POW is an ugly situation: Indian military and civilians prove inept tacticians and strategists

It is hard to tell what exactly the Indian air strike achieved inside Pakistan. There does not seem to have been much information forthcoming from the Indian government which suggests it was George W Bush described Clintons strikes against Osama in 1998-hitting a camel in the butt

Never mind that ,what is worse the Indian Air Force in its bravado blundered into an ambush and got downed with a pilot captured by the enemy

I dont know who to blame -Modi or the incompetant military which gives him counsel. I can understand Modi's rush to jaction, he has to maintain his reputation of a hawk with elections so close right before the terrorist attacks martyring 40 soldiers. But just because he can , it doesnt mean it shouldnt. Is there any planning or intelligence when comes to military operations. It seems the Indian military doesnt do any training for a mission but simply ahem wings it. The most sorry spectacle of which was the 26/11 fiasco where the NSG actually had to gather commandoes from different parts of the country arriving 2 days later without any type of preparation or even knowledge of the layouts of the building or the city( how else does one get ambushed in a hotel or in a highway)

Inspite of this fiasco , Arun Jaitley is now indulging in bizarre pronouncements that India can accomplish what America did in 2011 with Osama. Even if it can which is very doubtful, I dont what is there to brag about . Certainly it does not suggest parity with the American military I hope.
The Americans though operating from a base in Afghanistan are from a country as far as you can get without coming back due to the earths curvature.
Isnt it shameful we even have a neighbor called Pakistan? Never mind bragging about hypothetical scenarios regarding the same.
Why is this pipsqueak nation even allowed to exist? Why wasnt it reduced to a rump state of Punjab as PV Narasimha Rao was going for when he set Karachi on fire only to have IK Gujral practically pull out RAW assets in order to pat himself on the back for his righteousness.

I dont mean to sound racist but I doubt north Indians who have so much cultural commonality with Pakistanis have the stomach to take them out. I remember reading about the troops in Siachen and a commander from Punjab talking about the over represenation of south Indians there. He said that he feels more comfortable talking to the Pakistanis than to the "thambis" due to the cultural commonalities.
So much for national integration. Honestly south Indians are least concerned obviously about pan Punjab sentimentality. Once again I ask you for all his flaws does anyone YSR Reddy wouldnt have Imran Khan in a cage by now. This is a gentleman who hacked off a policeman's arms when he arrested one of his party members.

This is not to say Modi is cowardly. Modi showed great physical courage in the early 1990s when he went to Kashmir to unfurl the Indian flag. This was a very tense and dangerous time . He may not have escaped alive but he established his nationalist vision with calm and poise spitting in face of the jihadis

Modi despite his authoritarianism can only do so much. The military establishment has not only proper British ideas of fair play but also has too many who empathize with the enemy due to linguistic and cultural similarities. What else explains Sidhus fondness for Pakistan over Tamil Nadu as he himself admitted.
Can anyone seriously expect any aggression and killer instinct from this lot? The painful memories of partition have long been forgotten. And Pakistanis are playing Indians like violins in this regard

Knowledge of Hindi or Urdu is therefore turning into a liability for the army. Israelis use Ethiopians and Russians rather Ashkenazis or Sephardim to deal with Arabs at checkpoints as due to their lack of Hebrew or Arabic they are less likely to empathize with Palestinians who appeal to them in these languages.

When Pakistanis have to start learning Tamil in order to communicate and manipulate soldiers, it may well be too late as we already would have control over much of Lahore and Karachi

Until then the Tamil Abhinandan Varthaman has to make do with learning Urdu. He may need it. At this rate, he will be there a while. I hope Im wrong.

In these situations, its best to equip pilots with a cyanide pill...


