More Oakish fantasies courtesy of our Hindutvadi friends

I came across this crank on Sabhlok's blog who left a comment around last year. Apparently a lot of this rubbish is courtesy of a Stephen Knapp who seems to have taken up the mantle on PN Oak of finding Hinduism in every nook and corner of the ancient world. Its best to dispel these before they gain further currency ala Sanskrit is the perfect language for developing software , Vikramaditya ruled Kaaba or Taj Mahal was a Hindu palace.

(My comments in Italics)

see, we have to look at it this way. People from Hindu vedic culture migrated to other parts of the world and founded all the advanced civilizations of the world.
We have 3 proofs.
1. Archaeological evidence – eg from south American Temples (Mayan) to Stonehenge in Britain

No evidence for either being derived from Hinduism.

The Hindu temples abounded in ancient Britain when Vedic culture pervaded the West. It has been already explained above that place-names ending in ‘shire’ testify to the existence of Shiva temples.w

No. Shire simply means village. From which we get shire rief(head of village) , later shortened to "sheriff" which was used for mayors of frontier towns and currently in law enforcement.

 Ancient Hindu temples lie in unrecognizable ruins throughout Great Britain and Ireland.

If they are unrecognizable then how do you know they are Hindu temples Mr. Smartypants?

 Christian fanaticism prevents modern European scholars from publicizing them.

Please provide proof of this bias. Modern European scholars aren't known to be Christian fanatics but secularists who are often hostile to Christianity. Therefore they would be more receptive to such pro Hindu views.

One such famous temple existed on the Hill of Tara, alias Taragarh, (in today’s Indian parlance), in Ireland. The Hill of Tara consequently a sacred site on which Sanskrit-speaking Hindu Kshatriya kings used to be crowned for centuries. A 5000 years-old Vedic temple was discovered late in 1997 A. D. in Stanton Drew village in Somerset.

To be sure , it was used to consecrate Irish kings but no evidence to show they were Kshatriya. The name Tara is intriguing as such a word doesn't commonly exist in the Celtic or Anglo Saxon languages.
I wasn't unable to find out when the town was named Tara as that may yield more clues. But as of now we cant assume it was a Vedic temple.

Another famous temple is the wel-known stonehenge. It has been carbon-dated to be of 2000 B. C. The temple has astronomical marking to chart the raising and setting of the sun and moon. Its presiding deity used to be taken in a procession to the Avon river three miles away. The deity was so consecrated as to be illumined by the rising sun’s rays on the longest day. These are all hindu Vedic traditions.

No the association of the sun with the divine and resurrection was a universal phenomenon. One does need to be a Hindu to see that the sun was a good thing for sustenance and therefore worthy of worship.
These customs described above were present in all Neolithic cultures to one degree or another.

 Ancient churches throughout Great Britain and Europe are astronomically oriented which proves that they are captured Hindu temples since Hindus were the only people known to be shaping their lives day after day on astronomical considerations at that remote age.

What nonsense. Egyptians and Babylonians to name a couple also constructed their structures keeping the movement of suns, planets and stars in mind.

 The information about the Stonehenge and its above-mentioned implications is recorded in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Godfrey Higgin’s book titled “The Celtic Druids” leads valuable evidence indicating that Hindu had colonized the British isles long before the Roman conquest. That book, published in 1829 A. D. is available in the British Museum library in London. Under Roman rule London was known as Londonium. This is a corruption of the much ancient Sanskrit terms Nondanium signifying a pleasing place.

Hahaha no!

2. Etymological evidence

Oh god here we go with the donkey etymologies...

1. Bhumi (Indian sanskrit word for earth) -> Humi and Humus -> Humans
we are humus beings or bhumi beings.

Why not hummus as in the Lebanese /Palestinian dish made of chickpeas? Since these were an early component of diets of Neolithic man. Ashes to ashes, humans to hummus I suppose LOL

2. Sanskrit: Amaraka (land of immortals) -> America (both North and South)

Absolute garbage. Show ONE reference that America was called Amarka before Amerigo Vespucci , the Italian navigator who discovered the mainland ten years after Columbus voyage to the new World.

3. Sanskrit: Brihat-sthan (Great land or Island) -> Britain. In course of time Brihatsthan was corrupted to Britain in popular speech. That Britain itself signified ‘the Great’ isles was forgotten but the memory of ‘greatness’ persisted while the Sanskrit connotation was forgotten. That led to the addition of the objective ‘Great’ which explains the current name Great Britain.

