No cure for gun related violence in U.S and thats not neccesarily bad

In the latest mass shooting atrocity in Las Vegas of some random vile individual whose motives are still unclear, of course it was inevitable that people bring up the culture of guns to forward their own pet agendas. The anti gun crowd tries to reduce and discourage gun ownership while those who subscribe to the idea that  2nd Amendment encourages gun ownership wont hear any of it.

I am sympathetic to the latter crowd. But when they make the correlation between higher gun ownership and less murders , they like the anti gun crowd are missing the forest for the trees.

Fact of the matter is that the U.S is a very violent society and this violence is a feature not a bug of the tremendous thirst drive and pressure for individual over achievement.
Japan of course has no gun laws and has a very low crime rate. But one suspects that even if it was awash in guns there would be relatively little gun violence except for Japanese men a far less painful way of commiting suicide than seppuku.

Men who commit suicide or mass murder are often misfits. In Japan, suicide is more common due to the shame and honor culture as the individual believes he has let his society down due to his failure and takes his life.
Conversely while U.S is a far more individualistic and extroverted culture, the same drive compels them to express their frustration outwardly. Hence the mass shootings.

All in all, paraphrasing Camille Paglia's comment on why there are no female Mozarts, it is because there are no female Jack the Rippers. Women are over represented on the bell curve with moderate intelligence but less so in the mentally handicapped or genius compared to men.

I would believe something similar is at work here, U.S has many individuals whose talents, skills and abilities led it to become a major super and soft power in all fields. On the other hand, it cant help but create these types of individuals who will inevitably cause wanton destruction.

We can only be thankful that these individuals are not welcome in the U.S military(no longer since Vietnam anyway). It is significant that his target was a country music concert where the concert goers were mostly U.S military and they acted in a heroice and humane manner by ignoring their own injuries to save others (one man stood in front of his wife and died as the bullet him saving her life).

All one can say in the end is that you take the good with the bad.


  1. Beautiful article YSV.Here u do have a strong point.The fact is that independence of endeavour should be there,and only then can we become an USA,ie,shining in almost every single sector of public life.Probably there are no solutions to the gun massacre incidents,to be honest.Because even in India,where we dont carry guns like coke cans,we still had faced Mumbai attacks or similar gun/explosion incidents multiple times.So the problem wont be solved by licensing use of guns,otherwise india would have solved all of that.

    1. Thanks JAM. Perhaps the only way to reduce gun massacres is to realize that most of these are mentally unstable and it has become politically incorrect over the last 40 years to confine such individuals to a mental hospital. They are prescribed medication and expected to take it on their own voilition. Of course this doesnt always work out.

      But the Las Vegas guy was different, it was no random shooting. He carefully scouted out the location maximizing for more casualties and minimzing escape route for the victims and was quite trained in fire arm use. His motives are still unknown. ISIS has claimed credit but it often does for horror it has nothing to do with. Anyway here at least Trump kept his promise and they are finally on the brink of collapse thanks to his unleashing lethal force on them.

  2. I hate say I completely disagree with u ur article, ur article is just a knee jerk reaction without understanding bigger picture u don't have complete facts other than
    to say we should have strict gun control .infact guns r reason why usa still has
    democracy not slipped anarchy , guns provide equal rights and rights to defend against
    any govt dictatorship

    1. ysv if Indians had right to carry arms it would have boosted the moral of countrymen they would not live in fear of uncertainty , it would infact have sparked a revolution where every countrymen can demand a greater transparency in govt we would be less subject to police brutality , during British rule
      they made rights to carry arms illegal so that citizens wont fight back
      it has made Indians spineless since that era.

    2. eh? I dont think you understand what I was trying to convey if you think I am against gun ownership. I am saying that gun or no gun, these massacres would occur either way due to the nature of the American psyche.

    3. I am in two minds about gun ownership in India. Contrary to our Gandhian self image, we are quite vendetta prone and into vigilantism -our movies which are really our id celebtrate these things instead of non violence and rule of law. Couple that with the average Indians slavish and mob mentality and you have a recipe for Armageddon.
      American gun owners are actually by and large a restrained poeple with middle class practical values which are quite lacking in the peasant culture of India

      BUt then again I view the indian government irrespective of party to be tyrannical and arbitrary in its dispensation of justice. The citizen has a right to protect himself from such corrupt aggression. Also I believe the Indian army to be rather over rated an entity , not because I doubt the bravery of our soldiers but they are not really a truly tested force and their equipment, logistics and even morale of the rank and file is terrible.
      In case of a chinese or Pakistani invasion either conventional or ala 26/11 as JAM pointed out, an armed populace could thwart it easily.

      Again given training, I believe the average person in India can do amazing things. Take for example the Tamil Tigers whose culture from Indian Tamils had diverged only in the last 100 years(most of these were imported from TN). But the best bet is for Indians to be arranged along regional rather than national lines as their ethos of heroism is tied to ethno linguistic identities which compelled great bravery in the late ancient and early medieval era such as say Kakatiyas, Cholas, Hoysalas, Gajapati Rajus, Marathas etc.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. in case of India under current situation u will have mass shootings by gau rakshaks rss and affiliate members to disrupt communal harmony ,it may take long time for Indians to properly exercise gun rights . if people
      are made aware of horror of gun violence then there is hope

    6. @Sonam

      I heavily disagree with ur point.More people are attacked by cow smugglers in villages,than by gaurakshaks.And understand this,Gauraksha is a reaction to cow smuggling and police incompetence. I have a different view on RSS,its not that I am favourably inclined to RSS,rather I feel RSS is just a ghost of its past,in the sense that RSS has debunked its original military training lines.Now it is just a social service org,with very little of militant Hindutva left in it.Hence I feel RSS is going the wrong way,but not in the sense u are saying :)

    7. jam u didn't get context of my point there r vested interested who will stage false flag under pretence of gav raksha or cow slaughter excuse to ignite communal wars, I read story where Muslim youth was dragged out of train and murdered on suspicion of carrying beef ,like I said there is hope that we can unite people by educating them about horrors of such incidents.

    8. irony of humanity is that people are united against external threats and enemies .example people in soviet union during ww2 didn't have good opinion of Stalin after operation Barbosa by Hitler all Russians joined to stop Nazi attack, same with freedom struggle in India where communal hatred was forgotten to fight British

    9. @Sonam

      i broadly disagree with u,but due to paucity of time,I shall elaborate later on this topic.The freedom struggle was largely a hindu struggle to oust foreigners,and muslims didnt play heavily active role in this.

    10. @jam Ur grossly misrepresenting my points
      AAA freedom struggle was just an example to show broader irony of humanity

      BBBB " The freedom struggle was largely a hindu struggle to oust foreigners, and Muslims didnt play heavily active role in this."


    11. Tipu sultan was first Muslim emperor ever to challenge British east India company he was last barrier who stood in way for British expansion In south India. yes he tortured Hindus and was religious bigot.but had Maratha and other Hindu royalty allied with that day we would have been free nation by 18th century , after all he was called "lion of Mysore"
      he was first person to correctly asses British threat to India

    12. Technically he was the tiger of Mysore- no lions in south India. Veera Pandya Kattabomman and Maruthu brothers and perhaps other Polygars(whose descendents participated in the Vellore Mutiny with Tipu loyalists as leaders) recognized that the British were different from other types of invaders. They were not interested in glory, power or loot but simply money. When asked for a large portion of their revenue they said" Heaven gives us rain, earth yields crops and our sweat help all these come forth. For what should we pay you tax". The poligars had noticed that the incompetent pleasure loving nawabs were in debt to the British and it was a matter of time before the British would dig their claws into the uplands of Tamil Nadu, Rayalseema and Karnataka.

    13. I think what JAM meant to say was that those who self identified as Hindus post Bengal Renaissance where the idea of European style ethno linguistic nationalism took hold all across the country mostly due to Bengali (Hindu) intellectuals, were interested in fighting not really for Hindu rashtra but for an independent India. while Muslims by and large became pets of the British (all the unpleasantness of 1857 was forgotten) and recruited in large numbers in the army and were considered a "martial race"(really a euphemism for loyalists) while Hindus who fought the British were disarmed and corralled into harmless beureaucrat positions. Imagine the mighty Nairs who were described by the Dutch and Portuguese as the best soldiers in the world and inflicted more casualties on the British than anyone else in the Cotiote wars ,whom even Tipu Sultan couldnt tame, in 1900 couldnt defend themselves against a third rate mob of Moplah Muslims. And these Moplahs supported by British loyaist Gandhi were upset not because British had captured their own land but because they played a secondary role in the dismantling the caliphate in faraway Turkey. So much for Muslim patriotism! Muslim patriotism by and large was motivated by abstractions which were transnational (ummah) or immediate sectarian interests.
      As for the Hindu royalists, these were shadows of their former glory and apart from the Raja of Mysore and Travancore werent really considered respectable by the populace.
      Less said about Muslim royalty such as the parasitic Nizam the better.


    14. @Sonam

      believe me not a single word of my sentence is unfair :) YSV has already elaborated it above and reinforced whatever I am going to write.By and large muslims of india were somewhat secluded from national movement,the only exception being when they chose to fight for Netaji's INA,but understand this,the south east asian indian origin muslims who enrolled into INA had the sense of being outsider whose original homeland was India.But the vast majority of Indian resident muslims never showed deep interest in patriotic affairs.The reason is obvious,for them Caliphate or Arabian peninsula held greater charm than the land where they were born.The problem with islam is exactly this,it always dreams of a caliphate whereever it goes.It is a true fact,though Hindutva Vadis will heavily disagree with me,that indic islam is not an aggressive population and has learnt some principles of coexistence&adaptation.Examples of this include muslims in bengal who strangely perform durga puja,much against the diktat of the quran on idolatry.
      But this bonhomie was missing in the freedom struggle.Just one fact would show u the contrast.Throughout the freedom struggle,thousands of Hindus and sikhs were sent to gallows,but strangely the only single muslim who was hanged officially on charges of antiBritish struggle was Asfaqullah Khan,an ally of Bhagat Singh.Does it not sound ridiculous?Yet this is a historical reality.And to this reality,many of the Hindu intellectuals were waking up by 1930s,Netaji included,that indic islam wasnt as much interested in nationalism as other communities.Only those who remained blinded by gandhiji's silly thoughts couldnt or wouldnt see the truth.Otherwise,even Netaji,who always chose to keep religion away from his political views,wrote to the Presidency Jail authorities,when he was kept locked up there :" "There is no other alternative for me but to register a moral protest against an unjust act and as a proof of that protest, to undertake a voluntary fast. This fast will have no effect on the `popular' ministry, because I am neither the Maulavi of Murapara, Dacca nor a Muhammadan by faith. Consequently, the fast will, in my case, become a fast unto death. ... Britishers and the British Government have been talking of upholding the sacred principles of freedom and democracy, but their policy nearer home belied these professions. They want our assistance to destroy Nazism, but they have been indulging in super-Nazism. My protest will serve to expose the hypocrisy underlying their policy in this unfortunate country-as also the policy of a Provincial Government that calls itself `popular', but which in reality, can be moved only when there is a Muhammadan in the picture’" .Hence now I believe that Veer Savarkar had always been right about Hindu nationalism. From the very beginning Savarkar had been pitching for a Hindu india.

    15. The Hindu royals or RSS didnt fight the british,that was cowardice in case of hindu royals and a certain political stance in case of RSS.To understand the stance of RSS,u need to delve deeper into Veer Savarkar's thoughts(though by late 1930s Savarkar had distanced himself from RSS).The concept of RSS was out of the need to create martial population out of pacifist Hindus.And this was not wholly despicable,infact I consider it to be a welcome idea.Whether RSS has lived up to its high targets,is an altogether different thing.But in that time,RSS was not a bad idea.And present RSS is not even a ghost of the original RSS Golwalkor had dreamed of,or the RSS Savarkar wanted to see.Infact Savarkar's plan to enrol large number of Hindus into the british indian army was also a good move,here also his core aim was to martialise Hindu population.And it played a secondary role also.Upto 1930s,the british indian army had sizable muslim percentage.If that had been allowed to continue till independence,most of the muslim soldiers would have chosen to side with pakistan and not India,post indep(reason being obvious).that would have brought heavy chaos to the integrity of india,since pakistan attacked us as early as 1948.Hence here savarkar had taken a very farsighted decision.

    16. @jam u right I wanted to add that point Muslims never got assimilated into
      Indian society .Mughals when invaded India converted many Hindus into Islam
      so that they can create a loyalty towards invaders ,todays secular attitude is like turning blind eye to problem where radical Islam is spreading in states like Kerala .we need to create sense loyalty among current Muslim population or else history is bound to repeat again

  3. I am sort of breaking my own rule with regard to discussing Milin Patel but this is something else!
    He was banned from historum by the moderator for suggesting that Rajput and other Hindu women had overreacted by committing jauhar or other forms of suicide to save themselves from being sexualy assaulted by Muslims. He argues that its sex after all so whats the big deal? Sex is sex regardless of the man, so they might as well enjoy it .

    Sometimes I wonder if there is any limit to his depravity. As much as I dislike I hope he doesnt discover that notions of honor and marital chastity the hard way when someone rapes his wife.

    1. hahahaha ysv no need to be apologetic milin patel is mad dog . if captain is misogynist like trump milin patel justifies it as rule of law he even quoted somewhere in blog that rape was norm in India I think he has gone deep into rabbit hole

  4. ysv Iam not aware of Veera Pandya Kattabomman and Maruthu brothers
    in Kerala they say pazazhi raja was first to rebel against British we don't lot facts but I suspect had there been a united effort by all rebel factions and other royalties things would have been different .overall summary seems when east India company arrived British studied the Mughal pattern of exploiting weakness in the society all logistics for British rule seemed to provided by our own people
    like merchant class like jagath seth other Marwari community who funded British wars
    were earlier loyal to Mughals then we had maharas, Marathi peshwas Sikhs etc

  5. jam is partially right it was later in 1857 debacle that many warring faction seriously understood gravity of situation , but then Gandhi Nehru etc seemed to be our undoing once again ,he was like secularist of modern era practising selective passivism where he supported one community more than the other .If we study closely it Nehru more than Gandhi who caused great tragedy in dividing India

  6. ysv I have another question captain is often quoted saying the 1757 battle of plassey never took place and it was just in paper but mainstream history is that Mir jaffar Mir qasim played a game of thrones with help of Robert Clive . I will give links to captain version here

    1. @Sonam

      While YSV will answer it better,I am just putting one point.The battle of plassey didnt happen in the sense that 3/4th of Siraj's army stood like stone on the battlefield,due to the earlier agreement between Mir Jafar & Clive.And anyway I dont think Siraj could have resisted british for long,even if he had managed to win plassey battle,given the fact that he was a very casual man and funloving,while his opponent was ruthless.

  7. @Sonam

    AS for capt,anything on earth that he doesnt like as per his own thoughts ,never happened according to him :D :D Moses didnt exist,Jesus didnt exist ,but Muhammad existed and was from Kerala originally(jews and xtians wont charge him for his bullshit,but muslims are a different lot,hence denial of Muhammad's existence is beyond his powers :D )

    1. hahahahahahaha @jam captain changes opinions like little girl he used to pro modi now he is calling him a jew earlier he never liked trump now he is pro trump he was hitlers fan now he calls him a a jew list is very long :D ). its catholic pope in medieval times who accuses outside religion as Satanism. its even stranger that no one seems to question his sanity and still his followers consider as guruji :D )

  8. jam for once capt is rigt Jesus never existed ,Christianity is modelled after "cult of Mithraism " ,Flavean ceaser dynasty was responsible for cooking gospel of bible I will give u link to video " " its like todays shirdi sai baba he was a Muslim who was converted into a Hindu cult guru
    yet no muslims will ever accept sai baba , like Jews will not accept Jesus as their messiah as he never existed at first place

  9. let me also add that all that sai baba cult is biggest religious scam in India many politicians ,mafia, actors and business people build sai baba temple to convert black money into white yet its legitimate since people r willing to believe him as incarnation of dattatreya and what not !! we hindus r being made to implode within .I remember scene from PK movie where AAMIR khan places stone in front of tree and starts worshipping it with agarbatti within few min crowd gather and its turned into religious site ,this is the current state of Hindu people .it would be funny if captains followers build a temple and start vadakayil cult after his death

  10. Has anyone inquired whether these shooters were on SSRIs(anti-depressants) , contrary to propaganda,SSRIs are aggression inducing particularly in the first 4 weeks of "therapy".

    1. tim drake this is an unusual angle to whole shooting episode link below says some correlation might be found but nor specifically to la shooting episode

    2. tim drake i also doubt this angle of urs played any role to shooting since
      this guy paddock was wealthy business man who had no history of criminal background suddenly goes into casino and starts shooting the automatic
      assault riffle doesn't add up to complete picture .one specific pattern that emerge in any American tragedy like this is that of a ROLE of LONELY GUN MAN u can take look at sandy hook episode, mass shooting in Virginia Tech etc .MY QUESTION IS WHO IS GETTING BENEFITED FROM ALL THESE SHOOTINGS? WHATS MOTIVE OR REAL PIC? WHO SPONSORS SUCH AN EVENT? WHY IS THERE ALWAYS A LONE PATSY INVOLVED IN SUCH AN EVENT?

    3. Sonam,I don't think there is a conspiracy theory or a higher elaborate plan behind most of these single mass shooting. May be lonely guys who just broke up with their gfs or too much pressure of individuality as ysv said enabling them take to SSRIs (which the pyschs prescribe like candies) and go bonkers. There is always a lone Patsy involved as they are not part of some elaborate terrorist scheme.