  1. Update: Apparently PM Imran Khan stated that the pilot will be released tomorrow as a peace gesture. Im glad Im wrong. Though it is puzzling why
    Perhaps Khan being a more cosmopolitan type sees no merit in war for sake of jingoism.Or that as a sportsman ,he has clobbered his share of Indian opponents and does not need to satiate his ego for sake of jingoism. After all what is sport if not ritualized war. Speaking of ritual, the pilot has undergone a ritual humiliation of being paraded in front of the camera after being beaten by angry locals, this may be enough to satiate a lot of the bloodlust of the population and the establishment.
    Or it could be that a bankrupt Pakistan cant afford any misadventures

    All this is speculation. I have no idea. Whatever the case, I am happy to be wrong and hopefully this ends here.

    1. I think it is because Imran Khan harbors terror bases and he knows he will not have to dismantle them and Pakistanis are protesting in Lahore. He gained extra mileage by releasing Abhinandan unconditionally (whatever happened to Kulbushan Jadhav?). On top of that, American President Trump said he had something to make India and Pakistan deescalate. Maybe Imran wanted to humiliate India. Maybe he wanted to give Pakistan the victim of terrorism image so he framed his words accordingly. One thing is for certain, we cannot do much now because military retaliation would give us the label of aggressors. The PM should have had this situation in mind continuously and thought through it instead of ignoring Abhinandan. He did not say anything about him. Is that not bad enough?

      And despite prior intelligence warning, how was Adil Ahmad Dar able to load his vehicle with 350 kg bombs and ram it into a CRPF bus? This puzzles me.

      And yes, Pakistan is not only bankrupt but fully in China's custody.

    2. Not to forget that Imran Khan himself is just a puppet/mask for ISI and the Pakistan Army.

      Sir, what should we do now and in the future? Should we give control of the central govt to people from the south instead of the present north?

      I have no idea so I am asking.

    3. I am not about control of government but to try something different. I suspect that Pakistanis are able to manipulate a lot of north Indians with their bhai bhai rhetoric and backstab them when it comes to following through with their promises. South Indians, Bengalis and North Eastern guys who dont have much in common with them are less likely to empathize with them and will be more ruthless.

    4. Oh I see. I did not think about it from this angle.

      But I feel Bengalis themselves will not be as effective as Telugus against adversaries like Pakistan. They were also victims of partition and carry those painful memories. But I may be wrong here because I do not know enough.

  2. Not to sound contrarian or unpatriotic, but I think Imran khan makes some good points about avoiding escalation of tensions between our two nuclear states. After all, BJP has been sitting around twiddling its thumbs with terrorist attacks in the past and has only responded now due to the upcoming elections.

    1. I am open to this view as well. However the scale of the terror attack was longer than before. To be sure the proximity of elections was a factor in this rushed action with tragic results.
      A downed aircraft captured pilot is always a propaganda win , a morale boost and useful bargaining too for the enemy. Returning him gets him doesnt cost him much and gets him brownie points with the international community which would facilitate much needed aid.

      I dont like undertaking wars with no clear mission and vision. Thats how you end up with Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. The difference being the latter are not nuclear powers.

    2. I think Imran khan had some sincerity when he offered to cooperate in the investigation of the pulwama attack. Of course, terrorism in kashmir has been manufactured by pakistan to act as cat's paw against India, but there is also indigenous terrorism created inside kashmir stemming from frustration against the indian army.

      Imran being a pashtun may be immune from the jingoism typical of punjabi pakistanis. We should take advantage of his moderate views to bring peace.

    3. However the scale of the terror attack was longer than before."

      Oops I meant bigger ,not longer.

      "Of course, terrorism in kashmir has been manufactured by pakistan to act as cat's paw against India, but there is also indigenous terrorism created inside kashmir stemming from frustration against the indian army."

      Yes, I would request Indian nationalists to look at the Kashmir situation with a detached POV. While Pakistan does fans the flames of hatred, the embers are of a local make.
      In the 1990s, Kashmiris while they didnt care for Indian control, loathed Pushtun guerillas just as much for causing havoc and destruction and raping Hindu and Muslim girls alike.
      Kashmiris arent easily given to rebellion and violence, their rather placid history bears this out. So when they go out of their comfort zone in protests and violence, perhaps the situation is more dire than patriots are led to believe.

