
Asturias and "just some chickens": The real cause of the Israeli Arab conflict

 Apart from a few Arabists such as Daniel Pipes , I find it frustrating that too many commentators and analysts are too politically correct to discuss what lies at the core of Arab irredentism-their mentality that the entire Middle east belongs to them. Fun fact: Before 1948 , naqba didn't refer to the catastrophe that was the foundation of Israel(the association of that word with expulsion of Palestinians started in the 1960s) but to 1492- The Reconquista of an Arab/Amazigh Muslim land by Spanish Catholics. Arabs prefer not to discuss this and sweep it under the rug . Osama Bin Ladens main gripes were kuffar control of Kashmir, Zionists in Palestine , the loss of Al Andalusia (Muslim Spain) and whiskey swilling bacon munching Americans on Saudi soil because the average Arab military were severely substandard and not capable of repelling Saddam's behemoth. Over time even Osama Bin Laden got the memo and as the Iraq war was dragging on he discovered that it was prudent to drop t

Why biographical movies are just terrible

  Another day ,another news of an irritating , dull upcoming movie about the life of a prominent politician- this time Indira Gandhi played by Kangana Ranaut.  Telugus to their credit have rejected movies about NTR and YSR Reddy rendering them utter flops.  The problem with such movies is that they are completely one dimensional and lacking in any insight or artistic merit. The critic Baradwaj Rangan said it best while describing the awful cardboard film Rang Rasiya- "its like reading a wikipedia page". Most of these movies are glorified documentaries or rather hagiographies. A somewhat interesting feature would have some less than appealing details about its main protagonist. Will we explore the well-founded rumor that Indira Gandhi was a sex fiend for which she was expelled from Shanti Niketan? Or her son's obsession with forcible mass sterilization? Of course, no, the Congress government would call for bans and arrest of all involved. Other parties such as BJP, TDP, DM

Surviorship bias and meritocracy in India

 I am sure our patriots can read out a list of Indian origin CEOs of major corporations across the world. And use that to promote meritocracy and lambast reservations. I personally am for meritocracy in principle. Obviously the most qualified individual should get the seat in college or job in the company. Especially in a hyper competitive society such as India. But there is a caveat to this. With regard to college admissions the vast majority of colleges require an acceptable grade (this is subjective) in school boards and entrance exams. The vast majority of these exams are a crammer's delight. I personally was bored to death in high school as I absolutely started to hate a subject that I loved- physics. The information overload was unbearable, and most students walked around like zombies. They couldn't get a chance to enjoy the subject but had to cram and solve problems from door stopper sized "guides". I find it incredibly amusing that they were termed guides as t

Some things to note in the Fog of War

 I am a supporter of Israel. To the extent that I believe that Palestinians in the West Bank or rather Judea and Samaria should be relocated to Lebanon and Syria .  Though I dont think the same about Gaza. Israel offered Gaza to Egypt as part of the Sinai accords, but Egypt cleverly refused. A small highly dense strip of land filled with desperately poor people is not exactly a Christmas gift. Unlike Judea and Samaria there is not even a historical basis for Israel to hold onto Gaza. Neither the ancient Israelites nor the Zionists had much interest in Gaza. Of those who wished to hold onto it oddly mentioned its ties to Biblical characters though none fit to reside in it. It was considered the realm of barbarians known as "Philistines" (who are not Arab or even Semitic). The rationale of settlement in Gaza was the folk hero Samson whose connection to Gaza was that he often visited prostitutes there and, in the end, but was caught down and blinded but managed to bring down the

Tech support scams : This is how you get Indophobia

  The Indian tech support scams are in many far more insidious, cruel, sociopathic and expolitative than the Nigerian email scams.  At least the Nigerian scams are passive- you actually have to engage with the comically bad language and predictable script. Indian scammers actively call and target senior citizens who are unfamiliar with IT and strip them of their savings. The local and national governments know where these offices are located and easily arrest everyone involved and end these "businesses" in a matter of weeks. They choose not to. The Modi government has apparently decided that Nigeria is a model for his "sabka vikas". There is a growing anti Indian resentment in the States not just due to cringe ,hack, woke ,mediocre people such as Lilly Singh, Kamala Harris and now Midy Kaling not to mention degenerate trannies like Alok Vaid Menon("little girls are kinky") as well as their over representation in the now despised tech and finance sector. An

Attention wokes : Ignore Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Palestinians etc. They deserve their fate

  I dont believe in reparations or historic vendettas. What your or other ancestors did in the past , no matter how horrific, should not have bearing on what the type of person you are today.  Some like the descendents of Hitler (on his sisters side) disagree and they have vowed not to have any more children lest whatever wicked gene they percieve what responsible for this actions would be propagated. Rather silly since Hitler wasnt really an objectionable individual in his youth. The turning point in his life when he discovered that Germany had lost WWI while recovering from his wounds on that battlefield which sent him into a state of semi psychosis from which he arguably never recovered. One thing I do believe in and do not object to is - karma. A country or people can recover from the evils their ancestors have commited if they repent and endure grief . Buddha stated that there is no greater punishment or hell for an evil man than when he is undergoing the trauma of guilt and repen

Comparing V.D Savarkar and Bhagat Singh

  It is considered incredibly trendy for snide leftists to mock Savarkar as a coward and/or a stooge of the British. And Bhagat Singh as genuine anti imperialist hero. The motivations for these are obvious. Savarkar is the intellectual and sipirital godfather of the Hindu Right while Bhagat Singh was avowed athiest and socialist quoted Lenin in a favorable manner. And yes truth be told the Hindu right hardly has any heroes that could be considered freedom fighters but what exactly does the left have apart from Gandhi and Nehru? who at best irritated the British Sardar Patel and Bose dont really fit into any neat paradigms at all . A fact which frustrates both the left and the right. But what exactly did Bhagat Singh do? I am sorry to ask such rude questions about a beloved figure not just among the left but the right as well. But it has to be done. TLDR: he shot the wrong British guy in retaliation for the death of Lala Lajpat Rai. He was supposed to kill the chief of Police of Lahore