    4. tim drake paddock had no reason to create such tragedy neither he had broken up his gf or any financial pressure he was millionaire ,so I would rule out ssris angle and ysv never mentioned any thing like that in article

    5. lets assume ur right that guy took ssris then there is no indication medical report and autopsy this shuld have been reported in media by now , there was no mental or physicatric history to this person ,the above profile doesn't add up so I suspect a larger conspiracy to this

    6. It doesnt seem that he was some random nut who snapped. There was a great deal of planning going into this operation which suggests an ideological basis. Whether or not he was supported or hired by outside organization is an open question

    7. ysv jam and other check this out latest nugget of wisdom by vadakayil


      Jayasi wrote a poem Padmavat (1540), describing the story of the historic siege of Chittor by Alauddin Khalji in 1303.








    8. LOL Sonam, What else can you expect from him? As per his perception / vivid imagination, any historical figure that he takes fancy to must be from Kerala and those whom he despises never existed. BTW, do check this reply about vadakayil on quora.

    9. Here's the quora link:

    10. Some of his non-history points at least demand a moment of thought. For example , introduction of external sewage treating bacteria might disturb bacteriophage cycles in Ganges river ( actually bacteriophages were first discovered in Ganges river afaik and then later Eastern European block did a lot of research on it).

    11. Anu there were many red flags to begin with him and his family

      lets see he claims he never had a disagreement with his wife , I think his wife is sacred of him given that his mental disorder that's mentioned in quora

      he never talks about his second son always talks about his elder son

      Anu if u search his name in SCI company which claims to work since 30 yrs
      his name is not EVEN mentioned I probably think QUROA person might b right he was fired for his Antics

      There is always thin line btw insanity and genius captain is an example of it example he cannot differentiate btw rape and sex woman who are to blamed for the rape, he has no moral distinction when it comes to people
      he supports Gaddafi saddam Hussein Hitler ,pol pot idl Amin if Harvey Weinstein was not a Jew then he would supported him too, and blamed everything on woman

      ANU lastly he sees everything as Rothschild conspiracy he thinks everything originated from Kerala ,he changes his overall position and opinion from time to time , all this points to paranoid schizophrenia is

    12. Sonam, he doesn't mention about his second son or put up his photos because he's extremely obese and not so good looking. As he doles out health advice and slimming tips on his blog, it will reflect badly on him if his followers come to know that his own son has weight issues. He had once said that this son of his was doing journalism course at Manipal.

    13. I saw this second son's photo on his eldest son's FB page.

    14. @Tim Drake: The thing is that he does not care to link to the sources from where he has picked up his info. He writes as if he himself has done the research or conducted scientific surveys.

    15. @ sonam gupta

      re Padmavati

      It is simply the case of captain trying to stay relevant as this ridiculous movie is about to be released. Whatever we know of Rani Padmavati is filtered through legends and that too not by Rajput bards but Muslim historians. And something about it doesnt add up. For example she is supposed to be Sri Lankan origin. HOw a Sri Lankan ended up in a Rajput court is never adequately explained.

      Thats not to rule out the predations of Khilji. The guy was quite a sociopath even by the standards of the day.
      Whats interesting is that most Indian and Pakistani Muslims dont care if Hindutvadis lambast Moghuls that much but they get defensive about Khilji and Ghazni. I suppose its because these guys made Islam in India stick more than any one else. Moghuls were far wealther but they couldnt match the power and reach of the Delhi Sultanate.

    16. @Anu

      Wow thatsa new low even for the captain. To not speak of his own son just because he doesnt live up to his absurd standards! Being overweight may be a symptom of depression or simply bad food habits and lack of physical activity.
      Anyway his older son returned the favor by hightailing to U.S, studying in Rothschild Cornell and wouldnt be surprised if he applied for a green card and wishes to marry a white girl. On top of all this, he has ditched his last name Vadakayil

      I used to think the captain was a hypocrite for sending his son to Cornell but now I am not sure. I think his son made his own decision and the captain is simply attempting to justify it in the most terrible way possible(IITs Masters Degree being overrun by low IQ Dalits) and failing in that regard.

      Did he mention anything about BJPs attack on Kerala beef culture or worship of Bali?
      For that matter what does HE have to say about the fact that Hindus relish beef in Rothschild free Maharishi endorsed Gods own country Kerala?

    17. ysv anu and others now pieces of puzzles are slowly adding up his Ashiwn left India with wife because how much toxic environment his father can create in his home .he launched a campaign saying IT PEPOLE shuld have salary doubled in reality he wanted this for his own personal agenda that is he want his son to work in Indian tech company with high salary .

      look at the facts here he uses capital letter he prefers isolataion he likes to defend sex offenders like asharam bapu nithyananda even gurmeet baba ,he moderates every comment in such way that there is no debate
      he still refers to himself as capt ajit in reality he has retired long time back he can suddenly launch into aggressive behaviour like "I USED PHYSICAL FORCE



      ysv I don't think his family feels safe around if captains wife ever dared to have a modern outlook like what he describes as chutney marys he will not back down in calling his wife a whore , same thing with his daughter in law he even distanced from his second son this is too volatile being
      hence his wife has moulded her self into a Indian nari .Its no exaggeration this is man is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia hence got fired from his job

    18. Ill try to be careful here while explaining my views regarding sexual harassment in light of Gurmeet, Harvey Weinstein etc.

      There is no doubt that these individuals are scumbags and thoroughly immoral characters. However these claims are predicated on mostly consensual intercourse with no physical force involved. However there was threat of financial failure and career damnation if the starlets rejected their advances.

      In the case of these babas, I am willing to believe that many of these dont set out to abuse their followers but in practicing yoga without emphasis on postures on enhancing brahmachari aspects of the body, the sexual urge can go out of control for both yogis and the female followers. And they give in to lust and this in turn leads to habit and manipulation and coercion by the babas and women inevitably regret being treated as a sex object.

      I am somewhat less sympathetic to Weinsten's victims. They what Hollywood is, what a casting couch is , what a producer tends to be like. And Weinstein's reputation preceeded him for almost 30 years. Generally actresses are not that naive ,most consider some such encounter or another as the price of admission into the upper echelons of this industry.

    19. ysv if u try to look at circumstantial point of view they appear to be victim of conspiracy THIS IS ALSO WHAT CAPTIAN ADVOATES IN HIS BLOGS Harvey Weinstein episode comes in back drop Donald trump RussiaN hacking investigation and internal fight in republican party Harvey Weinstein is well known democratic party supporter all actress joining in #me too campaign is rather suspicious

      ysv in case of babas ur being lenient in saying that yoga can have side effects these are Fake babas also sex addicts they have zero knowledge of yoga or Vedas Gurmeet baba was a Sikh Ashram bapu is a sindhi these are not even hindus .if I were to play 'devils advocate 'I can say that they were victim of conspiracy cuz they are Hindu babas hence targeted by Christian , foreign Ngos which exactly point of captain vadakayil makes us believe in his blog

    20. ysv about padmavati I will says it mostly fictional poem and person some suggest padmavati Sanskrit translation lotus body was a metaphor referring to that person , if u look closely whole episode mirrors another historical event king Solomon son of David comes of to know about queen bilqis from his messenger bird HUDHUD bird says there was no worship of Allah in her kingdom So, he sent a letter to Queen Bilqis, via the HudHud bird, ordering her to submit to him and accept Islam. Hearing this reply, she started thinking of the dangerous consequences of war. She realized that upon conquest of a kingdom, the invaders destroy the kingdom and the honor of its people. To avoid this, Queen Bilqus turned to diplomacy and via her messengers, sent Solomon a gift, and awaited his reply. Upon receiving the gift, Solomon was not satisfied, and sent a message back to the queen, via her messengers, demanding that she personally submit to him. He politically pressurized her into personal submission by saying that if she decided otherwise, he would invade her country. he ordered a jinn to create a throne that is a replica of what Queen Bilqis had back in her kingdom. When Sheba personally arrived for submission, she saw this throne that was the exact same as what she had back home in Sheba, and hence, out of her own will, submitted to Solomon, converted to Islam and worshiped Allah instead of the Sun God.However, it is the opinion of other scholars that Bilqis did not marry Solomon, but simply was his concubine and had sexual relations with him. "Very poetically, Amir Khusrau said that he (i.e. the HudHud Bird) was the one who informed Alauddin (i.e. Solomon) of the Chittor fort (i.e. Sheba kingdom) and how the queen of that fort (i.e. Bilqis), Padmavati (i.e. the wife of Ratnasimha), along with the people of Chittor (i.e. Sheba) were infidels and did not worship Allah. As we all know today, the royalty of Chittor trace their ancestry from the Sun God, just like how the population of Sheba worshiped the Sun God. Upon hearing that Chittor (i.e. Sheba) was plagued by religious infidelity, Alauddin Khilji (i.e. Solomon) demanded, using Amir Khusrau (i.e. the HudHud bird) as his messenger, that Padmavati (i.e. Bilqis) personally submit to him. Padmavati (i.e. Bilqis) tried to employ diplomacy and offered gifts to the Sultan (i.e. Solomon)... But to no avail... Alauddin Khilji (i.e. Solomon) was not ready to accept anything less than the personal submission of Padmavati (i.e. Bilqis). As a result, Padmavati (i.e. Bilqis) personally submitted to the Sultan (i.e. Solomon), in Delhi, and then willingly converted to Islam and became his concubine. Following this, Chittor (i.e. Sheba) also converted to Islam." THIS ALSO MIRRORS ANOTHER STRANGE TALE OF MARC ANTHONY AND QUEEN CLIOPATRA , LIKE SAID IT IS A FOLKLORE , Chittor had experienced her conquest at the hands of Bahadur Shah of Gujarat, and the associated Jauhar. It was perhaps from the influence of this Jauhar, and due to the need to please the Rajputs whom he was narrating this poem to, that Malik Muhammad Jayasi added in the poem that the females in the Chittor fort performed Jauhar, upon its capture by Alauddin Khilji!

    21. ysv nowdays intellectual idiots are turning alaudin khilji into a hero saying saved India from Mongol invasion refer to girish karnad in his tweets Anways tried same thing with tipu sultan saying he was freedom fighter who fought against British if look closely he allied with French
      so French would ruled India with tipu as proxy if he had succeed in his attempt like how BOSE tried WITH JAPANESE

    22. Forget capt's obese son,what does the capt himself have,to boast of :) ? He himself is obese and fat.However I have seen capt's youth pics,and back in those days,he was a resistance training geek,as i can figure out from the nature of muscles he had,back then.Capt's current obesity is the result of leaving weight training in midlife,something i have seen in some other people also,who were regular gym goers in youth,but became obese once they left that habit.This is the reason why i myself train only on a bodyweight regime,with pushups,squats,Wrestler's bridge and such things.I always warn my gymbuff friends that weight training is not a healthy thing in the long term,and I think i will have to show capt's shirtless pics to them as a proof :D

    23. @Sonam

      so French would ruled India with tipu as proxy if he had succeed in his attempt like how BOSE tried WITH JAPANESE ---- Bose's intentions and Tipu's intentions were heaven&hell different.To be precise,from the very beginning Netaji had categorically spoken with Japanese authorities and Hikari Kikan(Japanese diplomatic relation authority) that Japan would not lay claim on even an inch of indian land,and that Japan was allying with Bose only because Britain was a common enemy to both.IN other words,Netaji made it clear to Jap authorities that just like he needed Japan to build an army base in southeast asia,in the same way Japan needed him equally,as British India was a very strong strategic base for allies,and Japan could not stay at peace with India remaining under british hold.With Netaji at the helm,Japan knew pretty well that their dreams of getting to rule a part of india was to remain a dream,and that may be one of the reasons why Japan did not remain as cooperative to INA as it had been in the initial years.BUt another reason for this was also that Japan was losing the battles from 1944 onwards,hence they were feeling a great military pressure from USA on the east.It was solely because of the presence of INA that Japan didnt have to worry of a two way attack from both east and west,hence INA was pretty much a strategic asset for Japan,more than a liability.
      Now coming to Tipu's alliance with french,u need to understand his purpose here.Tipu wanted to form an islamic empire with the french by his side,Tipu wanted to save himself.While Netaji took help from axis powers for the sake of the nation.Hence whereeever Netaji met axis power representatives,he spelt it out that after ww2 ended,no axis power would lay claim to any tract of indic landmass,in any way whatsoever.Germany&Italy unequivocally agreed to this,more because they never dreamt of reaching india anyway.Japan had dubious intentions,but that was not the collective wish of Japanese establishment,rather u can say it was the ambition of a few highranked jap officials for the long term.but even then Japan was the only axis power which could give any significant help to Netaji and INA.

    24. jam I agree with u on few points but I don't think Bose was in position to negotiate his terms with japs as they were providing him with logistic support ,his alliance with japs was driven more by his personal ambition to become Pm of India than any patriotic reasons

      Tipus case was same he thought of using French to drive out British and
      Marathas to become virtual ruler of south India later may be expand to north India look at the scenario if succeeded he would have Islamised whole south India he would have negotiated some concessions with the French become de facto ruler of India .along with allies Nizam of Hyderabad and French controlling him outside BOTH THE CASE WAS DISASTER SCENARIO TO INDIA AND HINDU POPULATION

    25. @Sonam

      Read up more on the history of INA and Netaji's works from 1940 onwards.The person u are accusing of aspiring to become PM of India was the same person who left INC prez post out of free will,just because he considered his ideal to be ahead of any political position.And in 1939,INC prez was not a bad post by any standards,even in British India,because by that time INC had gained a lot of political say into the british indian administration.Also read up on how Netaji himself wished that Rashbehari Bose should lead the INA,and not him,though the latter was ailing with bad health from early 1940 onwards and voluntarily gave away the INA supreme position to Netaji.Its better that u read from original sources before u frame an opinion on anyone as such,not just Netaji.I hold a particular notion about gandhi,Patel,Veer Savarkar,Nehru only after reading extensively about the works and philosophies of these people from authentic historical works.For example,in the past I used to have a low opinion about Veer Savarkar,but now after reading his own works and his philosophy,I curse myself for the feeling of guilt at my earlier opinion on Savarkar.Infact now I believe Savarkar,and not Netaji, was the most accurate person to define the shape of Hindu/indic Nationhood.

    26. jam BOSE story doesn't end there after his failed attempt wiTh japs ,he then attempted to do same thing with Stalin of soviet union there r many version 2 this story anyways ,BOSE always had kind of Marxist communist approach in his method . we all know GUMNAMI baba story . I have suspicion that Nehru knew Bose was alive and whole plane crash thing may b a fake news . I agree with CAPTIAN THEORY OF RABABUL TUNNEL, WHY CUZ JAPS WERE PERVERT AND SADAISTIC EVEN WIKI ACCEPTS THEORY OF JAPS CANABALISM !!I ASLO AGREE THAT BOSE HID FROM HIS OWN INA FORCE CUZ HE WAS AFRAID TO FACE THEM ,HE WANTED TO BECOME NATIONAL HERO AT COST OF INA SOLIDERS ,HE ATTEMPTED SAME TACITCS ONCE WITH JAPS AND THEN COMMUNIST RUSSIA

    27. Now here u will have to take a decision Sonam,either u choose to follow mainstream history and frame opinions based on that,or else u can go for Vadakayil's crap.U are free to do either,but in the latter case,I shall disengage with u on this topic,atleast.Capt is the same person who thinks NEhru was a hero,and the ground for his thinking is based on the fact that Nehru didnt make diplomatic links with israel.So capt is not the person whom I would quote in sensible historical debates.

      As for the gumnami baba angle,I think Gumnami Baba was Netaji,though I cant be sure unless its officially authenticated.ALso reasons for Gumnami Baba choosing to stay away from national politics are not clear to me(assuming that Gumnami baba was indeed netaji).Why would Netaji need to hide from his own INA force is beyond my understanding,but anyway Rothschild has a hand everywhere according to capt,so here also R might have had some manipulations.

      The plane crash was a fake news,that has been substantially proven by now,its again beyond my understanding as to why the present govt at centre is choosing to toe the defunct line of Netaji's death in 1945.But here also,capt is not the person whose door i would knock for an answer on this.

    28. jam I will apologise if I have upset ur sentiment with BOSE I can understand Bengalis hold a special sentiment towards him anyways If I choose to accept mainstream story plane crash is the end of the story of bose it has no logical ending

      As for as captain is concerned I have been a harsh critic of him myself as u can refer to many comments, but he is sometimes right on a few topics
      i can understand ur overall sentiment behind ur outrage to captain theories.

    29. jam i will also address the sardar patel , veer savarkar gandhi and Nehru

      this is undocumented history Nehru and Jinnah used to study in Harris college along with Edwina mount batten , both were love with same girl
      so this affair was later used by British to honey trap both Nehru and Jinnah , making them to agree on partion of India ,mount batten marriage to Edwina was a sham ! as everyone knows Mountbatten was a gay pedophile.
      Jinnah approached Gandhi with a deal that if he were to be made Pm then
      he let go partion idea and also told gandhi about Edwinas black mail, Gandhi approached Nehru with same proposal later rejected as Nehru was ambitious when congress working committee election was held for electing future PM of India saradar patel was elected unanimously, once again Nehru blackmailed Gandhi that if he was not elected PM then he will split congress into two camps , if this happens British will not agree in TRANSFER OF POWER AS they reached an earlier agreement with Nehru that
      even if split with congress party happens they will support Nehru congress
      saradar patel withdrew his nomination , Gandhi once again pleaded with Nehru to make Jinnah as PM as Gandhi knew info about JINNAH THAT HE SUFFERING FRM LUNG CANCER AND HAD ONLY FEW MONTHS LIVE SO TO AVOID PARTITION MAKE JINNAH PM AND NEHRU WILL ONCE B PM AFTER JINNAH'S DEATH

    30. VINAYAK SAVARKAR is a hero to the Sangh Movement The fact is the RSS has never been associated in either the public mind or in historians minds with the Indian freedom movement They badly needed and still need a Sangh “freedom fighter” Unfortunately for them they picked up a coward turncoat and a man who in all probability was a British spy spying on real freedom fighters NOT having participated in the anti imperialist freedom struggle , the RSS is hard put to it trace a legacy for their claim as the only nationalist party of India. In the countrywide door-to-door campaign a few months, ago it was forced to concoct facts and publish booklets that presented fabricated images of the participation of their leaders in the freedom struggle. VD Savarkar is, therefore “Veer” Savarkar in RSS folklore, and has been so for a long time, if one were to go by the Vidya Bharti school texts, and the popular nomenclature of VD Savarkar assiduously popularized by the RSS in its shakhas.Savarkar had sent two mercy petitions to the colonial government from the Cellular Jail in the Andamans. The petition dated November 14, 1913, which refers also to Savarkar’s earlier petition of 1911, is reprinted in R.C. Majumdar’s `Penal Settlement in Andamans

      JAM for further reference Read Larry Collins and Domnique Lapierre (neither of whom had any axe to grind with Godse or Savarkar ) in their non fiction best-sellar Freedom at Midnight have said that Savarkar (never married) and Godse (never married too ) were HOMOSEXUAL LOVERS see Freedom at Midnight, New Delhi, 1976, Chapter 16







    32. jam is regional centric person so he gets defensive when someone has contrary view about Bengali hero's ,

      I have seen bongs get defensive when you have contrary view about Tagore

      jam is too squeamish to handle such truth .

      sonam , many of ur points makes sense I think Gandhi was hypocrite I will leave rest of the points for ysv and others to make sense of what you have written as I have less experience In this regard.