      It is no longer the case that Pakistani Pushtuns are less than patriotic. Most Pushtuns in Pakistan feel positively about Pakistan and are well represented in the army along with Punjabis. Now with the Gwadar port , even Baluchis may drop their anti Pak agenda as they may well benefit from the economic surplus that accompanies a successful port city.

      I think the ethnic rupture in Pakistan has been managed pretty well since the 1990s mostly through intermarriage and city living not to mention distributing cash and infrastructure courtesy of U.S and China to far flung regions.

      I believe Imran Khan is a pragmatic guy who sees the writing on the wall regarding his country's economy. It has been a basketcase for a long time. And wants it to be a nation with a viable middle class. War will not achieve this.

    4. But guys, remember Imran Khan himself is a sock puppet of ISI and Pakistan's army. He may have other plans in mind which we do not know as of now.

      I do not know about Kashmir but I have heard people talking about it from left wing and right wing perspectives. So I cannot judge.

      But Chinese investments usually do not mean much for the local population no matter where they invest. Only Chinese workers are hired by Chinese firms for which the host country borrows money from a Chinese state owned bank. And always the project costs exceed the initial estimates leaving the host with too much debt to China. China uses that debt to take control over key infrastructure assets of the host country. This has played out in so many nations like those in Africa and south east Asia. And also Latin America.

      I learned this from Chris Chappell's YouTube show "China Uncensored".

    5. Chinese do use Pakistani workers and apparently pay them better than Pakistanis. Of course the upper echelons of the contractor companies will be Chinese. However roads, bridges, airports benefit the average person
      I agree about debt traps which is a Chinese strategy. Pakistan is always trying to bell the cat and failing terribly.

    6. Belling the Chinese cat will be impossible, especially for Pakistan.

      I forgot that China invests in nations that are dirt poor but rich in resources or have a shoreline and thus their investments will give more income to workers in those places than the workers' own.

      Seems China has taken over Africa and are now eyeing South America and Europe. Is it too late for India to counter them?

      P.S: Am I the only person to think Chinese people are similar to cats in a lot of ways?

  3. In a curious case of art imitating life. Mani Ratnams Kaatru Veliyidai's plot is about a Tamil IAF pilot who is captured in Pakistan. Military consultant for the film was Col. Simhakutty Varthaman who is Abhinandans father.
    Dont why Abhinandan is identified as Tamil , since Kutty is strictly a Malayalee suffix.

    1. I mean life imitating art. Brain freezes today...

      Not to go all Vadakayil but this kinda stuff warms you to the conspiracy crowd...

    2. Not just Abhinandan, seems many Malayalees in Tamil Nadu identify as Tamil these days. Perplexes me because Malayalees in Kerala harbor hate towards Tamils.

      I do not know about Kaatru Veliyidai because I have not seen the film yet.

    3. All the Malayalees I knew overwhelmingly supported the SL destruction of the LTTE in 2009 while Telugus were in mourning for the same.
      I dont know why Keralites identify more with Sinhalas than Tamils. Possibly a lot of matrimonial relations in the past and Keralite contribution to the gene pool. A lot of Sinhalese castes of Keralite origin ,but then a lot are of Tamil origin as well such as the Karawa caste. So that theory is out.

    4. Mallus identify more with Sinhalese people just to spite Tamils though there is more Tamil and Bengali/Odia in Sinhalese people, race and culture than Malayalam/Malayalee.

      Like I say, tomorrow, if any other race goes against Tamils, Mallus will be the first to join them, even if they are Chinese.

      As for Telugus, for all their glories and warts, they really integrate with others very well. Personally I have had no problem with them. At the very worst, they are a mixed bag of good and bad.

      I would say the same for Kannadigas. In my ancestral town in East Tamil Nadu, I had to ask before knowing if one was a Kannadiga. They integrate that well. Seems their culture is a lot similar to Tamils than I know as of now. I do not know about the rest.

  4. "In these situations, its best to equip pilots with a cyanide pill..." (so basically YSV_rao wants to start a suicide squad in Indian army like jihadist isis what great strategy by this fake intellectual ysv_ RAO !! he would make a great mastermind for a terror group though.

