security agencies.

OK then. You have shamelessly ventured into false flag territory . While in a craven and disgusting manner glossed over Kargil, Taliban hijacking and a whole host of other aggression by Pakistan which led to this culmination in December 2001. Mishra if you consider youself a journalist ,put up or shut up. And dont hide behind the revolting and snivelly "some have suggested" . Be a man state things openly- what do YOU say?
The following year, Mr. Modi set a new benchmark for the killer instinct by presiding over, as chief minister of the state of Gujarat, a pogrom that killed hundreds of Muslims and rendered homeless countless more.

So they just randomly started killing Muslims for no reason whatsoever ? (doing a Ctrl F for Godhra yielded no result). Now it is possible Godhra train incident was a result of bad ventilation and lack of safety practices . It is also possible Modi was kept in the dark regarding the scope of the atrocities by people he trusted. However in order to make such sweeping judgements you better qualify that this is your opinion based on the events ( which you did not provide fully) or just be quiet. Your shamelessness knows no bounds Mishra. Goddamn you have fewer morals than $5 Cambodian hooker.

Condemnations, including from the United States, which denied him a visa, were soon followed by full-throated endorsements by India’s biggest businessmen of Mr. Modi as a leader who gets things done — for the biggest businessmen, at least.

Yes that proved to sadly untrue. Economically he is a disaster. The big businessmen will manage to thrive in any climate. Thats why they are who they are.

It is clearer today that India’s quest for the killer instinct has climaxed with actual killers in high office. It is also plain that a structurally flawed and now swiftly failing economy cannot create the millions of jobs needed annually for India’s overwhelmingly youthful population and can only further concentrate financial and cultural capital on top of a 27-story private residence in Mumbai.

Ok , this is the only thing in the entire semi literate ramble I somewhat I agree with so far. But the causes are Modis loopy ideas about the economy which are mercantilist and patronizing and have a lot more in common with Indira Gandhi than Mishras cares to tell us.

Presiding over a grotesquely unequal and unjust society, Mr. Modi and his toadies work harder to channel India’s enormous reserves of anger and frustration against the weak and their “liberal” and “leftist” defenders. In the process, they betray themselves as Mr. Trump’s true soul mates.

I am somewhat sympathetic to this view too. Not all detractors of Modi are leftists. Liberals and leftists are not synonymous. Many liberals are suspicious of any government authority and wish more freedom for all. Leftists agitate against any government but their own and when do claw their ways to power they never let go as much as they can help it.

Much guff will be broadcast in the coming days about the “shared values” of the world’s largest democracies. But the most significant values that India and the United States share today are those of Mr. Trump and Mr. Modi — charlatans who succeed, initially, but then, failing abjectly at everything, retreat into resentful lies and bellicose bluster. The New India, much more than the United States, is now Mr. Trump’s spiritual home, and the president would, for once, attest to a genuine emotion when, imagining himself cheered by 10 million Hindus, he tells himself that he really loves Hindu.

Oops you lost me again. Modi's India is not to Trumps taste because Trump is a guy who actually values liberty and prefers not to dish out violence in a casual manner. Hence his reluctance not only to start new wars but also not to call in the National Guard to riot stricken states and let the governors and mayors deal with the situation as they see fit.

The real crime with this terribly written and very poorly thought out and researched article is that it is not befitting a man who has been writing I assume for more than 3 decades. If I submitted something like this to my freshman year English or Political Science teacher I would be lucky to get away with a C-. But Pankaj Mishra actually deserves an F , to which I would also add a U.


  1. Looks like this Pankaj Mishra is clutching at straws trying very hard to connect the rise of Modi in India with Trump in America. It is evident that he is ignoring the most important part of the essay: CONTEXT. The contexts in India and America were/are completely different.

    From what I see, Indian Americans are rather hypocrites. They support Hindutva at home but vote Democrat in America. Even British Indians voted Labor, not Conservative. Speaking of false equivalence...

    Many people who were in that stadium earlier this year were from outside Ahmedabad and Gujarat itself.

    Pankaj Mishra was talking about Justice Brijgopal Harkishan Loya but did not bother to mention it. Why not say Justice Loya? Or is a four-letter word hard to remember?

    Illegal immigrants need to be sent back home. The govt could have handled it better. Sadly that did not happen. Trolls on the Internet with their Rwanda Radio/RTLM language did not help matters at all.