    33. @chatbot

      Instead of sweeping generalisations,why dont u point out some specifics?Kindly show me the truth to which I am supposed to behave squeamish,ie,unless u are a Vadakayil fan,to whom facts are of least importance.
      Many of the points SOnam is making doesnt make sense,and her homosexual allegations on Savarkar has been found to be on weak grounds by other historians

    34. well sir so if anyone disagrees with you then u accuse them of being vadakayil fan is this the best defence you got .sonam comments are very long so its hard to dissect but it makes sense if you have patience to read
      I will leave sonam to explain her defence.

    35. This comment has been removed by the author.

    36. @Chatbot

      I dont brand u a vadakayil mouthpiece because u disagree with me.I have disagreed countless times with many others in YSV's blog,but I never called them vadakayil agents,because in those cases,people gave opinions based on facts,which again made me remould my own wrong thinkings on certain issues.But in ur case,without giving any specifics,u are just accusing me of being a regionalist.Interestingly when I write for Netaji I become a bong regionalist,and when I praise Savarkar,and opine that his idea of Hindu nationhood was better than netaji's secular nationalism,what do i become?A maratha regionalist?understand this,even without regionalism,u can still hold an opinion favouring a particular historical personality from ur region.For example,how many indians know of Birsa Munda's fight against british and xtians(he hailed from the area that is modern jharkhand now),or Lachit Barphukan's military tactics&bravery(he was from Assam) ? If u ask about them to some Jharkhandi or assamese,they would shower praise on both these charecters,and that doesnt make them an Assamese Bodo nationalist or a Jharkhandi regional supremacist.

    37. jam I can label specific ,but u see I will end up being a mouth piece of sonam .so jam I want u to explain to readers which are the points you want to make after reading Sonam comments , which points of hers you are uncomfortable to deal with , so we can understand where we stand on the whole issue.

    38. I also want to clarify I am not defending anyone here. but after reading comment section in my opinion I find sonam makes certain points agreeable
      about bose and later history of Indian independence etc .

    39. I have already replied to certain points raised by sonam,kindly check above.But in a historical interaction,Vadakayil should not be quoted ,that is my view,and hence I chose not to reply to many of the points raised by sonam,like Savarkar being gay ,or such other crap.I have no interest in refuting crappy points anyway.However raising the points is not Sonam's fault,its just that i thoroughly disagree with them.

    40. jam I will provide the mainstream proof of the above its upto readers intelligence to draw their own conclusion

      (A) subhas Chandra bose meeting with stalin a de classified paper

      (B) the rababul tunnels cannibalism of ina soldiers

      (C) vd saravakar being a turncoat British agent

      jam as far veer savarkar being a homosexual its not my allegation its been proven by

      Larry Collins and Domnique Lapierre (neither of whom had any axe to grind with Godse or Savarkar ) in their non fiction best-sellar Freedom at Midnight have said that Savarkar (never married) and Godse (never married too ) were HOMOSEXUAL LOVERS see Freedom at Midnight, New Delhi, 1976, Chapter 16

    41. You must be joking about Dominique LaPierre being an objective purveyor of facts. She is filled with hatred against the Hindutvadis and Mahasabha lot. The language towards them is loaded with derision and sarcasm and she even makes the allegation that Savarkar and Godse were homosexual lovers with no evidence whatsoever. The only agenda was to defame them as much as possible
      I say this as someone who is not really a fan of Godse(hahaha) or Savarkar.

      Though I must confess in my youth I observed Godse Jayanthi(May 16th) just to be piss off Gandhians :-)

    42. "She is filled with hatred against the Hindutvadis and Mahasabha lot." -- lol why, did the hindutvadis beat her up like what's happening with the foreign tourists in india these days?

    43. ysv jam cherry picking a few points and selective blindness to the source doesn't win the argument . whatever LaPierre is or was is arbitrary to the whole argument jam ysv if can come up with better argument then iam all ears. ysv i know you and jam friends but you are doing exactly what vadakayil what does when others have contrary opinions he calls them a
      Zionist jew agent :-)

    44. Ysv LOL when did Dominique LaPierre become a Lady !! why r u addressing him as a she ??,PLZZ get the facts RIGHT then proceed to dismiss the arguments.

    45. @sonam is a leftist propaganda website. Read these articles about savarkar.

    46. @sonam

      I stand corrected. Dominique is generally a womans name but apparently its a Frenchman! However I will advise you drink your own medicine regarding your claim that Savarkar had never been married- he was married to Yamunabai until 1963.
      And a claim in some sensationalistic novel doesnt make it reality.

    47. @tim drake

      I dont know what you are talking about

    48. YSV REALLY!!drink MY OWN MEDICINE let me start by saying you just constructed a fictional story of a French woman who has a" anti Hindu "
      agenda to prove your point I have repeatedly mentioned it not my point of view its Dominique point of view so how iam to drink my own medicine ?

    49. I already explained myself in the post before. If you fail to understand or pretend to , what is the difference between you and Milin Patel?

    50. This comment has been removed by the author.

    51. ysv let me address my points here

      i have explained my stance clearly the above points are of the authors not mine

      now u accuse me of being another milin patel wow !! that's double standard
      coming from a guy who had no idea about historical facts and lied about some LADY named Dominique

      ysv i will end my debate here since it can get abusive , i don't want to have same opinion about you ,vadakayil or milin patel

    52. It seems you are thoroughly unfamiliar with debating of any sort. You dont seem to understand the difference between lying and unknowingly uttering a falsehood . I am guilty of the latter not former with regard to Dominique Lapierre. Dominique Lapierre is not a heavy hitter in Indian history or culture so I never gave HIM(happy?) much importance. Due to his name, I thought he was a female. Just as you sonam gupta are probably a female(unless you are Tibetan in which case Sonam is a male name). When you pointed it out, I rorrected my mistake and made the explanation. But you have to yet to correct your falsehood about Savarkar not being married.

      YOu see the problem here? If you choose not to, then yes you are on the same level as Milin Patel

    53. "I dont know what you are talking about" -- Hi ysv, this was in regards to your comment about dominique hating the hindutvadis. I thought the reason behind that might be because of his bad experiences in india like being thugged,molested or beaten up by hindus. Recently in fatehpur sikiri in UP, a swiss couple was badly beaten up by some juveniles. The male tourist actually had to be admitted in apollo hospital,delhi. Another case of german tourist being beaten up . A french lady was being molested too .



      so so if I disagree and highlight your mistake iam another milin patel
      ysv iam sorry its you who needs to take history lessons I know what iam talking about

    55. Yes I recognize the source of your claim and hence I claim that source is not all reliable. Firstly it is obviously based on history but it itself doesnt claim to be strictly historical, it is a novel and the novel format should set off alarm bells for any one who thinks it is a credible source.
      If you dont know the difference between a credible historical source a novel then god help you.

    56. @tim drake

      I am not in anyway justifying vandalism or violence by thugs who disagree with any author's works. Has Dominique Lapierre suffered such treatment from Hindutvadis in that manner to make him hate their ideology?

    57. ysv ok the source is not credible according to you so plz explain how ?and come up with better solution ,I will pretend I am fool

    58. " Has Dominique Lapierre suffered such treatment from Hindutvadis in that manner to make him hate their ideology?" -- Sorry, i didn't word it correctly, the manhandling part was a guess from my side since you wrote that dominique hated hindutvadis. I thought MAY BE SOME BAD experiences in india might have caused him to hate hindutvadis. I simply wanted to know the reason for his hate, that's all :).

    59. ysv Another point it was a non fictional novel not to a fictional work

      "Dominique Lapierre suffered such treatment from Hindutvadis " is this point you want highlight in your defence that you want to selectively

    60. ysv and other Plz note :- I use capital letter in btw to highlight my points so that I don't get misrepresented not cuz I want to shout my points or iam vadakayil fan

      I feel whole debate got diverted cuz of laprerrie that was not the whole point I wanted to convey . in attempt to support jam it has been diverted.

      we all agree that we stand united for our hatred towards captain :)

    61. @Sonam

      Fanatics exist in every outfit,every party.There are people in CPI or congress who would beat u up if u speak ill against their party icons.Having said that,claiming that Savarkar and Godse had homosexual relationship is laughable.And I didnt notice that u even wrote Savarkar was unmarried,that is a wrong info.A person can have some homosexuality even after marriage(what we call bisexual trait),but the fact is that Dominique didnt give an iota of evidence in his claim of Savarkar or Godse being homosexuals.Any form of physical violence is bad,I dont stand by those Hindu Mahasabha fanatics who attacked Dominique,but understand this,after Gandhi's murder,so-called gandhians attacked innocent RSS swayamsevaks across the nation in many places,infact even capt vadakayil once wrote about how his own father had to escape for days into the arabian sea on a boat,just to save his life(Capt's father was a RSS swayamsevak according to capt's claims).Though I dont trust capt on any of his claims,still the fact is that RSS swayamsevaks were attacked on the basis of a false claim that Godse was sent by RSS.And who attacked them?The so-called Gandhi lovers of congress,who should ideally have been the most peaceful nonviolent lot.Therein lies the tragedy of hypocrisy.

      I had thought of dissociating myself from commenting on NEtaji history in this thread,but since u again came in to quote certain "sources" , I feel its better that I address some of ur standing misconceptions,that have arised from ur poor reading of history(as is evident from ur quoting of Dominique as a historical source).If u are assuming Netaji as Gumnami Baba and the history thereafter,u need to study the only credible (thhough credible is a relative word here,since Gumnami Baba as Netaji is not yet accepted fully in mainstream history) source of info on GUmnami Baba,ie,the writings of Dr Pabitra Mohan Roy,head of INA intelligence wing,and one of the few rare persons who spent significant time with GUmnami Baba.Dr Roy had also written down all his interactions with Gumnami baba in a monthly bengali periodical called Jayashree,which used to be published from Kolkata back in 1960s.Dr Roy had used the pseudonym of "Charanik" in these publications,since he didnt wish to divulge his own identity,for reasons not known to me.The only authentic book that has quoted all these "Jayashree" articles by Dr Roy is "Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose: Contemporary Anecdotes,Reminiscences,and Wartime Reportage" by Priyadarshi Mukherjee,a professor of JNU(and strikingly anti-communist,given that he is still a bong and fulltime prof of JNU) . If u believe that Netaji had a life post 1945 air crash,there also u need to follow good sources to know more about gumnami baba,and capt is not the best source,unfortunately.Anyway Just to give u an example of what deeper implications can arise from our assumption of Gumnami baba as Netaji,I am quoting Gumnami Baba's own words on his marriage to Emily Schenkl ,as has been recorded by Dr Roy :


    62. (cont)
      : "After vowing to lead the life of abstinence for my whole life,just at the point of diving towards death,how could i dive into a small pool of water and hurt my feet with the shell of a snail! The SS(Schutzstaffel) was keeping watch everywhere for 24 hours.The months passed amidst busy schedule in such a way that I felt that my body would simply burst.When such a thing was about to happen,someone made a gesture-asking me to meet a particular person who could be of help.Our discussion took place in a big hall-at the end of which I was told that the plan had been approved.I hate to discuss how the man going to leap into fire-could be so cruel and outrageous as to marry a girl under such circumstances.If a girl had approached him,it would be natural for that man to say"First let me get rid of disasters,then i would think about it/" He left the newborn baby and newly-wedded wife in the fire! And that lady too agreed with him! When did he ever write to his brothers in bengali?And that too the day,date and the name of the place mentioned at the bottom of the letter.This too never happened.A man embarking on any crucial or hazardous task cannot have sexual relationship with women.To have a woman at that crucial juncture is to court disaster as executing a secret or hazardous task needs to maintain the secrecy of any national or international news.The task can never be accomplished as involving a second person could ruin it.Mahakal asked Charan not to bring such debased discussion or such books before him.Lastlly he said "The letter was forged.A propitious mark (Sri Sri Durga Sahai(May Goddess Durga protect us) used to be put on top of the letters whenever he wrote since childhood" (pp 229-230)The point as to why I quoted the above passage is that if u accept Gumnami Baba was indeed Netaji,then a can of worms would be opened up,and probably that is the reason why the govt of india till date considers it sensitive.Again quoting another part of Dr Roy's writings in Jayashree magazine on futuristic vision of this mysterious Gumnami Baba : " Charan(Dr Pabitra Mohan Roy) recalls that as large crowds of people started flocking from west bengal to east bengal following the liberation of different regions of the land,Mahakal's strict order to charan was -"Dont go to the other side." All of a sudden Mahakal had once said-"Finish all your activities and meeting your relatives on that side before the second week of the eighth month of 1975.Do not remain there after the 14th." Today Charan feels astonished at the significance and depth of these words of Mahakal. " (p.197) ---- In these words,Gumnami baba had amazingly predicted the exact date when Sheikh Mujibar Rahaman ,the first PM of independent Bangladesh,would be assasinated,ie,15th of august ,1975.After Mujibar Rahaman came to power in 1972,many of the bengali hindu families who had to leave their matriBhumi of generationis in east bengal/bangladesh post 1947,were going back to resettle in bangladesh or meet their disconnected Hindu relatives,since Mujibar Rahaman was following liberal policies towards Hindu population of newly independent Bangladesh.After the assasination of Mujibar Rahaman,mayhem,arson and riots followed,and hence Gumnami baba warned Dr Roy to leave bangladesh positively by the 14th of eighth month(august) in the year 1975.This interaction happened a few months before the day Mujibar Rahaman was killed. Strangest part is that Gumnami baba was able to sense that something bad was going to happen on the 15th of august,1975.


    63. (Cont)

      Not only this,Gumnami Baba(referred to as Mahakal by Dr Roy in writing) elaborated how he visited Israel,egypt,Russia,China,Vietnam,Myanmar,South America and Switzerland post his official "death" in 1945 and before settling down as a sage in India.In russia,he had served in a siberian concentration camp as a detainee,under the cold harsh conditions(He used yoga in these conditions to generate internal heat in that harsh environment). This measure was taken by the Russian govt in order to protect him,since multiple international espionage agencies were after Netaji ,once they got the news that the plane crash didnt kill him actually.Hence he served for some time in Russia as a simple prisoner in one of the remotest corners of Siberia,where its not possible for any international assassin to reach him.From there,he went through the Gobi desert into China,met Mao(the discussions Gumnami Baba had with Mao are all recorded by Dr Roy,and written in the book I referred above,though u must understand that all of this as of now is pseudoHistory,in the sense that nothing has been acknowledged as official history).

      Again on the weakness and problems India was facing as a nation,Mahakal(Gumnami Baba) told this to Dr Roy : "In autumn 1969,Mahakal said that the two factors that have been moulding the history of a nation throughout the ages are-(1)One's Military strength and (2) Power and strength of one's ideology.Those two things are going to assert themselves permanently for thousand years.But the misfortune of India is that there has been no military seer in the last two thousand years.Since one thousand years there has been no national military thinking in this country.Every person in this country should have his or her military strategy.They should speak in terms of military strength." (pp 49-50)

      On his roaming across the world,Gumnami Baba/Mahakal once told this to Dr Roy,with a sense of dissatisfaction : " I had been travelling for several months incognito in dark nights.I feel encircled by enemies even after returning to my motherland.Is this my homeland for whose liberation I had left my home?"

      Interestingly Gumnami Baba had also elaborated as to how USA failed to conquer Vietnam,despite having the strongest military might at their side(in his own words,GUmnami Baba was there in vietnam at the time of the war) : "In the summer 1972 issue of Jayashree,Charan(Dr Roy) pointed out thaat Mahakal contributed his bit in the war in Vietnam.During the war someone is believed to have advised the very most special cocaine and opium to be freely distributed in South Vietnam.Mahakal said :"Till now at least a thousand tons of these narcotics have been avidly consumed by the americans.Even if America,the greatest might of present world,fights for a thousand years,they can never capture North Vietnam.A few thousands of men pitted against such a great power! COntinuous bombing above which only these is the atom bomb! Still they went on fighting! In other words,fifty to sixty wars took place across the globe since the Second World War.Not even a single war could be won by America." (p 111)

      On the fate of Soviet,Gumnami Baba observed this in late 1960s "Three-Fourth of the house of cards made by Stalin stand destroyed.The rest one-fourth will be doomed in front of you." (p 114-115) Again in another place Gumnami baba says : "It is God's truth,and take it from the horse's mouth.Communism shall die at the place of its birth.Even the Gods do not have the power to nullify these solemn words.But your must pay the price.You will be thrown into the grinding mill to extract the price from you." (p 89)

    64. thanks jam for your reply I feel historical debate can lead to no conclusion if we go by mainstream theory , so we need to accommodate conspiracy theory to draw our own conclusion, as humans we tend to have certain bias towards events of historical nature hence we dismiss each other sources. as example you don't agree with captain as source but you should understand that captain himself draw's conclusion from various other sources so it may not be his original thought . we should dismiss a person or a source just out of our personal bias towards him , I don't know captain personally, I have written many comments some of which abusive in nature . but still admire his talent and intelligence amount of work he puts to create blog post all the topics he has covered which are controversial in nature yet I admit he is human not a god which he attempts to be , remember we all have a little vadakayil(hypocrisy ) in us which prevents us to admire even the worst detractors which we encounter .