Complete rubbish. The British were named actually for tribe in France called the Brittani(today known as Bretons) by Julius Caesar as he was informed that the group of people who resided in the islands of Britain  was the same as in northern France. At the time, both Britain and France were Celtic populated, so that was a fair assumption to make.
Out of curiosity, as per the ancients what was so great about the islands?

The term Anglo-Saxon is Sanskrit ‘Angla Saka Sunuh’ implying the descendants of the Sakas in England. Surnames like Peterson, Anderson, Jacobson are of the Sanskrit, Hindu tradition of describing a person as son of such and such.

No,no and no. However there was a trend for a while of people naming themselves after Scythians and some Englishmen while not claiming to be descended from the lost tribes of Israel decided that they were related to Sakas and assumed the same donkey etymology as "proof"

 In some cases the English ending ‘Son’ is the earlier Hindu ending ‘Sen’.

Sen doesn't mean son stupid. Any Bengali can inform you of this.

Thus Anderson is the English corruption of the Hindu name indrasen.

Hahaha, no!

 Ireland is Arya Sthan

On firmer ground. Indeed Ireland as called by the native population is Erie which is a corruption of Arya. It finds its way into girls names such a Erin.

and Scotland is Kshatra-sthan.

Nope, the original Scots were not Celtic but probably a Germanic people who got Celticized. They have their own colorful mythology of being descended from an Egyptian princess named Scotta but no mention of "Kshatra"

 Wales in Sanskrit signifies a seaside region.


4.Sanskrit: Devaneshwar (Land of gods) -> Devonshire


5.Sanskrit: Ramstan, (“Place of Lord Rama) -> Ramstein


6. Sanskrit: Daityasthan, “Land of the Daityas” -> Deutchland

Evidence? Deutch simply means people in German language.Similar to volk or folk in English.

7. Sanskrit: Sharman (Common hindu surname) -> German

LOL, Sharman isn't really a common name. But Sharma and Sarma is. This is a Brahmin surname. Why would Brahmins spawn the German race? I hope it is not a reverse AIT where instead of German invaders spawning Aryan Brahmins, Brahmins armed with kudumi and Vedas produce Germanic warriors!
Jokes aside. The first mention of Germans was from Julius Caesar. In Latin it means a people with both sets of parents. Which perhaps distinguished from the Gaul who had a very hyper sexual society where parentage of the offspring was in question!

8. Sanskrit: Palustin (Vedic sage) -> Palestine

This is new from the Palisthan claim (land of Pali speakers) courtesy of a certain someone. Palestine actually owes its origin to a people called Filistim- a mixed Northern European and Minoan people subscribing to Hellenic culture who settled Gaza around the same time as the Israelites. They are better known as Philistines and their giant leader Goliath. The Romans intending to punish and humiliate the Jews after the Bar Kochba revolt and the destruction of the Temple decided to rename the land after one of their worst enemies. And Filistim was Romanized to Palestine. And it stuck.

9. Sanskrit: Skanda + Naviya ->Skanda is the son of Lord Siva. Naviya is Sanskrit for naval settlement. Scandinavians were the mariner descendants of the Vedic ksatriyas who worshipped Skanda.

No evidence to show they worshipped Skanda

10. Sanskrit: Moksha (Salvation) -> Moscow

Hahaha. No reason for it to change. Russians have no problem pronouncing Moksha. Only someone thoroughly ignorant of the Russian language would make such a claim.

11. Sanskrit: Astral-alaya, “(Land of the missiles)”.- Australia

Where are the missiles you speak of? And where is it mentioned? Anyway Australia is named for the Latin word Austral which means simply Southern due to its location. Austral is also used to describe the southern counterpart to the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) which is Aurora Australis.

12. Jerusalem
Sanskrit: Yadu-isha-layam — The township of Lord Krsna. Yadu – dynasty of Lord Krsna, Isha – God, alayam – abode or place.

How did Krishna end up in Jerusalem? He never strayed beyond the borders of Bharatavarsha except to possibly counter Yavana(unknown West Asians) attacks off the coast of Dwaraka.

13. Judaism
Sanskrit: Yaduism — The Yadu dynasty which Lord Krsna appeared in. It is common for the y and j to become interchangeable hence, Yaduism, Yeduism and finally Judaism.

No , it is named for Judah, one of the twelve tribes of Israel.He had nothing to do with Yadu or Krishna

14. Israel
Sanskrit: Ishwaralaya, “The abode of Isha – God”.

No, Israel is  IS RA EL or one who struggles with god (small g ) . Jacob was so renamed after he wrestled with an angel through out the night and prevailed.