    Unless the source of trouble in Kashmir, whether Pakistan-based or locally created, is weeded out, through skilled use of military and political power, militancy will be an enduring menace.

    Do you think George Soros is behind the mass migration from Central America? People were not only carrying their kids, they were carrying huge banners of their own countries' flags. Certainly did not look like a refugee exodus, at least to me.

    He is right to some extent about the TV media in India. Except political channels or NDTV, no one else really questions the Modi govt. This is one place where he is right. Not comparable to Fox News post Roger Ailes(?) is not exactly Trump's media. The less said about other American media outlets, the better.

    As for Salman Rushdie, I do not think Pankaj Mishra will answer that, for very obvious reasons. If the Ayatollahs lose power soon, it would be ironic. Salman Rushdie still lives but the regime established by the Ayatollahs who wanted him dead is gone. But will that ever happen?

    Re: Balakot airstrike, I am not sure what really happened. There is no clarity so I cannot comment.

    Trump seems to me a straightforward guy who speaks bluntly. I do not see how that is brutish. Although exaggeration tends to make people doubt you, that is not as much a crime as outright lying.

    Obama for all his smooth talking and virtue signaling actually ran the most totalitarian govt in America in ages, if I am not mistaken. He put a lot of Americans in dependency, he introduced borderline Marxist economic policies, etc., and he also tried to appease Iran due to which Syria and Yemen became nightmares.

    Pankaj Mishra is unaware of India's ancient history. Why did various kingdoms fight with one another if not for power, success and fame? People like him think India started only in 1947.

    Finance is definitely not a get-rich-quick scheme unless one is talking about Multi Level Marketing (MLM) and other pyramid schemes which are mostly fraudulent in nature. Not everyone in finance is Bernard Madoff!

    Muslims in India may have fantasies of being masters but that also depends on caste. I have not seen this tendency among lower caste Muslims, at least not yet. They seem more intent on getting their rights from Syeds, Pathans and other Ashrafs instead.

    Desiring to be a major power is not a problem. But in my view people in India seem more intent on squashing random citizens instead of focusing on very real threats like militants in Kashmir and Maoists, not to mention antagonizing even Hindus left and right.

    This dude is either ignorant of ground reality in India or is deliberately lying. There can be no other explanation for his economics drivel.

    1. As for anti-Muslim politics, he would do better focusing on Indira Gandhi's era where under Congress Uttar Pradesh Police were as violent towards Muslims as they are today. I think the year was 1972. And no, it did not involve RSS. This animosity is old but do not expect Mishraji to mention that.

      Indians have no reason to support Modi after the latter has failed to deliver on many of his promises. He is a spectacular failure in the economic front. Like you say, he is a mercantilist not too different from Indira Gandhi.

      When was Bollywood ever ethical? Sure, some films were really nice, but I am sure many more were not. Tamil films were rather crude. One look at MGR's films should be enough.

      Re: Hooray for Bollywood, so Mishraji is a guy who religiously lives by the phrase Kaatiyum Koduppom, Kootiyum Koduppom (from the 2009 film Padikathavan, where comedian Vivek oversees the marriage of runaway couples (Kootiyum Koduppom) for money and then informs their spouses who chase them (Kaatiyum Koduppom) for more money).

      Mishraji sounds more like a Pakistan apologist. Will he tell us more about the rights of minorities in Pakistan?

      Modi is crushing the backs of Indian workers and entrepreneurs with his ruthless economic policies. People like Gurumurthy throw more gasoline into the fire.

      Modi's culture wars are dividing India from within and uniting its enemies outside. This is the crude reality. The sooner the govt realizes this and changes course, the better. Oh wait, that may not happen.

      /Pankaj Mishra actually deserves an F, to which I would also add a U./

    2. Calling OBama totalitarian is really hyperbole. That adjective should be reserved for countries such as Belarus, North Korea, the former Soviet Union, Turkmenistan and China.
      Obama certainly,despite his fervent campaigns againt Bush 41's executive privilege, made considerable use of the same to get his agenda across.
      Indira Gandhi was the one who actually started Indian on the nuclear path. ALmost succeeded but CIA pressured her stop and she had to accept their terms as she wrecked the economy and was dependent on Western handouts. Utterly disgraceful. She too played favorites with industrialists. Actually Modi's crank economic policies has a lot more common with Mishra's beloved Indira Gandhi than PVNR.