    1. Amith Mishra, with every post you make I wonder how you are allowed to function in society rather than being chained to a wall somewhere.
      I am not talking about making our pilots in kamekazes but prevent them from being captured alive.

    2. what's ur obsession with Mishra ? any ways anyone who can read and write knows you are promoting hate speech in above article ,yet you have nerve to defend your position instead of apologizing for promoting suicide squads in army

    3. "I am not talking about making our pilots in kamekazes but prevent them from being captured alive" ( illiterate rao read the article what you have concluded in the end ) your solution is to provide cyanide pill for suicide

    4. Amith Mishra is a troll who takes many avatars. So if some weirdo comes about talking incoherent rubbish like yourself, chances are he is Amith Mishra.

      What hate speech did I promote in the article pray tell? Yes I believe it is better for pilots to commit suicide than be captured by the enemy and used as a bargaining chip against India. It is not ideal but a lesser evil.

    5. sir if that is your solution is for the problem why not take it to next level by strapping a bomb jacket and blowing up in front of enemy before being captured as pov same Taliban tactics , instead of being subtle about why not openly say it you believe in it.

    6. You are beyond stupid if you dont know the difference between a suicide bomber and committing suicide upon capture. The former is against the Geneva conventions, the latter while not exactly encouraged, isnt.

      I cannot help stupid. Conversing with you is like explaining quantum physics to poodles.

    7. "The former is against the Geneva conventions," ( so taking cyanide pill in order to evade capture is on the line and is encouraged as you suggest , you want soldiers to die like cowards by committing suicide WTF !!!dude your beyond insane and crazy at this point

    8. LOL thats a lot of tough talk from someone like you who couldnt punch his way out of a kindergarten. When capture and torture is involved, it doesnt matter how "tough" you are, everyone breaks, it simply biology. If you wish to prove to me that torture is no big deal , very well, give me your address, Ill come and start pulling out your teeth with a plier and see how well you hold up.

    9. well ,since your are shamelessly adamant about defending a loosing proposition I will leave at that . I will say that only reason pak sent Indian pilot back because of our strong connection with Israel, Donald trump ,normally Usa would have put sanctions on India if it pulled something that in the past. times have changed pak is no longer needed you have new enemy Russia and isis

    10. I will also not deny this was a god sent opportunity for Modi since election is very near I can only speculate did modi let this tragedy happen for his personal gain to win election ? let me put this link here


    11. "I will say that only reason pak sent Indian pilot back because of our strong connection with Israel, Donald trump ,normally Usa would have put sanctions on India if it pulled something that in the past. times have changed pak is no longer needed you have new enemy Russia and isis"
      hahahahaha! Where did Israel come into this equation? U.S.A doesnt really care that much about India and Pakistan that much. It appreciated Pakistans support in the cold war and accordingly took anti India positions. But that Pakistanis wrecked that good will with extending support to Taliban and Al Qaeda.

      Please spare me any more gems of your geopolitical wisdom.

    12. hahaha jihadi rao I didn't accept you to understand anything what I wrote in my comments .anyways you are same guy who promotes suicide, what pathetic weed .

    13. I just watched this video, what do you think?


    14. According to our resident scholar zeit, these were also jihadis

      Tamil veerars in the Sangam era who committed suicide when their cheif dided
      Pallava generals who killed themselves upon the death of a king
      Cheran king who commited suicide when captured by Rajaraja Chola
      Chekavar suicide squads of Chera who were trained to fight unto death
      Rani Padmini and Rajput women who committed jauhar- why these could be the brides of ISIS!
      Prataparudra of the Kakatiya dynasty who drowned in the river Narmada than be captured alive

      Remember these are all cowards and jihadis say the genius who thinks it was Israel who secured the release of Wing Commander Abhinandan. Are you sure it was Rothschild pulling the puppet strings on the fighter jets?

    15. lol ....now you want to pull-out some fake claims to defend your ideology , show me the proof of the claims you make about the tamil history then we will talk instead of putting words in to my mouth .