15. Soviet
Sanskrit: Svet, “White as in white snow covered region”.

This will be news to the now aged commissars of the Party!

16. Russia
Sanskrit: Rishiya, “Land of the Rishis”.

If this is the land of Rishis, why didn't it get more attention in our culture?
Anyway it is named for Rus or a Viking longboat which was used to colonize the Western regions of the great Eurasian plain(now known as Russia)

17. Shalome
Sanskrit: Ishalayam, “The abode of God”. Ishalayam – shalayam – shalome.

Seriously donkey etymology.

18. Adam
Sanskrit: aadim, “The first or most ancient man”.


19. Abraham
Sanskrit: Brahma, “Vedic God”.


20. Korea
Sanskrit: Gauriya, “Gouri, Vedic Goddess”.

The problem with this nonsense claim is that Korean descriptive is a modern one. Hang Guk is how it was known in the past. From which you the pejorative "gook" for East and South East Asians that caught on with a few Americans after the Korean war. For eg. 2008 presidential candidate John McCain speaking of his experiences as  a POW in Vietnam "I hate those fucking gooks"

21. Danube river
Sanskrit: Danuv — the Daityas were also known as the Danuv community due to Kashyapa munis marriage to Danu, who is also known as one of the primary Goddesses of the celts.


22. England
Sanskrit: Angulistan — Angulistan-Anguliand-England.

The land of fingers. Well at least the middle finger which the English seem to find indispensable while driving or at football games. So you maybe onto something there Sherlock.
Anyway England is named after Angles , people hailing from Denmark who merged with Saxons from Germany(there is still an area called Saxony) to form Anglo Saxons which was the base population of English speakers in England until the Norman Conquest radically Latinized the culture and language and Francized the gentry.

23. Egypt
Sanskrit: Ajapati — Lord Rama, the illustrious scion of Aja. Their kings were named Ramses meaning Rama the God.

Nooo. Egypt is a Greek corruption of Alhapta or the house of the Divine. Neighboring  Semitic peoples referred to it as Misr

24. Stein
Sanskrit: Stan, “Place”.

No . Stein is German for stone.

25. Siberia
Sanskrit: Shibeerya, “The locals still call their land Shibir”.

This proves absolutely nothing

26. Caspean sea
Sanskrit: Kashyapa muni, “Named after the Vedic sage”.

Possibly. I have heard a strong argument that Iranians thought highly of Kashyapa and after separating from the Vedic fold named the lake after him.

Indian/Vedic/Dharmic civilization is the mother of all civilizations.

Mere assertion is not enough.

Indian sanskrit – the mother of all languages.

No. Its hardly established it has anything to do with even Tamil which is under its cultural umbrella!

Hindu/vedic people migrated to Europe, central asia, Asia, Africa, Russia and other places Vedic civilization was the pre-eminent culture and faith of the entire world in ancient times.

No. These cultures had little to do with Hinduism.

 It was also prevalent throughout the Pacific region from India to Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, Korea, Indochina, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and farther east and up to Mexico.

See above.

Eventually, descendants of Hindu/vedic culture were forcibly converted by desert religions (Christianity and Islam),

Wait a minute. If Islam and Christianity were derived from Hinduism, then by your logic no one has left Hinduism at all. Indeed it could be argued that these religions maintained older Hindu customs whiles Hindus in India got corrupted. So Christian and Muslim converts are true Hindu and Hindus in India are corrupt and degenerate!

Churches and Mosques were built on the same location of Hindu temples after its destruction. Current, stupid historians funded by vatican called it Pagan religion.

Which current historians are funded by the Vatican? Pagan is simply Latin for countryside or villages as during Christianity, the worship of various Roman and Germanic gods had receded to the villages. Similar to how during the Islamic conquest in India, Hindus would hold out in villages and jungles as Muslims captured the power centres ie. the cities.
Nowadays in the West there is a reverse dynamic where the rural areas are very Christian while the urban cosmopolitans are open to different religions including pagan ones such as Hinduism, Shintoism or Western variants such as Astartu(popular with white supremacists) and Druidism.

Nice try. Try to de-link from sanskrit, which NASA acknowledged the best programming language.

They never claimed any such thing. Anyhow what do you care about the opinions of the redneck Christian riff raff which comprise NASA?