    3. Okay I apologize for calling Obama totalitarian but his tenure was largely a disaster inside out.

      Is not Belarus witnessing mass protests with even KGB (their intelligence agency) members turning on Alexander Lukashenko? Or did Lukashenko manage to successfully squash them?

      Are Central Asian countries all totalitarian or only Turkmenistan and Tajikistan?

      Modi's economic policies are closer to Indira Gandhi but he is taking his advice from the likes of Gurumurthy (whom he placed in RBI's board of directors) who suggest imposing more import barriers to protect the rupee. How will that help us?

  2. Lets have a moment of silence for the first president since Bush senior to have a single term.

    1. Lot of shady doings with this election. The media called it yesterday even as the swings states are being contested and lawsuits being filed.
      Speaking of Fox News, it is clearly in the anti Trump column. It called Arizona for Biden even as very considerable number of votes werent tabulated.
      Looks like the corporatists managed to place their puppet for now. However the electors dont meet till December. LEts see if Trump can pull another rabbit out of a hat.

    2. So even the US election system can be bypassed and rigged to one's favour ? Election commission of India seems to have done this one work with good efficiency ,it has managed to establish a largely fair electoral system in such a diversified and large nation as India. Ofcourse there have been stray law and order issues in Bihar and ongoing problems in Bengal,but those are more about localised governance problems and not the ECI system itself.

    3. I want to be fair so I'll admit the democrats went batshit crazy in 2016 with the Russian interference conspiracy theories. Its just the Republicans' turn now to do the same. I have faith in the democratic process so I don't buy this puppet stuff. Say what you want about Hillary, at least she had the grace to concede defeat.

    4. THe U.S does not have federal or national elections but state wise and hence the country is actually highly decentralized. And hence different states have considerable autonomy over their various voting procedures. However when voting there needs poll watchers from all parties present. Republican poll watchers were forbidden from entering many voting precincts on dubious pretexts.

    5. It is incredibly odd that Joe Biden- a guy with zero charisma and cant even string a sentence coherently vastly outperformed his boss Obama who was a political rockstar. And many precincts reporting 84 to over 100% registered voters particpating. Something here just doesnt add up.

    6. In that case ,USA may consider taking tips and systemic help from ECI,keeping away their pride :) national election is no joke that there would be different governing procedures for different states . Centralisation of certain things is a must ,for diversified and large countries.

      Btw some other nations have actually taken advisory help from ECI for building up their election infra,if I recall correctly . Considering India to be heavily fragmented and diversified culturally , we do have some of the systems pretty robust .


    7. "I want to be fair so I'll admit the democrats went batshit crazy in 2016 with the Russian interference conspiracy theories. Its just the Republicans' turn now to do the same. I have faith in the democratic process so I don't buy this puppet stuff. Say what you want about Hillary, at least she had the grace to concede defeat."

      I will like you to tell me what exactly is Joe Biden base and what exactly he represents that inspired such a turnout? Hillary atleast had a base of supporters since her days as First Lady ,Senator and then SecState. Joe Biden being in government for nearly 4 decades couldnt muster anything.
      Ballot harvesting is an old trick of Democrats which was first perfected by Lyndon Johnson and Richard Daley of Chicago. Nixon lost in 1960 by a rather slim margin mostly in Chicago and Texas.
      This looks like the Al Franken and Dino Rossi situation on steroids where Democrats kept "discovering" ballots in the trunk of some car or under the toilet in the ladies room and what have you. Who stops counting ballots at night to take a break? This has not occured before. However the same people wake up at 4 am to get 138,000 ballots and manage to tabulate that less than half an hour and push up Biden.
      If you have faith in this process, then you are rather naive.
      What happend in 2016 is that Dems never expected Trump to win and hence did not prepare for large scale fraud.


      Here is Joe Biden having a Freudian slip and bragging about creating the most inclusive and extensive voter fraud operation

    9. I will have a separate post about all this.

    10. Biden's base includes African Americans since he was Obama's VP. It helps too that his VP is half black. Yes yes I know about the forced bussing and how Harris used it against Biden during the primary debate.

      After democrats recovered from the shock of 2016 they went on a war footing to avoid a repeat in 2020 using democratic means. Is it really a surprise Trump couldn't prevail over such determined opposition. Speaking of determined opposition, conservatives back then took a firm stand against Trump. Ben Shapiro refused to vote for him claiming that no matter how good is, he would ruin conservatism. Why have they changed their tune now?