    65. Well,the USA used biological weapons like agent orange in the Vietnam war deforming millions of new born babies. In that sense,they broke Vietnam for atleast a generation.

    66. On the state of Indian polity and further observations into communism,GUmnami Baba told these to Charanik :" Dont do politics.Indian Politics! It stinks! You should always know it as an axiomatic truth.In this world statesmen are a rarity ,everywhere.But there is no statesman at all in india.Where despicable,mean and unscrupulously self-seeking parties grow in astronomical numbers and where politicians number by legions,in that country stability is a mirage.The vagaries of wayward politicians have debased the very life and look of india.Bengal is beyond words." He urged that the people should bind themselves behind their back.TO struggle and move forward,one would need unbound faith.He said-Commnists are just like a flash in the pan for two days.Then they would vanish.When were the communists born?It was in the 18th century.They came just a few years back in the ocean of several thousand years.This creed is carrying its death in its own cell." (pp 46-47)

      Elsewhere,Mahakal(GUmnami Baba) said this to Dr Roy :"This fakir has been moving from Europe to the Far East.Barring my own country,wherever I go,people give me immense love.This is because these people know about me.FIrstly they have heard.Then they have seen and known that this man does not want anything for himself,he does not want to give his share of sufferings and sorrow to anyone else.He has not even piled up stones for himself.He is moving in his own momentum.He sees everything but talks less,hears all but says little,he is not corrupt or does not play part." (pp 118-119) . In another part Mahakal told : "he three vices of instinct,retaliation and arrogance do not exist in me.I know what is power.The powerless and the weak are vindictive and revengeful,with murderous instinct.Only the coward and the timid display their arrogance..." (p 135) ... "A few days back a powerful country of the world with its mountain-like arrogance,with a lot of bragging,spent millions of lives recklessly and finally took to its heels.When the war was going on,in the words of Mahakal,it was a 'pride of nine generals and a shadow behind them' that assembled at a strategic meeting.Charan declines to mention whose shadow it was.But the shadow had been causing incidents across the globe since last few decades.At the time of the meeting of nine generals and a shadow,Mahakal was there as a guest of that country.And the host of the esteemed guest was the commander poet Ho Chi Minh." -- Dr Roy refused to divulge details on this "shadow" who had been involved into framing global wars,including the world war 2.Also the "meeting of the nine generals" hosted by Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam is not clear.No such meeting has been recorded in history (though secret meetings are often unrecorded in mainstream history).Also Gumnami Baba attended this meeting as a guest of Ho Chi Minh,in his own words.These parts of Gumnami baba's sayings remain shrouded in mystery.
      Hence if u choose to go by the line of Gumnami Baba as Netaji,there also Vadakayil is not the best source to quote.There are sources better than Vadakayil.

    67. @Sonam

      On Netaji and Gumnami Baba,capt doesnt have sources,I can assure u of that.Capt has got info that Emily Schenkl happened to be of jewish origin,hence he got his fodder for the rest of his imagination.FYI,capt rewrites history as per his wishes,he doesnt use any mother source to do that.If u call that intelligence and talent,thats ur freedom,as a free citizen of our nation :) But a better form of talent lies in the likes of blogger YSV Rao,who gives some real insights into world history and sociology due to his extensive readings from multiple authentic sources,and I respect him a lot for this talent,just as u respect capt for his talent.

    68. @jam
      I read ur long comments but u still refuse draw conclusion to gunamani baba and Bose are same since gumnami baba seems to narrate political events of the time accurately including Vietnam war this can only be done if person had espionage background unless baba in question had some supernatural power ,

      vd savarakar martial status or homo behaviour doesn't takeway the fact that he was British turncoat and atheist

      , I disagree with you as you earlier conclude in current article that quote
      "Infact Savarkar's plan to enrol large number of Hindus into the british indian army was also a good move,here also his core aim was to martialise Hindu population. And it played a secondary role also"


    69. @Sonam

      Emily schenkl being a jew and Nehru being anti israel is Capt's basis of his whole theory behind gumnami baba,without any touch to reality.Hence I quoted extensively Gumnami baba's own views,as told to INA intel head Dr Roy,just to give u a glimpse of how history should be researched,and capts blog is not the best thing for that.In order to understand Gumnami baba or any other historical charecter,u should first look into the direct sources of historical material on that particular charecter.IIRC,u had some misconceptions on tipu sultan as well,because of ur poor reading.And eventually u went on to equate Netaji and Tipu sultan on the basis of intentions,that comment of urs is in this same thread.

    70. VD savarkar being an atheist is not a concern to me in any way whatsoever.As for his collaboration with british,u will have to understand his longterm wishes and dreams for the same.He wanted a Hindu homeland,a hindu nation at the end of the day,and he comprehended that Hindus of india should use the british administration to their favour,in building up a strong hindu land.Savarkar was the first person to suggest Netaji that the latter should take help of Germany or japan in building up an army outside india.This was in a meeting Savarkar had with Netaji in 1940.Interestingly Savarkar and Netaji had high regards for each other,though both had differing philosophies.Hence u can say that the original seed idea of INA came from none other than Savarkar.However Savarkar's views on Hindu enrolment in BIA should be understood in the context of late 1930s.At that time,till late 1930s,the british indian army had a significant muslim presence,nearly 40%,iirc.Savarkar had rightly sensed that if India gets freedom,the same british indian army might turn hostile on its native soil,because of the large nonHindu presence in its institution.Also another reason behind savarkar's idea of encouraging Hindus to enrol in BIA was to have a martially strengthened Hindu population.may be Savarkar was not wholly right,but I dont doubt his honest intentions,which were 10 times clearer than Nehru's or Patel's (Interestingly Sardar Patel from the gandhian lobby has suddenly discovered a whole new support base in RW hindutva brigade.I personally dont hold a high opinion on Patel either,just like Nehru,though I am somewhat sympathetic to the current RW hindutva bandwagon ).

    71. jam for the record gumanami babas theory was not of captains origin it was popular before he even published in his blog so its wrong to give him credit

      regarding tipu I overlooked French connection earlier hence my conclusion was incomplete

      about my poor understanding history jam u and I are not a in position to judge each other credentials as we both are not historians by profession

      vd savarkar topic my position doesn't change overall even I can aslo dismiss your source as unreliable so its better to avoid going into a rabbit hole

    72. @Sonam

      No comments for ur first 3 points,except for the fact that Gumnami baba is a poorly explored subject among historical circles.Hence there is no question of it being popular in any way.I give credit to capt for his theory that Emily schenkl was a jew and Netaji wished to capture India,if not for the brave noblehearted antiIsrael Nehru at the helm of affairs.This is a theory that deserves applause for the sheer amount of anti-semitism,leave alone its imaginative dimensions. on ur last point,Reliability of a historical source is determined by the authenticity and factual base of the historian's work under question.In order to understand Savarkar or his philosophy,his works,his motto,u need to read from sources that dont assume laughable things like Savarkar and Godse were gays.Even people with left-congress inclination or hailing from that ecosystem,who otherwise hate Savarkar,never quote him to be a homosexual.Because that claim of Dominique has been proven to be devoid of any base.Capt vadakayil and dominique share one trait in common,both allow personal vendetta to get expressed in the form of self tailored history telling.otoh,truth is that most of the muslim rulers of india were actually homosexuals and perverts.This thing is conveniently overlooked by the vast majority of indian historians form left ecosystem.

    73. jam I would have to repeat my position iam quoting frm a source I myself am not a source of theory gumanami baba or vd savarkar

      capt and dominque may have had ulterior motives but I will ask few questions if u can answer

      who was gumnami baba? if he was not Bose then how did he gave many info including communism Bangladesh etc which u have mentioned in comment

      what happened to ina soldiers in rababul tunnels ? was bose responsible for it?

      how can u give vd sarvarkar sole credit for hindutva movement since he himself was a turncoat and spy for British ,

      how did u come to conclusion that a passive Hindu population needed hero like vd savarkar since many freedom fighter much earlier than him were fighting against British like mangal pandey birsa munda bhaga jatin Chandrasekhar azad laljpat rai etc to name few

      jam I least care about vd savarkar homo angle as its controversial like homo angle of Gandhi

    74. sonam u can provide many evidence but if person pretends to be blind then its not worth the effort, jam will only dance to ysv tunes so all other opinion's are considered conspiracy , ysv rao is better person to approach than jam in regards to historical truths

    75. @Sonam

      As to who was Gumnami Baba,only he knows.Circumstantial evidences and his own sayings hint that he was Netaji.Rest is all upto speculation.And capt's speculation was that Netaji was waiting to capture the PM post by removing noble Nehru(maybe with the help of Israel since his alleged wife was Jewish) ,dressed and hidden as GUmnami Baba.The reason I quoted Gumnami Baba's own sayings is to show u what he really thought on international situation and indian polity.Firstly he seemed to have disliked communism,since he considered Stalin's soviet to be a pack of cards that would break down(and it did by 1990).Then on Indian polity,he was pretty disgusted to see self-seeking politicians all over the nation.Again he made the observation that he had tasted power,knownn what it was,and the responsibilities it brings to the powerful.Hence he had no wish to taste any more power.So if u or capt or for that matter anyone believes that Gumnami baba was Netaji,then u should frame an opinion on him only after reading his own thoughts from sources.Reappearing and overthrowing Nehru from his throne was not an issue for Netaji at all,in independent india,but he chose to remain in voluntary isolation,for reasons not clarified directly by him but can be guessed from some of his own sayings.
      Now on the rabaul issue,I can guess Netaji was not aware of the situation. And moreover ,when u quote sources,u should read them up thoroughly at the least.U quoted this source If u had the patience to read through it,u would have understood that these indian soldiers had refused to leave loyalty to british indian army and join INA,ie,they were not INA soldiers.Yet capt wrote a whole blog referring to them as INA soldiers.These 10000 men were taken as POW because they refused to switch over to INA,and hence they were considered enemy by Japanese establishment.Now on the treatment meted out to them by Japan,i cant support that in any way.However my opinion is insignificant on this issue,since POWs and slaves have been treated harshly throughout human history,starting from ancient roman civilization all the way to modern age.U would be amazed at the cruelty of ancient romans ,how they tortured slaves in the mines of Nubia,or the Greek hoptiles.Japs were no different,only part is that they added cannibalism to flavour up.But from the TOI report its clear that Japs didnt eat all the 10000 soldiers as capt claims or projects,many had survived.However that is a side issue,the main point i would like to stress is that these soldiers were not from INA,and hence Netaji cant be held responsible for everyone who refused to follow him.Otherwise,the amount of care and love he had for every single soldier of the INA,can be traced from books like "INA and its Netaji" or "The Springing Tiger" ,or other memoirs by INA soldiers.
      On Veer Savarkar I am putting up a separate comment,and I leave it up to Chatbot to decide on blindness.

      I agree with u completely,YSV Rao is by far one of the best persons to approach on history. Just glance through the sheer quality of his blogposts and it will give u some idea,unless u havent done so already.

    76. @Sonam

      "how can u give vd sarvarkar sole credit for hindutva movement since he himself was a turncoat and spy for British ,

      how did u come to conclusion that a passive Hindu population needed hero like vd savarkar since many freedom fighter much earlier than him were fighting against British like mangal pandey birsa munda bhaga jatin Chandrasekhar azad laljpat rai etc to name few

      jam I least care about vd savarkar homo angle as its controversial like homo angle of Gandhi" -------

      I am starting bottom up,if u are least bothered about the homo angle,then why did u quote that initially,and from a source like Dominique Lapierre?Anyway u need not explain this to me,since ur thought process is unique to u.
      ON Veer Savarkar,he can be called the founder of Hindutva philosophy,and he was not the worst enemy among the freedom seeking lobby.Far more venomous than him was the gandhian lobby within INC,which dressed up as freedom fighter in daylight and enjoyed the british wine at night.That is one of the reasons this lobby was angry with Netaji,since the latter was getting restless for a nationwide freedom movement,while gandhians were wasting time,organizing futile meetings,going on vacations,writing useless petitions to british govt and what not.Because by the late 1930s,INC top brass had started sharing bed with british govt,and hence they were not ready to go on allout freedom struggle,because that would have put a halt on their comfortable lives.
      Veer Savarkar had his intentions,priorities clear to all,yet he is considered a turncoat and british spy.that is the tragedy of leftist history writing in free india.I dont worship Savarkar as a hero,like RSS fanatics,but I do believe that on the future shape of a Hindu India,savarkar was the most correct person. btw read up this beaufifully written quora article on Veer savarkar,by a twitter friend of mine,Omkar Patil U will get more historical info from this article above than u ever got from Vadakayils blog.

      A final point,though not much relevant to the subject,but Mangal pandey was no freedom fighter.Kindly dont make him into one,in case u are influenced by that imaginary Amir Khan movie on Mangal Pandey .

    77. thanks for your reply jam you have covered man points here

      I will give benefit of doubt that netaji was not ambitious his motives may have been of good intentions yet if he had alternate history where japs would succeed in helping Ina then Bose would have to concede to japs demands
      its like getting rid of one parasite then inviting another

      Lets also look for another point here if netaji succeed in his plan then who do you think will become prime minister of India .

      jam I also want to ask why did you Emily schenkl was alleged wife of Bose
      could you elaborate on it as I read anita bose plaff was netajis daughter

      I quoted Lapierre as source to clarify that iam not the origin of this theory whether one choose to accept is left to personal choice

      Regarding vd savarkar I will quote your own words in this article
      "The Hindu royals or RSS didnt fight the British, that was cowardice in case of hindu royals and a certain political stance in case of RSS."

      so we agree overall that rss or vd savarakar intention was not benevolent
      you can also refer to ysv articles where he had written about the issue

    78. jam this is my humble request don't TAG ME AND CAPTIAN IN SAME LINE I DONT SHARE SAME LOGIC THAT Netaji was waiting to capture the PM post by removing noble Nehru(maybe with the help of Israel since his alleged wife was Jewish) ,dressed and hidden as GUmnami Baba.

    79. @Sonam

      I am not telling u to issue benefit of doubt to anyone,just requesting u to follow authentic historical sources ,be it savarkar,Netaji,Nehru or anyone else.After that u will be in a better position to award the benefit of doubt.At the end,choice is urs,and take it just as my suggestion,not an advice.

      Emily schenkl theory is covered with loopholes,and u will be amazed to know that most of the contemporaries(many of whom have passed away by now) of Netaji from his family never accepted Emily as his wife,because there was no credible evidence for the same.A marriage should at the least have a registration ,in this case,no registration or official documentation was found anywhere.Otherwise,after my death/disappearance,just any random woman with a 2 year old kid can appear out of nowhere and claim that she was my wife.In normal cases,these things would carry no sense,and the same in Netaji's case also. And apart from that,if I subscribe to the theory of Gumnami baba being netaji,we need to put some weightage on Gumnami baba's own words ,where he debunked his marriage speculations.(I have quoted the same in my comment on this thread,for ur convenience).Hence I dont consider this Anita Bose to be Netaji's biological daughter,but anyway if some random woman does claim to be Netaji's daughter,no harm with that,because he himself used to care for all INA Rani regiment soldiers as a father would do to his daughters.(read INA memoirs written by ex INA soldiers) .So even Gumnami Baba probably didnt have any major issue with the same,apart from a mild discontent,at two women claiming to be his wife&daughter respectively.

      Japan never could make any inroads into INA as long as Netaji was at the helm of affairs,because he didnt give jap generals and officials that much of space.For further reading on this,u can read Colonel Hugh Toye's "The Springing Tiger". Hugh Toye was an officer from the British army military intel wing.He was assigned the task of tracking Netaji's activities in South east asia.Over time,he became an avid fan of Netaji,even though he belonged from the enemy camp.And he was the first british author to write a book (which i mentioned above) favouring Netaji,for which he was criticised by british intellectual circle in early 1950s,since back then,the memories of ww2 are still afresh in british minds,and Netaji was considered an enemy.Even just as recent as 2013,an online opinion poll in britain revealed that britishers still think it was the INA which caused the greatest territorial loss to britain,in the sense that they had to give up Indian colony,as an aftermath of the INA invasions from north east.Otherwise,even the germans didnt invade any british colony directly,and the japs took over a few small british colony nations on south east of asia.However the british themselves didnt fight with the jap navy at all,they just abandoned most of these south east asian colonies and fell back on mainland India,in early 1940 period.Hence the japs didnt inflict that much of a military damage on the british,because the latter just chose to run away from their apparent strongholds like singapore.
      Its not that Japan was a saint,they also had intentions of getting a part of india.However,they couldnt have laid their hands on any part of india as long as Netaji was there,in order to understand this,u will have to read more into the history of INA's governance,Netaji's stern decisions wrt Japan,Rashbehari Bose's diplomatic victories and such things.The chief resistance came from within India to Netaji,in the form of the then INC,and not Japanese annexation dreams.Thats a pretty long topic,and right now I am in no mood to revisit those.