It is a different story how Backus and Naur stole from Sanskrit grammar and put their names under the world’s first computer programming language.

I said it before and I say it again. If all these Western so called thieves created such amazing inventions and discovered from lifting ideas from the Vedas then more shame to Hindus for whom Vedas were idle chants or gathering dust.

The credit should go to Indian Hindu and Sanskrit grammarian Panini (3100 BC) . The father of first programming language.

He was a great linguist. He showed no aptitude or interest in programming. India had great proto programmers ie logicians but Panini wasn't one of them. And Panini existed around the time of Chandragupta Maurya(supposedly a fellow instructor of Chanakya at Taxila). So that puts him closer to 310 BC rather than 3100 BC(death of Lord Krishna).

Origin of Music
Hindu Vedic Music is the basis of world music. German Author, Weber writes in his book on ” Indian Literature”
” The Hindu Scale – Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Nee, has been borrowed by Persians, where we find it in the form of do, re, ma, fa, so, le, ci. It came to the west and was introduced by Guido d’ Arezzo in Europe in the form of do, re, mi, fa, sol, lo, ti …. even the gamma of Guido (French Gramma, English Gammut) goes back to the Hindu Sanskrit gramma and Prakrit gamma and is thus a direct testimony of the Indian/Hindu origin of our European scale of seven notes”.

Ok I am sympathetic to this view. The similarity is too strong to be a coincidence.

Above origin of music is just a random example of how, no matter which aspect of life so called modern scholars pick up for investigation, they are willy nilly led to the Indian, Hindu, Vedic, Sanskrit origin of Human culture

Origin of scales is not the same as origin of music. Im sure non Hindus had music before they became aware of the seven notes. Why do you deny others their humanity? For gods sake aren't others able to figure out music without our help?

India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of European languages. She was the mother of our philosophy … of our mathematics … of the ideals embodied in Christianity … of self government and democracy…mother India is in many ways the mother of us all.
— William Durant. Author of the ten volume, story of civilization.

Will Durant was a great scholar but also given to great hyperbole and wild (though pleasant sounding)rhetoric. Please keep that in mind. And FYI he was often spectacularly wrong on Indian history.

Only a few open-minded people who look at the whole picture will understand the inherent unity the world and what its history contains. Such unity is disturbed only by mankind’s immature, dogmatic, and self-centered feelings for regional and cultural superiority. We have seen this in the propaganda that was effectively used by the Nazis and is presently used by neo-Nazis and white supremacist groups who now employ the modern myth that the original location of the Aryan race was in northern Europe.

All I can say in conclusion is that Hindutvadis of this sort seem to believe that the ancient world was comprised of primitive apes and Hinduism was the black monolith as in 2001 Space Odyssey and hence civilization was spread throughout disparate people who god forbid weren't even able to worship the sun, cook food, sing ,dance or worship gods without our help! I would say that this version of history is even more bizarre as in 2001 while the aliens inspired apes to evolve (using bones as tools) but also recognized the great capacity for brutality and connection between violence and  technological progress( one ape kills another with a bone and the triumphalist throws it in the air and scene cuts to a space ship).
Orson Welles put it best-
“You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock"

But no not our hyper patriots. Not only are they determined to strip non Hindus of any ability , hog all their glories but ascribe warts squarely on them. If they create great monuments, works of art or religious and philosophical works, why it is the Vedic influence of course. But if they indulge in rapine, genocide, slavery and other less than wholesome ventures well that must be their "chinkie" ,"Jap" , white racist, " crooked Jew", "primitive Negro" genes acting up!
And then they complain when we see them as supremacists on par with Nazis! To my mind this type of spiritual imperialism and misappropriation is in effect every bit as loathsome and criminal as Nazi racism and sense of superiority . Both of which stem from ignorance and intense inferiority complexes.


  1. Are you in love with Iniyavel? Why are you so obsessed with him?
    You are incapable of uttering even a single sentence in any language that is not fatuous simply.
    It is a wonderful talent.
    You think Sahblok scored off me. Why? The fool showed I could blackguard him and his father with impunity. The reason I did that is transparent. That idiot thought his friend here- an ex-IFS type- would oblige him. But, I'm well entrenched. I live simply, drink a lot, but have the final say when it comes to large sums of money.
    Sabhlok could have got that money. He has no rich friends in Australia. The money is here in London.
    On the surface, he looked okay.
    It is part of what I do that I evaluate people and programs.
    Sabhlok had neither. That was my conclusion. He disgraced himself by trying to fuck with me. Of course I utter death threats against fellow Hindus, who claim to have profited from my superior education, intelligence, and advice, when it comes to the rape of children.
    I admonish you, worthless little shit that you are- don't commit rape on small babies. I know your micro penis won't fit elsewhere. Still, I will fucking kill you, worthless little shit, if you, no matter what ancestral precedent you may quote, fuck babies.
    How fucking stupid are you, you cunt?
    Why are you still writing?
    You had talent. You could be making money for investors instead of being a worthless shithead. Fuck is wrong with you?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. "Are you in love with Iniyavel? Why are you so obsessed with him?"