    11. Biden's base includes African Americans since he was Obama's VP. It helps too that his VP is half black. Yes yes I know about the forced bussing and how Harris used it against Biden during the primary debate."

      African Americans dont care for Kamala Harris at all. During the primaries she could barely get any traction. She dropped out in December due to very low support. For many blacks wary of unjust incarceration, Kamala Harris is their worst nightmare, she was notorious for locking up mostly black men under frivilous charges for cheap labour in private prisons. And then giggled about it.
      Joe Biden was saved in South Carolina primary by blacks. But the same blacks seem to have abandoned him somewhat as more than 40% of black males support Trump. And he managed to get more black votes than any GOP contender since the 1960s. However piggybacking off your bosses base isnt exactly a dedicated base. Nostalgia can only take you so far.

      "Ben Shapiro refused to vote for him claiming that no matter how good is, he would ruin conservatism. Why have they changed their tune now?"
      Why not? Before the election he was a wild card and his style put many conservatives off. However during the election cycle they judge him on his achievements rather than his personality (which many still find unbecoming but many others see it befitting).

      Large scale tech censorship, doxxing, rioting ,arson destruction,assasination attempts, intimidation and cancel culture are not "democratic" means and neither is ballot stuffing.

    12. "For many blacks wary of unjust incarceration, Kamala Harris is their worst nightmare, she was notorious for locking up mostly black men under frivilous charges for cheap labour in private prisons. And then giggled about it."

      Yes Biden commented about it when he accused Harris of being a narc(prosecution attorney ) while he was a defense attorney. Harris was just doing her job. Anyway, do you think many people care about a person more than their race?

      "Why not? Before the election he was a wild card and his style put many conservatives off..."

      You can change your tune all you want, just don't complain when your credibility suffers along.

      "Large scale tech censorship, doxxing, "

      I have already commented on my opinions about the cancel culture. Even democrats have started distancing themselves from it. If anything, cancel culture is more likely to help Trump win because of how mad people are about it.


    13. "Yes Biden commented about it when he accused Harris of being a narc(prosecution attorney ) while he was a defense attorney. Harris was just doing her job. Anyway, do you think many people care about a person more than their race?"

      IT is Tulsi Gabbard that finished Kamala Harris chances in the primary. "Just doing her job" is not an acceptable excuse for locking up parents because their kids were truant. Harris is hated not just by libertarians and blacks but by mainstream law and order Democrats whose excesses sully the law enforcement profession. However the same Kamala Harris agitated for BLM rioting later on. This pretty much shows you her character. BTW not really relevant but Kamala Harris pretty started out her career as she was (then 29 year old) mistress to San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. This is not exactly a secret. He pretty much opened all the doors available to her.
      That she is a complete and utter mediocrity and only got her jobs with her uhgh connections can be seen by her incredibly poor oratory and debating skills. A prosecutor is supposed to be persuasive and have a gift of the gab but she hardly never argued cases and this shows in her terrible performance in interviews and debates. And the utterly childish and shrill manner in which she examined judges Kavanaught and Comey Barret.

      "You can change your tune all you want, just don't complain when your credibility suffers along."

      Yes people change tunes as more information is available and admit they made an error in judgement and rectify it. Mindlessly sticking to positions which dont gel with reality is what strains credibility

      "I have already commented on my opinions about the cancel culture. Even democrats have started distancing themselves from it. If anything, cancel culture is more likely to help Trump win because of how mad people are about it."

      Cancel culture makes it difficult for people to raise funds and organize and build cohesive movements. However mad people may be there are serious structural disadvantages that a political movement suffers due to this.

    14. Is cancel culture an exclusively millennial/Generation Z trend, or did it begin with Generation X/Baby Boomers?

    15. The proliferation of tech and convergence of various facets of everyday existence made this incredibly easy. I dont think it is so much generational as behavior. Technology makes it very easy for people to act on their impulses rather than take a few hours or days to think about what they are doing. A few clicks and a life down the drain. Its that easy.
      If the preceeding generations had that ability they likely would have indulged in it too. Peasants dont come with pitchforks these days but with tweets.

    16. And that is what makes it all the more scarier. At least in the past you did not need to worry this much about your life getting derailed. Now it is easy. All it takes is a few bad social media posts and that is the end of the line.