    80. jam I went to though the link have provided many I discovered many new info

      vd savarkar wanted Indians to participate in ww2 as part of his clemency letter ,and conclusion is that Indians will be better trained to fight against British

      ,lets look at what actually happened to Indians who were
      recruited by British they suffered humiliating oppression they were are often used as a cannon fodder in frontline used as a mule to carry British artillery their name is not even listed as veterans in grave in Europe
      so vd savarkar was wrong in his theory same as Bose how can u you expect a
      white racist British to treat Indian In same camaraderie as Englishman in colonial times was this genuine intention of noble cause or a whitewash for plea bargain

      there is lesser known fact that vd savakar may have been responsible for
      MADAN LAL DHINAGRAS fate On July 1, 1909, Madanlal Dhingra shot dead Sir William Curzon Wyllie, political aide-de-camp at the India Office, London. Earlier, Dhingra had planned to assassinate former Viceroy Lord Curzon and former governor of Bengal, Bramfield Fuller, at a function they were to attend. But Dhingra was woefully late for the meeting, by which time Curzon and Fuller had left the venue.Dhingra was arrested, tried and hanged for killing Wyllie. The British suspected Savarkar’s involvement, but had no concrete evidence against him. The evidence surfaced months after Savarkar died in 1966, courtesy Savarkar’s biographer.

      Following Savarkar’s death, Dhananjay Keer reissued his 1950 publication, Savarkar and His Times, as Veer Savarkar. Keer wrote that the new edition contained a “plethora of new material”, which was made available to him by Savarkar himself.

      In the 1966 edition, Keer said that Savarkar gave Dhingra a nickel-plated revolver on the morning of Wyllie’s assassination and told him, “Don’t show me your face if you fail this time.” Keer also confided in Robert Payne, author of Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi, that Savarkar had trained Dhingra for months, and often mocked him for having missed the opportunity to assassinate Lord Curzon and Fuller

      Before leaving for England to study law, Savarkar had been a member of a secret society, Mitra Mela, which was subsequently renamed Abhinav Bharat. Its goal was to overthrow the British through violent methods.

      Savarkar’s older brother, Ganesh, alias Babarao, was an Abhinav Bharat member too. The police nabbed Ganesh Savarkar and stumbled upon a stockpile of bombs. Ganesh Savarkar was sentenced to transportation for life on June 8, 1909.

      His comrades decided to retaliate. On December 29, 1909, Anant Kanhere shot dead AMT Jackson, district magistrate of Nasik, as he was watching a Marathi play, Sharada, in a theatre. Jackson had committed Ganesh Savarkar to trial, but was not the judge who had banished him to the Andamans.

      From Kanhere’s accomplices, whom the police arrested, were discovered Savarkar’s letters. The Browning pistol used in the assassination was linked to Savarkar, who was accused of sending 20 such weapons to India from England. A telegraphic warrant of arrest was sent to London, and Savarkar surrendered to the police on March 13, 1910. He was brought to India.

      For his role in the assassination of Jackson and for waging war against the King, Savarkar was sentenced to transportation – for two terms of 50 years each – to the Andamans. He arrived in Port Blair on July 4, 1911.

    81. During the period of conditional freedom, Savarkar is said to have inspired yet another assassination attempt. On July 22, 1931, VB Gogate fired two shots at acting Governor of Bombay Sir Ernest Hotson during his visit to Ferguson College, Pune. But Hotson survived miraculously.

      Nobody suspected Savarkar’s role. However, Keer in the 1966 edition of Veer Savarkar disclosed that Gogate had been a staunch Savarkarite and had met him days before the assassination. Was Keer suggesting that Savarkar had inspired the failed assassination attempt on Hotson?

      Savarkar’s role in Gandhi’s assassination

      When Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948, Savarkar was taken into police custody on February 5. Seventeen days later, he wrote a letter to Bombay’s Commissioner of Police:

      “I shall refrain from taking part in any communal or political activity for any period the government may require in case I am released on that condition.”

      It was this gratuitous offer, which had the government suspect him of having a central role in the assassination of Gandhi. But his role could not be proved in court. It subsequently came to light because of the depositions his aides made, years later, after Savarkar’s death.

      There were two attempts made on Gandhi in January 1948. The first was made on January 20 – it was a botched up affair for which a Punjabi refugee, Madanlal Pahwa, was arrested. The second attempt was successful – Nathuram Godse shot Gandhi dead on January 30, 1948.There were eight accused in the Gandhi assassination case – Nathuram Godse and Gopal Godse, his brother, Narayan D Apte, Vishnu Karkare, Madanlal Pahwa, Shankar Kistayya, VD Savarkar, and Dattaraya Parchure. The ninth member of the group – Digambar R Badge – turned approver. It was his tesThe trial court judge, Justice Atma Charan thought Badge was a “truthful witness”, but exonerated Savarkar only because there was no corroborative evidence in support of the approver’s deposition.

      This was also because Godse and others did their best to ensure their mentor wasn’t implicated in the assassination case. For instance, Godse made out that his relationship with Savarkar wasn’t beyond what a leader has with followers. testimony to the court that linked Savarkar to Gandhi’s assassination.In 1967, Gopal Godse published Gandhi Hatya, Ani Mee (Gandhi’s murder and I), in which he said Nathuram Godse came to know Savarkar way back in 1929 in Ratnagiri and had daily personal contact with Savarkar.

    82. @sonam i agree vd savarakar and bose were both misguided patriots
      jam is drawing conclusion out of emotional love for his heroes
      in reality Indians recruited by British suffered racism they were used as a cannon fodder in front line as u have mentioned above
      i have also read the omkar patils link i feel vd savarkar was hoodwinking Indians to recruit to ww2 , saying "Indians will be better trained after the return" looks a bullshit propaganda looking at the fate of Indians solders fighting ww2 . Emily shenkl seems like a gold digger who wanted ina treasure for herself i feel we should conduct DNA test

    83. @Chatbot

      "@sonam i agree vd savarakar and bose were both misguided patriots
      jam is drawing conclusion out of emotional love for his heroes" ----- What is ur definition of misguided patriot? Who were the properly guided patriots then,if i assume for the sake of debate that Veer Savarkar &Netaji were misguided patriots?


      In ur first comment,u have quoted some of the works of Abhinav Bharat and Veer Savarkar's elder brother,Ganesh Babarao Savarkar.What exactly do u see wrong in these works of Abhinav Bharat members?As an Indian Hindu,I am mighty proud of the militancy displayed by Abhinav Bharat,just like I am proud of ChandraSekhar Azad's HSRA or Anushilan Samiti.

      Do u have a problem with Savarkar's or his brother's involvement in militancy?If so,then we are on very different grounds,and its better that I dont respond anymore on this topic.

      I dont hold a high opinion on Gandhi ,in short.India would have gained freedom earlier without Gandhi.Hence if u wish eternal damnation for savarkar if it is proven that he did have a hand in gandhi assassination,I wont join in ur prayers.

    84. jam we have parallel opinions because you r focused on cause iam focused on the effect

      i feel u are overlooking the fate of Indian soldiers recruited by vd savarkar and Gandhi to help British in ww2 .also the fate ina soldiers or pow at the hands of Japanese ..savarkar may have also been guilty of Madan Lal Dhingras fate . i hold Bose and savarkar guilty of misleading Indians to their naive project

      u have yet to answer my question who would have been prime minister if Bose succeeded with his invasion plan?

      believe jam i have not personal agenda in proving your heroes wrong infact i respected Bose when i read about him first time in history text book for that matter Gandhi Nehru also savarkar etc i advise u not to fall for hero worship and personal bias in uncovering truth and result

    85. jam ,ysv iam not stubborn to hold on to my argument if i am proven wrong i will accept my error. i feel i pissed off ysv a lot yesterday ;-)

    86. @JAM, Conspiracy theories about the fourth bullet aside,don't u think that assassination of Gandhi was a very big blunder? Partition was over, nothing more could be done. Gandhi was getting old; he would have died a natural death in a few years time. This assassination made him a martyr who sacrificed his life for the nation and gave him a saintly halo. Even Elst mentioned this on Twitter the other day.

    87. Actually I think along the same lines,it was a useless plan and served no purpose,apart from deifying a person beyond all limits.

    88. jam like sonam mentioned you are stuck with looking at the cause not the effect gandhis assassination was not of a purpose, but the effect of the outcome that is partition of India

      sonam now jam is mute on the issue of fate of Indian recruits in the ww2 japanese treatment of Indians pows and ina soldiers and disastrous ideology of vd savarkar and Bose because evidence is too hard to ignore.

      jam why don't you admit you are too squeamish when it comes to historical facts

      your best defense so far is too accuse me of being a vadakayil fan .

    89. @Chatbot

      Let me clarify this ,I am not bothered to the least about Gandhi's murder and I am not bothered about Gandhi's assassin either,though I support his free speech and free circulation of the book he had written on Gandhi.The point on Gandhi's assassination was brought in by Sonam,not by me.

      "sonam now jam is mute on the issue of fate of Indian recruits in the ww2 japanese treatment of Indians pows and ina soldiers and disastrous ideology of vd savarkar and Bose because evidence is too hard to ignore. " - This is ur allegation against me,right?Most probably u are not reading my comments fully.I have already clarified on japanese cannibalism of Indian POWs ,and I dont support that.No person in sane mind will support cannibalism.I dont have the time or energy to retype my points 10 times in the same thread.But since u have not bothered to read before coming to conclusion(a trait pretty coherent with Vadakayilites) ,I am putting the gist-Netaji cant be held guilty of Indian POWs who were victims of jap torture,because these Indian POWs chose not to be part of INA or Azad Hind Fauz,despite repeated requests by Capt Mohan Singh(Heck when the precursor of INA,ie,IIL was under formation,Netaji wasnt even in the scene,it was managed by Rasbehari Bose,Capt Mohan Singh and others,and yet Netaji has to share all the blames for everything) .For Indians who chose to remain loyal to british throne,there was little Netaji could do,since he was the commander of INA ,not the japanese govt(heard of a name called Tojo?).He didnt allow the japs to interfere in the day to day working of Azad Hind govt in Myanmar,but at the same time how could he interfere into the Japanese treatment on reluctant Indian POWs?And I belive Netaji was probably never informed of this cannibalism,otherwise he would have spoken out against this.Hope this solves ur problem with jap Cannibalism.

      Now on the point of recruitment for BIA,Gandhi and Savarkar are equally guilty for this.Yet I hold Gandhi's philosophy to be more devastrating than Savarkar's .Because while Savarkar's philosophy was based on martialising the Hindu community of India(which proved to be of great help,since after 1947,most of the muslim soldiers of BIA chose to side with Pakistan),Gandhi always tried to weaken the Hindus as per his ahimsa line of thought.Infact he was so sadistic in his ahimsa path,that he even instructed Hindu&sikh victims in communal riots of mid 1940s to humbly accept the rapes of their women in the hands of muslim mobs with the philosophy of Ahimsa.

      "Disastrous" is a pretty relative word.Bose's INA invasions were disastrous for the British incumbent govt,that part is sure.Due to the INA invasions from north east,one one hand the whole administrative machinery of the british govt in india started breaking down,while on the other,the Royal Indian navy sprang up in rebellion,inspired by Netaji and the feat of INA.After 1947 independence,the then british PM Clement Atlee in an interview had categorically expressed that with the INC and Gandhian Ahimsa,Britain could have stayed for a few more years in India,but the INA invasions spoiled the dreams.

      I believe u are too ill informed on Savarkar to form an opinion or discuss about him.Hence I wont go into further details on Savarkar.

      Since u were accusing me of going mute,I raised the full range of volume :) But now I equally expect u not to duck my question thrown at u earlier.IF Savarkar and Bose are Misguided patriots,who ,according to u,were the properly guided ones?

      Thanks in Advance

    90. Listen I will not duck your question but i ask do you have the ability to analyse my answer without your personal bias? .i believe there exist no such thing as a guided patriots, all the patriots suffer from identity crisis hence they try to prove themselves by joining in a movement whose ideology is not known to them this phenomenon is known as "True believer"

      some country's terrorist may also be revolutionary to other since he blindly follows the ideology of the martyrdom , this is the case for jihadis too

      all patriots' the pawns of the political chess game whose masters lies in the shadow

      my answer may be above your intelligent mind hence i will give you a link to understand what iam talking about, the

      " Eric Hoffer philosopher coined this phenomenon " true believer "

    91. @Chatbot

      "all the patriots suffer from identity crisis hence they try to prove themselves by joining in a movement whose ideology is not known to them this phenomenon is known as "True believer"

      some country's terrorist may also be revolutionary to other since he blindly follows the ideology of the martyrdom , this is the case for jihadis too" ----- pretty communist line of thought,I must say.Infact with the logic in ur second line,ie,some country's terrorist may also be revolutionary to other....,communists across the globe have justified islamic aggression in middle east.

      This concept of Identity crisis=patriotism is fundamentally flawed,and is propagated largely by leftists.

      You are either too naive or unwilling to accept certain things.But that is for u to sort out.

    92. jam do u even understand definition of communism I guess I wasted my time with utterly foolish person ,who is Bengali fanatic and also ysv rao bhakt so I request stick with your guruji , you accuse me of leftist since you seem to draw conclusion from your environment .

      point out where did i justify Islamic aggression in middle east. this is what ur foolish mind thinks

      jam when I made above comment I didn't have any agenda behind it so trying label my argument to suit ur motive seems like your also a vadakayil fanatic yourself

      I will end my discussion with you as its below my dignity to talk with a blind Bengali fanatic and a bigot .jam if your not ready to handle truth don't pretend to be a intellectual .as there is nothing inside your head

    93. @chatbot

      There is no reason to abuse JAM by considering him a Bengali hyper patriot or my disciple. You are wrong on both. He has routinely expressed frustration on the shortcomings of Bengali society. Furthermore we disagree on a variety of issues, mostly because he is Vaishnava and I am a Shakti cultist haha! I believe he is a Modi supporter (though not bhakt) but I am more critical of Modi.He sees Hindutva as more positive force than I do . But we both agree on the followers who are often useless. So when we agree on some things, we still disagree on the source and conclusion of those facts.

      I request you to resolve this amicably

    94. @sonam

      A historical novel is a fictional work with a lot of historical elements. For example Tolstoy, Doesteovsky are famous for depicting Russian society within the framework of fiction and their works are highly respected and are considered a valuable insight into Russian culture by historians. But not as historical sources themselves

      Similarly from Shakespeare and Kalidasa's works we learn a great deal about Elizabethan England and Gupta era respectively. Even in Raghuvamsha which is supposed to celebrate the ancestor of Rama humbling Central Asians, the references to contemporary events is obvious- Samudragupta and Chandra Guptas war against Sakas and Hunas in Afghanistan.

      in the Bible, also the surreal Book of Revelations is a code for the abuses and excesses of the Roman Empire against Christian. The bizarre imagery of statues with clay feet and golden head and lamb with seven eyes are coded messages so that St . John the author will not be executed by irate Romans.

      And so it goes.
      Freedom of Midnight is not used by serious historians for any type of research by scholars, because Collins and Lapierre are sensationalist entertainers not objective observers

    95. @Chatbot

      U are yet to sort out my ethnicity based on ur gauge of hero worship :) For Netaji,I am a bong chauvinist,for Savarkar I should be a Maratha nationalist,and just to give u a list of some more heroes I love to look up to,Rani Chennamma(my Kannada pride),Rani DurgaVati(well I think we can call that MP sentiments in me),Lachit Barphukan(Heck I was always a Bodo nationalist),Birsa Munda(Pride of Jharkhand).So let us first sort out the issue of ethniciy,then we can move on to something else :)

      When I wrote "Pretty communist line of thought" or "justifying islamic aggression",I didnt mean to brand u a communist or support of islamic aggression.I wanted to mean that whatever u are saying on patriotism or nationalism is said by Indian communist lobby.It doesnt depend on what the definition of communism is ,or whether I understand it or not.I made the observation on similarity of ur lines of thought with communist intellectuals of india.Again that doesnt mean I am branding u a communist(though I consciously branded u a Vadakayil agent based on reasoning I have clarified above).

      "I will end my discussion with you as its below my dignity to talk with a blind Bengali fanatic and a bigot .jam if your not ready to handle truth don't pretend to be a intellectual .as there is nothing inside your head" - I agree with the last part,there is very little in my head as of now,trying to learn whatever I can in the meantime.Whether its below ur dignity is for u to decide,but have been following ur comments on this thread,and I didnt get the feeling that u are a person of pretty high dignity standards :) Anyway to each his own.When u call me a bengali fanatic or bigot,u havent seen what an ethnic bigot is ,in reality :) U are pretty inexperienced on that front also.I have seen and interacted with ethnic bigots from bengal as well as other states.Understand this,supporting Netaji doesnt lead u to ethnic bigotry,this prejudice needs to go.Initally I started writing on Netaji in this thread because I saw the comment of Sonam where she equated the intentions of Netaji&Tipu.Similarly I have tried to address wrong claims on Savarkar equally,though Savarkar is a tricky topic to handle.All these can be done objectively without ethnic bias.SOme of the best books on Netaji had been written by not even Indians but Europeans! Like Colonel Hugh Toye(who happened to be an enemy of Netaji,but turned an admirer later on),Leonard Gordon(Brothers against the Raj),Jan Kuhlman(Netaji in Europe).None of them had ethnic bias,objectivity is a thing that u should use to analyse ,not ethnicity.

    96. jam i dint want to revisit the topic since ysv added some points i will have clarify few points here

      when i spoke of true believer it was a "philosophical" not ideological.
      jam the term you r looking for is not communist its" Maoist or Naxals "

      bose , vd savarkar etc are "true believers" , Bose tries same trick with Hitler before Japs he promised to enlist Indians into Nazi unit

      remember jam when u ask for help from third party who is providing all the logistics you are in no position to bargain from foreign power Bose would have been a proxy ruler of India .history has repeated itself since the time of tipu ,

      jam you are giving too much credit to what happened let me quote "(which proved to be of great help,since after 1947,most of the Muslim soldiers of BIA chose to side with Pakistan)"
      those were ww2 veterans and some of them were serving British India , not Rss it has debunked even by ysv rao i read above comment in this article

      jam Bose debacle was a blessing in disguise as i would have been chatting in Japanese with you if he succeed . jam let quote yur own words
      " Netaji was probably never informed of this cannibalism,otherwise he would have spoken out against this.Hope this solves ur problem with jap Cannibalism" . Note this point this means Japs had a hidden agenda which bose was not aware of and had no control
      if gumnami baba which sonam implies was netaji i suspect
      bose knew it had to hide to overcome the guilt of aftermath
      of all this .