      Talk about projection! Only one person here mentioned Iniyavel and that is you. And who can blame you? He is pretty much the only one who has to say anything nice about you. However if he keeps going the direction he is in now, he would end up as an isolated nutcase much like yourself.

      "You are incapable of uttering even a single sentence in any language that is not fatuous simply. "

      You mean "simply not fatuous" . Tell me again why I should learn any language from you. Didn't they teach you rules of grammar in your fancy pants St. Stephens or did you spend all the time fellating the sweeper?

      "It is a wonderful talent.
      You think Sahblok scored off me. Why? The fool showed I could blackguard him and his father with impunity."

      Fascinating logic. According to this mode of thinking, the rapist and murderer who gets caught and convicted for their crimes is really the victor as he managed to destroy lives. That is windwheel logic for you.

      " The reason I did that is transparent. "

      There is no transparency about an insane mind.

      "That idiot thought his friend here- an ex-IFS type- would oblige him. But, I'm well entrenched. I live simply, drink a lot, but have the final say when it comes to large sums of money."

      Then why do you look like a homeless man?

      "Sabhlok could have got that money. He has no rich friends in Australia. The money is here in London."

      Many Russian gangsters would agree as they stash that money there.

      "On the surface, he looked okay.
      It is part of what I do that I evaluate people and programs."

      I am not incredibly impressed with your powers of evaluation Im afraid.

      "Sabhlok had neither. That was my conclusion. He disgraced himself by trying to fuck with me. Of course I utter death threats against fellow Hindus, who claim to have profited from my superior education, intelligence, and advice, when it comes to the rape of children. "

      In what ways has he benefitted from your so called superior education? I would rather suffer in poverty than be conferred such "benefits".
      And all this talk of raping children- I wouldn't be surprised at all if you are on the sex offenders registry and are forbidden with 100 meters of school grounds or day care centres.

      "I admonish you, worthless little shit that you are- don't commit rape on small babies. I know your micro penis won't fit elsewhere. Still, I will fucking kill you, worthless little shit, if you, no matter what ancestral precedent you may quote, fuck babies."

      I plead you Vivek Iyer- don't have babies. You are too ugly, stupid, hateful and deranged to have offspring. You make a good argument for involuntary sterilization by the state.

      "How fucking stupid are you, you cunt?"

      Stupid enough to interact with you which is purely my failing I admit.

      Why are you still writing?"

      Why are you reading my so called trash?

      "You had talent. You could be making money for investors instead of being a worthless shithead. Fuck is wrong with you?"

      You can do other things with "talent" whatever that means rather than making money(a vague notion). You seem obsessed with money. I wouldn't be surprised if you have little to none at all and are either on welfare or expose your misshapen genitals at a freak show to which the spectators shows pennies at you. My condolences.