      These are dangerous times indeed.


  3. "In that case ,USA may consider taking tips and systemic help from ECI,keeping away their pride :) national election is no joke that there would be different governing procedures for different states . Centralisation of certain things is a must ,for diversified and large countries.

    Btw some other nations have actually taken advisory help from ECI for building up their election infra,if I recall correctly . Considering India to be heavily fragmented and diversified culturally , we do have some of the systems pretty robust ."

    Any attempt at Federal interference even if percieved for the better is looked at with suspicion by individual states. It is partly a hold over from the Reconstruction era after the Civil War and partly the fabric of American mindset.

  4. The country most happy about Joe bin Laden's win is...China.

    Looks like India will have to take on the country of Kung Flu alone. The only allies remaining are Japan and Australia.

    Taiwan is fucked. Japan is fucked. Australia is fucked. India is fucked.

    Oh, and the Middle East is fucked too. Iran is also happy.

    Thank you so much Democrats!

    By the way, I just perused Pravin Sawhney's Twitter timeline and watched his YouTube videos. China has already taken swarm drones to the next level. Instead of a centralized command from which drones will operate, autonomous drones fitted with Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine/Deep Learning, etc., will empower China's war machine by leaps and bounds. Oh, and I did not even get into their space warfare which is an entirely different domain in itself!

    China will start a war with India anywhere after 2023. There is no time left to lose now.

    India needs to get its act together. These things must be done on a high priority basis:
    1. Stop the religious/caste polarization of India.
    2. Stop the stupid counter-terror ops and focus on the real enemy: The PLA.
    3. Make peace with Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
    4. Repair ties with Iran and Russia.
    5. Develop EM weapons. Electromagnetic Pulse strikes, ideally nuclear-capable, will deter China's autonomous swarm drones.
    6. Work more on satellite killers and other modes of space warfare.
    7. Cut down the size of the army. A huge army with WWI/WWII modes of war will not help India in today's scenario.

    1. Calm down . The world economy being what it is , pretty much everyone is fucked. China is running serious deficits. I doubt they can execute these projects with great efficacy. For now revel in glorious global mediocrity.

    2. I am eagerly awaiting your post on the American elections this year.

      Meanwhile, if you have the time, would you please make a post on what India can do to stop the Kung Flu masters who are aggressively preparing for war?

      In the Quad alliance of USA, Australia, Japan and India, it is actually India which is the weakest link. Japan's self-defense forces are actually strong and have cutting edge technology. Australia is far away from Asia proper. China will easily knock down the Quad know which country.

      This is just a request. If you do not have the time, you can ignore this.

      Thank you.

    3. But after India signed BECA and COMCASA with America, China has become emboldened and has grown aggressive along the border areas.

      In case anyone missed it, there is no LAC now. It is now border areas. Read the latest joint statement by Indian FM S Jaishankar and Chinese FM Wang Yi.

    4. The world economy is in shambles but China alone grew while everyone else sank. The massive size of that country and the unity of those people have defied all previous predictions.

      This is a country which has been dabbling in eugenics for ages. The last time China did that was under Emperor Qianlong. They exterminated the Zungar Mongol tribe in its entirety and now they have cast their eyes on the Uighurs. This is the country India is dealing with. It is naturally a cause for worry when they mobilize their massive military.


    5. "The world economy is in shambles but China alone grew while everyone else sank. The massive size of that country and the unity of those people have defied all previous predictions."

      I am highly dubious of whatever figures China presents to the world

    6. China definitely has serious problems with credibility. Of that there is no doubt.

      The only country that grew faster than China (officially) was Bangladesh at 3.8%.

      At least when Trump was there, he kept China on its toes at all times. He took them head on and forced them to play ball. Joe bin Laden on the other hand will be an utter disaster.

      In my honest opinion, the Indian govt committed some serious errors w.r.t China:
      1. Abandoning ties with Iran and Russia.
      2. Not focusing on the economy but instead starting religious wars within.
      3. Letting loose the Hindutva trolls who ended up ruining India's image in the wider Muslim world.
      4. Last but not the least: Scrapping Articles 370 and 35A.

      Ever since Articles 370 and 35A were scrapped, all hell broke loose. China ploughed through Ladakh with ease and no resistance. That is a mistake India will live to regret for a long time to come.


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