    97. @CHatbot

      "jam the term you r looking for is not communist its" Maoist or Naxals "" - If that gives u any peace of mind,then I am ready to use Maoists instead of communists :) For me its irrelevant,because most communists I have interacted with have a soft corner for maoism and a future global revolution(in their dreams) .So for me its immaterial,because the essence of communism is not the object of my point.hence if Maoists please u,then be it "Maoists" :)

      "bose , vd savarkar etc are "true believers" , Bose tries same trick with Hitler before Japs he promised to enlist Indians into Nazi unit
      remember jam when u ask for help from third party who is providing all the logistics you are in no position to bargain from foreign power Bose would have been a proxy ruler of India .history has repeated itself since the time of tipu , " ----- To understand this,u need to read the activities of Netaji in Europe,the terms and conditions he had set for axis powers.This is something many Indians preassume,that Netaji was dependent on the axis powers wholly.To some extent he had to depend on them,that part is true,but at the same time he had put it down in his meetings with Axis heads that just like IIL needs their support,similarly they need IIL's .This was because India remaining a british territory was an uneasy concern for the axis,particularly Japan.And Netaji had exploited this weakness on the side of axis,he had offered them a two way deal,that the Indian POWs would fight to liberate India and thereby weaken allies.At the same time,it was categorically put forward that axis would lay no claim to any part of India,and whatever financial assistance Azad Hind govt was taking,would be cleared off as loan.Netaji had cleared off a large part of the monetary help given by Japan,in the last installment Azad Hind govt of Myanmar paid around half a million yens back to Japan,IIRC(which would amount to a very high sum as per today's evaluations).And the financial assistance given by Germany was in the name of Netaji,hence the free govt of India declined to pay that back to Germany,post 1947.So there was no way in which Japan could lay any claim on any part of free India,to understand this,u need to read into the governance and treaties Azad Hind establishment signed with Hikari Kikan.Its not possible for me to write whole books here in comments,hence it would be better if u read relevant books of history(and not from Dominique) on INA ,IIL and such topics.
      Even then Japan did have a subtle wish to get atleast one province from the northeast frontier in India,but that was not their major target,they were too much preoccupied on the eastern side with US invasions.And anyway they were not in a position go on new annexations all the way into Indian subcontinent.Infact the greatest military blunder Japan did was to withdraw its logistic and military support to the INA,becuase with that ,British and US forces on the northeastern part of India,who were well contained by INA all the way upto Manipur,now sprang back to push the INA into myanmar and Japan now had enemies on both sides,east and west.Slowly the allied forces from India captured much of the South Asian holds of Japan,this all happened before the atom bomb usage.The progress of INA into mainland INdia would have ensured Japan's fight only on one front,ie,the east with US forces.This was a grave strategic blunder by Japan.I am assuming all this based on conventional warfare tactics,when the atom bomb came into equation,Japan would have surrendered anyway.

    98. @Chatbot

      "am Bose debacle was a blessing in disguise as i would have been chatting in Japanese with you if he succeed . jam let quote yur own words
      " Netaji was probably never informed of this cannibalism,otherwise he would have spoken out against this.Hope this solves ur problem with jap Cannibalism" . Note this point this means Japs had a hidden agenda which bose was not aware of and had no control " ------ I could not get how u relate cannibalism with japanese annexation plans. But anyway much of what u have been saying is without base ,so I dont feel bothered to go into elaborate explanations.

      "if gumnami baba which sonam implies was netaji i suspect
      bose knew it had to hide to overcome the guilt of aftermath
      of all this ." - What guilt and the aftermath of what?? Why should he feel guilty?Now this is where objective understanding of issues come in,and u are severely devoid of the same.

    99. jam I will quote you own words again " Netaji was probably never informed of this cannibalism " here u agree that cannibalism took place and Bose was not aware , u trying to defend Bose "alleged "ignorance .so can conclude bose was a just part of Japanese larger agenda

      hidden agenda of japs means japs wanted to expand their territory in India if they had won the ww2 it makes sense that japs had occupied Manchuria so India acts like a base . this was long term plan , this is what sets you and me apart you cannot grasp geopolitical issues

    100. jam I didn't know that u love your heros so much that you are willing to debate with sonam and me since past two days , you still trying to refrain from yourself reaching obvious conclusions , you have labelled me vadakayil fan ,leftist etc . even If I spend a whole week educating you about geo politics yu will still fall short of an answer because your blind love will not let to progress very far

    101. jam iam curious let me qoute from your own words "Bose put forward that axis would lay no claim to any part of India," so once the purpose is over Bose can command Japs to f@#$$off from India and Japanese will happily oblige the Boses command !! is that conclusion you want to draw overall this is ridiculous even for a mainstream theory LOL............ :)

    102. This comment has been removed by the author.

    103. jam a new webseries is comingout Bose dead or alive

      watch the trailer here

    104. @cHATBOT

      if u go by the line of Dr Subramaniam Swamy,as I read from ur comment in another post of YSV,then why were u supporting the Gumnami Baba narrative?

      I am clarifying my own views.I do feel this person named Gumnami Baba was in reality Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.I dont think people like Dr Pabitra Mohan Roy(INA secret service head),or a few of the closest relatives of Netaji would go wrong in identifying the person.But my belief and historical documentation are different things.One thing is now certain more or less,that post the plane crash of 1945,Netaji had continued to survive.Now whether he was killed later on, or whether he entered India as gumnami baba,is all shady for now.But the fact is that oral attestations of people who served gumnami baba reveal that he was visited by the top ranking indian army officials of that time,for reasons not known to them,since the meetings were always behind closed doors.So something mysterious was certainly there about this man named Gumnami baba,even if he didnt happen to be the original Netaji .

      As to why the govt of india is shaky on announcing officially that Gumnami baba was Netaji(if that is true),I can guess.I have read the views of this Gumnami baba as narrated by Dr Roy,the INA intel head,and published in a bengali monthly magazine in 1960s ,called Jayashree. Some of those excerpts of Gumnami Baba I have given in this thread in my earlier comments.The very first anomaly is that this Gumnami baba refused thoroughly netaji's marriage with Emily or having fathered a biological kid.So that itself becomes the first pothole for the govt of India.
      Then there are many other revelations and predictions made by this Gumnami baba to his closest associates and aides,which are very sensitive even from the political spectrum of affairs,and even in our current era.A very striking revelation made by Gumnami baba to Dr roy was his prediction of the 15th of august,1975,before the day actually came.This was the day when Mujibar Rahaman ,the first PM of indep Bangladesh was assassinated.While many of the netaji lovers would see prophetic vision of an yogi behind this,many others would suspect this Gumnami baba to be actually associated with the assassination plot.There are many other things that I choose not to share.So in general gumnami baba is a pretty tight issue,and I can understand why the govt of India is treading cautiously on the same.There are international angles also intertwined with this,since GUmnami Baba had spoken of a tenth shadow in his almost allegorical "meeting of the Nine Generals" ,and that this shadow was behind a lot of bloodshed that occurred due to the global wars or the mini wars.That is why I called this whole subject on Gumnami Baba as "pseudo-History" for now,unless further revelations come to us.

    105. jam let me quote what i have written "if gumnami baba which sonam implies was netaji i didnt imply gumnami baba was bose

      jam i have been reading few articles regarding gumnami baba it has speculated that gumnami baba was KD Upadhyay, aka Kaptan Baba who had disappeared after killing Pandit Brahmadev in a meeting at Gayatri Bhawan”. It went on to say that Upadhyay was also known as Kaptan Baba, that he lived in a temple in Ayodhya, and that before disappearing

      According to Suryanarayan Mishra’s autobiography, Upadhyay had a few wealthy friends who were regular donors to the school. Seth Ishwardas Beni Prasad, a Kolkata-based businessman, was apparently the most regular and the closest to Upadhyay. Upadhyay had, in fact, had Prasad’s name engraved on a stone slab above the main gate of the on-campus temple. The slab remains to this day. The Mukherjee Commission had looked into the Gumnami Baba theory and concluded that the evidence for it was not "clinching".

    106. jam it is also sad that Bose own relatives have been propagating conspiracy theories to make money .while the children of Netaji's nephew Sisir Bose like to portray their father as the closest confidante of Netaji, the authors of the referred article present their father Amiya Nath Bose as the authority in interpreting his uncle Netaji's life and ideas.As it stands now, there are three predominant theories. One, Bose was reportedly killed in an air crash in Taiwan (a view backed by Sisir Bose, dynastically repeated by Sugata Bose). Two, it has been alleged, that he was killed or died (probably after being tortured) in the erstwhile USSR (a view adopted by Amiya Nath Bose, dynastically inherited and propagated by his children). Three, Netaji is said to have returned to India, living in the disguise of a mostly unseen holy man known as Bhagwanji (commonly known as Gumnami Baba) in various parts of Uttar Pradesh till 1985, when he would have been 88 years old.While Sisir Bose, his wife Krishna and their son Sugata continue to peddle the story of Netaji's death in the air crash in 1945, they never cared to present their evidence of Netaji's death before any of the inquiriesEspecially so in view of the antics of one Rajyashree Chaudhuri - a Hindu Mahasabha leader who claims to be a grandniece of Netaji - and has been at the forefront of spreading conspiracy theories, including projecting Netaji as the holy man whose followers recently caused violence in Mathura.

      jam also in your own state Bengal where netaji has religious following till date your govt has not put pressure to declassify documents regarding netajis death

    107. @Chatbot

      That is exactly what i am trying to get from u.U are not strictly believing in GUmnami baba hypothesis,yet in ur initial comments u attributed guilt on NEtaji behind his hiding as GUmnami Baba.That is the contradiction on ur side i am trying to understand.
      I didnt know of this angle of Gumnami baba being KD Upadhyay or whatever.And that is the reason why I am waiting for a final decisive evidence of Gumnami baba being Netaji.There is a lot of confusion and mist over this issue.
      Bengal doesnt deify or celebrate Netaji religiously,atleast not anymore,and not for the last few decades.Far more of a religious icon is Shivaji Maharaj in Maharashtra,or Birsa munda in jharkhand.Netaji doesnt get even 1% of the popularity in his own homestate,that the other two icons i mentioned,or many other regional icons,receive from theirs. And modern bongs are least bothered on Netaji,in contrast the neoRightwing lobby that has emerged across India among educated Indian hindus(and there are very few bengalis in this lobby of neoNationalist rightwing rise),as a coeffect of the Modi wave,is trying to bestow some honour to Netaji,but even there Sardar Patel is stealing the show :)
      Anyway its better that Netaji remains somewhat distant and aloof from the glare&spotlight.Now as i am aging up,I feel this,maybe this is what old age induces in people :) I wont love to see Netaji's cheap pics being circulated on currency notes(as has been demanded by rightwing lobby).Its better Netaji stays outside this clamour and this deification.He had reached a stage of Karma Yoga,where the selfless dedication to work mattered to him more than his own future or results.In order to understand Netaji,u will have to see him from the eyes of those INA soldiers or those europeans who had actually seen him upfront.Dont make drastic conclusions based on Rabaul tunnel or such things.This person invoked deepest regards in a British espionage officer Hugh Toye,who was originally from the enemy side.Infact as i said earlier,Hugh toye faced a lot of criticism from the british society for writing favourable views on Netaji in his book,he was the first british author to do so.However nowadays this book by Hugh Toye is well accepted as a good historical documentation on INA.

      Hence its absolutely fine for me if Netaji stays aloof,shrouded in mystery :) Just like the Uttar Kand of Ramayana gives it a value beyond words,the melancholy and Ram's apparent failure to keep Sita carries the sense of an "infinite suggestion",similar is Netaji's disappearance without a trace .I am absolutely ok if Netaji's life post 1945 remains a mystery forever.Atleast I wont like Netaji pics on currency notes for God's sake,or thousands of statues across the nation dedicated to him,or even that "Run for Unity" which Modi did to commemorate Sardar Patel :) those would be pretty cheap ways to honour him ,in my view.Its better that he is not invoked at every opportunity.

    108. jam i now know what bothered you when i compared tipu and bose
      tipu was not a freedom fighter but a king bose was freedom fighter
      but u also failed to note my point that if both had succeed with using foreign alliance it would have made India split into many parts .french would have ruled instead of British and japs would ruled Ne states which would caused civil war in india
      jam unlike chatbot i feel compelled to believe in gumanmi baba theory since bose handwriting were matched with gumanami baba and so cald revelation by baba doesn't make sense by a sadhu
      jam also note that after Bose attempt Churchill engineered Bengal famine as
      jam i still don't understand how Bose would convenience Japanese to leave India once he gets rid of British .his plan doesn't make sense atlest to me.
      rababul tunnel issue is complicated i feel Bose may have overlooked Japs cannibalism for long term friendship with japanese

    109. @Sonam

      There a thing called plausibility.British were quitting India by 1947,and do u think it would have been possible for Japan to hold any part of India afresh,all the way through south east asia into India?And just in case u are misinformed,Japanese battalions were not fighting all the way into Manipur,it was the Indians of INA who had entered in India,Japan offered the logistics support,for which they were duly paid back by the Azad Hind govt in liquid money(a large part of the outstanding dues were cleared before Netaji disappeared).

      This Japan annexation theory is also forwarded by Markandey Katju,the retired CJI .But Katju himself is not even moderately read on Indian history.Hence his opinions can be thrown into the dustbin on most issues,not just INA,though in some cases he is coincidentally right,which YSV writes in a more appropiate way,that a damaged clock also shows accurate time twice a day :P Katju ,capt and such people are those damaged clocks.Sensationalism and popularity are their objectives.Note that in indian politics,u will find many a politician even going on to put ridiculous dramatics,just to grab headlines.Capt and Katju are their equivalents in the online blogging world.

      Bengal famine was not just the result of Netaji's advances against british indian govt,it was a cumulative anger the british admin had on the state of bengal,and mostly on the bengali hindu community,for creating constant nuisance.Dont ascribe the crime of bengal famine on Netaji,that would be the worst form of injustice u could do to a freedom fighter.Its like saying that Sikh gurus were responsible for the mughal torture on innocent sikhs,or maybe in the modern age,Bhagat singh was responsible for the same.But in the context of bengal famine,one thing I was forgetting to mention,by late 1942,quit india movement in bengal had turned violent and disruptive,so much that from 1942 to 1944,one of the erstwhile undivided districts of bengal(MediniPur district) wrestled away the whole administration from Delhi govt's hand and started off its own govt,led wholly by freedom fighters.This temporary govt was independent in every aspect,it had its own police,a small standing army,a diplomacy office,a postal communications dept,education dept ,health and some other depts also,all manned by nationalist volunteers .The mini govt broke down in 1944,under huge pressure,but for near 2 years they had held off british admin .THe famine also took its toll on the fight,since without food,u cant expect people to fight.So the bengal famine was not just the effect of INA,it was more because of the Quit India and its aftermath in bengal.

    110. jam I agree that japs were providing logistics at the time , my scenario is what if axis power won ww2 . also if Bose succeeded in entering India with ina soldiers, British would have used that pretext to stay longer in India to fight ina backed by japs in that sense there might occur a civil war
      iam not blaming Bose for Bengal famine in sense that Bose never foreshadowed the event since he died ,but the event later inspired for Bengal famine
      the major reaon why ina failed because of traitor within who betrayed bose

    111. jam I still fell you are being selectively blind or not able to come to terms for the fact that Bose was initiative was failure to begin with

      Japan's historical situation at that time was that it had become a fascist imperialist power, like the Nazis in Germany.. Since its industries were growing, it required new markets and new sources of raw material and cheap labor, like any other colonial power. It is for this reason that it conquered Korea, Manchuria, parts of Northern China, Vietnam, etc. and later countries as far south as south as Malaysia, Indonesia and Burma. Surely they did not go there for distributing charity, but to get the raw materials and markets of those countries.Does anybody think that the Japanese fascist imperialists would have given freedom to India if they had defeated the British ? No, they would have made India their colony ( as they made Korea, Manchuria and other parts of China, Vietnam,etc ) and looted us. If we resisted, the Japanese would assuredly have massacred our people, as they did to the people of Shanghai, Nanking, etc

      If Bose was a great freedom fighter, why did he give up the fight against the British the moment the Japanese surrendered ? He should have carried on a guerilla war against the British, the way the Chinese Eighth Route Army fought against the Japanese. In guerilla war you fight with the weapons of the enemy, by snatching them from him. The fact that he did not do so shows that there was nothing in the man. First he tried to become an agent of the Nazis, but they rebuffed him. Then he became an agent of the Japanese, who accepted him as their loyal running dog.

      bose was an over ambitious, confused person, who to satisfy his ambition and ego was prepared even to ally with the devil, like a Fascist

      even ysv or any other reader would have finally understood the point what me and sonam were trying to make

      jam iam sorry your being stubbornly blind to the assessment Japs will treat Bose like their friend and give India independence infact i fear once the
      job was done japs would have assassinated Bose anyways

    112. i feel ysv is deliberately quiet because he is using us for his entertainment
      i think he has already understood clearly what me and sonam were saying was authentic scenario it so i request ysv rao plzz conclude, with your own words of wisdom make jam understand the fallacy of the argument jam was making since past 3 days

    113. @chatbot

      LOL what?? You are commenting here because you wish to. I have no obligation to respond to any comments.
      My own view is that Bose died in the crash- end of story. And he was not naive to believe that the Japanese had noble intentions regarding India. He was stuck between a rock and hard place and trying to make the best of a hopeless situation.