    16. iam not sure abt the Rothschild but I heard ur wife voluntarily pimped herself to jihadist in exchange ,to escape frm pussy of husband like you who would hve given her the cyanide pills , I hope she is having good time with those pathans though

    17. Lol ..... so is ajit vadakayil ysv _rao wife ? then it all makes sense though since captain support for pathans in his blogs.

    18. Sir, what action would a nation face if their soldiers engaged in suicide bombing or any other action that violates the Geneva convention?

      Ziet 65 (are you a fan of Chicken 65?): What is your problem man? Don't you know about the difference between committing suicide and a suicide bomber? What are you barking about here?

      Trinity. I just became Chairman ROFL Mao of China.

    19. iam not sure abt the Rothschild but I heard ur wife voluntarily pimped herself to jihadist in exchange ,to escape frm pussy of husband like you who would hve given her the cyanide pills , I hope she is having good time with those pathans thoug"

      Im sure this is supposed to be an insult of some sort but I cant be bothered to read something thats seems to be from someone who wrote while suffering a seizure. The rambled word salad is not worth responding to.


    20. lol ....now you want to pull-out some fake claims to defend your ideology , show me the proof of the claims you make about the tamil history then we will talk instead of putting words in to my mouth ."

      There are random nonsensical words in your mouth because there is nothing in your brain and nothing capable of analysing any information. Your knowledge of Hinduism cow, Ram Sita and Radha Krishna and idea of Indian history is Ashoka, Prithviraj Chauhan, Shivaji and Gandhi.
      If you are so ignorant of regional histories and even the custom of Jauhar, I have nothing more to say to you

    21. Chicken 65 and Trinity

      Both of u can simply fuck off 😁 unless u all are the split personality of that same troll Mishra guy who sometimes get net access from his asylum ,in that case ,amith Mishra should just fuck off 😁

      iam not sure abt the Rothschild but I heard ur wife voluntarily pimped herself to jihadist in exchange ,to escape frm pussy of husband like you who would hve given her the cyanide pills , I hope she is having good time with those pathans thoug"--- now this flow of incoherence will definitely make amith Mishra proud of his own alter ego or second personality :)

  5. While you guys fight it out .. Why cant we think of pakistan as a victim of terror ? After all it was CIA and Mossad which gave training to LTTE , Bin laden to counter India and Russia ?


    1. While you guys fight it out .. Why cant we think of pakistan as a victim of terror ? After all it was CIA and Mossad which gave training to LTTE , Bin laden to counter India and Russia ?

      Look what this slug zeit 65 drags in with him. The slime of nonsense and conspiracy theory. Now I am supposed to feel sorry for Pakistan hahahaha. And apparently Mossad trained LTTE. er no LTTE like many other Marxists trained with the PLO, but LTTE was really lukewarm in praise for PLO or any other movements. I doubt the Mossad like the LTTE at all.
      Bin Ladin was not trained by the CIA or Mossad. CIA monies was channeled through Pakistan during the 80s Afghan war which was supposed to go to Pushtun guerillas. Along for the ride were many of these Arab fellow travellers like Bin Laden who joined up for a good old fashioned jihad. These were tolerated by the Pushtuns(the Uzbeks were with the Soviets) because of the money and good will Saudis and other Arabs brought to the table. Otherwise militarily they were more a liability than an asset from the mujahideen POV. These Arab Afghans as they were later called never recieved any support from the CIA as they were considered renegade, indisciplined and untrustworthy.
      Mossad played a supporting logistical role at the most.

      Anyhow amazing how these Vadakayalists wish us to grovel to Pakistan.

  6. Sir,

    Looking back at old posts on this blog, I feel ashamed of myself. If there is anything I am afraid of, it is my own shadow.

    I cannot believe I carried water for the likes of Hitler, the Japanese Empire, Bashar Assad, Hugo Chavez, the Ayatollahs, the Castro brothers, and all manner of failed dictators just 4 years ago. Yes, the very same people who would have had me hanging by my balls if they could ever get hold of me. How much JAM and Prem Chand tried to educate me, how much you tried to tell me I was wrong (when you had too much work in your hands), how much trouble I caused you and everybody else. On top if it all, my unabashed racism.

