Flashback: Crude nativist Presidential hopeful smears Hillary Clinton as D-Punjab


An inexperienced candidate from a privileged background as well as being a son of an immigrant expressed very problematic views about illegal immigration from Mexico(crossing the border without proper authorization is a clear violation of U.S law) as well as gay marriage (marriage should be between a man and woman). He also ridiculed a female politicians looks by implying that she was a pig.

However he went too far when inspired by his  xenophobic excess , his staffers chastised his rival Hilary Clinton as D-Punjab in a private memo castigated for coddling up to Cisco even as they ship jobs to India. 

He spoke against outsourcing jobs, intervention in the Middle east and spoke in favor of bombing Pakistan, a thaw in U.S - Russia relations, energy independence and the divorcing the economy from the billionaire class.

As President he set a record and deportations of illegals and allowed frackers in North Dakota, Texas and other states to lower gas prices to an unprecedented level setting the stage for U.S to become a future Saudi Arabia.

This man of course was  Senator Barack Obama 2006-2008

Lipstick on a pig 

D Punjab 

Illegal immigration 

No to gay marriage 

Bombing Al Qaeda targets without Pakistani approval

Obama promoted anti gay bills to secure California black vote

Meanwhile behold this bigot

Gay marriage is the law- its settled


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