    3. Good to have someone to abuse. I suppose it is a Brahmin thing.I only drop in on you if I have done you some actual harm.
      Sahblok was a different story. Some years ago some people wanted to commit serious money to him. I stopped that, but, I didn't hurt Sabhlok's own employment.
      Your case is different. You fucked with me. You abused my sister- an IFS officer and UN diplomat.
      What happened, happened.
      What will happen- and you are blithely unaware- may be the making of you.
      I'm not your friend. But I have a son not far distant from you in age. He went to the best Schools and he wasn't bullied because, like me, he was tall and strong and very good at Maths.
      You are a sour little Telugu gobshite.
      I know your type.
      Still, it doesnt' make me feel good to see any Hindu go to waste. When I was still in teens I graduated from the LSE while holding down a job. I gave money to needy Indian students. That is why, now, I am in a big position. Nothing to do with my Economic Theory!
      I was a Math guy, but am no longer.
      Character- I've never taken a penny for myself or my family- and open-mindedness, intellectual curiosity, is why I am still where I am.
      Where are you?
      I could help you. But you are stupid and morally shite. So, that is okay.
      Iniyavel is Tamil. So am I. Actually, we are from the same District.
      Of course, I will do anything for him. This has been policy through life.
      You speak dismissively of mental illness- I have suffered it and know only God can help. However, my character was already formed before I fell ill. Thus, when I recovered, I became a Trustee for others.
      The reason I test people- including you- is to see, what is their real character? We are not worried on money. There is no political motive.
      Iniyavel could have become like you- a hateful windbag- anybody can. But, look at his blog. He is putting the pure Shaiva doctrine there in a humble manner.
      I don't give away my own money. It is other people's money. That is why such things are important.
      If he wants my help he can request because I have shown I am an elder person, whatever my faults, but humble child of Lord Muruga.
      This is an important aspect.
      My dear fellow, I know your situation. Not everything- I am considered a 'hot head' though I am 52- but you are being watched.
      Look, I never meant to hurt you or your family. Whatever will happen is your own fault.
      You think you have safety. That you can't fall any lower. Of course you can.
      You make a hundred enemies when what you want is a friend. I am the reverse of you. Because of your contemptible body, disgusting visage, and low character, people avoid you or beat and spit upon you.
      Your loathsomeness, and stupidity, are something you advertise.
      But a better course is available to yourself.
      Cut your own throat you worthless cunt.
      I know you are too incompetent and weak to do any being harm. Fuck would be achieved- you sand stuffed zombie by your lacerating your own throat?
      Go fucking campaign against the proposed band on 'santhatra'- i.e. sallekhana= a fucking evil cunt like you can die of inanition but your wickedness will live.
      Go fuck yourself you piece of shit. You are where I want you.

    4. You as a mentor to Iniyavel will lead to nothing but tragedy. I recommend that he go ahead and slit his wrists open now rather than suffer the lonely, despised road he will travel thanks to your uh tutoring. What use is putting Shaiva doctrine on a blog when he is an obese shut in who is all bark and no bite? Shaivism is a wordly sect where you are encouraged to push yourself to your maximum limits be it seeking wealth, sex or war. Instead he redirects whatever little passion he has to anti Semitism , anti American, communism, conspiracy theories and Tamil supremacism. And idiots like you enable nay cheer his deviancy.

      LSE? Hahahaha you mean the same LSE as your hero VK Menon who wrecked the defense establishment which led to the humiliating defeat with China. Or the LSE which create many a tin pot African dictator who left their countries in greater shambles than before? This quote says it all
      "I don't give away my own money. It is other people's money. "

      Spoken like a true LSE Keynesian ROTFL. Let me guess this is the money your sister made from whoring her countries honor and secrets to enemy states. What exactly is your source of income besides the dole?

      Your idea of math is 2+2=44 .

      Maybe I am all that you claim I am- ugly,contemptible ,disgusting but your sister didn't seem to mind when we were in bed.
      But perhaps that is her taste! Self hatred runs deep in the vivek Iyer household!

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. I can't mentor anyone in Shaivite doctrine because I am ignorant and have bad habits like drinking. However, anyone who writes with sincerity about Shaivism is conferring an inestimable benefit on stupid and ignorant sinners like myself.
      No doubt, when I was a young man like you I had a superiority complex based on Western education and earning power. However as one gets older and some of one's old comrades die off- e.g. a friend who passed away at the young age of 50 and whose Trust I help administer- one sees that the message of the Saints is an abiding verity.
      The LSE is not a 'posh' college- a working man who made a fortune entrusted Shaw and Webb with money to be used to raise up the working class. They chose to use the funds to create a College where workers and coloured people and women would have a chance to study how Society is actually run.
      Shaivite doctrine does not endorse hatred of anyone. I have not found any such thing on Iniyavel's blog.
      It is good to know you are no longer importuning Iyer males for sodomy but are now picturing yourself as a heterosexual 'stud' though only in connection with elderly Iyer ladies with money and position.
      It seems, much though you complain about Iniyavel, some good is rubbing off on you.
      OMG, you're gonna spend the rest of the night rubbing yourself aren't you?
      Use soap and dettol you disgusting little fellow.