    I just saw the comments section now and I was stunned. I can remember how I entered that abyss. I do not remember how I got out of it but I am so glad that I did.

    I should have known better at 21-22. I was an adult but a very irresponsible one at that. Now I am 25-26 and the way I see things has changed almost completely. I cannot even relate to my state of mind 4 years ago. Like Anniyan/Aparichit where actor Vikram suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder. I do not remember when my old avatar died but I am so glad it did.

    1. Almost forgot to mention, my crude antisemitism for no reasons whatsoever. Blaming Jews for the failure of socialism and the dictators who forced it down the throats of unwilling people.

      And conspiracy theories left and right. It even went to the point where I started blaming Zionists and Jews when I felt sick.

      Like some evil spirit possessed me and jumped from the top of a skyscraper. When did it die? That is anybody's guess but I am so relieved that it is dead.

    2. I thought you deleted those posts. As I dont see them now. Either way hate and love are too precious to be wasted on things you know little about.
      Youths are attracted to extreme ideologies often due to their extremism. It is an intellectual form of adventure sports. Because these often have calls to action and they have to keep making noise and calls to action because they are hollow and filled with lies.
      In general I have a rule that if any ideology abhors debate and celebrates censorship it is not comfortable with its own ideas. This applies to the Left, Islam as well as Hindutvadis among others.

      It is quite disturbing that racists in U.S ,Europe and UK welcome debate but leftists do not wish any meaningful discussion of their ideas and use their powers in mainstream and social media to shut down dissent.
      Part of this could be that racists want respectability and publicity and hence are willing to take some hits so their message can get across and use free speech in a cynical manner. After all the left did the same in the 1960s, used free speech to get their ideas in the bloodstream of society and once they found themselves in media , politics and academia simply either tried to shut down dissent (in Europe) or made it socially unrespectable(America)

      Be wary of any ideology that promotes group think.

    3. captain takes credit for the return of Indian pilot abhinandnan as story goes
      his wife had channelled some "WOLF SPIRIT" for this deed Rofl....


    4. I may have deleted my comments but all of your, PC's and JAM's comments are there. Looking at them, I feel ashamed of my past extremism.

      /It is quite disturbing that racists in U.S ,Europe and UK welcome debate but leftists do not wish any meaningful discussion of their ideas and use their powers in mainstream and social media to shut down dissent./

      The Daily Stormer also welcomed me (though with a few racist jibes) and allowed me to comment there. And I noticed other liberals were also commenting there.

      Even if I know better about them now, you are right. They are not worth wasting time and emotions over.


    5. captain takes credit for the return of Indian pilot abhinandnan as story goes
      his wife had channelled some "WOLF SPIRIT" for this deed Rofl...."

      LOL what?! I suppose I shouldnt be surprised.

    6. Ysv

      Infact on this front,even though I am no mind-reader,I can still safely read and predict capts future claims ,based on any passing event or happening , I will simply praise Capt for that,and two days later,he will himself attest my praise with his own claims on his monologuing blog😁🙃

    7. LOL... if he claims to have saved Indian pilot why cant he do the same for kulbhusan jadav who is under pak detention since 2016 ,so! is he not patriotic enough for these people what a boastful idiot.

    8. captain has not mentioned abt kubhusan jadav anywhere In his blogs nor he asked his followers to spam twitter , Facebook or govt websites if anyone wants to test
      his true claims they must ask why did he not save sarbjit or kubhushan frm pak jail

    9. Captain is a closet Pakistani supporter. Hardly ever does he criticize Pakistan. In fact he weeps considerably about the targets of U.S drone strikes in Pakistan

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. jignasu I read comments posted earlier there are too many sheep's in this world earlier he abused modi for not supporting kerala during floods and sabrimala now he wants readers to vote for him , where is his love for Kerala?


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