    114. ysv everyone is entitled to their own opinion , plane crash theory has been debunked, i will not go into details but point that witness Lt Col Habibur Rahman Khan testimony was later found inconsistent when British interrogated him .even your friend jam agrees to conclusion

      atleast you cryptically acknowledge that "he was not naive to believe that the Japanese had noble intentions regarding India He was stuck between a rock and hard place and trying to make the best of a hopeless situation."
      (which means he had unwilling became a japs agent for his good or bad intentions )

      ysv iam curious why do you always drw mainstream conclusions is it because you don't want to be known as "contrarian "?

    115. @Chatbot

      A comprehensive understanding of the situation prevalent in 1940s is reqd to answer ur points.And it would take be loads of comments to address the issue in totality,hence will just highlight the main points.
      Japan didnt have saintly intentions when it came to help India.However Japan wouldnt have managed to keep any part of india ,any inch of it.Thats because the british were leaving India,a colony of two centuries,by then,and the people of India would have been in no mood to accept another round of foreigners.However considering the nonchalance of the majority of indians(by indians I only refer to Indian hindus& indic religion followers,irrespective of ethnicity,since Indian muslims never had any active interest in any of these affairs,unless it meant something to their religion) to british or whatever's rule,theres a chance that parts of India that Japan would have wanted,might not have responded with repulsion to japanese rule after british were gone.But then again comes the role of a national leader.Considering the noncompromising views and stances taken by Netaji on integrative nationalism,he wouldnt have allowed even the partition of India to happen,if he had been at the helm of affairs from Delhi.Hence arousal of nationalist sentiments in people largely depended on the leader they were looking up to.Either way,it was not an easy thing for Japan to lay claim on any part of India,as long as Netaji was there as head of INA.And moreover,the Japanese army was not physically present in the indian territory upto manipur,they were only back there in myanmar bases.Hence they were not entering India with their armed force,a misconception even Markandey Katju has.It was the indians of INA who were infiltrating India.
      In order to understand what the objectives of Netaji were,in his planning of INA(which incidentally started as a flash of idea from Veer Savarkar,from the Hindutva axis),u need to know more into the history of that time.Netaji never wanted to fight the whole british indian army that was stationed along the borders of northeast,because he saw it plainly that it was Indians pitted against indians in that war.Here came a logical error he committed,but not due to his own fault though.He thought that with the INA's entry into Manipur,a large part of the BIA would rise up in revolt.that did happen,but not at that time,it was in 1946 when the Royal Indian Navy rose up in mutiny,inspired by the INA.This didnt happen becuase u would be amazed,but the INC in india was playing second fiddle to british agenda.the vast majority of Indians never got to know that a leader from their very own side was entering india with an army.THis sounds incredible but is true,print media of those days(apart from a few bengali journalists) kept the news hidden totally from the public.Hence pro INA opinions were never raised in the first place,thus the BIA continued to resist the INA.Netaji couldnt expect that INC would villify him and his efforts.When he got to know of this,in mid 1943,the INA top brass formed a few radio operator espionage grooups,for the propaganda war.Some mini radio teams were created and elaborate plans were chalked out to place them in different parts of India,and start proINA news within mainland. (cont)

    116. that was also a failure,most of these groups got caught sooner or later,not always by the effiicency of police,but in some times because local INC people tracked them down and leaked info to police! This is what INC was doing back in India,hence Netaji's plan was largely a failure.I repeat that the original intention of INA was not to fight the BIA(because indians were being killed from both sides in the fighting),but to start a pan India mutiny,that flopped totally.that is why INA is a failure,but the circumstances were not in the hands of NEtaji,his mother party INC had betrayed him,in their zeal to stand up for the allies.Interestingly Gandhiji was the only person who positively welcomed the INA,and went against party lines to start Quit India movement(August revolution).Gandhiji had openly admitted that Bose's unforgiving fight also inspired him to wage one final call of freedom,through Quit India.
      As a last desparate measure,INA officials requested Jap authorities to somehow arrange a largescale loudspeaker system for them,in manipur war front.They were of the opinion that one speech of Netaji to the BIA in the front lines would have brought in a catastrophe of revolution in BIA,but for whatever reasons,Japan failed to supply a loudspeaker system at that crucial juncture.
      If u ask my neutral opinion,yes Netaji was a failure,his INA was a failure,but at whose mistake?Not his own,the backstabbing on him came from within India,and from Indians themselves.Netaji failed because he couldnt expect the INC to be playing with the allies against him.

    117. jam I think at this point, we have reached a stalemate. only person who can give correct answer would be Bose himself!! we have covered all the possible scenario for readers to make their own conclusion
      jam your largely drawing conclusion from anuj dhar work ,I agree to most points mentioned that 1940 scenario etc I have already mentioned in my above point reason for ina failure I will quote my point "the major reason why ina failed because of traitor within who betrayed bose"
      but let us see in future after any declassification of Bose files we will get the right answers

    118. I think vd savarkar , Gandhi, etc require another thread, vd savarkar will also reach a stalemate point, since u say that Hinduize all politics, and militarize Hindus '. Obviously this was in furtherance of a secret deal he had struck with the British for his release . Savarkar was a nationalist only till 1910 when he was arrested, and given two life sentences.When the Congress launched the Quit India movement in 1942, Savarkar criticised it and asked Hindus to stay active in the war effort and not disobey the government, He urged the Hindus to enlist in the armed forces to learn the "arts of war'', but this appeal was made selectively to Hindus.
      Can this man be respected and praised as a freedom fighter ?

      I will also quote Gandhi's case he was largely influenced by Leo Tolstoy
      regarding philosophy of ahimsa he was a hypocrite on many levels , Gandhi is largely criticised for partition India ,but only in case of partition of India I feel he was made a scapegoat , true villain in this case Jinnah and Nehru acting on Edwina Mountbatten influence since both were honey trapped by her. Gandhi never wanted birth of pak but he lost against ambition of both Nehru and Jinnah

    119. ysv everyone is entitled to their own opinion , plane crash theory has been debunked, i will not go into details but point that witness Lt Col Habibur Rahman Khan testimony was later found inconsistent when British interrogated him .even your friend jam agrees to conclusion

      atleast you cryptically acknowledge that "he was not naive to believe that the Japanese had noble intentions regarding India He was stuck between a rock and hard place and trying to make the best of a hopeless situation."
      (which means he had unwilling became a japs agent for his good or bad intentions )

      ysv iam curious why do you always drw mainstream conclusions is it because you don't want to be known as "contrarian "?"

      I dont know where to begin with this stupidity. Lets us start with "Everyone is entitled to their opinions" yes but not to their facts. I dont dismiss circumstantial evidence. But even circumstantial evidence for Bose as Gumnami baba is flimsy. In my view it doesnt even make sense- Bose was plenty popular in post independent India. If he made a comeback ,everyone including Nehru would have to kowtow to him. And yes it is possible that Nehru would want to have him whacked for this reason but I cant believe Bose being intimidated by some random assassin so as to go into hiding for the rest of his life. It goes against his entire life trajectory and daring and perservering personality.

    120. @Sonam

      I agree with ur observations on Gandhi ji,however as i said earlier,there is a thing called objectivity in historical analysis.All the negatives of Gandhi doesnt wash away the fact he did support Bose's unforgiving fight against british,when he heard of the latter's plans to invade India with help of axis.Infact in INC meeting in 1942,when Anti-Netaji agenda was being raised by most of the INC topbrass,Gandhi stood out from the herd,and had famously said that Bose was doing the right thing with his INA plan.Thereafter Gandhi also announced the famous August revolution or Quit India movement,this time also against the wishes of almost the whole of INC leadership.What is significant here is the sudden reversal of Gandhi from his earlier moderate attitude to that of a no-compromise Ahimsa Extremist,and he himself credited Netaji's influence on him for this decision.This was the only time he was positively influenced by Netaji,even though they were not communicating with each other.Particularly the formation of Azad Hind got in berlin was something that surprised Gandhi.He might also have got into a feeling of guilt,seeing the sheer amount of time he wasted from 1930 till 1942,in which he spent more on Satyagraha than any nationalist movement,and seeing the incessant efforts Netaji was giving from outside India.
      Hence its better that negatives are segregated from positives,and analysis made based on that.All the negatives u wrote about gandhi are true no doubt,but not everything about gandhi was negative.However,in totality,the negatives probably outweighed his positives.
      Its funny that Veer Savarkar is now blamed as the turncoat,while historical objectivity shows us that almost all of the moderate leaders of INC were turncoats in disguise :) Veer Savarkar was open in his thoughts,he wanted a Hindu India,he worked for that,he preached that philosophy.U may or may not like him,but the fact is that there were snakes far more venomous than Savarkar,within the INC top brass.

      While readers can reach their own conclusion,but what i have seen is that often people frame opinions without going through all relevant facts of the case.And on the contrary,even if a heavily biased person speaks on true facts,I will have to agree with him.Hence its always better that we keep apart our prejudice in objective historical analysis.

    121. @YSV

      actually that is the same reason why i never put weightage on Gumnami baba theory,nothing can be decisively said as of now.However,I think the plane crash was faked,that is not to say Bose survived long after that,he might well have been killed soon later in some other unrelated encounter or mishap,of which we know nothing.But probably he was not the person in the plane that crashed.

    122. jam I have a curious question why does captain support bhaga jatin more than
      netaji Bose ,I feel their lives mirror each other in some ways ,I must also confess I never heard of bhaga jatin till I read captains blog he was not a popular figure unlike bose .both are from Bengal, captain goes on to say he should be called father of the nation .
      I will quote some captains words " Just like Swami Vivekananda, Bagha Jatin saw through all these pseudo freedom fighters of INC -- the so called moderates like Dadabhai Naoroji, Gopal Krishna Gokhale INC is still being run by pseudo patriots with foreign DNA. Jatin worked closely with Rash Behari Bose, Lala Har Dayal and MN Roy( Ghadar party of USA ), Champakaraman Pillai ( Berlin Committee with Hitler ) , Nair San ( Japan ) , Shamji Varma ( England ) etc in organizing patriotic cadre all over India and abroad. The British and Americans call this the Zimmermann plan or the Bagha Jatin conspiracy even today. He co-ordinated and managed the indoctrination of Indian soldiers in various British regiments in India and well as abroad, for a massive insurrection. Thousands of patriots incarcerated in the Cellular Jail of Andamans would be freed using the same German ship carrying arms.

      He set up bomb factories all over Bengal, after importing "bomb making " literature secretly from abroad.

      He organized with the help of Chempakaraman Pillai, a German ship fully loaded with arms and ammunition to land on a spot a Balasore beach of Orissa, which he selected personally.

      The ship SS Maverick, would have delivered to Jatin 30,000 modern rifles with 400 rounds of ammunitions each gun .

      The plot leaked via a Czechoslovakian triple spy in the payroll of Rothschild. The US President Woodrow Wilson gave this information to Rothschild , the US Presidential chair kingmaker..

      The last words Jatin Mukherjee uttered were : “My wounds are still bleeding , or what ?

      "Today all Bongs jump up and down like jackasses for Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose--who just emulated Jatin Bagha much later"

    123. jam this fellow Rash Behari Bose was common connection in both case of bhaga jatin and netaji bose did he influence netaji later , did Bose knew about bhaga jatin exploits ?

    124. Sonam, if you see Rothschild behind every nook and corner, what is the difference between you and the captain- why should I take you seriously

    125. This comment has been removed by the author.

    126. ysv how did u arrive at the conclusion that I see Rothschild hand ? does quoting frm captains blog makes me equal to captain himself
      read my statement carefully then react I didn't know about bhaga jatin till I read about captains blog he was not a popular figure ,
      ysv if u read bhaga jatins article in captains blog you will also find
      "jams comments"

    127. @sonam I apologize as I couldnt see the end quotation marks after beginning withe the captains words and thought you were inserting your own views re Rothschild.

    128. This comment has been removed by the author.


    129. @Sonam

      ofcourse Bose knew about bagha Jatin's exploits.Capt says "both are from Bengal, captain goes on to say he should be called father of the nation . " - I could never get the basis of this claim by capt.I agree that Gandhi is not the best person for Father of nation,atleast not in terms of arousing racial strength among Indians as a whole.However what makes Bagha Jatin the father of nation??I am saying this as someone who knows Jatindranath Mukherjee's(Bagha Jatin) life &activities in good detail.What exactly makes him eligible for Father of the nation post? No doubt he was a fierce freedom fighter,and a hardcore ascetic(he used to eat uncooked raw vegetables&fruits,&started his day with the Geeta,for which he was termed "GeetaPurush" by his fellow revolutionaries). But Father of the Nation should be a personality with whom indic nationhood can relate to.In that sense,the only father of our nation should be Bharata of the Puranas,and no one else.Because unlike USA or many other nations,India didnt start just 200-300 years ago,Indic civilization started off far deeper into the a person who appeared just a 100 years ago,should not become the Father of our nation overnight,thats my opinion,and its same for Gandhi,Bagha Jatin or whoever else from the modern times.

      Whatever u quoted on Bagha Jatin's works,is known as the hindu-German ww1 itself,Rashbehari Bose had made an attempt to mimic the sepoy mutiny within British Indian army,with the help of a host of revolutionaries(many of them were NRIs in the sense of the term).The plan failed just before the day all the barracks in north india were set to rise in mutiny,since the final telegram from Lahore by Rashbehari Bose never came,he had to leave lahore since the whole thing was leaked to police.Even then some barracks did rebel on the day it was meant to trigger off,with the final signal from Rashbehari.Among these barracks,the one in singapore and the Kolkata Fort William barrack started the mutiny,but the govt was prepared enough to crush them down.The aftermath was tragic,the mutineers were mostly executed in front of firing squads.While many of the barracks across north india couldnt take up the revolt because they were strictly abiding by the preset plan,and hence waiting for the final call,which never came.And the three german ships Bagha Jatin was meant to receive at Buribalan near Balasore of odisha,were part of what is known as Christmas Day conspiracy(since it was planned on 25th of december). The german ships were intercepted by british police&army before they reached.And bagha Jatin was killed in ensuing encounter with police at buribalan coastline.Rashbehari left India for Japan soon after that,disguised as one of RN Tagore's relatives.The sad part is that he always wished to see his native place for one last time,but unfortunately couldnt,since he died in Japan in 1945,before india got her independence.but he never stayed idle for a single day of his life,even with an ailing health,he travelled throughout south east asia to form the Indian Independence league,the precursor of INA.


    130. I think Rashbehari was the first person from outside Japan ethnically,who was awarded the highest civilian award of Japan,the order of the Rising Sun.He had garnered a huge respect among the people of Japan and also the authorities&royal family of Japan.Otherwise Japanese are in general not a cozy people to foreigners,yet the supreme leader of Black Dragon Society(an influential militant political outfit in erstwhile,somewhat like the RSS u see today),who had hosted Rashbehari in 1915 when the latter first stepped into Japan,gave his daughter to him for marriage.Rashbehari's personal life can become a superb movie,provided some great director,and not Shyam Benegal,takes up the project.btw the "Anushilan Samiti" whose name u probably know of,was modelled along the lines of Japanese Black Dragon Society,later on,after Rashbehari sent inputs on the same to his fellow revolutionaries in India.

      The first time Netaji met Rashbehari in person was in 1943,even though both had heard of each other long back.When Netaji first had chalked out his house escape in 1940 or 41,his original intention was to reach Japan and not Germany.Rashbehari himself had wished for that,since he was not in good health,and was in search of a good leader to whom he could entrust the IIL&INA.Reading about Netaji's works back in India,he chose Netaji to be the best person who could take up the charge.However the "Bengal Volunteers" revolutionary team could not arrange a safe exit via south east asia,since the whole of that was british colony,and no chances could be taken.That is the reason why the route through kabul into Russia and then Germany from there on was chalked out.But it was a wastage of time,because the branch of Azad Hind army that was formed in Germany could not play any role in India's independence.And it was also a wastage of time for Netaji,the only positive he could achieve from his europe stay was that he literally coerced the three axis powers to come out with an official announcement that no part of independent india would go to any of the axis nations.Apart from this diplomatic win,nothing of any huge significance could be achieved by Netaji in Europe.He did the best he could do ,though,in some of the nights he would not even go to bed,under the huge pile of work.Apart from that,he managed to make 9 nations of the world recognize Azad Hind govt of berlin to be the free govt of India.That was also a huge diplomatic feat ,given the huge turmoil of early 1940s world politics.

  11. ANU jam ysv and other this is girl is latest victim of captains anti

    lekshmy November 4, 2017 at 8:31 PM

    Hi there , Namaskaram , I read the story which you had re-posted regarding the whore house and calling me a tamil whore. With the conviction with which you have detailed the event , I genuinely doubt , Whether the Sardarji was none other than yourself or may be the other character , one Mr.Mamasan , I dont know , I dont understand , whoever , anyways , it is true that I had replied to you last time in malayalam that I will not visit your blog again , But I realized that my love and respect for my country is more than my contempt towards you as a person , a person who is my father's age . Moreover , as you very well know , it takes a mandala (48 days ) or 40 days minimum to get rid of any bad habit , right ? So I request you to please bear with me until then. While i desperately try to take me out of your blog for ever , you can keep typing in Red bold letters "laxmyyyyyyyyyyy, inge vaaaa, customer vandhacheeeeeee....." , One last thing , you should have spared atleast goddess lakshmi , lajjavaham . Iam neither a whore nor your blind follower , But Iam truly concerned that even after acquiring so much life experience and education and other life assets as you repeatedly claim in your blog , still you don't have the minimum compassion or quality of soul to not call a woman who is a mother and a wife a whore , even if you don't know her. Thinking your wife as goddess may make you a good husband but thinking all other women as whores and simply calling them names and repeatedly abusing them for no reason does not make you a good person at all. I believe since we all born as humans , we must live and die as humans , Not as Engineers , Doctors or some other professionals. I seriously wonder , if this is what a person of my father's age has accrued over his life-span , then what is the meaning of experience and education . This is a general thought of mine , not just restricted to you . Also
    how can a person who cannot respect woman call himself a true Indian ? I don't know , You have called the girl who got kidnapped and physically assaulted a bitch and me as a whore without a second thought. It is because both of us are keralites , that I am so ashamed , My attitude towards elders have taken a shift , but thanks a lot for all those valuable details about Hinduism , The blog may be yours , The rules may be yours , But there is something called 'quality of soul' which I truly believe in . Cannot accept your methods any day , sorry , So I told , kindly bear with me for 48 days . Thank you for reading and publishing if you do.

    poor girl lekshmy she thought captain was a desh bhakt little did she understand true devil called vadakayil a complete mad dog !!and shameless human being. she should file case against captain for harassment and upsetting modesty of a woman .if she ever needs a support ysv jam Anu and others are there through this blog

    1. Why is capt abusing this woman? Any link?

    2. Anu let me quote from his blog



      There are two types of thinking.

