
Showing posts from October, 2017

No cure for gun related violence in U.S and thats not neccesarily bad

In the latest mass shooting atrocity in Las Vegas of some random vile individual whose motives are still unclear, of course it was inevitable that people bring up the culture of guns to forward their own pet agendas. The anti gun crowd tries to reduce and discourage gun ownership while those who subscribe to the idea that  2nd Amendment encourages gun ownership wont hear any of it. I am sympathetic to the latter crowd. But when they make the correlation between higher gun ownership and less murders , they like the anti gun crowd are missing the forest for the trees. Fact of the matter is that the U.S is a very violent society and this violence is a feature not a bug of the tremendous thirst drive and pressure for individual over achievement. Japan of course has no gun laws and has a very low crime rate. But one suspects that even if it was awash in guns there would be relatively little gun violence except for Japanese men a far less painful way of commiting suicide than seppuku.