    7. Your reading comprehension is absolute shit. I never claimed to have a superiority based on Western education and LSE in particular. If anything I was claiming the opposite

      I don't know how you define "posh" . Perhaps its not Cambridge or Oxford but LSE is still considered rather high end. It may have started off as working mans college but hey Harvard started as a small seminary school and little else so don't try and fool me with such red herrings. "study how society is actually run" Nothing is more irritating to me than alumni regurgitating the same propaganda from the prospectus. Shows a zombie mindset and North Korean level of subservience to the alma mater.
      The fees for international students as 2014 is 16400 GBP. Not exactly chump change for the working class! And that is apart from room and board

      As for Iniyavel's bigotry. Come come now, you can try all of these English East India company level of dirty tricks with some other blogger but it wont fly with me. I know you periodically glanced at this blog over the past year or so as well as the comments board . So how could you miss these gems(actually you didn't) from your protégé(he has since deleted all his comments but the comments are emailed to me)
      White vermin as usual. Those fuckheads won't dare fuck with Muslims. All their mothers, sisters and daughters would be raped and sold into brothels and/or harems. Those vermin I believe are rightly being led to genocide and total annihilation by Jews controlling the west. Hopefully by the time I did, I see the Islamic flag fly over the White House and Europe. Europe already has become Allah's whorehouse. Hopefully Islam takes over the entire west by the time I die.

      You are right regarding separatism. And we need a Lenin or a Trotsky or a Hugo Chavez kind of revolutionary in order to get above the present idols of Gandhi and Nehru, both of whom have led India to indirect ruin. I do not endorse homosexual Godse either, we need new strong revolutionaries, like Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, etc., who can take us leaps and bounds.

      Man, everyone knows CIA helped Saddam Hussein come to power, and also commit the brazen Halabja chemical attack. The Ba'athist Party was not the only supporting group. Everyone knows how much Israel controls the USA. Every key post is occupied by Zionists in the USA. Why not you criticize a Jew in the USA, and see how you're either deported or thrown into jail? Why do 14 countries go as far as confiscating the property of those who merely hold an alternate opinion on the Holocaust? Please tell me?


    8. It was I.G Patel who turned LSE into a posh college. Shaw and Webb were criticized for using money meant for the betterment of the worker to create a College which benefited middle class professionals. Coase is a good example. He did Commerce, preparing to be a Solicitor, but then, under the influence of Sir Arnold Plant, started researching the theory of the firm. The Leftists were terrified by his theorem. Yet, Abba Lerner- who tried to teach Trotsky about Marginal Cost pricing- was his great friend.
      The infantilism of the Left is associated with their failure to grasp the importance of Coasian 'Law & Econ'. Fortunately, by the time I became a student, the LSE had understood the importance of Game theory- Binmore, in particular, was my first Math Prof- and so the idiocy of both the Right (which misunderstood Muth Rationaility) and the Left (which denied it) was easy to see. Still, the LSE was not a great place to study because the Maths dept. was weak. It is stupid to have a stand alone Social Science College because Maths is the driver of everything and it flourishes in association with Physics and Biology. No doubt, motivated students can audit classes at Imperial but it is noteworthy that UCL, where Binmore has relocated, which has seen the sharper rise in International status.
      One good thing about the LSE was that Leftist Politics professors- e.g. Nossiter & Parry- were well versed with the Indian situation- the former was scathing about the Naxals, and the latter has written a hilarious account of how the Trade Union movement turned into the Working Man's biggest enemy.

      As regards the comments you quote, as you say they were deleted by the author. The wonder is you didn't remove them yourself.

    9. Well, it transpires, I won't have to bother with you anymore. Morally you are worthless. Not a Hindu but just a wannabe Macho man. Without the money to back it up. Consult a lawyer.
      This isn't me. It's you. Shouldn't have brought a U.N official into this. Now pay the price.

    10. I have a new post up comparing you and Vadakyil. Decide for yourself who comes out worse. Its a toss up as far as I am concerned. You shouldn't have forced my hand.

      Go ahead and make all impotent death threats you want like a barking dog. I will never take it down

  2. "even the gamma of Guido (French Gramma, English Gammut) goes back to the Hindu Sanskrit gramma and Prakrit gamma and is thus a direct testimony of the Indian/Hindu origin of our European scale of seven notes"

    With wiktionary as my research tool, I found out that Gamma/Gamut in Western music is derived from the Greek letter gamma. So it is entirely possible that similarity with Sanskrit gramma/ Prakrit gamma is coincidence. Even if Sanskrit music terms found their way into the West, it is more likely that they would have changed like Chaturanga > Shatranj.

    The seven notes are not a fundamental aspect of music. An octave can be divided into any number of parts- 7 for diatonic, 12 for chromatic and 24 in Middle Eastern music.