      One is LACHEMEE INGE VAA thinking and the other is VADAKAYIL BINDU 4D THINKING

      One is CHOOTIYA thinking and the other is SAGE WISDOM thinking

      Oh blimey--I hope I am not accused of calling some squeamish reader a CUNT now. She is more upset that I converted her from a Malayali into a Tamilian.

      I use bad words to keep squeamish readers away -- they waste my time and energy








    3. Is her name really Lekshmi with an e, in that case she is Malayalee for sure. It is only hardcore Malayalees who spell names that way. Such as Ravi as Revi , I even know of a Reja(Raja).

    4. ysv she is malyalee captains defence in the whole is she is not upset that she was cald a whore but she was referred as tamilian which is suppose to be a insult to mallus , captains supporters are ganging up saying she is to squeamish doesn't understand a joke

    5. we should now refer captain by the name ONE BLOG MESSIAH LOL.....

      Anu can u provide link to ashwin vadakayil facebook id

    6. @Sonam, regarding leksmi ,I thought he was narrating an incident told to him by his tharki sardar friend who went to a brothel and ........ . But some of his followers indeed post weird comments like a poster commented on how east Asians (Chinese, Japanese)have down's syndrome as down syndrome patients have same facial features like slanted eyes,flat faces etc. This was seriously WTF for me lol

      @ysv, re sexual harrasment, I don't think you could call someone like gurmeet ram rahim as Yogi. Yogis have better physique . There were lots of red flags regarding ram rahim like him making his own movies ,partying in night clubs hard etc. Ram rahim was a much shady character. Though I will agree on the rest of what you said. Regarding a recent Jain Muni case,the accused Jain Muni said that everything that has happened between him and the girl was totally consensual,it was his first time and he was ready to go to the court. I have a feeling that baba ramdev's will also be honeytrapped as he has become too powerful business wise and economically.

    7. tim drake I agree ,captain is hitting both targets with same stone, he refereeing to a real incident as well as targeting lekshmy in reference to the name of the whore in his refrence

      in cases babas I will say they are victim of their own personality they are
      sex addicts people surrounding them know it hence are targeted ,like how congress people cry foul play when Cbi raids their property it both case of conspiracy and their won notoriety catching up to them

    8. Sonam, here's the link to Ashwin's FB page:
      It looks like he has deleted a number of photos that he had posted earlier. I could not find the photo of his brother or his wife that he had posted few months ago.

    9. Anu thanx for providing link unfortunately in browser it says link is not available so i think link u provided may b incomplete

      This is the correct link. Login to facebook and then try. It should work.

  12. It seems another person went on a shooting spree in Texan church killing 27 people. Meanwhile ,Kimmy in North Korea is an other Kind of nut job. Too much tamasic energy I guess. Or may be environmental contaminants like bpa, xeno-estrogens taking a toll on humans

  13. YSV, some ppl on twitter (the same ones who wrote Islamic-mercantile nexus articles) are of the opinion that there is over-glorification of jauhar. They say that there is no glory in killing oneself, as suicide is the easiest way to end troubles. Instead one should appreciate those women more who died fighting the enemy or those women who used seduction as a weapon and sacrificed their chastity to defeat their enemy. They cite the example of princesses of Sindh (mentioned in Chachnama) who used this method to resist their conquerors. They are saying that sacrificing one's chastity for a greater cause is far more noble than committing suicide by jauhar. What are your views on this YSV?

    1. anu i will not go into details jauhar was largely a folklore may have some reality to it , it may have been a coverup for overall shame of rape which may have happened at hands of Islamic soldiers Rani Tarabai of Marwar dint perform a Jauhar.She was successively sold in the slave markets of Lahore,Tehran, Istanbul and then killed at 45 Amir Khusrau, Alauddin Khilji's court poet cum historian, and therefore a contemporary of Alauddin Khilji, mentions no such Jauhar at Chittor. We cannot reason, however, that Amir Khusrau did not know of the practice of Jauhar, because 2 years prior to the siege of Chittor, when Alauddin Khilji captured the fort of Ranthambore, Amir Khusrau narrates the Jauhar that transpired in the fort.

    2. @Anu

      Its a pretty sensitive topic,but I am putting down whatever I feel.Firstly,I dont think Jauhar was a glorification in those days,for the women who actually committed the same.It was rather a better option from the savagery of invading hordes.Probably the sense of glorification associated with jauhar was a later construct,through folk literatures.But whatever may be the issue,it was still a huge lifeloss,a far better option was to create martially trained women,for small rajput kingdoms.They would have added up to the manpower of the armies.And seduction requires a specific setup,I dont think all women were lucky enough like the sindhi princesses to do that.Interestingly the intellectual lobby that u are pointing out speaks in favour of seduction,which reminds me of certain bengali communist intellectuals who claim Durga seduced Mahishashura.Pretty striking similarities in the thinking lines of both.

    3. That's right JAM. Rajput queens who went for jauhar were just looking for a way to escape the torture at the hands of the enemy. They probably didn't think that they were doing something glorious. Seduction and honey trapping don't work when the enemy is at the doorstep. It's easy for these Twitter intellectuals to judge these hapless women from the cosy comforts of their swanky apartments in the US. If they themselves actually faced such calamities, wonder how they would react.

    4. @Anu

      All those twitter NRIs who speak big things about a hindu revolution,Hindu uprising,fight against islam,fight against xtianity,dont themselves do any real ground work under the hot sun,in the villages of India.Whereas I have seen relatively simpler people of humble educational backgrounds to be actually working for their dharma ,in real life,not on twitter.Many of the twitter NRIs are thoroughly disconnected from the realities of indian society,and that is not their fault anyway.Everyone is free to build up life in his or her own way,as long as he /she is honest&upright.

    5. My own view of jauhar is that it is indeed one of glory and self sacrifice. Because it goes against the animal instincts of human nature. It is natural to submit to a conquering stronger enemy- men through labor and women sexually (though Turks and Pushtuns often preferred boys over girls but nevermind!). Keep in mind women have a biological need to be taken by a dominant force but this is contrasted with their need for emotional support as well. Similarly men admire and respect stronger warrior cultures by nature and this is why you find collaborators in pretty much every country which is conquered, not just India.s
      Look at what is going on right now in Scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Denmark, Swedish women having turned their men into good emasculated,egalitarian feminists now find them repulsive to their lack of masculinity and shack up with middle eastern men whose views on women everyone knows.

      Civilization is a fight against human nature which is barbaric and immoral for men and women. It is not about doing away with biology, no woman is expected to be attracted a pathetic dweeb of a man(like Vadakayil for example, his protestations aside) but other considerations beside raw testosterone should also be taken such as honor,ethics, morality and so on.

      This is where jauhar comes in. It is remarkable that these women did not submit to the animalistic biological urge to mate with the conqueror but instead followed preferred death over dishonor- a thoroughly UNNATURAL thing , keep in mind.

      In Hinduism we DO NOT worship nature as it is as we like Christians , Jews and Muslims recognize that nature is barbaric and unyielding. Whether it is the forests or human nature. Much of Mahabharata and Ramayana is dedicated to glorification of burning forests, some of it maybe an allegory for destroying Vedic people base mindset.

    6. @ JAM
      As an NRI myself I have to agree though with some reservation:) Most NRIs are a confused lot who know little about India. You can see this in the type of crap movies they prefer such as NRI college romances where they believe that is the real India!!
      Indeed for many NRIS Bollywood alone is the source of Indian culture- a terrifying thought indeed. They are stuck between two worlds, they dont wish to assimilate in say American society not because they cant- witness Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal, but they are terrified of being called brown sahibs and Uncle Toms and some like the nutcase Kshama Sawant(who thinks Boeing should stop executing military contracts and start manufacturing fridges instead) railing again U.S "racism,sexism, xenophobia, homophobia etc"(odd that she chose to migrate a country where all these horrors occur!"

      But the real contribution of NRIS is just their talents and cash. It is due to NRIs that India is no longer known as a sick ward of Mother Theresa but a fast developing economy booming with high skilled workers.

      Also Buddha himself that said one cannot contemplate philosophy on an empty stomach. Before the advent of NRIs dance and music forms in various states were struggling for funding and would have died if it werent for the prosperity and success of their sons. In Kerala and Karnataka for sure, the success of Mallus and Shettys abroad pumped up a lot of money in Yakshagana and Kathakali performances. Same goes for the Carnatic festivals and TN and Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam academies in AP/Telengana.
      Not all NRIs are primarily fans of SRK ;-)

    7. @YSV

      well to be honest ,when I spoke about NRIs ,I never included u :) Ur comments and observations have made it clear to me that u are not disconnected at all from indian society.But as u urself wrote,many NRIs are disconnected.Actually in twitter I interacted with a lot of NRIs in the meantime,from diverse spectrums,like ISKCON folks,bengali communists living in USA and dreaming of communism(pretty interesting ,is it not? :D ) ,a couple idiot bong "HINDU" NRIs dreaming of united bengal with bangladesh ,and if possible,even independent bengal,outside the ambit of indian govt! And leaving these bong NRIs alone in their commie shells,I also got to know NRIs from other ethnicities,some of whom wish day and night that india should become a Hindu Rashtra overnight,and since Modi is at the helm of affairs,they should not need to contribute anything towards the formation of this hindu rashtra,its all Modi's responsibility alone.However these NRIs are willing to help Modi with their daily dosage of tweets :D For some reason,twitter is the place where people boast at max potential,with very little or zero groundwork .

      NRIs have good cultural contributions,there u are absolutely right.And Its because of our NRIs that I can manage to find a bit of India in almost any nation I would go.This thing does matter a lot,for example there are some speculations that in 2 to 3 decades USA might even get a indian origin Hindu prez.This will obviously be good for india.So I am always proud of all proIndia NRIs like u,just vented my angst on a certain group of commie NRIs on twitter who have pretty big mouths :)

      A final point,NRIs have better work ethics&attitude than Indians,at least that is what I have observed in people who returned from abroad after a few years tenure to work in India.

  14. ysv rao what is your opinion on modis demonetisation it has been almost a year India's gdp has not improved , will this have any impact on 2018 election

    1. It is hard to tell the effect in such a short time but there doesnt seem any evidence pro or con in its effects.
      Demonetizations aim was not improvement of GDP but to combat corruption which can have a positive effect on GDP in the long run if it works.
      I think after demonetization passed, many more people chose to work under the radar.
      GST and demonetization in such a short time is too bitter a pill to swallow.


    its the proof the he reads ysv blogs everyday lol........

    1. hmm now thats a bit of history with which I am in complete agreement with u Sonam :D Vadakayil is a regular visitor to YSV's blog,i can assure u of that :)

    2. JAM & Sonam: LOL, the capt seems to read each and every comment on the blog and does get affected by what we think about him. He seems to give utmost importance to YSV's opinions because he posted about his second son as soon as YSV said "Wow thats a new low even for the captain. To not speak of his own son just because he doesnt live up to his absurd standards!".

    3. anu i now understand why his younger son photos went missing in fb account ashwin ajit. Budda must have instructed his older son to delete all the photos of younger son and his daughter in law LOL

    4. I had seen those photos several months ago but when I checked 2-3 days ago they were missing. Even his friends list was empty.

    5. anu when i requested you the link to fb it was nov 6, today is nov 8 so it makes sense now why it went missing 2-3 days ago

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Ysv, sorry for asking this question if you have mentioned it before but what about the origins of Dravidian languages ? There are hardly any similarities between dravidian languages and indo-european languages(not counting the shared words) - so they say. Is it safe to assume that Dravidian languages developed entirely in the indian subcontinent ? Want to know your views in case it's different from standard wiki entries. (though i read somewhere that some european scholars think that they might have origins in the Urals)

    1. Honestly it is hard to say. Most scholars who have done work on the subject point to West Asia of the origin of Dravidian languages because of some similarities with Sumerian and Elamite(Elamo Dravidian hypothesis by David McAlpin).

      Of course this has undergone revision in recent years, not least because IVC was recategorized from Dravidian back to unknown.

      It is mostly circumstantial evidence that points to a strong West Asian connection

      1) The arc of Dravidian place names primarily along the West coast of India (Sindh, Gujarat, Maharashtra ,Karnataka)
      2) Most West Asian invaders such as Sakas, Ahiras, Arabs came from the West coast all the way into Maharashtra and Karnataka
      3) It is Maharashtra and Karnataka that show presence of oldest Dravidian agrarian culture, not TN
      4) Dravidian culture resembles the Babylonian and Assyrian cultures in their bloodthirst and warrior ethic. Not to mention worship (or rather placating) of evil spirits ,demons etc. (bhuta pooja, paisacha pooja). Until 100 years, Tulu and Kodagu communities(who speak the oldest Dravidian languages) were unaware of any Vedic rituals.
      5) Even in Middle Eastern cultures today, mothers brother is highly revered. Same with Dravidians. So much so that in TN and AP, maternal uncle has rights to marry his sisters daughter!
      5) Apart from this (which is frankly an abhorrent incest practice) there is also cross cousin marriage still in practice in the Middle east by hated by IA north Indian peoples who think it is incest to even marry within gotra forget about immediate or extended family.

      There are more, but these come to mind right now.

    2. @YSV&Tim

      Well to be brutally honest,I do get a feeling that what we call dravidian languages today had probably developed even before the Indo aryan group.also I think the first cradle of civilization in India started from the Narmada valley and not the Indus.MAybe in future some archaeologist will accidentally unearth a civilization in Narmada,who knows?Hence the weightage does fall more on southern parts of india in terms of antiquity of civilization.

      The IVC is a puzzle yet to be solved.Way back in first half of 20th century,the initial works of Dayaram Sahni and others had led to conclusion that IVC was a dravidian civilization.But later discoveries unearthed even Yajna Kundas and horse bones,both of which are charecterised with a vedic civilization.So it is doubtful whether any actual invasion or even migration of a mythical aryan race occurred .It may well be possible that the vedic culture was slowly developed by remoulding within the mother IVC itself.The indus scrript holds a lot of clue,but i dont think it will be deciphered any time soon,because in the internet I was reading that this indus script doesnt seem to have connections with scripts of its time across the world.

    3. Ysv , quoting from wikipedia -
      "The Dravidian family has defied all of the attempts to show a connection with other languages, including Indo-European, Hurrian, Basque, Sumerian, Korean and Japanese. Comparisons have been made not just with the other language families of the Indian subcontinent (Indo-European, Austroasiatic, Sino-Tibetan, and Nihali), but with all typologically similar language families of the Old World. Nonetheless, although there are no readily detectable genealogical connections"

      To the point that you have made --- "Honestly it is hard to say. Most scholars who have done work on the subject point to West Asia of the origin of Dravidian languages because of some similarities with Sumerian and Elamite(Elamo Dravidian hypothesis by David McAlpin)"

      I am quoting from wikipedia again -- "In the early 1970s, the linguist David McAlpin produced a detailed proposal of a genetic relationship between Dravidian and the extinct Elamite language of ancient Elam (present-day southwestern Iran).However, linguists have found McAlpin's cognates unconvincing and criticized his proposed phonological rules as ad hoc."

      Regarding first cousin marriage in parts of andhra and tamil nadu, actually i found about it recently in a medical paper where the authors were proposing that the high rates of genetic disease like wilson's disease seen in some rural parts of south india is due to close cousin marriage.It's well known in genetic circles that close inbreeding(even in plants )makes them weaker and smaller each successive generations and they go extinct.

      JAM, i can't prove it but i have a hunch that dravidian languages developed most likely developed in the indian subcontinent. Regarding migration of aryan race, well sanskrit concept does show some similarities with the avestan, right ? Words like indra ,varuna are common in both. (they pronounced "s" and "h") hence "sindhu" became "hindu" ,"asura" became "ahura" etc. I think of part of that tribe migrated to india/pakistan region and created concepts reverse of them (ahura was their god while asura was our demon, indra was vedic god while he was the bad guy in avestan).May be there was some kind of war between them and one of the tribes migrated eastwards.

  18. Regarding Weinstein again. Apparently he is renowned not so much for making blockbusters but for middle to high brow cinema which actors and actresses covet as they want recognition by the Oscars.

    Hence his net worth is just something like 150 million dollars. This is small fry for a Hollywood producer. Even a moderately successful actress on the wrong side of 40 can have a lot more stashed away.

    THe conspiracy here I see is the conspiracy of silence which was finally broken. Hollywood and the press that covers it have a North Korean level of message discipline if so many stories failed to find traction over the years.
    What happened was probably due to Hollywood being on the verge of collapse due to falling box office sales and an acitve enemy in the White House. If Hillary was in charge, for sure she would have managed to protect her financier even further. But thank god, that was not meant to be.

    1. @YSV

      An offtopic question,but what's ur review of the movie "There will be blood" ? I felt that it tried to show the complex issue of religion intertwined with capitalism,in a sense that both are annexationist in nature(particularly true for abrahamic religions).But what's ur opinion on this?

      And kindly suggest movies similar in style to "There will be blood",this genre of dark story telling has grabbed my fascination in particular :)

  19. At this point I would request all to move this discussion (if still ongoing) to the appropriate comments board on my other pages (there is one specifically dedicated to SCB as well as WWII posts or posts about Indian independence)

    If all are still interested, please comment on gun culture in U.S and India. I am interested in the Arms act etc.


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