    "Only a few open-minded people who look at the whole picture will understand the inherent unity the world and what its history contains. Such unity is disturbed only by mankind’s immature, dogmatic, and self-centered feelings for regional and cultural superiority."

    Hindutva is a classic example of self-centered dogma of regional and cultural superiority.

    "In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock"

    I wouldn't put the Swiss down so easily. Their technology of ultra-accurate mechanical clocks was only superseded by the age of digital and atomic clocks. Switzerland houses the CERN super-collider, the most complicated machine in existence.

    1. I was talking about the medieval era. Since then the Swiss have been involved in wars but indirectly. They make general mercenaries ala the Gurkhas(The Popes guard is all Swiss) and may not participate in war but benefitted handsomely from them. In some cases in an unambiguously immoral manner( holding on to Jewish assets since WWII)

      Switzerland may house CERN but not so much due to Swiss talent per se but because of its reputation for neutrality. The staff is pan European.

  3. YSV, you have linked to Iniyavel's comment instead of Bharat's by mistake.

    1. Anu, I don't know what you mean. I meant to post Iniyavels comments. Who is Bharat?

  4. I meant you should have linked to this comment instead of this one in the sentence "I came across this crank on Sabhlok's blog....."

    1. Oops my brain was on auto pilot! Yes youre right. I thought you meant the previous comments of Iniyavel which I pasted (I should've realized that as it wasn't linked) to show windwheel .And yes Bharat was the crank I was referring to.
      I fixed it now. Apologies to Iniyavel.

  5. You said:

    Sanskrit: Rishiya, “Land of the Rishis”.

    If this is the land of Rishis, why didn't it get more attention in our culture?
    Anyway it is named for Rus or a Viking longboat which was used to colonize the Western regions of the great Eurasian plain(now known as Russia)

    My reply:

    Actually Russia was known as Utara Kuru in the Mahabharatha. Uttara Kuru was a kingdom ruled by Indra (the biological father of Arjuna). It was also known by the name of Indra lok, and was praised very much. Just read how it is praised in Vana Parva, when Arjuna goes to Indra lok!

    1. How do you know that Russia and Uttara Kuru are the same place?

    2. The very first picture in that blog is one of Atlantis. That is enough to tell me how reliable this blog is.

    3. hahaha what "Fact"? these are interpretations of verses whose originals I should see. Please note how I demolished agniveers fantastic analysis of Vedic texts. Although I dont think I need do that here. This Russia and Article Circle theories were propounded by Lokmanya Tilak and since have been discredited. No serious scholar takes these seriously.

      Regardingly "rishi varsha", I was disputing that the word Russia is derived from Rishi which it is obviously isnt. And Uttara Kuru meant different regions in different contexts. In the Mahabharata era, it may have extended to Bactria and Turkmenistan but not further. By Puranic age, it receeded further south even to Kashmir and Dardistan!

      Airavata and Mt Meru are not meant to be physical places on earth as is obvious from their description.

      Please stop considering Mahabharata as the revealed word of God rather than a compilation of a great deal of esoterica over the ages.

    4. There is no evidence for Atlantis or Kumari kandam. And hence there are no facts supporting the case. I wish there was . I enjoy listening to Graham Hancock and his theories even if I dont agree with them. Cranks like him can perform a valuable function every now and then, he brought a lot of attention and devoted time and effort to Dwaraka and the sunken temples of Mahabalipuram which were uncovered in the 2004 tsunami.

  6. "It was also known by the name of Indra lok, and was praised very much. Just read how it is praised in Vana Parva, when Arjuna goes to Indra lok!"

    These are metaphors for Arjuna acquiring yogic powers where he gained mastery over his senses and appetites (these are represented by Indra and hence called Indriyan).

    1. hahahaha! So rather than simply invest in a fur coat to visit Russia (Indralok as you claim) one had to acquire yogic powers!!!

      Arjuna did not master before he "met" Indra. It seems you are thoroughly ignorant of tantra vidya.

    2. Something here does not add up. Arjuna acquiring to Shiva before Indra is nonsensical. Even by then , Shiva had attained supremacy over Indra.

      As for Indra being a human, LOL is all I can say. I think we are done here.

    3. Arjuna meditated on Shiva to obtain the Pashupata astra. Then he went to his father Indra. This Indra was a human king, not the Indra of the Vedas... Indra is simply a title for a great king. In mahabharatha, the pandavas are at times referred to as the five Indras, and their wife Draupadi as Sachi, the wife of Indra. These are all just titles...


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